To Ethan

By capuletsbirdie

411K 38.6K 5K

Wattpad Featured 2018. UNREVISED. This is a story about Ethan and Aubrey who reunite online two years after... More

TW & Important Information
All I am is worried
I can take care of myself
I miss her
He's there for me
I can take care of myself
I'll freaking lose my mind
Is she alright?
I blame him
I hope you understand
You warned me
I wish ...
That's all that ever happened
I am not strong enough
Thank you
I got news
Are you there?
I'm worried
Something came up
I told you
You're the worst liar
Why are you like this?
We good?
Please help me save him
I'm happy for him
You're mad at me
So how'd it go?
Are you falling to pieces?
Don't you dare do that
Hypocrite much?
What's so bad about this idea?
How's it going over there?
I don't think that's a good idea
I can't explain it
I'm going home
He didn't end our friendship
I've got a letter
Guess what
What do I do?
Please pass this on
He's such a prick
Let's go somewhere
Can I ask you something
Why don't you ask her out
I made a huge mistake
Okay we need to talk
Do you like me?
Just talk to him
Should I pay him a visit?
Are you kidding me?
It helps me
It's better for you
Aubrey's voicemail
Ethan's voicemail
A week later
Newspaper snippets #1
Newspaper snippets #2
Finding Neverland
In love, Aubrey
questions & answers
my questions to you

It's a small world

7.5K 733 112
By capuletsbirdie

You: what makes you think that?

ethan: I know you, Aubrey. We met but you don't remember.

You: i don't believe you

ethan: Aren't you Aubrey Wilson who went to the Stainton mental clinic for a few weeks in November two years ago?

You: hold up

ethan: I'm pretty disappointed that you forgot about me, I thought we were pretty close.

You: oh, gosh. ethan crawford. that's you? for real? i'm sorry.. i'm really surprised, for how long did you know it was me?

ethan: Since Jackson mentioned your last name and tried finding you on fb but never found you. And then you tweeted the pic slip and I recognized you.

You: can i see a picture of you? just to be sure..

ethan: [IMAGE]

You: oh my god. of course i remember you. it's you.

ethan: It's a small world.

You: indeed, i can't believe this.

ethan: And psychotic depression is still kind of present.

You: when did you leave after i was gone?

ethan: A month or so. I think I've still got your letter somewhere. Are you alright now?

You: i'm not sure. are you? and the letter was embarrassing

ethan: Still depressed but well dressed. And nah, it wasn't.

you: i remember how skinny you were when we first met

ethan: And you were cute

You: yeah, because constantly having dark circles under my eyes is cute

ethan: I looked like a corpse so don't complain lol
ethan: Back to the topic, don't meet up with Jackson.

You: you didn't look too bad as a corpse
You: and i'll think about it. i'm going to bed

ethan: Wait

You: yeah?

ethan: You're still cute.
ethan: Night.


pic slip: is when an anonymous account will post a picture of themselves for a short period of time before they delete it.

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