The Dueling Professor | Gelle...

By DarkGuardian_15

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{An alternative universe based in present day. All Harry Potter characters are in this au as well} Sapphire... More

An Ilvermorny Girl In A Hogwarts World
Feathers and Claws
Relationship Advice
Taken By Surprise
Homework In The Hospital Wing
The Dueling Professor's Offer
A Lion's Thanks
Hogsmead Visit
Gryffindor Versus Hufflepuff
Whispers In The Dark
Birthday Surprises
The Patronus Charm
Winter Dance
Grindelwald, Dumbledore, and Severus Snape
Breakfast At Gellert's
The Pensieve
A Christmas Tragedy
Saving Grace
Letter From The Ministry
Reconciled Friendships
Summer Break
Quality Time With Grindelwald
Snape's Lessons
Potion Ingredients
Gellert's Love
The Order of the Phoenix
Snake Man
Cornelius Fudge
New School Year
Classes and Assistant Duties
A Suspicious Package
Twin Cores
Chocolate Frogs and Sugar Quills
The Malfoy Family Scandal
For The Greater Good
The Burrow
Christmas With The Weasley's
Snape's Secret
Back To Hogwarts
Piles of Homework
Black and Grindelwald


4.5K 177 28
By DarkGuardian_15

Sapphire's POV:

The sound of birds chirping outside woke me up. I stretched slightly and rubbed the sleep from my eyes before getting up. After I took a bath I got dressed and checked my homework; I wanted to make sure what I had written made sense. Staying up late could have made me write a bunch of gibberish instead of intellectual sentences. Once I made sure all of my assignments were finished and made sense, I headed down to the Great Hall. I spotted professor Grindelwald come out of one of the classrooms, and he started walking in step with me. "Good morning, Miss. Vander." He said in his attractive voice. "Good morning professor." I replied with a slight smile. My cheeks heated up as well. The moonlit walk I shared with him last night came flooding back to me. My heart skipped a beat and butterflies filled my stomach. "So, do you have any plans for this weekend?" He asked me curiously as we walked together. "No, not really. Just homework and hanging out with my friends. What about you?" I replied. "I'll probably be stuck in my office all day going over homework assignments." He replied, and I felt bad for him and the other professors. They most likely spend so much time grading their student's work that they rarely have any time to relax. Half of them probably don't even get the time to take a little walk outsize to enjoy the nice weather, especially since it was still warm out. But before too long it'll start getting colder and snow would begin falling from the sky. 'Don't think about winter too soon, Sapphire.' I said inside of my head. I don't mind the winter, but fall time is all time favorite season. It's a shame when it's over to be honest. "You might get lucky today and get to have some down time." I said as he and I approached the Great Hall. "I highly doubt it, but I like your optimistic attitude." He replied with a small smile on his handsome face. We said our goodbyes before I took my seat at the Slytherin table. As I sipped my steaming cup of black coffee, Draco came walking into the room. "Good morning sleepy head." I said as he sat down next to me. "Haha, very funny Miss sunshine." He joked, and we laughed together. He and I discussed our homework along with our plans for today. When the owls started flying in, I was surprised that I actually received a letter. "Huh, that's strange." I said out loud as I examined the light brown colored envelope in my hands. "What's strange?" He asked me curiously as he opened his copy of the Daily Prophet. "I never get mail." I replied, which caught his full attention. I cautiously opened the envelope, half of expecting it to be some sort of prank. But when I pulled out the contents I realized that it was just a plain old letter.

Dear Sapphire,

Congratulations on making it into Slytherin! We really thought you'd get sorted into Ravenclaw, but we're pleased nonetheless. You're probably surprised that we're sending you a letter, especially because we normally don't do that sort of thing. Anyway, we thought we'd let you know in advance that you'll be spending Christmas at Hogwarts this year. Your father and I are very busy at the Ministry, and we won't be able to come home for the holidays. I know you're use to spending Christmas and New Year's with us; it'll be strange and different for all of us this year I'm afraid. But don't worry, professor Dumbledore has assured us that all of the students staying behind will be well carried for. He even mentioned a wonderful Christmas feast and present exchange (we'll send your presents by owl by the way). Have a lovely time at school, and try not to get into too much trouble.


Mom and Dad

"Who is it from?" Draco asked me curiously, taking me out of my thoughts. "My parents. It looks like I'm l spending Christmas at Hogwarts this year." I replied as I folded the letter back up and placed it into its envelope. After we finished eating we met up with Nick and went on a walk around the grounds. The sun was bright and warm. The nice weather made me wanna stay outside all day, but I knew I couldn't. We had homework to do, which meant we had to spend some time in the library. I ended up helping Nick and Draco like always, but they helped me a few times as well. I resorted to reading a few chapters in my Dueling text book, because I was the first one finished. "You don't have to wait on us. If you wanna go back outside go ahead. We'll catch up with you later." Nick said, taking me out of my thoughts. "Are you sure?" I replied with furrowed brows as I shut my textbook. "Of course." Nick replied. "You've helped us enough today, Sapphire. I think we can manage on our own for a little while." Draco said with a small smile. A part of me wanted to stay with them, but another part of me wanted to go outside. I ended up choosing the part of me that wanted to enjoy the nice weather. We said our goodbyes and I headed up to the Slytherin common room to drop off my books. Then I went outside to bask in the golden sunshine. As I walked around a bit I couldn't help but wonder what professor Grindelwald was up to. He has been occupying my mind a lot recently, but I just can't help it. He's so mysterious and intriguing; I just wanna get to know him more. That's pretty much the reason why I agreed to take extra dueling lessons from him. Voices floated towards my ears as I approached the bridge that lead across the river that cut through the school grounds. "You're just a bunch of pathetic Gryffindors!" I heard a familiar voice, and a sickening feeling spread through my stomach. I almost felt like I was gonna vomit. 'Pansy.' I said inside of my head. I stopped in my tracks, and contemplated turning around. I didn't need another visit to the hospital. 'Come on, Sapphire. Where's your courage? Show that jerk what you can do.' I said inside of my head, and my feet carried me forward. Even though my stomach was full of anxiety, I knew I couldn't back down this time. She humiliated me once, she wasn't going to get the privilege to do it again. The voices became louder the closer I got, and I was finally able to see what was going on. Pansy, her girl crew, Crab, and Goyle were heckling three other students. I recognized the boy with the glasses, especially since he's the most famous wizard in the wizarding world. Everyone knew that Harry Potter wants the only one Voldemort couldn't kill. He had a girl with him that had brown bushy hair and a taller boy with fiery ginger hair. I quietly drew closer to them, and I thanked Merlin that none of them had spotted me yet. After I firmly grasped my wand, I knew it was time for me to make my presence known. I took a few deep breaths before I spoke up, loud and clear. "Five against three, how brave." I said, and my fellow Slytherin students whirled around in surprise. "Aww, look who it is. The weak little snake comes to the lion's rescue. How fittingly pathetic and amusing." Pansy said with a smirk on her bulldog like face. She crossed her arms over her chest as her friends laughed and chuckled. "You took me by surprise last time, Pansy. I'm not as weak as you think I am." I replied, even though I was scared as hell. Honestly, I did feel weak. I felt like the injured mess I was a week and a half ago. "Come on guys, let's show her what damage we can really do." Pansy said as she unfolded her arms. Subconsciously my mind said the word 'Legilimens' and flashes of thoughts flooded my mind, but they weren't my thoughts. Each one was coming from Pansy and her tyrant of friends. I could see the spells each one of them were prepared to cast in my direction. The thoughts stopped and I retrieved my wand from the inside of my back pocket. As soon as I casted a shielding charm, each of their spells came flying towards me. I was actually shocked I had defended myself in a little battle, but I knew it wasn't over yet. I sent stunning charms left and right, hoping I didn't hit the three Gryffindor students I was defending. Every single spell I casted was nonverbal, so I had the advantage over them. 'Expelliarmus' Pansy's wand went flying across the bridge and landed behind me. 'Obscuro' A blindfold wrapped around Crab's eyes. 'Stupefy' one of the girls were knocked unconscious. 'Incarcerous.' Goyle's arms were tied and bound to the side of the bridge. 'Immobulus' The other girl was frozen in place. "Bloody hell." The ginger boy said with wide eyes. "That was brilliant!" Harry Potter said with a crooked little grin. "Impressive." The bushy haired girl said. The three Gryffindors walked over to greet me, but a authoritative voice brought the happy introduction to a stop. "What do we have here?" A male voice asked curiously. I turned around to see professor Grindelwald standing behind me, holding Pansy's wand. "She was defending us professor." Harry blurted out. "Pansy and her friends were threatening us. If she hadn't came we'd probably be in the state they're in... or worse." The bushy haired girl said. "There's no need to defend Miss Vander. I know very well that Miss Parkinson is the reason for all of this chaos," Professor Grindelwald said as he released my fellow Slytherins from their restraints. Out of nowhere, professor Snape joined the mix and ended up leading the group up to the school. Snape sneered at the Gryffindor students, but I think he was glad he had a reason to get Pansy in more trouble. He and Grindelwald have taken a liking towards me I guess, and I was unbelievably thankful for that. If not, I probably would be the one getting in trouble. "I got a little break from work after all," Grindelwald whispered to me. "You all have a lovely day." He said before he walked towards the castle as well. Once we were alone we introduced ourselves to each other, and they thanked me for helping them out. "Would you like to come visit Hagrid with us?" Harry asked me curiously. "Hagrid... the Care of Magical Creatures professor?" I asked him curiously with slightly furrowed brows. "Yeah, we're actually really close with him." Hermione said. "He's the one who brought me to Hogwarts." Harry replied. I took them up on their offer, and I wasn't disappointed. Hagrid was kind, warm, and loving... even to a Slytherin. We talked and drank tea from large cups. I turned down one of his rock cakes thanks to a warning glance from Ron. Around lunch time the four of us walked back to the school where we ran into Nick and Draco. "Potter." Draco said with a weak sneer. "Malfoy." Harry replied with a hard stare. "Um... I take it you two aren't fond of each other?" I said in a questioning tone. No one replied to my comment, but they seemed fond of Nick. As they talked I noticed a mix of emotions in Draco's eyes. I saw sadness, envy, jealousy, and longing. I thought the longing in his eyes was a little odd, but I didn't say anything. I had a million and one questions, but I knew it was best if I asked them when he and I were alone. We split up as we walked into the Great Hall for lunch. I was starving, so I filled my plate up pretty good. But Draco just played with his food. "Are you okay?" I asked him curiously after a while of silence. "Huh?" He asked me curiously as he looked up at me. His eyes were still filled with a mix of emotions, and I hoped I could solve whatever was bothering him. "Are you alright? You seem... distracted..." I said, with furrowed brows. "No, but it's okay." He replied with a deep sigh. I felt sorry for him, but it was different. With Pansy he seemed trapped and depressed, but now he just looked heartbroken. "You deserve to be happy Draco... that's all I have to say." I replied, and a small smile spread across his face. "At least you think so." He said before he finally took a bite of his food.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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