The Werewolf and His Hybrid B...

By cecil_flores

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~First book of the Hybrid series~ A vampire and a werewolf have unprotected sex and thus a baby comes along... More

The Werewolf and His Hybrid (boyxboy)
Chapter 2 Is This Really a Good Thing?
Chapter 3 Who's the New Vamp in Town?
Chapter 4 Unexpected
Chapter 5 I Am...
Chapter 6 Ellie Comes
Authors Note
Chapter 7 It's On
Chapter 8 Round One
Chapter 9 You're a Nuisance
Chapter 10 Sven!
Chapter 11 Trouble
Chapter 12 Let Me In
Chapter 13 Another Hybrid
Chapter 14 Ellie... Don't Worry
Chapter 15 My Demons
Chapter 16 My Uncle
Chapter 17 I'm Going To Kill You!
Chapter 18 The Mark
Chapter 19 No!
Chapter 20 No Time
Chapter 21 Leaving
Chapter 22 You Only Live Once
Chapter 23 Happiness doesn't last
Chapter 24 Problems
Chapter 25 Heartbroken

Chapter 26 The Werewolf and His Hybrid

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By cecil_flores

Chapter 26 The Werewolf and His Hybrid

I gasp for breath.

“Sven, you have to calm down. Keep your wolf under control.” Ellie tries pinning me down.

“I will not die!” I growl.


I hear the door slam open and see Grayson running towards me.

“What happened?”

“Get an anesthetic. Something to put him to sleep.”


“Don’t you see? He’s turning into his wolf and if we don’t stop him then he’ll end up killing everyone here. He almost killed Isabella.”

I look down at the floor. Isabella is…

Grayson helps Ellie pin me down. The second his hand touches my exposed shoulder; I get shocked.

Grayson looks shocked then he gets on top of me. “Ellie, leave.” He orders her.

“I’m telling you, we need to put him to sleep. I don’t want a repeat of last time.”

“Leave.” Ellie sighs and grabs Isabella then she walks out the door.

Grayson straddles my hips and pins my hands above my head. I growl and snap at him but he doesn’t budge.

“You feel it, don’t you?” He asks.

I whimper, “I want to be immortal again. I don’t want to die.” I break down in tears.

“You’re not going to die.”

My canine teeth grow longer and I growl louder. My fingers begin to crack and break.

“Go away!” I urge him.

“I won’t.”

I scream and it’s as if a force pushed me to the back of my mind.

Grayson’s P.O.V

“If that girl didn’t pin me down I would’ve killed that ‘mate’ of yours. I was so close. You are my mate! No one else’s! Even if our bond broke; you are still my mate!” This isn’t Sven talking. It sounds like him but at the same time it doesn’t.

“Are you Sven’s wolf?” I ask.


I smile. “I knew Sven had a wolf form but I never would have thought he had a wolf in him. Why can I feel the sparks again? We aren’t mates are we?”

“That will disappear once I give Sven control over his body. We aren’t mates but we love you as if we were.”   

I nod in understanding. “Why did Ellie want to put you to sleep?”

“She told you, didn’t she? The last time Sven lost control and I got out… it wasn’t good. After that Sven didn’t let me out at all. I was shut down.”

“What happened that made Sven lose control again?”

“Since he was immortal he wasn’t afraid of death. Sven finally realized he was going to die- by the hands of another- unless he did something. For the first time he was afraid to die. He let me out and I took matters into my own hands.”

Isabella tried to kill him? So she found out? How?

I let go of my hold on Sven just so I can run my fingers through his hair and give him a long kiss on the lips.

“Don’t stop fighting for Sven. He’s stubborn but he only does things that he believes is right. Love him and never let him go.” Sven’s wolf kisses me.

I smile in the kiss. After a few seconds, Sven slightly pushes on my chest. Sven is probably in control now.

I haven’t slept in days. The moment I found my second mate I was shocked. I really thought everything was going to be peaceful and happy for us after what happened with our bond breaking and all that.

I freaked out and my wolf wasn’t helping the situation. We both love Sven but once Isabella came and I touched her, my wolf screamed mate. It was completely different than the time I saw Sven in that classroom. When I looked into Sven’s eyes I was lost in them. I saw love and lust. I was aroused just looking at him. With Isabella it was like we were connected but at the same time we weren’t meant to be connected. I don’t think that even made any sense.

After that I was fighting with my wolf for hours. My wolf didn’t really know what he wanted. A confused wolf is pretty much a broken wolf.

He calmed down once I touched Sven when his wolf took over.

“Hey.” I smirk at Sven’s blushing face.

“Um… hey.”

“How you feeling?” I ask him.

“Stop grinning you’re creeping me out.”

“But I’m happy.”


“I got to talk to your wolf.”

“You’re weird and I now just realized.”

I pout. “You don’t mean that…”

He laughs then stops. “What about Isabella? I hurt her right? Is she okay?”

“You’re the weird one. She tried to kill you yet you’re still worried about her?”

“Yeah… I killed her mother… I understand why she was going to try to kill me.”

I kiss his cheek. “Since we’re alone tell me everything.” I smile.

“I crashed at Noah’s place.” He smiles.


“Ellie already told you didn’t She? I’m pretty sure I can die now.”

“You don’t really know that. The only way to be sure is to… kill you.”

“Then kill me.”

“I hope you’re joking because that will never happen. Oh and here is the blood Ellie brought for you.” I hold it out for him to take.

“I don’t want it anymore.” He tells me while looking away.

I take a deep breath and I drink some blood. Only enough to fill up my mouth. I grab his chin and I give him the blood.

“Why would you do something like that?” He asks. He’s freaking out. So cute!

“If I hadn’t then you wouldn’t have drunk any and you wouldn’t have gotten better. And also… I want to make love to you so you have to get better.”

He turns as red as a tomato. Even cuter!

I start trailing kisses all over his neck and cheeks. “I want to too but what about Isabella?” He sits straight up. “You rejected her, shouldn’t you be feeling the rejection?”

“Elizabeth helped me with that. She blocked the pain so I won’t be able to feel it.”

“When did she learn how to do that?”

“A few days ago. She asked the witch that helped us contact the moon goddess to teach her how to do that.”

“She’s full of surprises.” Sven sighs.

“So… now-that-that’s-cleared-up-lets-have-sex.” I push him down onto the bed.

“Ow ow!”

“Sorry! I’m really sorry! Are you okay?” I panic.

“Just kidding.” Sven smiles innocently at me.

“You almost gave me a heart attack!”

“I know.” He smirks. I pout and kiss him.

My hand travels under his shirt and up to his left nipple. He moans as I continue to play with it. I kiss him down to his neck and I lick where I marked him which is now just an imprint. He is still sensitive there so that’s great.

“Grayson.” He moans my name. “Not just there.” He looks at me all embarrassed.

I smirk. So lewd.

I help him take off his shirt and I trail kisses down to his navel. He pulls on my hair and moans.

“Hey Isabella is waking up and I do… oh… um… well this is awkward…” Elizabeth scares the crap out of me when she suddenly opens the door. Sven already pushed me off the bed and threw back on his shirt. He sure is fast. It barely even registered in my mind that Ellie saw us…

“I see you’re feeling better.” She breaks the silence.

“Yeah, well, I drank the… um… blood.” Sven tells her.

“Mh…” she looks back and forth. “Okay well Isabella is waking up and I don’t know what to do with her. Mind helping me out since you seem perfectly fine and that is just laying around on the floor.” She points at me.

I quickly get up.

“And for Christ sacks but on a damn shirt.” Ellie throws me a random shirt and leaves the room. What keeps me baffled was how I ended up without a shirt in the first place. I’m pretty sure I was doing all the stripping. As in I was stripping Sven.

Sven smirks. “Who says you’re the only one that can have all the fun?”

But I’m the top in this relationship…right? Well let’s see; Sven is stronger than me so he can easily pin me down. He’s also a really good kisser. Well duh since he’s had like a million years of practice.

“Wait for me!” I run after Sven who already left the room.

We enter the living room and Isabella is sitting in a chair staring into space.

“What’d you do?” I ask.

“Oh she’s fine. I… just froze her in place.”


“So she can’t attack Sven.” She looks at Sven. “Now compel her to forget you and everyone she met here.”

“Are you sure about that? She’s your sister.”

“I’m sure. I would rather see my sister go on her merry way than see her being a psychopathic bitch whose out for blood.”

“What about the rejection?”

“I took care of that.”

Ellie is like the superhero that solves everyone’s problems. And to think I tried plotting a bunch of ways to kill the bitch. Without her we probably wouldn’t have solved a lot of things.

“Have I ever thanked you?” I ask.

“Where’d this question come from?”

“I’m dead serious.”

She looks at me suspiciously then cracks a smile. “You don’t need to thank me. I’m not doing it for you.”

I still hate her.

“Isabella.” Sven grabs her chin and makes her look at him. “You arrived in this town to find your father. He wasn’t here so you moved on to the next town. You met and talked to no one.” He finished and Isabella got up. She makes her way to the front door.

“I thought you froze her.”

“It only last for a few minutes.” She tells me.


“What was that?”

I smirk, “you heard me.”

“Yo what’s up with the zombie?” I turn around to look at the kid I saw before… um… the one that interrupted Sven and I. He and ellie should be the ultimate cock blockers.

Wait, why is he here?

“The reason why I’m here is because I was kicked out of my home. My mom is now using me to get mates together and that love shizz. But that’s actually not the reason I’m here. The reason I’m here is because you two were thinking about me a lot. In a way I was summoned. I don’t have half my powers I had when I was living with the gods. Did you know that? I sure as hell didn’t. I would have come sooner but I can’t teleport and was obligated to take a series of buses and cars.”

I’m drawing a blank. I have no idea what I should say. I think everyone is on the same boat.

He stretches. “So to clear the air; Sven, you are still immortal.”

“Really! Then why did you say what you said?”

“Because it’s fun to mess with people. Also… you were missing a crucial part of being alive.”

“And what was that?”

“You weren’t afraid to die.”

“If you didn’t take his immortality then what did you take?”

“Nothing.” He grins showing his straight white teeth.

“Is that why the gods banished you from their land?”

“For the gods… everything is about receiving and taking. They receive the prayers from the humans and they take a bit of their fear or any emotion for that matter. The reason they do that is because when you’re a god; you live for eternity. After a while the emotions they once had begun to fade away until they vanish. It’s truly beautiful; human emotions. I didn’t want to take anything away from you so I paid the price.”

“But to save Grayson you needed to take something away from me. How is Grayson fine?”

He scratched the back of his head. “Um... I… sort of gave him a bit of your immortality. So long story short he’s immortal.”

My mouth flies open.

“How!” All three of us ask at the same time.

“Even if I wanted to take away your immortality I wouldn’t have been able to. You were born with that immortality. It wasn’t something you gained. So… in order to save Grayson I used your bond to transfer some of your immortality to your mate. Since you two had a connection it was easier. But you have to know that even if you two are immortal when you accidently die it’ll take days until you wake up.”

“Would that explain my injuries?” Sven asks.

“Yeah. It’s a really complicated thing so don’t think much of it or you’ll go crazy. So I’m leaving. Please don’t think of me because then, without my consent, I will travel to where you are. Have fun and don’t die so much.”

With that he leaves. “I always forget to ask his name.” Sven says.

“Such a weird kid. I wonder how he gets by…”

“I’m sure his mother has a secret stash of money for him on earth. Don’t worry too much Grayson.” Sven smiles. He looks around the room and picks up his duffle bag- wait!

“You are not leaving!”

“I am leaving.”

“Sven I thought-“

“You didn’t let me finish. I’m leaving but you’re coming with me.” I smile and nod eagerly.

“Wait up what about your pack and your family?” Ellie asks.

“Didn’t I already make you alpha? And my lil sis will be just fine.”

“But! Sven!” She turns to Sven for help.

“I’ll see you in a few years. Take care Ellie.”

We get in a taxi and I’m holding Sven’s warm hand. “Where are we going?”




“I’ve never been there.”

“Well that’s going to change.”

“Man I love you.” I confess.

“Man I love you too!” He replies jokingly. “I really do love you, Grayson. You’re my werewolf.” He smiles at me.

I smile back.

“And you’re my hybrid.”

                                      ~THE END~

And that is the end of The Werewolf and His Hybrid:D Tell me what you thought about this end. Vote for Grayson and SvenXD

Enjoy the second book of the series; The Vampire and His Hybrid.

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