That Moment (Harry styles/Sel...

By elizabeth_756

72.4K 2K 275

Meet Claire Woods she's a famous successful celebrity. She's terrified of love but why? She has everything in... More

Hi my name is. . . :)
- Chapter 1 -
- Chapter 2 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 4 -
- Chapter 5 -
- Chapter 6 -
- Chapter 7 -
- Chapter 8 -
- Chapter 9 -
- Chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- Chapter 12 -
- Chapter 13 -
- Chapter 14 -
- Chapter 15 -
- Chapter 16 -
- Chapter 17 -
- Chapter 18 -
- Chapter 19 -
- Chapter 21 -
- Chapter 22 -
- Chapter 23 -
- Chapter 24 -
- Chapter 25 -
- Chapter 26 -
- Chapter 27 -
- Chapter 28 -
- Chapter 29 -
- Chapter 30 -
- Chapter 31 -
- Chapter 32 -
- Chaper 33 -
- Chapter 34 -
- Chapter 35 -
- Chapter 36 -
- Chapter 37 -
- Chapter 38 -
- Chapter 39 -
- Chapter 40 -
- Chapter 41-
- Chapter 42 -
- Chapter 43 -
- Chapter 44 -
- Chapter 45 -
- Chapter 46 -
- Chapter 47 -
- Chapter 48 -
- Chapter 49 -
- Chapter 50 -
- Chapter 51 -
- Chapter 52 -
- Chapter 53 -
- Chapter 54 -
- Chapter 55 -
- Chapter 56 -
- Chapter 57 -
- Chapter 58 -
- Chapter 59 -
- Chapter 60 -
- Chapter 61 -
- Chapter 62 -
- Chapter 63 -
- Chapter 64 -
- Chapter 65 -
- Chapter 66 -
- Chapter 67 -
- Chapter 68 -
- Chapter 69 -
- Chapter 70 -
- Chapter 71 -
- Chapter 72 -
- Chapter 73 -
- Chapter 74 -
- Chapter 75 -
- Chapter 76 -
- Chapter 77 -
- Chapter 78 -
- Chapter 79 -
- Chapter 80 -
- Chapter 81 -
- Chapter 82 -
- Chapter 83 -
- Chapter 84 -
- Chapter 85 -
- Chapter 86 -
- Chapter 87 -
- Chapter 88 -
- Chapter 89 -
- Chapter 90 -
- Chapter 91 -
- Chapter 92 -
- Chapter 93 -
- Chapter 94 -
- Chapter 95 -
- Chapter 96 -
- Chapter 97 -
- Epilogue -
Authors Note

- Chapter 20 -

848 21 1
By elizabeth_756


I walked downstairs to see all the guys sitting in the living room having a jam session. Niall and Kendall had guitars and they were all strumming. I tried looking for Claire but she wasn't here.

"She left to go see Alex but she'll be back." James said. "Come join us." I went to sit beside Louis. "What are we singing?"

"Just practicing some of our songs." Carlos said. I knew most of their songs and I really enjoyed listening to them. "So let's start with music sounds better with you and go from there." Kendall said. James and Carlos started laughing and Logan just rolled his eyes. "Kendall let's tell them how we wrote this song." Carlos said. We all looked at them like they were crazy.

"Sorry guys but you see Logan here helped us write this song because one day we were all in the studio and Logan was taking a nap and all of a sudden in his sleep he's like music sounds better with Claire and Claire this and that it was hilarious you could say this song is about her." James said. "Wait so you and Claire usted to date?" Liam asked. Everybody looked between me and Logan.

"Yea we usted too but that was a while back but we didn't last long because it was just so weird so we called it quits." Logan said shrugging his shoulders. "Andddd that was the only song." He glared at James.

"He's lying let's see there's boyfriend, worldwide, cover girl, nothing even matters, time of our lives anddddd I think that's it." Kendall said. Logan glared at him. "What? They had to know especially Harry." Kendall said looking at me.

"Let's just start." James said.

"So almost your entire album is about Claire?" Louis asked. Seriously couldn't they just let it go.

"Yea she was like my inspiration" Logan said.

I knew from Claire that her and Logan usted to date and I don't know but I can't help but feel jealousy. I'm not mad at Logan or anything I just can't help but feel jealous. Logan is dating Demi now and they look very happy. Suddenly images of last night appeared in my thoughts and I couldn't help but smile. Claire said she loved me and I loved her too. I wonder what she's doing.


After yesterday I decided to go out and get some air. Victoria left and I doubt she's coming back. I'm pretty sure she's on a plane to London right now. I don't know what her problem is she should be happy I mean I dont say anything to her about her boyfriends or the guys she likes. She needs to calm down. I drove to my friend Alexs house because I heard from her mother that she's isn't doing well and I want to know what's going on. Alex usted to be bullied in school when I was their and I remember me and ian defending her but now me and ian aren't there anymore. I walked up to her house and knocked. Her mom opened the door.

"Claire look at you I'm so glad your here I can't get her to talk." She hugged me and led me to her room. I knocked.

"Go away mom I told you I'm not hungry" I heard her mumble. I looked at her mom and she had a sad expression but she left.

"It's not your mom it's me Alex open the door." I said. I heard the door open and there I saw my friend with a guitar. Alex loved writing songs and she loved playing the guitar. She was actually really good but she would never believe anybody that told her. I hugged her.

"Tell me what's wrong Alex?" I told her once we pulled away. "Are they bulling you again?"

"No no their not I just haven't been feeling well." She looked to the ground. "You don't have to worry about me." She tried to smile.

"Your my best friend Alex and I love you look New Year's Eve is tomorrow andddd I want you to come spend it with me. Please I haven't seen you in a long time and we need to catch up. I also need your help with this song I'm writing." I said while taking a seat on her bed.

"Why do you need my help? Your an amazing writer I'm just a girl who writes dumb idiotic songs that make no sense." I looked at her confused she has never said that before.

"What are you talking about Alex your an amazing writer. You pour your whole heart into the song." She looked out the window. "Who ever told you that is lying. Tell me who told you that."

"Nobody I just feel like some amateur writer. Claire I don't think I want to write songs anymore or play the guitar." I looked at her and in front of me is not my best friend someone changed her and I wanna know who.

"What made you change your mind Alex? You've never said that before. I don't know what lies they've been telling you but your an amazing writer. You've helped write songs for Kelly Clarkson, Bruno Mars, Carrie Underwood, even Taylor Swift."She looked at me.

"Yea but that's all thanks to YOU. Claire the world probably thinks I'm using you. Look I don't want to write songs or play the guitar anymore. I have my reasons just please trust me and don't worry about me" She gave me a half smile. I knew there was more but I decided to drop it. I'll just ask her later.

~ ALEX's POV ~

This is her story

"Look it's the wannabe song writer"

"ugh she thinks she's all that but she's just some whore"

"Hey your songs suck"

"You can't write stop trying to act like you can"

That's all I heard while I would walk thru the hallways at school. I didn't have a single friend. I was a loser in everybody else's eyes. Whenever I would walk into a room people would always start whispering and calling me names. When Claire and Ian were here they wouldn't say anything but now I'm alone in this hell they call high school.

It all started when I was a Sophomore somehow someone caught a hold of my notebook and found all the songs I wrote after that word got around school that I would write songs and that's when the bulling began. Claire and Ian found out and would never leave my side but then they graduated and people saw the opportunity to bully me. First it wasn't as bad but then people got ahold of my phone number and would call me or my house saying how much I suck.

"Hahahaha you suck I mean listen to these lyrics I wanna love you like what the fuck is that just stop."

"This bitch here thinks she's can write puh-lease she's just some wannabe"

"Hey Alex stop writing you'll do us all a favor!"

"Awww is the little girl going to cry boo hoo you don't have Claire and Ian anymore so they can't do shit!"

One time my mom answered the phone and she didn't take it too lightly so she went straight to the principle and they all got suspended. The bulling didn't stop it just got worse and I found myself being hit by not just girls but guys as well. I was a punching bag. Everyday I would wake up with a new bruise on my arm, leg, back, or stomach. They would threaten me that if I would tell anybody they would do much worse so I didn't say anything.

Those moments I would feel vulnerable. I don't wish that upon anybody nobody deserves to be bullied but somehow they thought I did.

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