S.P.D.R (Spider-Man RWBY Cros...

بواسطة BWolf2

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In an Alternate version of Rement which resides in a parallel universe, there is a version of Spider-man. Thi... المزيد

Ch. 1 Spider-Man
Ch. 2 Introductions
Ch. 3 Bar Brawl
Ch. 4 Fun and Games
Ch. 5 Belly of the Beast
Ch. 6 A 'Shocking' Weekend
Ch. 7 Great Minds
Ch. 8 Scorpions Sting
Ch. 9 Nevermore
Ch. 10 Faithfully
Ch. 11 Secrets
Ch. 12 Mountain Glenn
Ch. 13 Subject 102
Ch. 14 A Day Out
Ch. 15 Enter Sandman
Ch. 16 Infiltration
Ch. 17 War of Words
Ch. 18 Thrill of the Hunt
Ch. 20 Wrath of Electro Pt.1
Ch. 21 A Wilted Rose (15 Years Ago)
Ch. 22 Wrath of Electro Pt.2
Ch. 23 The Good Doctor
Ch. 24 A Dark and Stormy Night
Ch. 25 Undermine
Ch. 26 The Countdown
Ch. 27 Yellow Eyes
Ch. 28 Vytal Preparations
Ch. 29 Investigation
Ch. 30 Doc Ock
Ch. 31 Confrontation
Ch. 32 Unmasked
Ch. 33 Explanations
Ch. 34 Showdown on VNN
Ch. 35 Misdirection
Ch. 36 Invasion of Vale (RWBY)
Ch. 37 Invasion of Vale (Spider-Man)
Ch. 38 Invasion of Vale (JNPR)
Ch. 39 Invasion of Vale (Finale)
Ch. 40 Unbroken
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Ch. 19 Picture Perfect

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بواسطة BWolf2

After another romantic evening of web swinging with Yang, they are now on the roof of the VNN news building, it was a particularly cold evening so had the heater in his suit on and Yang was leaning against him holding him for warmth and for loving effect.

Yang: That was so exhilarating I don't think I will ever get tired of it!

y/n: Trust me you never will I haven't, although it is pretty cold and windy tonight.

Yang responds to this by hugging him tighter and getting even closer to him than she already was.

Yang: Well is that so bad babe?

y/n: I never said it was bad. *hugs her back*

She smiles lovingly back at him, and even though he was wearing his mask she could tell that he was smiling back at her as well.

Yang: So you work here right? Why don't you ever talk about it?

y/n: Well my boss Jay Johna Jamason is not the 'friendliest' of people.

Yang: Really!? What's he like?

y/n: Well imagine Dr. Obleck but take out the fast-talking, and add Severe anger issues.

Yang: Ugg just thinking about that gave me chills.

y/n: Want me to warm you up more?

Yang gives him a flirty smile and nods, now y/n is basically now codling Yang in his arms.

Yang: So what does your boss usually have you take pictures of.

y/n: Spider-Man mostly, but tomorrow he wants me to take pictures of the Oscorps new all-electric power amplifier prototype at the worldwide reveal tomorrow.

Yang: Oscorp...do you really think that they are manipulating the events that happened in these last few weeks?

y/n: I don't know yet like I said Norman has always been power hungry but I can't find any proof linking to him to it.

Yang: Do you have any leads on his ground shaking scientist?

y/n: I...have one. (But I hope to the gods that I am wrong)

y/n: *Ahem* But I can work on that latter, tomorrow I am supposed to take pictures of his new safe energy amplifier.

Yang: Yeah speaking of tomorrow, me and Ruby are going home for a couple of days and we're leaving tomorrow morning.

y/n: Oh really special occasion?

Yang: It's an occasion but not a special one, it's for the anniversary of the day our mother passed away.

y/n: Oh Yang, I am so sorry.

Yang: Thank you, but it was a while ago, but we still miss her you know.

She started to tear up but he wiped her tears away and put his hand on her cheek.

y/n: I get Yang, I do, if you ever need to talk I am here for you, *holds her hand* I am always here for you.

Yang: What would I do without you?

y/n: You will probably still kick ass but you will look less cool doing it.

Yang: *giggles and fist bumps him in the shoulder* Hey you stole that from me.

He both share a good laugh but then y/n's spider-sense goes off.

y/n: Oh no I forgot!

Yang: Forgot what!?

y/n: J.J's stress relief, quick hide.

She nods and hides behind the roof access door, while y/n web zips to the underside of the satellite dish on the VNN radio antenna.

After a moment J.J walks onto the roof gets in the center.


He leaves the roof, and as soon as he does a very wide-eyed Yang walks toward the antenna tower, and y/n lowers himself on a web connected to the dish while hanging upside down.

Yang: What the hell was that!?

y/n: J.J's stress relief he always does it when is about to go into a meeting with someone he does not like.

Yang: I don't think I know half of the words he used.

y/n: No one ever does, anyway it's getting late wanna head back?

Yang is about to respond but she then looks at the upsidedown Spider-Man, and a smile forms on her face.

Yang: Not yet I wanna try something first.

She then walks up to him and pulls down his mask halfway and brings him in for a kiss.

And for several minutes Yang and Y/n both share a very passionate kiss upside down.

Timeskip The next day Beacon docks

Ruby and Yang are getting ready to aboard their bullhead to head to the nearby Island of Patch, and y/n, Weiss and Blake are there to see them off.

Ruby: Goodbye you guys I will miss you all so much.

Weiss: *sigh* Ruby You know your only going to be gone for a few days.

Ruby: *Ahem* Weiss you are supposed to say I will miss you too thus creating a heartfelt moment.

Weiss: You are so childish, right Blake.

Blake: *smiles cheekily* Goodbye Ruby Even though it is only going to be a few days I will deeply miss you.

Weiss' jaw was threatening to dislocate as she said that.

Ruby: See SHE understands I will miss you to Blake very much, unlike SOME people.

A few feet to the left y/n and Yang have just pulled apart from a kiss.

y/n: That was good but it was not as good as the one we had last night.

Yang: I don't think that there will ever be as one as good as last night.

y/n: I will miss you.

Yang: I will miss you too, but I am not going to be gone that long.

y/n: Then I won't miss you too much.

Yang laughs kisses him on the cheek and walks toward the bullhead with Ruby.

Ruby/Yang: Bye *waves*

y/n/Weiss/Blake: Bye *waves*

After a few minutes, the bullhead departs and heads for Patch.

Weiss: Well it would be nice for our place to be quiet for a few days.

Blake: Yep, *looks at Weiss* Tea?

Weiss: *smiles* Coffie.

Blake: Hey y/n you want to join us.

y/n: Oh I would love to, but I have to go to the Oscorp press conference and take pictures for my job.

Blake: Oh alright maybe tomorrow then?

he thinks for a few seconds before nodding.

y/n: That, actually sounds good.

Blake: *smiles* Alright good luck with your job.

y/n: Thanks.


The New Electric power station prototype downtown Vale

Osborn: It is my honor to grant this beautiful city of Vale with the first ever Clean Electric Power that will soon replace dust and other fossil fuels as the primary power of the entire world of Remnant.

Everyone was clapping and y/n was taking many great pictures for VNN.

Osborn: Using state of the art equipment in a few years this will generate Infinite energy, for the entire world, for everyone!

Everyone clapped but then one guy in a black hood got up on stage y/n spider-sense went off like crazy.

y/n: Ahhgggg, what.

???: So your saying this can charge up anything or anyone?

Osborn: Sorry sir you can't be up here.

security get walk up to the stranger.

y/n: Oh NO I don't like this (I better get changed just in case)

???: Oh I believe I can.

Osborn: Sorry but who are you.

???: Who am I?

The stranger takes off his hood to reveal a horribly scarred face and electric conductor suit.

???: I am Electro!!!

Electro then floats up and shoots lightning at the two security guards turning them into dust in a blink of an eye.

He then shoots lighting as Norman but Spider-Man shoots a web at him and throws him out of the way and land on the stage looking up at electro.

Spider-Man: Electro huh, and here I thought the weirdest thing I would see all year would be a man made out of sand and....it still is, but this is a close second.

Electro: Spider-Man, I was hoping you would show up.

Spider-Man: You know if you wanted to meet me you don't have to become a full-on supervillain, I am having an autograph signing next week, attendance is free and I will be there from 1 to 5.

Electro: Sand is just a rough mineral *charges up power* Let's see how you fare against a being of pure energy.

Spider-Man: Pure energy, that must take a lot of power, I will be sure to 'unplug' you before my electric bill goes through the roof.

They both stare each other down for a few seconds getting ready for the upcoming fight.

A/n: This story Continues in Ch. 20 Wrath of Electro pt. 1 see you then.

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