A rockstar and a secret pregn...

By becky0904

7K 195 42

Ellie and Colin had been together twelve months and just finished there first album. When Colin got offered h... More

Where it all began
The goodbye
scan day
The fright
six month mark
From bliss to a nightmare
The truth
Return To Carter Corp


581 16 0
By becky0904

It had been twenty-seven days since Colin excepted the offer for the solo career and tomorrow he was leaving for a month in Europe before jetting off to some other exotic location. I really wanted his last day to be perfect but I was throwing up and just the smell of fried food was making me feel worse.

Colin " you ok kitten you've been in there a while"
He said through the door as i was been sick for the third time this morning.

Ellie " I'm ok must just have a stomach bug. Can you please let work know I won't be in today?"

Colin " yeah sure kitten do you need anything else before I go into work to clear out my desk before I go on tour tomorrow?"

Ellie " No I'm ok. Think i will just ring Lisa and get her to come over to sit with me whilst your out".

Colin " Ok as long as your sure kitten. Ring me if you need anything.Bye"

Has soon as I got out of the bathroom I sent a text to Lisa.
Lisa can you come round Colin has had to pop into work and I'm not feeling to well need someone to talk to? xx
Within minutes Lisa replied.
Sure honey do you need anything getting on my way over? xx
I stopped to think if I should tell her to grab me a couple of tests from the chemist as I had a sneaky suspicion as to what was up. I didn't know if to tell her over text tho. In the end I text her hoping she would understand my text.
Yeah could you please grab me a couple of things from the chemist? Been sick on and off for last couple of weeks and fried foods are making it worse. xx
Almost instantly she replied.
Omg Ellie of course I will. I will grab two and be at yours in five mins 😁 xx
The reality was starting to sink in now that I had told someone. I was starting to freak out.As I was waiting for Lisa I recieved a text off Colin. Hi kitten. Are you feeling any better? If not we can cancel the goodbye party tonight and me and you can have a night in just the two of us.xxxx
I replied quickly just so he wouldn't worry as I still didn't know what i was going to do.
Feeling better Lisa should be here anytime now. Don't worry if it's anything serious I will let you know. xxxx
Just has Lisa knocked on my door I recieved a text from Colin.
Ok should be home in just over a hour two hours max. Love you xxxx
My reply was short and sweet as I was in a hurry to let Lisa in.
Ok love you too see you soon xxxx.
As I opened the door she was bouncing around with excitement and all I could do was break down in tears. She took me in her arms trying to comfort me has she closed the door.
Lisa "Oh sweety what's the matter I thought you would be excited. So why are you crying?"
Ellie " I don't know. What am I going to do if I am. He's leaving tomorrow to follow his dreams. He doesn't need me holding him back"
I said through heavy tear filled lids still wrapped in the worth embrace of my friends arms. I would have text my bestfriend Matt he could always cheer me up and knew exactly what to say. This time was different because not only was he my bestfriend he was also a close friend of colins and I knew he would tell me " angle you have to talk to Colin". I just couldn't risk him finding out especially before I knew for sure if I was or what I was going to do. Lisa tried to comfort me as best has she could.
Lisa " you don't know for sure if you are yet. So do both tests first before you freak out. I will make us both a drink whilst you go to take the test"
She said in a calm and comforting manner.
Ellie "Ok i suppose you're right" I said whilst trying to stop my tears. She was right tho there was no point freaking until I knew for sure because it could easily be a false alarm.
I grabbed both tests off of the side and ran to the bathroom. I then took both tests. I couldn't wait in here for results so I left the bathroom and sat on the sofa. Lisa brought over the two cups coffee and put them down on the coffee table.
Lisa " So have you looked at the results or do you need me to check them"
Ellie " Can you do it please I'm too scared" I replied trying my hardest to hold back the tears.
As Lisa walked over to the unit to check them my hands were shaking that bad I couldn't even pick up my coffee cup.
" JUST TELL ME ALREADY" I shouted. I didn't mean to snap at her I was just freaking out. I didn't even know if i was ready for this or even if I could tell colin and ruin his dream.
Lisa " Don't shout I'm stood right here. I know your freaking out. But please be patient"
She replied calmly as she walked over took a seat on the sofa next to me and wrapped her free arm around me. I waited anxiously for the results. Has she was about to turn the test over. I shot my arm out " Don't please I don't want to know" I said with a shaky breath. But before I had chance to stop her she had already turned them both over. Revealing a plus sign on both.
Lisa " OMG Ellie they're both positive"
As she turned around she noticed I wasn't excited instead I was sat there shaking in tears."NO NO NO this can't be happening" I said whilst shaking my head.
"What am I going to do Lisa he leaves tomorrow for a six month world tour I can't ruin his dream" still crying Lisa took me in both arms and hugged me tighter.
Lisa " We can go straight to doctors for blood test to comfirm as these home tests are not always right. But even if you fast track the tests you won't have results until tomorrow. So just for today try not to think about it and focus on you and Colin"
She was right as always so I asked "Can you make the appointment whilst I text Colin please. Thank you"
It was time to text Colin. I didn't want to lie to him so i simply text him
Hi my sexy metalhead still not feeling to good Lisa is going to take me to doctors so I will see you when I get back should be back within a hour tho xxxx
Colin instantly replied
Ok kitten hope it goes ok text me when you get out xxxx
I loved this softer side of him that was reserved only for me. To every one else he was still the same old stuburn arrogant metalhead who behaved like a cave man and didn't hardly say a word to any one when not on stage just a grunt or if you are lucky a "hi".
Lisa had booked the appointment and we both jumped in the cab. When we arrived I didn't have to wait long. We took a seat in the doctors room and waited for her to start with all the usual questions.
Doctor " So can you tell me why you are here please"
Ellie " I have been feeling sick now on and off for about a month doesn't seem to be going away. The smell of fried foods seems to make it worse. So I took two home pregnancy test they both said positive. I just want you comfirm it"
Doctor " That I can certainly do. Even tho I don't see the point. It is very unlikely that both tests would give you a false positive. So what I will do is ask you a few questions to give you a rough due date,take some bloods and book you in for your first scan. If thats ok?"
I could feel myself starting to freak out and Lisa noticed it to. So she held my hand and squeezed to show me i wasn't alone."Ok" I replied in a shaky breath.

Doctor " can you start by telling me when you last had your monthly cycle?"

Ellie " well I was due on three weeks ago so that would be the second of june"

Doctor " and the date of the last time you actually was on your period?"

Ellie " one second I will have to check my calendar on my phone" as I reached into my bag with a shaky hand I had a terrible feeling I had forgoten something.
" Oh shit I missed last month too. I just put it down to stress from just getting back from been on the road promoting the bands album" I was starting to really freak out now. The doctor even noticed my distress.

Doctor " it's ok just take your time to work out the last day you had a monthly cycle. Whilst I get you a drink of water. I will be back in a minute."

In utter shock I worked it out with Lisa's help.
Lisa " its ok sweety we will all be there for you no matter what you decide." Her words were comforting and I was glad I had somebody with me. The Doctor returned with a small glass of water which I took and slowly drank. My nerves were alot better now but i was still worried about what I was going to do.

Doctor " so did you work out the date?" She said in a calming tone.

Ellie " yes it was the seventh of april"
I waited whilst the doctor worked out my dates Lisa just sat there I could see she was excited for me and paying all attention to the doctor.

Doctor " ok that makes you eleven weeks pregnant and your rough due date twelfth of January. But we will need to book you straight in for a scan seen as you have already nearly come to the end of your first trimester"

Ellie "what do you mean rough due date"

Doctor " well it can always be off by one or two weeks thats why we only give rough due date until thr first scan. Before I book that tho. I need to take some bloods if that's ok?"

Ellie " thats fine doctor"
As the doctor was taking my blood a might have squeezed Lisa's hand a little to tightly because when I looked towards her she was grimacing. So I suddenly released my grip " oops sorry" I said in a hushed voice. When the doctor had finished she told me she had booked the appointment for three days time and that I should have the blood test results in two days. Has soon as we got out I sent Colin a text
Hi just got out. Doctor took some bloods but said it doesn't look like anything serious probably just a reaction to something I had eaten. Go meet the boys. I will get ready at Lisa's and meet you at the bar xxxx
He must have been sat watching his phone because he replied almost instantly. I just hope he wasn't to worried he doesn't need that just before his tour tomorrow.
Ok kitten we will all meet you at the bar. See you soon xxxx

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