Goddess | GDC

By MaMaPotatoButterfly

16.7K 649 106

I do not own ANY of the characters except for one. The OC is Xiao Mei-Yin. She died when she was a baby but... More

Goddess of Acting
Goddess of Explaination
Goddess of Language
Goddess of Search
Goddess of Depression
Goddess of Danger
Goddess of Qiqiao
Goddess of Rejection
Goddess of Travel
Goddess of Fogginess
Goddess of Corpses
Goddess of Lonesome

Goddess of Memory

1.7K 64 13
By MaMaPotatoButterfly

"Well, I'm going to sleep. I'm tired from acting and falling on my beautiful face," I yawn, sitting back against the wall.

As my eyes close, I hear a chuckle. Nothing follows, not even a reply back. I hear a light shuffle next to me. Then a quiet voice. "But, the founder was a man".

I dismiss his ignorance and fall asleep. The dream comes after, is not so pleasant. It's my memories from my past life.

I had a long life back then. The monk I encounter was later on in my years. He established a foothold while I put down one thousand guidelines. They were not rules but merely guidelines. He took them too far, having everything strict to the point where the guidelines turned to rules and later into law. I was never one to abide by such nonsensical power.

One by one, the rules became even more ridiculous. I could not follow any longer, throwing all the anger and resentment to make a point. But, the others took that as a threat and treated me like one. So I killed one of them. In my mind, the guidelines were mere principle but, in his they were much more.

That day, I began to list after lives, taking them as I please, filling my boredom with the blood cover my hands. One after the other, I couldn't stop myself, I didn't want to stop. Even when I calmed down about the rules, I still wanted more power over the lives of many. So I controlled them, I controlled people with the sound of my voice and shake the ground with a stomp of my foot. I wanted more power. I wanted to become invincible but, my life ended at the hands of one man. The man I considered to be my friend.

So, I died that day. But, when heard a voice crying out. I could not see, I could only hear the plea. I mustered all the strength I could and spoke to the woman. Thinking that I had another chance to prove myself. To have killed at the age of seven.

Fate has a funny way of spitting in your face. Growing up in loving home, with both parents. Receiving love that shouldn't be mine but I still excepted it. When the SunShot Campaign went on, it was my seventh birthday. Mother called it perfect timing, I called it Hell in its purest form.

I asked for it but I couldn't move, no, I didn't move. I only watched as she put the dagger father made for me in my hands, while she smiled with tears down her face, as she drove it through her body. I watched the light of her eyes vanish. The one person I could count on. Gone.

I was lost for a long time until the fateful day I met, Mo XuanYu. That's when a friendship between idiots was born.

The dream, in particular, has me thinking as I watch everything from the side lines. But, my dream gets interrupted by doors swinging open. I open my eyes to see men with torches yell, "murderers", but my body is still waking up.

My eyes flutter open as the men drag WeiXian and I to the main part of the house. "What's going on?" I mumble, voicing his thoughts as well. I'm too tired to walk so I let them drag me, even though they roughly pull my arms. Painful.

When we got there, they throw me to the floor but, WuXian didn't which pisses me off. At the same time, I'm too tired to care.

I rub my arm, trying to smooth out the pain. I look up to see a body covered with a blanket. The strange sight intrigues me so I walk over, still holding my arm. When I see the face behind the blanket, my countenance never changes. The body before me is none other than XuanYu's cousin. Instead of being concerned, I stare at him with disappointment. "What do you do this time," I mumble, shaking my head slightly.

The madam rushes toward me with a knife. My heart almost stops, trying to dodge, until my cultivator, in neatly pressed clothing, intercept. He holds her back as she screams. "They killed him. They killed my child!"

"No we didn't you old hag," I reply softly, just to fuel her resentment. Which is Funtime for me.

"His body is the proof! See?! He's missing his left arm! XuanYu threatened to cut off his arm and look what he's done. They must have planned this whole thing!" She screams at everyone.

I look to WuXian, watching him walking toward the corpse. He moves away the cloth, revealing a drained corpse, a corpse with no moisture in its' skin. The sight makes me want to throw up. I mean, just look at that dry skin. He needs some products for that. Disgusting.

I gaze at the body but, WuXian and I both see a ripped cloth in the folds of his clothes. That's part of the flags that summon fierce corpses. This is the result of someone who steals too much, this is his price to pay for being too damn selfish.

I mutter, "idiot," then turn around, walking as far from the body I can. But, I have no luck. "You shouldn't go outside. It's not safe for a little girl".

The phrase makes me stop. Girl. Little girl. I repeat the words over and over, growing angry with every words. My aura changes, causing everyone to turn to me with either surprise, shock, or fear. When I turn around, the air lifts immediately. I give the most sweetest smile I can muster, making his take a step back. "I am not a little girl. I am an adult. Which means, I'm older than you," I point to him, then put my hand down. "Don't look down on me because to me you're just a child. Now, excuse me. I need some fresh air".

I walk out of the building, hearing them breathe out when I step further, making a smirk creep up my face. "Serves you right, little boy". I think his name is JingYi, I don't remember.

Staring into the night sky, I sit on the roof top. I drown out any noise from the building, trying to find more interesting sounds. I listen to the wind whistling through the trees. My hair waves behind me as the moon shines against my skin. I stand up to bask in the moon, closing my eyes, smelling the dewy air.

Just when I feel a sense of peace, screaming hinders my silence. Looking down, with a frown, I search for the person who disturbs my peace. One answer and two words. Fierce corpses. The very thing that makes me want to puke. That's why I controlled the living not the dead. Too gross, in my opinion.

The scene almost had me puking off the side of the house, watching the dead fight themselves. I cover my mouth while clenching my stomach. I see WuXian hide behind a pillar watching his red eyes, as I see him control the disgusting creatures. My eyes squeeze shut, until I hear a guqin playing. Or is it called a zither?

I open my eyes to see WuXian gone, the corpses on the ground, and when I look over I see HanGuang-Jun. "No wonder he left," I mumble to myself. I stare at him as he hovers on the air. What a beautiful sight to behold. That's why WuXian left. He probably didn't want to get caught by somebody he knew.

I jump off the roof, gracefully landing on two feet. I dust off my clothes then walk over to HanGuang-Jun. But, before I reach him I look over to the corpses then rush over to the bushes to throw up. I make sure to hold my hair before I accidentally get some on it.

I gasp, while coughing, when the puke stops. I need the air or I'll pass out. Luckily, I didn't get anything on my kimono. I designed it myself because it's hard to move in when you're fighting or running away from someone or something.

I spit out the bad taste that still resides in my mouth. I feel a hand rub my back as I get the remain filth out of my mouth. The hand is cold. At first I thought the hand belonged to SiZhui but, the hand is much larger. Sure enough, when I look up, I see Lan WangJi gege.

I try to speak but my throat's too sore to sound human. "I meed wa-der". I painfully swallow as I see him nod. No emotion in his face. A very very stone face but, when it came to WuXian... lets just say that that's the most emotion he will convey. To anyone.

I close my eyes then feel someone guiding me back into the house. I let the person take me. "Watch your step," the soft soft says. Or should I say, my cultivator, SiZhui.

I heed his warning as I step up into the house. When I feel that I'm deep enough in the house to not see the gross things, I open my eyes. I lean my back against the wall, my legs extended and hands in my lap. My head tilts down, watching my hands. "Here," says a distant but soft voice.

I look up to see gege. I thank him for the water, as I cross my legs, sitting up straight. I drink the water, feeling the cold rush down my throat. The taste of the water is sweet. A normality that occurs after you chuck out everything.

I stand up, handing him back the cup. "Thank you for the water. I shall take my leave now. Excuse me," I bow, holding my hands up.

I smile then walk passed him. 'Please don't remember me. Please don't remember. Please don't remember me-'.


I scream in my mind. 'DAMN IT ALL,' but I turn around with a smile. "Yes?"

"It's not safe to be outside. You should rest here until morning," his face never changing.

I nod, walking into one of the rooms. At least I'll be comfortable. I'll go searching for WuXian in the morning. He's probably long gone by now. With that thought, I sleep on a bed falling into a dreamless sleep.

I hope this helps some confused readers. This book has done better than any other book when I first publish them. So weird. Not edited.

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