I set the die that day- bnha...

By KanaRika4

117K 3K 1.2K

If she was given everything she needed to succeed, to become the best hero in the world with everyone backing... More

character intro, prolouge and warnings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Omake #1: What if they did the 2v2 battles?
Final Chapter

Chapter 11

3.2K 81 13
By KanaRika4


"Regardless of any sneak peaking on Noriko's point, I propose a Celebration" Kurogiri states. Bloodlust starts oozing out of the small bundle in front of me.

"Yes, lets go"


3rd pov:

The league of villains had gone out for most of the night, they were hunting. More to the point they watched as Noriko hunted. They had always been fascinated by how such a short person with more of a surveillance type quirk had killed so swiftly and so easily. Always with one strike. This time Norko successfully did not get any blood on her clothes, this made Kurogiri very happy, he presumed that at the last celebration she was merely too excited to be careful.

Chants of "You set the die today, and now your fate is mine~" resounded through the inner city heard only by the dead.

The next morning the television was turned on as Noriko wandered out of her room having woken up a bit early despite her obvious lack of sleep. The crackling sound of the newscaster broke through the early morning silence of the bar, "the unknown villain has struck again, six bodies were found near hero buildings between late last night and early this morning, the police have decided to release the name they have dubbed this mysterious killer 'beheading', they say they call the killer this because of the way they cut off the head of the victim and nothing else, they don't even move the body just leaving it still, the number of victims has just broken three thousand, be sure to stay in packs when going place during the dark-" Kurogiri turned off the television no longer interested in what it had to say.

"So, what do you think of the name?" he asked calmly.

The girl lifted her head off the bar slightly so she could reply, "It's stupid and I hate it" then she let her head bang right back onto the smooth wood and her arms flop out in front of her.

"HEY KOKO!" Toga yelled, the girl simply turned her head to look at her versus actually lifting it up, "WHOA! You look dead, you can't go to school like that! Come with me we are going to fix you up" she grabbed the small girl in her arms despite weak protests on the latter's part, toga brought her up to her room and placed the girl on her bed before running to the other side of the room and grabbing some makeup to cover the dark circles and hopefully make her seem a bit more awake.

Noriko POV:

Someone, probably toga grabbed me and pulled me off of the bar where I had laid myself after dragging my body out of bed, I was so tired I didn't even want to use my quirk despite the convenience that came with it. The person started talking and I knew for sure that it was Toga. she placed me down on something soft, a chair...no more likely a bed, it was softer than a chair and bigger.

"Hey Koko I'm done, are you ready to go downstairs?" apparently while I was deep in thought she had done something to me, I would check it out later when I felt awake enough to use my quirk, I held her hand as the walked somewhere. Hopefully the bar again.

"Noriko, do you plan on getting dressed? You are running short on time before we must leave" I heard Kuro say from in front of me.

"Oh," I stated simply "yeah I'll go do that now, sorry" I tilted my head towards my feet and tried to retrace the path I took towards my bedroom, I opened the door in front of me and faintly heard robotic noises. Well, this isn't my room.

"Oi kid, you lost or something" it was Gaki's room. Good.

"Hey, Gaki..." I started

"Hmm?" he acknowledged vaguely

"Could you bring me to my room and help me with my clothes?" I whispered.

"Did we keep you out too late? Too tired to use your quirk aren't ya chibi" I could hear the smirk in his voice so I turned around and denied his claim.

"Nope, just lost it, I bet the elves took it" and started to leave the room childishly.

"Yeah yeah" I felt a tug on my arm leading me out of the doorway and to the left 5 steps and then to the left again and through a doorway, I could smell my familiar candles. Gaki shoved me onto my bed and left me for a minute before tossing various pieces of clothing on my lap, he told me to stand up and took the clothes back before handing me each piece of fabric individually and telling me what it was so I could dress myself while he turned his back.

A short 5 minutes later I was dressed and Gaki was grabbing my bag from the chair in the corner. "Here ya go," most people think he's pretty mean and rude which is only partially true. He is really rude there is no nice way to put it, he doesn't respect many; if any people, he always does things his own way, etc. But he is also very nice and I know he cares about me underneath all of the layers of tsundere.

Instead of leading me to the bar he simply picked me up like a mother would a toddler, I rested my head on his shoulder getting another 2 minutes of rest knowing I will have to use my quirk for most of the day if only to see the people talking to me in class.

"Kurogiri" Gaki barks.

"Yes" he replies

"The kid is tired so be quiet and pack her food instead of making her eat it now so she can sleep another five minutes, its gonna be rough for the brat today" he placed me on the couch while he went to the bar, and as stated; I went to sleep.

"Wake up" I heard Gaki tell me. I lifted my head, then my torso then swung my legs off the couch and enacted the movements I would for getting off my bed... only to remember that the couch is much taller than my bed causing me to not be able to reach the floor and simply fall off face planting on the wooden floors.

Someone tugged my arm, righting me and then I felt Kuro's flickering warp gate hand whisper over my numbed skin and then we weren't in the bar anymore. Kuro opened my hand and gave me my lunch box telling me it had breakfast and lunch in it and then handed me my briefcase (backpack?). Then he turned my body and told me to simply walk straight and I would make it into the U. A.  building from then on I would either have to use my quirk to try to remember from yesterday.

I did as I was told and just walked forward, successfully making it to the glass door. I walked through it and tried to use my quirk. Emphasis on "tried". It wouldn't work, I was too tired so my quirk wouldn't activate, and I had used it too much recently. "Aweee what am I gonna do~" I whimpered, I am screwed as Gaki would say. The next task was to try to make it to class 1a without being able to see where I was going...once again, I'm screwed.

A.N so um yeah filler again I guess but I'm really trying not to rush it and I really love the league as a family so I guess you just have to deal, sorry. This chapter was really another thing to accentuate her drawbacks and how much she relies on her quirk for basic needs. I will go more into why the police announced her filed name out of the blue in the next chapter so yeah, It was a short chapter but I got homework to do and I was eating rasins while writing this chapter so now I have rasin residue all over my keyboard which I now have to clean up (ugh). I have a half week of my school because of parent-teacher conferences so I will have lots of time for writing so expect another chapter this week. Bye! have a good night/day!

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