Half A Heart › New Edition ✔

By tjeme218

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[A One Direction Fanfiction] Cassie Collins has just really begun her adult life and it sucks. Breaking up wi... More

Disclaimer +
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Tidbits and Extras 1
Tidbits and Extras 2
Tidbits and Extras 3

Chapter 21

170 11 10
By tjeme218

A/N: Pay very close attention to the chapters from here on because they will have multiple shifts in point of view. More shifts than usual, anyway.


Cassie's POV

I can't believe the day is finally here, it's moving day. These last two weeks have gone by extremely slow. Isn't it funny how whenever your excited about something you want to do, time seems to slow and when you aren't, time speeds up? And the crazy thing about time is that it stays the same. The clock ticks the same way and the seconds pass at the same pace; nothing changes, but our minds convince us that something has. My mind is racing now; running wild with excitement because I'm finally moving to LA. I'm so happy, I could pee my pants.

"Cassie, please, stop with the overly energetic smiles. We've got a long drive before we get there," Jake says, not entertained by my excitement. He's used to traveling so this isn't new for him but it's a big step for me. I've never even been outside of San Francisco, aside from family vacations when I was too young to know what was going on.

I ignore Jake's words and his downer of an attitude as I bring our bags to the moving truck. I wanted to drive our beetle down to "The City of Angels" but Jake wouldn't let me. He's asked Jesse to drive it down to us this weekend. The plan is for Jake and I to drive the truck to our new home, unload it, have Jesse come down with our car, and trade us so he can return home with the truck. It's a good thing Jesse wants Jake out of San Fran just as much as he wants me to be or else we'd have to ask someone else for help. I'm not too big on the "Hey, I know that I don't ever talk to you but I'll do it now because I need something" phone calls; they're pathetic.

After tossing the last of our big bags into the back, Jake comes behind me and closes the door. I'm jumping with excitement now. I run over to the passengers side of the vehicle, toss in the messenger bag full of snacks and things inside, and hop inside. I wait patiently for Jake to join me as he's purposely taking his time to start our adventure. When he gets in he gives me a death glare.

"I'll stop. I'm just so excited, you know this is new for me." I say to him.

"You're lucky you're my favorite person. I'd have to kill anyone else or being this excited at nine in the morning."

"I'm sorry. I promise I'll calm down. Just drive, okay?"

Jake doesn't answer. He reaches over me and grabs my seatbelt, reminding me that I haven't put it on. I strap my self in and he straps himself in as well. With a swift turn of his right wrist, the trucks engine turns over and we begin our journey. Just over four hours until we get to see our new home. I can't wait.

Liam's POV


The lads and I finished up our last show of the tour last night. I can't believe it's over. It feels like it's been an eternity since I've been home. I really do miss seeing my family. I really can't wait to go back to the UK. We get to go home soon, after we do the end of the tour interviews and photoshoots. We've actually just finished up an interview for one of the teen magazines in the US. One task down, two more to go.

I need to get out of these clothes. Nearing the dressing room, that the company assigned to us, I hear Harry's voice. I enter the room to see that he's got his back to the door, his phone in hand with headphones attached. He doesn't know I've entered and I don't want to disturb him so I need to be quick. I head over to my things and change out of my shoot clothes and back into what I was wearing before. As I slip on my outfit, I can't help but over hear what Harry's saying.

"I know... I want to spend some more time in the states afterwards though. I'll probably head back out after a week or so of being at home... No, I've just got someone I'd like to spend time with... Not her, not after what happened... Don't worry about who it is... I'm serious. It's not a big deal, I promise... Okay... I love you, too... Bye, Mum."

Harry wants to come back here so soon? He usually waits a little bit longer after tours before traveling again. I wonder why he'd to want to come back so soon. Actually, I think I already know. Cassie.

"You fancy her don't you?" I ask, loud enough to make Harry realize that he's not alone.

"What are you talking about, eavesdropper?" He asks, while angrily wrapping his headphones around his phone, clearly unhappy that I was listening to his conversation.

"You know exactly what and whom I'm taking about," I counter.

"So what if I do?" He asks mockingly.

"So you do fancy her?"

"I never said that."

"You didn't have to." Harry rolls his eyes and starts to leave the room. Just as he's about to walk out the door, I decide to tell him what he needs to hear. "If you like her, go for it. Don't just keep being her friend because you think that's what she needs. She's got Jake for that."

Harry pauses in the doorframe and turns back to look at me. "You really think I should? Won't it cause some problems?"

I know he's referring to Louis. Lou's being a complete arse. He's not acting like himself and he refuses to talk to Cassie. Niall and I have been trying to get him to since after we started to get to know her, but he's being stubborn. "If Louis cared, he would stop being such a baby and fix whatever happened. He hasn't though and it's been nearly four months. You've got the right to at least give it a try."

Harry gives me an unsure look and then relaxes his features. "I will. Thanks, mate."

"It's no problem." Harry nods at me and continues out the door. I'm glad that I could help one of them out. Louis wouldn't listen to me. The only person that he's really been talking to is Zayn. I'm pretty sure Zayn's the only one that can get through to him.

Zayn's POV


On the way back to the hotel, after the Tiger Beat interview, Louis was his usual mopey, unhappy self that he's been the last few months. I'm actually quite fed up with how he's been acting, especially because I know that I might be the reason why. I was completely wrong about Cassie, I wish I wouldn't have been so quick to judge her. I've got to talk to Louis about her; they need to talk.

I leave my place in front of the TV to put on my shoes. I quickly slide my feet into some converse and tie them before switching off the TV and leaving my room. I need to talk to Louis now, I'm not waiting any longer.

After the brief walk down the hall, I find myself pounding on Louis door. I wait a few seconds before it opens and is replaced with a confused Louis. He's about to talk but I put my hand up to stop him. I push past him, into his room, and walk over to the window. What am I going to say to him? I hear the click of the door, followed by some footsteps.

I look out the window, not bothering to look at Louis when I speak. "I think you should go for Cassie."

Louis POV

Zayn barged into my room without a word and is staring out my window. What's gotten into him?

I hear him breathe heavily before he speaks. "I think you should go for Cassie."

Did I hear him right? There's no fucking way that he actually just said that I should go for Cassie. He's the one who convinced me to stay away from her.

"You're joking." I say one toned.

Zayn turns around to look at me. "I'm not joking. I'm serious. I think you should talk to her."

I laugh, "Your acting is getting really good. I think we should try another TV show soon."

"I'm not acting. I'm not joking. I'm not trying to pull one over on you. I'm being as serious as I've ever been. I need you to listen very closely to what I'm saying. You. Need. To. Talk. To. Cassie."

He's not being serious right now. I refuse to believe it. Zayn doesn't like her. He told me to stay away. I doubt he change his mind.

"So you're telling that I should just call her up? You of all people? This is unbelievable. You're the reason I'm not talking to her at all!" I raise my voice.

"I know that you've been caught up in your pity party for one so you haven't realized what everyone around you has been doing. All of us have been talking to Cassie for months, except for you!" He raises his voice back at me.

"Who's fault is that?" I huff. Zayn is looking at me like he could strangle me. He doesn't really get angry. Seeing him like this is new.

"It's yours. I may have influenced your decision but I didn't force you to stay away. That's all on you," his voice comes out in a much lower tone than I expected. He scoffs, "I should've known that this was a stupid but idea. You're not going to listen to me so I'm done. Have fun moping around, alone."

I watch Zayn as he leaves my room. The door opens and closes and I am alone again. Just like I have been for months. I don't care what he said, I like being alone.


A few hours after the whole conversation with Zayn, I start to realize how I've been acting. I'm not myself, not at all. I haven't paid much attention to anything or anyone. I put on my biggest smile for the fans but it's not as genuine as it should be. I've become a grouch and I know there's only one way to fix it. I should call Cassie. I'm going to call her.

I grab my phone off it's charger and search through my contacts for her name. I still remember when she put her number in here at the club all those months ago. I finally find her contact and hit the green call button. I wait for the call to connect. The phone starts to ring and I'm so nervous that I almost hang up. I'm about to click the end button when I hear her voice.


"Hi, Cassie."

"Hi," she says in a whisper.

"Hi," I say again. I'm at a loss for words. I don't believe she actually picked up, I wasn't expecting her to.

"You already said that." She says, letting out a small laugh. It's been ages since I've heard her laugh.

"I know. I... um. I'm just- I don't know what to say," I stammer.

"Cass, I need your help moving the couch!" I just barely hear someone say in the background.

"Okay. I'll be down in a second!" Cassie calls back to them, her voice farther from the phone but still incredibly loud. "Sorry about that, Louis."

"It's fine. Where are you?"

"LA. I'm moving into my new place right now and I need to get back to it. I really want to talk to you though. Can I call you back in a few hours?"

She wants to talk to me again? "Yeah. That's fine. I'll talk to you then."

"Okay. Bye." The line goes dead.

Wow. I pinch myself. Ouch. That hurt, so this is real. This is actually happening. I can't believe this is actually happening. I pinch myself again. Ouch. I need to stop doing that.

I stand up off my bed and slide my phone into the pocket of my sweats. I slip on my vans and walk out of my room. I walk down the hallway of the hotel, circling around with the biggest smile on my face. One my fifth lap around I see Liam. He's got a towel over his shoulder; he probably just finished in the gym. Liam doesn't see me so I call out to him.

"Liam!" He turns around very quickly, almost as if his life depended on it. I wave and he gives me a weird look.

"Hi, Louis?" His voice rises at the end of his greeting making it sound like more of a question then a hello.

"Hey. What are you doing?" I ask, my smile still plastered on my face.

"What are you in such a good mood," he asks, clearly confused.

"I talked to Cassie." Liam gasps too fast, causing him to cough a bit. "Well don't me so surprised." I say.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. She was actually really glad to hear from me."

A weird emotion overcomes Liam and he starts talking to me in the tone he uses when he knows something that he can't tell anyone about. "That's good. Congrats, mate. Look I'd love to chat but I really need to shower. I'll catch you later."

"Yeah, sure."

Liam turns back to where he was headed and sprints in that direction. I hear a door open and close not too long after. Well that was weird. I wonder what's going on with him. I don't know but I'll find out later, I should probably go back to my room.

Harry's POV

I got a message from Liam while I was in the shower. I was drying my hair when I my phones screen light up, a bunch of times. I stopped what I was doing to check what was going on. There were three unopened texts from Liam.

"Something really weird just happened."

"I ran into Louis in the hallway and he was smiling. He approached me and was in a really good mood. I was glad to see that he'd cheered up but then I realized that that probably wasn't a good thing."

"He manned up and called Cassie and it seems like their conversation went well. I'm not sure what his intentions are but I thought I'd let you know what happened."

Dammit! Why did he have to choose now to start doing the right thing? I swear it's like as soon as something good comes around for me, he's got to find a way to get in the way of it. Well not this time.

I text Liam back. "Thanks, mate. I'm glad you told me." It looks like Ill have to make my move sooner than I wanted to. I hope this works out.

A/N: Hey guys. I know this is shorter than the last chapter but I felt like I should stop here. I don't want to overwhelm you guys with too much at once.

I'm sorry that I've kept you waiting so long. I was busy making my comeback on YouTube; you can check our my channel if you like, it should be my website on my profile page. I was also school shopping and stuff but that's not really important. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and I will see you all in the next one.

V/C/S! Thanks for reading.

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