Diabolik lovers(Fan fiction/O...

נכתב על ידי Emily_tales

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You were brought to the Sakamaki house and since then somehow you won over their hearts while teaching them a... עוד

Kanato's New Teddy
Shuu being sweet
Karaoke Wars
Secret night out with Subaru
A Secret Hot Springs Date With Reiji Pt.1
Date with Reiji pt.2
A fateful encounter with Kou pt.1
Unexpected Obsession
Sweet Encounter With Yuma
Laito's Change Of Heart
A Field Trip With Shu
Shu's Bedroom *Lemon*
Ruki Falls In Love
Kanato's Tea Party *Lemon*
Dark Love
The Idol, The Siren, And The Rival
Trapped in a Wolfs Den
A Romantic Boat Ride with Azusa
A very jeaolus Shu
Date with Subaru
Sweet Kisses In The Moonlight (Ruki Lemon)

New Years Day With The Boys

154 5 1
נכתב על ידי Emily_tales

"Ugh five more minutes..."
"Ow! What the heck is your prob-"
You opened your eyes to find Laito and Kanato sitting on opposite sides of your bed. You sighed and covered your face with your pillow. "I'm on break. Come back later." Kanato hugged Teddy tighter and watched you fall back asleep. Laito chuckled to himself " (Name)-chan come play with us~" You rolled over trying to ignore him. "It's no fun when your like this~" Kanato sighed loudly to grab your attention. "Teddy maybe we should just turn her into a doll too if she won't play with us."
You sprang up and shocked them both right off your bed. "So what game are we playing?" Laito fixes his hat and smiles devilishly and Kanato giggles.

. . .

"Take that Laito-kun!" You threw a snowball as hard as you could knocking off Laito's hat right off his head. "Wow~ Who knew (Name)-chan was so good at throwing snowballs~" Kanato took the opportunity to throw a snowball your way but he failed epically. You and Laito looked around to see where the snowball had landed but instead you both heard a very familiar voice. "HEY! WHO THREW THIS AT ME!?"
All three of you looked towards the bushes only to see Subaru appear with snow in his hair. "Which one of you threw that snowball!?" You and Kanto looked at each other and Laito laughed. "Subaru-kun~ Come play with us~" Subaru scoffed and decided that it was Laito who threw the snowball so he made a big one aiming for him but missed.
"Tch. Whatever..." Subaru was annoyed that he missed but then he froze in fear. You looked in the direction he was facing and seen a very unhappy Reiji brushing off snow from his shoulder. He adjusted his glasses and faced Subaru with one of his famous death glares. " Subaru are you ready to receive your punishment for such childish behavior?" Reiji made a snowball and threw it at Subaru but hit a passing by Shuu right in the back of the head which made Shuu's mp3 fall to the ground. Shuu stopped and turned toward Reiji while giving him a chilling glare.
"You ruined my music..." Everybody froze in place while they watched as Shuu made a snowball. Then he threw it full force with one eye open, but he snowball hit you right in the face and you fell hard on your butt. "(Name)-chan are you ok? Let me help you~" Laito helped you up and it was obvious that you were furious. The boys never seen you this angry before so they watched as you quietly made snowballs.
"I don't care whether you guys are vampires or not. NO ONE HITS ME IN THE FACE AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" You threw the snowballs in all directions hiting every target.
Laito was very amused by your bravery "Wow~ (Name)-chan your so cool!~ I'm a bit scared by your sudden fit of rage. How exciting~"
Before you knew what was happening things got personal and snowballs were flying in all directions. Once the coast was clear you ran towards the house for safety. Then you sat back and watched them all enjoy themselves together for the first time.
You shuddered feeling that someone was behind you, so you thought someone was trying to get you from behind. You spun around quickly and threw your last snowball at the person behind you.
"What the-!?" You hit Ayato in the face and he fell from the impact. "Tch. You dare throw snow at Ore-sama!" You ran away and jumped into Laito's arms. "(Name)-chan are you finally going to confess your love to me?~" You hugged Laito harder out of fear as you see Ayato get closer.
"Laito-kun don't let him get me!" Laito blushed a little at your request and ran away with you in his arms. Kanato and Subaru threw snowballs at Ayato while Reiji escaped silently. "How dare you challenge Ore-ACHOO!" Ayato's words were interrupted by him sneezing.
Laito was able to get you back inside and he put you down. "Thank you Laito-kun" He smiled mischievously "So does this mean I get a reward?~" You sighed heavily. The first thing that popped into you mind was, I knew it was too good to be true... "Yes you will get a reward as long as you gather everyone to the living room in one hour."

Laito was curious but he didn't protest as he went to gather everyone. You ran to the kitchen and prepared something as quickly as you could.
In 15 minutes you managed to make some snacks and some hot chocolate with marshmallows. "Perfect! Everything looks super yummy! I hope they like it."
You carefully set up the coffee table by the fire and decorated the tree. This was a good opportunity to celebrate Christmas and New Years into one. You were so busy with school and your piano lessons that you didn't have the chance to celebrate with them.
Just as you finished up they all entered looking around the room noticing you had decorated it with Christmas stuff. You smiled and welcomed them in. "Surprise!" Reiji looked displeased "What's all this? Who gave you permission to decorate the living room?" You looked a little disappointed but everyone else seemed to like what you did.
"Obviously (Name) is making it up to Ore-sama for throwing that snowball." You could tell he was very serious so you decided not to rain on his parade just this once. "Teddy do you think she made those snacks for us?"
"Tch. We aren't kids." Your face dropped and Subaru started to feel bad. "No problem~ I'll enjoy this wonderful reward that (Name)-chan made filled with love~" Laito reached for some hot chocolate but was almost knocked over by Subaru who grabbed it first. He took a sip and his eyes widened. "This is really good."
"Subaru-kun~ Leave some for me too~" Laito grabbed a cup and sipped lightly relaxing his face. "(Name)-chan~ I can taste your sweet love~" You were a bit embarrassed "What are you talking about?"
"Oi! (Name) What is this suppose to be?" Ayato was pointing at the snack you prepared. "I thought I could teach you guys how to make s'mores."
Kanato's eyes lit up and he walked over to the fireplace and sat down. "(Name) can you teach me how to do it?" You walked over to him and sat down beside him.
"You do it like this. First you put the marshmallow on the stick and put it in the fire so that it will melt." You continued to teach Kanato how to make s'mores and before you know it they were all by the fire watching you make it. "Here try it." You gave it to Kanato and he quickly took a small bite from it. "Wow. It's so good." He smiled happily as he took another bite.
"(Name)-chan I want some too~"
"Ore-sama gets the next one!"
"I would also like to try some." *fixes glasses*
"Tch. I guess I'll try some too."
"Teddy do you want to try one?"
You noticed that Shuu fell asleep on the sofa so you called out to him. "Shuu-san would you like to try one too?"
Everyone looked his way showing signs of jealousy and giving him death stares. Shuu opens one eye and walks over sluggishly towards you. "I'll take this one."
Everyone becomes angry as Shuu eats the s'more straight from your hand. He even licks the marshmallow off your fingers. Your face burned crimson red and you froze in place.
"Oi! Shuu! How dare you eat the s'more that was meant for Ore-sama!"
"No fair~! I want to eat a smore from (Name)-chan's hand too~!"
"Teddy look, (Name) is embarrassed"
"Only a good for nothing would be so disgraceful"
"Whatever, just hurry up and make mine" *punches wall*
Shuu smirks in satisfaction and goes right back to sleep like nothing happened. Your eyes were glued to him. "Wow...so cool." You meant to think these words but they slipped out of you mouth.
"Wow~ I think we all lost to Shuu today."
"(Name) please focus on me and Teddy."
"Ore-sama will not forgive you for this!"
"Just shut up already!"
"Ore-sama shuts up for no one!"
"Look at what that good for nothing caused now..."
"Shut up you are ruining my music."

You looked around and watched everybody argue. "Well it was nice while it lasted!" You sighed quietly to yourself and decided to snap some pictures of everyone before they noticed.

. . .

After things died down you cleaned up the mess and went to your room. Reaching under the bed you grabbed the scrapbook you had been hiding to add the pictures from tonight in. Before you realized it the scrapbook was almost completely full. You flipped through remembering all the times you shared with the Sakamki's, both the good and the bad.

You were so into the pictures laughing to yourself that you hadn't noticed someone was watching you from your balcony....

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