The Knights of Grimm - Act 2...

By Cosmic_Fictions

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Mistral has fallen, the Knights of Grimm are killing all life on Remnant and Death is hatching some sort of s... More

Chapter 1 - Identities
Chapter 2 - Rumours and Lies
Chapter 3 - Arachnophobia
Chapter 4 - The Architect
Chapter 5 - A Man Of His Word
Chapter 6 - Watch The World Burn
Chapter 8 - Adam's Tale
Chapter 9 - There Was A Crooked Man...
Chapter 10 - Meeting the Master
Chapter 11 - A Long Waited Explanation
Chapter 12 - Return To The Emerald Forest
Chapter 13 - Axzura Vex
Chapter 14 - Formido Falcem
Chapter 15 - The Theatrics of Suffering
Chapter 16 - Sapphires and Snowflakes
Chapter 17 - Injured Warriors
Chapter 18 - Challenging Death
Chapter 19 - President Thaddeus Brimstone
Chapter 20 - Fear's Aftermath
Chapter 21 - Making Preparations
Chapter 22 - Entering the Library
Chapter 23 - The Medallion - Pt. 1
Chapter 24 - The Medallion - Pt. 2
Chapter 25 - Blackjack
Chapter 26 - Venator Spectris
Chapter 27 - An Opportunity of a Lifetime
Chapter 28 - Closure
Chapter 29 - The Lord of the Wood
Chapter 30 - The Curse of the Leshen
Chapter 31 - Lapsus Eques Auratus
Chapter 32 - The Last Traveller
Chapter 33 - The Traveller's Journey - Pt. 1
Chapter 34 - The Traveller's Journey - Pt. 2
Chapter 35 - The Traveller's Journey - Pt. 3
Chapter 36 - The Spectre and the Phantom
Chapter 37 - No Destiny
Chapter 38 - A Suicide Mission
Chapter 39 - The Tethys
Chapter 40 - Cruel Sea
Chapter 41 - The Volcanic Chain Isles
Chapter 42 - Polendina Returns
Chapter 43 - Arkos
Chapter 44 - Laying the Trap
Chapter 45 - Battle of the Roses
Chapter 46 - Triangle of One-Eyed Warriors
Chapter 47 - Remember Me?
Chapter 48 - Protect the Relic
Chapter 49 - Axzura's Rage
Chapter 50 - We Have To Go
Chapter 51 - Home
Chapter 52 - Cabin Battle

Chapter 7 - Mr Hyde

96 3 3
By Cosmic_Fictions


Adam speaks to one of the Tribesmen, and he has no idea that Kassius has gotten up and is storming towards him, his hands clenching into fists. Vulcan Nox still attached to his wrists. Kassius swings his cybernetic fist straight across the Faunus' face, hitting him so hard that he stumbles against a barrel, knocking it onto the floor and causing it to roll around. Adam staggers, using his hand to slow himself down. On the table beside them, Kassius grabs the two disengaged Lash Equinox Swords, flicking them upwards so then the blades fold outwards. His eyes are piercing red and his teeth are gritted, his voice transformed into some demonic tone. He slashes the two swords straight at Adam forcefully, causing Adam to defend himself, drawing Wilt and Blush partially, blocking the impacts. The impacts cause the blade and his hair to glow. But Kassius is fast, he spins round and kicks him in the side of the head. The impact of which throws the White Fang leader across the room and smashing straight onto the floor.

Yang stands up and tries to stop him, but Qrow grabs her hand to stop her. "Kassius!" Blake yells, her eyes sparking open. Jaune and Weiss walk out when they hear the commotion and Weiss gasps.

"What's he doing?" Jaune questions.

Adam fully draws his sword and starts to fight back, slashing the red blade at the berserk individual, red energy trailing from the blade, every swing creating waves of wind. Kassius hops back on his toes and he continues to fight. Whatever this thing is, it is very different to Yang's semblance. Hers is made from being hurt or even from anger and it makes her stronger, this seems to make him become savage with rage. Kassius points the blade of Lash Equinox at Adam with wrathful eyes that are set on a warpath. His veins glow and seem to burn fire red as he stands there. "You dare hurt my girlfriend?" Kassius snarls, and his voice is terrifying now. Adam looks and he hears the sound of Yang's gasp, realising that she is here as well.

"Stand down and we can talk this through!" Adam attempts, showing a new side to his personality.

"Did you stand down and talk to Yang before you cut her arm off?" Kassius roars, sprinting straight at him. Adam swings his sword at him, but Kassius lands on the blade and he jumps into the air, performing a back-flip that kicks Adam up the jaw. Kassius lands perfectly, spinning his swords through his fingers and he runs at him again. Adam brings the sword round and slashes straight at him. He immediately raises the blade, blocking the thunderous attack from Kassius as he smashes the two blades straight into the red blade. He pushes against it, his teeth gritted with a stern scowl on his face.

"You made me do this!" Adam yells, spinning round and kicking him in the side of the head with his heel. Kassius grunts and he falters. But he turns swiftly and grabs a wrench, throwing it into his face with enough force to break his nose. There is a loud metallic bang that erupts from the impact. He groans in pain, touching his face and staring at Kassius as he gets back up, glaring at him menacingly.

"Tell me..." Kassius snarls, his voice is practically gone now. "Did you think it was worth it?" Kassius questions as he picks his swords back up. Adam glares at him and he grits his teeth, spinning Wilt and Blush through his fingers as he stands tall, ready to fight once more against him. Kassius' burning red eyes stare through the mask. "I'm gonna make you regret ever touching Yang." He snarls, he launches himself straight at Adam and he tackles him through a wall. The wall explodes, and they both start to plummet down the internal network of pipes and cables that power this facility. Adam crashes straight through some pipes whilst Kassius gets caught in the wires, hanging in them by his whole body. He snarls in annoyance, savagely slashing his sword across the cables to free himself and he falls with Adam. He leaps at Adam after pressing his feet to the wall behind him, grabbing onto him and he kicks him straight into the chest when there is a flat surface beneath them. Adam smashes through a pipe, screaming as he crashes down onto the floor with force, sending cracks across the concrete floor. Adam groans in pain, Kassius lands right beside him, and he brutally sends his boot into the side of Adam's chest, sending him through another wall that crumbles upon the Taurus' impact. He falls from the wall and a couple of Tribesmen panic when they see Adam falling from the wall. They have entered some sort of hanger, some Bullheads landed inside, being refuelled and restocked.

The Tribe have some pretty intimidating equipment.

Kassius approaches the hole in the wall but he stops when he hears Yang calling down to him. "Kassius! Stop! Please!" She begs. Kassius looks up at her, his eyes still glowing red and she can see how bright they are glowing right now, how his veins are glowing red and his body seems like it is unstable.

"Kassius is gone." He snarls, turning and walking to the crater in the wall. Yang's eyes widen in confusion and she turns to everyone up there.

"We need to stop him." Yang begs.

"Come on! Where would they have landed?" Blake asks Raven, in a hurried voice. Sun does not seem to be as willing to stop Kassius, but it is more for their betterment that he does not kill one of the leaders of the White Fang when they want to unite them.

"Hanger Bay Five." Raven answers.

They all start to run after where they fell.

Adam groans, pressing his hands against the floor to get back up, one hand still wrapped around Wilt and Blush as he stands up. He lifts the red blade up and stabs it into the surface of the concrete floor, pushing himself back up to his feet. He looks up to see Kassius approaching him and the red eyed person points his sword straight at him. Adam stands tall, looking right at him and he starts to catch his breath. "Never should have hurt her..." Kassius growls aggressively.

"I was wrong." Adam admits.

Kassius chuckles menacingly, still holding Lash Equinox up, aimed at him. "You were, and as punishment, I'm gonna cut you up, into teeny tiny pieces." He growls through gritted teeth. Adam swings the red blade back and he is ready to fight now, unlike when Kassius managed to jump him when he wasn't expecting it.

"We'll see about that." Adam replies.

"That's the spirit." Kassius chuckles, and then he starts walking towards him, and Adam gets ready for a painful fight. Kassius lets out his battle-cry as he swings his swords straight at Adam, and Adam lifts his sword up with one hand, blocking the impacts. Every impact causes the red blade to shine bright red. Adam deflects his attacks, but Kassius has become so aggressive that he is forced to walk back to fight him. Adam scraps Wilt and Blush across the blades of Lash Equinox and he punches Kassius in the side of the head. Adam grabs Kassius by the throat and throws him away. But his throw is not as strong as Kassius' cybernetic throw, and he rolls across the floor, dragging his sword through the concrete. He immediately gets back up and lunges his sword towards him. Adam thrashes the red blade up, the impact of the three blades smashing against each other sends glowing orange sparks dancing across the air with a metallic crack. Adam immediately spins round with his sword and slashes it towards him. The blade slices across his coat and he rolls backwards.

Adam lowers his sword but keeps it drawn, walking around Kassius. "I haven't met you before, but I can guess that you are the love of Yang Xiao Long." Adam presumes as he looks at Kassius, slowly getting back up. "There's a parasite in your mind, you need to understand that I was different then. I was blind to the truth." Adam explains. Kassius gets back up, and his glowing red eyes stare straight into Adam's eyes as he stands before him. His cybernetic hand clenches into a fist. "I was blind to what Blake has been fighting for until now." He admits.

Kassius smirks and scoffs at him. " I am." He announces, his hands held out before him as he glares at Adam. Adam sighs and he starts to walk towards him.

"You're name's Kassius, right? Please just hear me out." Adam begs. Kassius begins to reveal something that shows how different his cybernetics are far beyond what Yang's are. The metal begins to shift and change, revealing some kind of mechanism inside. He points his wrist at Adam and a pair of small devices shoot out to each of his shoulders. They both start blaring extremely strong infrasound waves into his ears, stunning him and he groans in distress, pressing his hands against his head. Kassius grips the blade of his sword tight and he starts to approach. But Adam sharply slashes his sword into one and fires the shotgun in the hilt at the other, destroying them both. He staggers a little but he recovers pretty quick. "Don't you understand, Kassius? This is exactly what the Knights want! They aim to divide us!" Adam argues. Kassius walks straight towards him, staring straight at the mask with his glowing red eyes. The red light reflects off the white mask.

"I understand enough!" He shouts in rage, his voice almost transformed like it is being concealed by a Voice Disguiser. Adam sighs, kicking him straight in the chest, and the impact launches Kassius backwards and he crashes through some crates in the hanger bay. He growls with vexation in his lungs. But as he always does: he gets back up. Adam stands there and he starts to walk back over to him. Kassius yells, swinging his sword at him but Adam catches his wrist and swings his sword straight at him.

Kassius recoils back, the red blade slicing across his cheek, drawing blood. "Stay down!" Adam urges desperately. "If I wanted to, you'd be dead already." He promises. Kassius starts to shake with infuriating anger, the red energy rumbling as it erupts up the side of his head and charging into his eyes, making them glow much brighter than before. His cybernetic fist tightens as he stands there and he looks over his shoulder at him, like his head is about to erupt like a Volcano.

"I bet you know that all too well." Kassius snarls. Adam grits his teeth and he holds Wilt and Blush tight.

"I didn't want to do this." He says, bringing it up and swinging the red blade straight at him. But to Adam's horror, Kassius opens up his cybernetic hand and catches the red blade and stops it where it was, creating a loud ringing sound. He glares through the mask, staring into the eyes behind it.

"You hide behind a mask...I follow Kassius everywhere he goes." Kassius growls, hinting at something else in his head, the thing that is controlling him right now. Kassius rips Wilt and Blush from Adam's fingertips and then he pulls his head back and smashes it into the mask that Adam wears. Cracks form on the mask, pieces fracture from the mask and he staggers back, groaning as he staggers. Kassius throws Wilt and Blush onto the floor and he walks towards him.

Kassius drops Lash Equinox onto the floor. "Let's settle this like men, shall we?" He offers. Kassius walks straight at Adam, the masked man yells, swinging his closed fist at the face of Kassius. Kassius ducks down to dodge it, bringing his human fist up into his chest, causing him to jolt upwards. Kassius grabs him by his horns and throws him with all of his might, yelling with rage. Adam screams, crashing straight into a Bullhead, causing it to slide slightly from his impact. Adam falls chest-first onto the cold floor, coughing in pain. Kassius continues to come after him, not truly in his own mindset, he has never been this bloodthirsty, or this villainous before.

Adam glares at him, through the cracked mask to look him in the eyes. He immediately gets back up to punch Kassius, but the Cyborg is superior in hand-to-hand combat than he is. Faster and more agile, jerking his head aside to avoid the fist. Kassius grabs Adam's arm with his cybernetic arm and twists it, creating an internal pop that makes Adam scream in pain. Kassius forces the face of Adam down into his knee, smashing his nose into it and then throws him further. Adam bounces across the floor, coughing in pain. Adam limps to get back up but immediately meets the fist of Kassius that spreads more cracks across the Grimm mask, causing him to stagger back. Kassius kicks him in the chest that launches Adam back.

Kassius charges after him, jumping into the air, yelling as he slams both boots into his chest with force. Adam splutters in pain as he faces the impact. Kassius grabs his horn and lifts him off the floor, pummelling his fist over and over again into his chest. The cybernetic arm punches him at great velocity, probably cracking his ribs inside and he groans in agony. Still holding Adam by his horn, Kassius smashes Adam's face straight into a pillar, breaking the concrete and splattering blood against it. Kassius squeezes tight on the horn, causing Adam to wail in pain, holding his horn tight, faint cracking sounds groaning from inside the tightening grip of the cybernetic warrior. Kassius then pulls away with force and there is an almighty bang that erupts from his horn as he pulls away. The horn shatters like glass and Adam screams in pain, falling to the floor, pressing his hands to his head from the sudden rush of pain. Kassius opens his hand slowly, dropping shards of horn matter onto the floor.

Adam splutters, blood ejecting from his mouth, bruises laid across his body from the trauma that he has suffered. His eyes focus on the thing beside him. Kassius' rage has caused him to smash Adam down beside Wilt and Blush and Adam snarls in anger. He swiftly squeezes his hand onto the hilt and rises back up, slashing his sword straight at Kassius, cutting across his shirt and jacket. Kassius staggers back from the impact but his aura has not been destroyed yet. But he has nearly managed to break the aura of Adam. Adam uses the wall as a support to get back up, pointing Wilt and Blush at him. Kassius glares at him as he stands there. Kassius backs up to where Lash Equinox lay and he scoops his feet under both blades, kicking them both up one at a time and catching them both in mid-air.

He spins them through his fingers and stares into his eyes. Kassius charges at Adam with both swords in his hands and Adam runs at him, yelling as they run. Kassius jumps straight at him, bringing the two swords down with force at him. Adam holds his blade up and holds them back, pushing him back forcefully and kicking him in the side of the face. Kassius slashes the two swords at Adam, slicing through one section of his Trench Coat and immediately bringing it up his chest, slicing across the few shreds of aura he has left after the beating he suffered from Kassius. Adam grunts in pain but he immediately slashes the sword at Kassius once more, Kassius uses the blades as guards, backing up from Adam as he fights him, yelling aggressively.

Kassius presses both blades against the blade of Wilt and Blush. "I said fist-fight!" He yells, scraping them both down the blade and into Adam's hand. Adam screams in pain when the sword slices his thumb off, blood squirting from the wound. Kassius throws his swords on the floor after kicking Wilt and Blush from his hands. Kassius grabs onto the collar around Adam's neck and throws him into the pillar next to them, head first. He rips him from the dust, dust covering his face and blood tricking from where the concrete had damaged his face. He punches Adam over and over in the face, damaging the mask even more. Adam pushes Kassius away, but he jumps in the air, spinning round and building the momentum up with his cybernetic hand and he smashes his knuckles into the side of Adam's head, knocking him straight to the floor.

Adam's aura flickers and pulsates across his body before shattering like glass. Kassius approaches the wounded man, grabbing him by the throat with his metal hand. He lifts Adam off the floor and stares into his eyes as he holds him above his head. "This is for Yang!" He gnashes his teeth like a savage dog. Kassius yells in anger, throwing Adam one last time into the concrete floor.

This impact is so powerful that the concrete floor explodes around Adam, leaving a crater for him to be left in as he bleeds from his wounds, both internally and externally. Kassius looks down at him and then picks up Wilt and Blush, pressing down on his chest with his foot. "Seems fitting." Kassius states, lifting the red blade above his head. He prepares to bring it down but then he hears her.

"Stop!" Yang begs. His eyes look straight at her and the red veins begin to recede from his glowing red eyes, but the eyes are still furious when he looks at her. Her blonde hair blows in the wind that enters the room. The team are with her, ready to help stop him from doing something he will regret. Blake stands beside her with Gambol Shroud in her hand.

"Step away from him." Blake orders.

"You defend him after what he did?" He questions, sounding disgusted and even looks repulsed from the expression on his face.

"We need to make an alliance with the White Fang! We can interrogate him, not kill him!" Blake argues. Kassius stands there and he looks at Yang who wants him to stop, but then he looks down at Adam at his mercy. He grits his teeth in anger.

"No." He snarls. He goes to stab him through the rib-cage but Yang fires Ember Celica at the sword to knock it from his hand. The reaction is Kassius staring at them all with those furious eyes. He pulls his foot from the wounded Adam and starts to storm towards them. Blake and Sun run at him with their weapons. Blake jumps at him but he grabs her by her ankle and throws her into one of the pillars. Blake yelps upon impact and Sun hits Kassius with Ruyi Jingu Bang to keep him distracted. But this version of Kassius is so much faster, he is able to counter every attack that they have. Sun goes to hit his leg but he catches the staff and punches it into his face. He turns to Lash Equinox on the floor and picks them both up. Winter and Weiss start to fight him with their swords, Weiss is still injured from Death and she should not be fighting. Kassius holds both their blades back with the blades of his swords and that proceeds to him kicking them both in the chest, launching them back. Qrow runs at him to try and just get his aura down to calm him. But he is too fast for even him to get a good hit.

Adam attempts to stand back up and he looks at Blake, blood leaking down from under the mask. Blake waves him off. "Get out of here!" She yells. Adam nods and he starts to retreat from the battle. Kassius punches Neptune across the face which knocks him onto the floor. Kassius looks over his shoulder and he sees Adam running. His eyes narrow from anger, the veins leading into his eyes glow bright red. He growls angrily.

"Where do you think you're going?" He whispers. He holds Lash Equinox like a javelin and he launches it straight at him. The blade soars across the air towards Adam.

"Look out!" Blake screams. Adam looks over his shoulder and when he turns, the blade lodges straight into his shoulder and carries him into a landed Bullhead, the blade stabbing through his shoulder and into the metal skin of the aircraft. Adam rasps in pain, blood now heavily leaving his body where he has been pinned by the sword. Nora jumps at Kassius, wrapping her arms around his neck to hold him back.

"Stop this, Kassius!" Nora begs.

Kassius thrashes around like a wild animal as she tries to hold him back. "This isn't you!" She yells. Kassius grabs Nora by her orange hair and launches her into the floor. He turns to a cable that is holding a crane with crates inside of it above them. He swipes the blade of his sword across the cable, cutting it loose and releasing the cargo above their heads. Ren sees that Nora is underneath it and he jumps, grabbing her so she is out of the way when the heavy boxes plummet down. Kassius stares straight at the pinned Adam and he sprints after him. Blake's eyes widen and she jumps over the boxes.

"Blake!" Sun yells, reaching out for her. Kassius charges straight for him, grabbing the hilt of Lash Equinox and ripping it from his shoulder, blood squirting from the wound. Kassius holds him by the cheeks.

"You will die for your sins!" He snarls. He smashes him into the floor and puts the swords down. He clenches his cybernetic hand into a fist and he punches him over, and over and over again in the face. In the mask specifically. Blake is getting closer and closer.

Every punch begins to break the mask.




Each punch causes the cracks to spread and the mask begins to crumble. Kassius stares straight at him and pulls him towards his face by his collar. He sends the final punch directly into the mask, completely shattering it upon impact. The pieces of mask fall and bounce on the floor. Kassius stares into his eyes...only to see...

That his eyes are blinded.

There are a multitude of scars scraped across his eyes and his eyes are faded to white, almost gone. But tears still leak from them when he realises his secret that only few know has been revealed. Kassius looks at him in legitimate surprise, his eyes still under the control of whatever has his mind. Blake pushes him back and stands between them, pointing her Katana at him. "You're blind to more than just the truth..." Kassius says in his threatening voice.

"Get away from him." Blake demands. Kassius looks at her and there is a slight change in his eyes and he begins to wince, his face contorting like he is in pain. His eyes flicker from red to blue as he stands there, growling in pain as he presses his hand to the side of his head.

"Stay back..." He begs them, in his normal voice, but pretty quickly the eyes return to their red form and the anger returns, he points Lash Equinox at Blake after he picks it back up. "Get out of my way." The other Kassius snarls, his voice all demonic once more. And Blake saw, this is definitely not the real Kassius, there is something in his mind. Blake gets ready for a fight...

Until a Dust Charged Whip is pointed at Kassius. "Leave them alone." She demands. His eyes move from Blake and he sees who stands beside her. She has large blue eyes, at the moment anyway, and a long chameleon-like ponytail.

It's Ilia...

The look of pure shock...and hatred...forms on Kassius' face. Blake looks at Ilia in fear, not only because she was getting somewhere with calming Kassius down, but because she knows about what happened with his team. He tightens his grip on his sword and his teeth grit and eyes begin to twitch. "Ilia?" Blake whimpers in fear.

"You..." Kassius growls wit pure malice in his eyes. The deep volcanic rumbling sound of the veins turning bright red once more engages and he now has a new target. He sprints straight at her and she looks down at Adam and then at Ilia as she takes off running from Kassius. Blake turns and sees Yang and Sun running up to her. She then looks at the others who are trying to catch up.

"Get him to a medic!" She yells.

Qrow nods to her and they help pick Adam up to get him to safety. Blake, Sun and Yang look down the way that Ilia and Kassius have taken off, and they are following some sort of Pipeline.


Ilia clambers up the side of a pipeline as she flees from Kassius. She looks back and sees him in pursuit. He jumps and slams both blades into the pipes, using them to help climb after her. Ilia gasps as she starts to climb higher and faster. She continues to run and finds herself getting outside when the tunnel comes to a close. Yang, Blake and Sun chase after Kassius who is persistent on going after Ilia. Yang has her lilac eyes focused on helping her boyfriend get into the right mindset, she does not care about Ilia or Adam. She just wants the old Kassius back, not this monster that has control over his body and his soul. Ilia hops up the side of a building to get away from him but he is still using his swords as tools to get after her.

Blake and Yang both jump onto the rooftops on one building whilst Sun attempts to flank him on the other.

Kassius fires Vulcan Nox at her, he is serious now. He was beating Adam to a pulp out of anger, this is out of vengeance. The bullet clips her leg and she screams in pain as the blood starts to leak from her leg. She climbs up as best as she can, blood trailing from her leg as she limps away. Blake gasps when she sees that happen. "She's hurt!" Blake yelps. Yang focused on Kassius whilst Sun and Blake focus on Ilia.

"Ironic how - We're helping the chick who - shot me in the arm?" Sun asks as he passes by some walls.

"A little bit." She agrees, running with him.

Ilia clambers onto the roof of a building and she looks over her shoulder to see Kassius jumping up, using the recoil of Vulcan Nox to get him up onto one of the pipes that feeds fuel and gas into the facility. It's an old pumping station of some kind. "You betrayed us!" He yells with fury.

"I didn't have a choice!" She replies, running as fast as she can.

"Yeah! Continue to run as you always do, you coward!" He bellows, not faltering to chase after her, sliding across chimneys and other pipes that are on top. Ilia has slowed down quite a bit since there is a bullet lodged in her leg. Blake manages to catch up to Kassius and Sun makes his way around to get onto the roof. She comes to a stop by a wall that is holding her current escape back since she is too injured to get away fast enough before he could pull her down. She turns to face him when he lands behind her. "Nowhere left to run." He snarls.

Blake jumps up behind him and kicks him in the back. Sun rises up and tackles him forcefully into the floor, holding him down. "Doesn't this look familiar?" Sun jokes. He pushes his hands down onto the arms of Kassius, but the strength of his cybernetic arm pushes Sun off and Kassius swings a fist straight across his face. He immediately sprints after Ilia with Lash Equinox extending, but Sun's Semblance activates, his Via Sun forms jumping onto him and holding Kassius down to the floor. Ilia and Blake look at him and he looks at them. "Why do you ladies always check me out when I'm trying to make a distraction?" He erupts. But it does not last forever for he rips free from their grip and he aims Vulcan Nox straight at Ilia, and Blake is stood in between them both.

Sun's eyes widen in fear. "Blake! Look out!" He yells. Blake gasps when she turns and sees Kassius stood behind her with Vulcan Nox aimed at her. Ilia pushes Blake out of the way and aims her Whip at Kassius. They are at a standoff, glaring into each other's eyes. Blake runs in between the two of them and she holds her hands out to them both.

"Stop!" Blake begs.

"She is responsible for their deaths." He snarls in anger, not looking away.

"I didn't have a choice!" She responds in a terrified tone. Kassius scoffs.

"Everyone has a choice!" He barks and the sudden outburst makes her jump. "You were too much of a coward to make the right one, I thought I could trust you...I will not make that mistake again." He growls, preparing to fire. He hears the sound of the puddle beside him splashing and he turns.

Yang sends her cybernetic fist hurtling into his face with force and he grunts, falling onto the floor with a heavy thud. Not unconscious but it knocked something out of him. He stumbles and holds his hand to his head, groaning in pain. Blake looks over her shoulder and Ilia has vanished, taken her chance to escape while Yang managed to punch him. And she has taken off once more. Blake sighs and Sun walks over to her, hugging her because of how afraid he was that he would actually shoot her. He became pretty unpredictable. Yang crouches down beside Kassius and she looks at his eyes, noticing that his veins are not flowing with lava anymore. She lifts his head up and he now has a black eye, but his eyes are blue again.

Not red.

"Ow..." He groans.

"Sorry." She giggles as she looks at him. Sun looks at Kassius and walks towards him.

"What the hell was that?" Sun demands. Kassius sighs and he looks down at the floor.

"Did I hurt anyone?" He asks.

The three of them look at each other when he asks that question. "Do you remember anything?" Blake asks him. Kassius just shakes his head, but he knows what that was.

"You have some explaining to do." Sun states.

Kassius sighs, rubbing his black eye. "I guess that's fair..." He huffs.

Yang looks at him affectionately, she knows that this is something he has been avoiding for a while now.

"I'll explain it to you...just get everyone's a hell of a thing." He sighs. Kassius looks at where he saw Ilia last and he still scowls but his eyes stay the same colour.


After returning Kassius back to the base, they have sat him down so then he can explain himself. They all look at him, Qrow crosses his arms and they all want a full explanation on what just happened there. "What the hell happened?" Qrow questions. Yang walks over to his side and gives him a bag of ice so then she can press it to his cheek.

"Hang on a minute...he's not fully out of my head yet." He explains. They all look at him with concern.

"He?" Winter asks.

He puts the ice bag down on the table and he leans forward to them. "I've had this problem ever since I was a kid...alright?" He begins. "My isn't so much of an ability but it's more like a condition. I guess you could call it a severe case of Schizophrenia." Kassius explains to them. Qrow looks down slightly since he understands what it is like to have a Semblance like that, when you cannot control it. "It is similar to Yang's, my eyes turn red but she can still retain her personality...I don't...extreme anger makes me switch. I have been taking medication back at Mistral, but since it fell I have been suffering to keep his voices at bay." Kassius explains.

"How is that possible? To have...two personalities?" Nora asks him.

"How do some people manage to channel lightning into their muscles or create shadow clones of themselves? I don't know, but that is what Semblances are, and it's not like I don't bother keeping him back, I just can't. Not without the pills I used to take, and with Mistral currently burning to the ground..." He sighs as he thinks about it. "Kinda funny if you think about it, once I used to be a freak because I was a member of a school when I didn't think I had a semblance, I thought it was just Schizophrenia. And now that I know that it is my semblance, I feel like even more of a freak." Kassius chuckles as he mentions that. Yang holds his hand and smiles.

"You're not a freak." Yang promises. He smiles back.

"So what was it exactly that...made you lose it?" Neptune asks.

"Seeing Adam there and realising he did what he did to set him off." Kassius explains. Ren looks at Kassius.

"Him..." Ren mumbles and Kassius notices.

"Ever heard of the tale of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde?" He asks them all. They all start listening again. "I decided to name the other one Mr Hyde, every emotion I feel when he takes over is anger and I can't direct it. I'm guessing you all saw when you tried to stop me?" He presumes.

"Yeah, it's like you didn't know who we were..." Weiss says as she remembers how he fought them all so violently, probably was trying to kill him.

"I can sometimes fight him...but it's hard." Kassius explains, pressing his hand to the side of his head. "A curse that has been carried down the Locke name...we were never given names that were colours, I guess this is our punishment." He explains with self-anger in his eyes. Yang touches his hand gently and he looks at her with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Kassius." Qrow says.

"Don't pity me, just understand my situation." He requests.

"How well can you keep him at bay?" Blake asks him. Kassius thinks about how to answer the question.

"Like I said, he only takes over when something makes me snap. Usually things I have an emotional connection to...or crave revenge for." He explains to them all.

"Ilia..." Sun remembers.

"Is that the reason've been having trouble sleeping?" Yang asks him, since she has only noticed it recently. He just nods as an answer and that is all that they need, the voices of Mr Hyde constantly bouncing around in his head.

"All the voices in my head that Hyde gives makes it physically impossible to fall asleep." He reveals. They all gasp when he brings that up. "So yeah, there's that as well." He sighs. "That's what my pills essentially were: advanced sleeping pills." He says. They all sit in awe at this revelation, and Qrow thought that his luck was bad. At least he can sleep.

Everyone begins to depart, but he has one last bit of advice.

"And by the way, if he takes control again...refer to me as Mr Hyde. Otherwise I won't respond. You need to calm him down to release me. Or hit me really hard in the head." He says, looking at Yang with a smile.

Now they know the truth...

About Kassius Locke.

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