S.P.D.R (Spider-Man RWBY Cros...

By BWolf2

215K 2.7K 2.9K

In an Alternate version of Rement which resides in a parallel universe, there is a version of Spider-man. Thi... More

Ch. 1 Spider-Man
Ch. 2 Introductions
Ch. 3 Bar Brawl
Ch. 4 Fun and Games
Ch. 5 Belly of the Beast
Ch. 6 A 'Shocking' Weekend
Ch. 7 Great Minds
Ch. 8 Scorpions Sting
Ch. 9 Nevermore
Ch. 10 Faithfully
Ch. 11 Secrets
Ch. 12 Mountain Glenn
Ch. 13 Subject 102
Ch. 14 A Day Out
Ch. 15 Enter Sandman
Ch. 16 Infiltration
Ch. 17 War of Words
Ch. 19 Picture Perfect
Ch. 20 Wrath of Electro Pt.1
Ch. 21 A Wilted Rose (15 Years Ago)
Ch. 22 Wrath of Electro Pt.2
Ch. 23 The Good Doctor
Ch. 24 A Dark and Stormy Night
Ch. 25 Undermine
Ch. 26 The Countdown
Ch. 27 Yellow Eyes
Ch. 28 Vytal Preparations
Ch. 29 Investigation
Ch. 30 Doc Ock
Ch. 31 Confrontation
Ch. 32 Unmasked
Ch. 33 Explanations
Ch. 34 Showdown on VNN
Ch. 35 Misdirection
Ch. 36 Invasion of Vale (RWBY)
Ch. 37 Invasion of Vale (Spider-Man)
Ch. 38 Invasion of Vale (JNPR)
Ch. 39 Invasion of Vale (Finale)
Ch. 40 Unbroken
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Ch. 18 Thrill of the Hunt

2.8K 43 38
By BWolf2

It has been two weeks since the Sandman was arrested and detained by Oscorp.  Since then y/n and Yang have gotten a lot closer, and the city has been mostly quiet with only small crimes, due to this y/n was able to manage his life a little better taking time to hang out with team RWBY and JNPR, Sun and Neptune, going on romantic dates and superhero missions with Yang, and just being Spider-Man.  Now he is helping out his good friend Jaune prepare for his first real date with Pyrrah.

Outside team JNPR room

y/n: Relax man, you got nothing to worry about. 

Jaune: That is said easier said than done man.

y/n: Come on man you want this nervous before.

Jaune: Well before I did not know she was into me.

y/n: And I still don't know how. Come on she is probably just as nervous as you are.

Jaune: What do I do?

y/n: Um..just be yourself, take her somewhere nice, talk about your favorite song or something, just be you, now turn around and knock on that door.

Jaune looked down at his Pumpkin Pets hoodie and jeans. 

Jaune: Should I dress more formal.

y/n: Nah, ladies love the hoodie and jeans combo just ask Yang, know go and show her a good time. And that is the last advice you will get out of me, I promised Dr. Octavious, I will help him with his micro-robotics project. Good luck man.

Y/n leaves,  leaving Jaune outside the door to his own dorm room.

Jaune pov

OK Jaune you can do this *knock* *knock*

Moments later Pyrrahs opened the door wearing a lovely red coat with a hood that is ideal to keep someone warm with casual jeans but somehow Pyrrah made them look fashionable.

Jaune: P...Pyrrah you look incredible.

Pyrrah: Thanks I didn't know if I should dress fashionable or casual so I dressed for both. I am...glad you like it.

Jaune: Oh it's lovely, but now I kinda feel underdressed.

Pyrrah: OH no your not, underdressed Jaune.

She then puts her hand on my left sleeve and starts moving it up and down,  I turned red as she did so but I think she was just as anxious as I am.

Pyrrah: I..think..it looks cute on you.

Jaune: Really..um..thanks.

Oh...she is really beautiful how did I not see it before.

Pyrrah: So where do you want to go.

Juane: I have a few ideas.

3rd pov

Jaune first took Pyrrah, to the nicest restaurant in Vale,(that he could afford) and they made polite conversation over lunch.

Pyrrah: *laughs* You did not.

Jaune: I did, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Pyrrah: Did you even read the book before you brought it to show and tell.

Jaune: Not really I just wanted to show my peers what kind of books my mom reads.

Pyrrah: Oh I wonder what your mom thought about her baby boy showing his friends Ninjas of Love 1.

Jaune: Oh you should have seen her face when she came to the school to pick up the book, she was all shades of red.

Pyrrah: Did you get suspended?

Jaune: No, I just got a talking too, since I didn't understand the 'contents' of the book.

Pyrrah: So your mom is a fan of that series?

Jaune: Not really she just uses them for inspiration, for her own books.

Pyrrah: Oh your mom is a writer?

Jaune: Yeah, she wrights in the same genera as the Ninjas of Love.

Pyrrah: Oh...OH! Really!?

Jaune: Yeah, It's kinda embarrassing. 

Pyrrah: Can I get a copy..we can read it together.

Jaune: WHAT!

Pyrrah: I am kidding!

Jaune: OH! OK! (Thank all that is good and holey)

They were in that restaurant for hours just talking and being in each other's company, until they were told to leave, so they start walking uptown.

Jaune: So what is your favorite song?

Pyrrah: Oh Dream Come True by Jeff Williams.

Jaune: Really? Any particular reason?

Pyrrah: To be honest I don't really know I just felt a personal connection to it.  What's yours?

Jaune: Oh mine is Will the Circle be Unbroken by Elizabeth Comstock, I just think it is so nice and it all ways put me to sleep as a kid.

Pyrrah: Really?

Jaune: I could not sleep without that song for years.

Pyrrah: That is so precious.

Jaune: Heh I guess it is.

Jaune: Hey Pyrrah Follow me I want to show you something.

Pyrrah: OK.

A few minutes latter Jaune takes Pyrrah, to a small meadow area, of the city with a romantic view of the stars.  Jaune and Pyrrah lay down and look at the night sky.

Pyrrah: Jaune I had a great time tonight. *holds his hand*

Jaune: Yeah, me too.

They both lean in for a kiss but the noise of something coming from the sky and they both look up to see what it is.

Jaune: Is it a meteor?

Pyrrah: No it doesn't look like it came from the outer atmosphere...and it's getting closer! 

They both brace them selfs until the object lands about 10 ft. away from them and they both instantly recognize it as a School Locker, containing Pyrrahs weapons and armor.

Pyrrah: That's my gear but...why did it come here?

Kraven: A hunt that is easy is no hunt at all.

They both got up to see that a large man wearing a lion fur coat is behind them.  Jaune Imeadaly got into defense mode putting himself between Pyrrah and Kraven. but Pyrrah was still a little confused by the whole situation.

Pyrrah: Sorry but, who are you?

Kraven: A hunter much like yourself, but you will call me Kraven.

Jaune: Look I don't care what you call yourself but you better leave or there is going to be trouble.

Kraven pulls out one of his Shotel swords made of bone and points it at Jaune, who is clearly terrified but is putting on a brave face none the less.

Kraven: I did not come here for you. I came here *points the sword at Pyrrah* for you.

Pyrrah gets into a defensive stance and glares at the intimidating man.

Pyrrah: What do you want from me?

Kraven: As I said I want to add you to my collection. After I defeat you in a fair fight. *gestures toward gear* That is why I brought your weapons and armor, so my victory can be obtained the honorable way.

Jaune: Hah fat chance beating Pyrrah, she is a world-renowned fighter that has never lost a match, and we don't even know who you are, if you are really that strong why have we never heard about you.

Kraven: Because none of those I have challenged have ever lived to tell the tale, and believe me, Mr. Arc, I have hunted a lot of challenging prey over the decades.

Jaune was starting to get a little nervous, well more than he already was.

Jaune: R..rally like who.

Kraven:  Annable Rodriguez, The Scourge of Mistral, Alison Church, The Death Slayer, just to name a few.

Kraven just listed off four full fleshed Hunters and Huntresses that were known for being a cut above the rest so to speak.

Jaune: OH...OK, yeah those are pretty uh...pretty big names.

Pyrrah: And if I refuse.

Kraven then scowls puts his sword away and swiftly grabs Jaunes arms and dislocates his right shoulder and twists his ankle with his foot, and then puts him in a headlock, choking him

Kraven: You give me a proper challenge or I will kill him.

Pyrrah: JAUNE!!

Jaune: P..y..rrah, don't...run! *ack*

Pyrrah: NO! Stop! I will fight you if you just let him go...please!

Kraven: ...

Pyrrah: !!!

Kraven: Very well.

He then proceeds to knock Jaune out and lets him fall to the ground, then he walked behind a tree and leans against facing away from Pyrrah, allowing her to grab her weapons and change into her armor.  

After she is 'Combat Ready' she throws her spear at Kraven's head who is still facing away from her.  Hoping to catch him off guard, but he just catches it inches away from his face.

Kraven: Clever.

He then throws the spear back at her so fast she could not even use her semblance to manipulate it, so her own spear lands on the ground to the right side of Pyrrah but not before it grazes Pyrrah knocking off some of her aura.

Kraven: But predictable. *Unsyphes his bone swords* I came here for a real challenge, again.

She then equips her shield and turns her spear into a Xiphos.  

However, instead of one charging the other, they both just stand there with their weapons in hand just staring each other down, and thinking as if both of them they are playing out the fight in their minds.

After they both thought about the incoming battle, both of them charge at each other in silence.

They clash their blades together Pyrrah had a lot of force behind that swing, however, she did not even chip any piece of Kraven's bone Shotel sword, and she could feel that those blades are very strong.

They break away from the clash, Kraven lunges forward and swings at Pyrrahs waist but she barely doges, she counters by slicing at his face wich grazes him taking out some of his aura. This makes Kraven stumble but only for a second, he then lunges forward and strikes Pyrrahs waist, and she dodges that but this was just a distraction,  so craven can use the other sword which strikes Pyrrahs forearm and this strike manages to deplete her aura if only for an instant, but this manages to cut deep into Pyrrahs forearm and Pyrrah stumble back in pain and shock putting pressure on her wound. 

Pyrrah: H.how?? *looks at his blades* What are those things?

Kraven: They are custom built, to collect your head.

As soon as he says that he charges at her but Pyrrah this time blocks it with her wrist bracelets, and she uses her free arm to slice at Kraven her cut not slowing her down in the slightest. the blade connects to Kraven knocking back and his aura goes down quite a bit. 

Jaune pov

ugg...what's.OW! my shoulder...OH God Pyrrah

I look to see Pyrrah and that Kraven guy who both look like they have been fighting for a while. And Pyrrah looks like she is bleeding. OH NO!! I got to help her, but how!? I am two limbs out of order, I grab out my scroll to see if I can get help.  If I call the police Kraven will hear the sirens and he might decide to end the fight early and kill her. I think I need help from a friend on this one.

3rd pov

They both regained their composure and begin clashing blades she kicks him but he grabs her leg and pulls her in for a headbutt then spins and strikes and Pyrrahs waist craking her armor, but she then follows his attack with a sideways kick to the knee dislocating it, as Kraven yells in pain Pyrrah punches him in the face knocking a few feet back and on his back. 

Pyrrah thinking that the fight is over falls to one knee putting pressure on her cut as the effect of blood loss.

Pyrrah: Jaune!?

She looks at Jaune and smiles and he smiles back, but his smile turns to worry.


As he said this Pyrrah looks back at Kraven but instead sees a knife coming right at her head, but she reacts just in time and using her semblance to move it out of the.

Pyrrah: Ngh

Kraven then sets his knee back in place and walks over to Pyrrah.

Kraven: You have fought well Ms. Nikos you are worthy of my collection.

He then raises his blades and is about to land the killing blow but Pyrrah has her blade in hand in and is about to block it but then.


Kraven's blades now have webs attacked to them.

Spider-Man: Yeah how about No.

Kraven: What!?

Spider-Man then appears in view doing a flip from behind Kraven and landing in front of him Yanking his weapons out of his hands and punches him several feet back. He then kneels next Pyrrah and webs the cut on her wound.

Spider-Man: Hey you OK?

Pyrrah: Yes thank you, how did you know?

Spider-Man: I was..*looks at Jaune* just in the neighborhood.

Kraven starts to get up.

Pyrrah: Lest finish this. *Gets up*

Spider-Man: Woah there you sure? 

Pyrrah: Aura is healing my wounds and besides *she grabs her spear and shield* 

Pyrrah: This guy has Really pissed the hell off!

Spider-Man: *whispers* OH MAN!

Spider-Man: OK, Hey Kray Kray!

Kraven: What!?

Spider-Man: Let's see if how well you fare against at tag team.

Spider-Man then spins a web at Kraven's face and brings him in for a punch followed by Pyrrah smashing his face in with her shield knocking out some of his teeth, allowing Spidey to kick him in the chest followed by a series of quicked focused attacks by both of them one right after the other as if they where one mind and Pyrrah kicks him in the groin and knees him in the head and punches him again and again and again and again until his face is bruised and beaten. Spidey then webs him up. 

Spider-Man: You Alright?

Pyrrah: I...am...know...thanks.

Spider-Man: OK an ambulance is on the way they will get Jaunes shoulder back in action.

Jaune: *thumbs up* Thanks, buddy.

Spider-Man: *thumbs up* No problem.

Pyrrah goes to sit with Jaune until they arrive and y/n decides to do the same for his friend.

Timeskip One Week

Jaune is holding flowers knocked on his dorm room door again, and Pyrrah opened it wearing her normal armor.

Pyrrah: Hey Jaune. Something wrong?

Jaune: Well...I was thinking that we can do a redo on the date.

Pyrrah: A redo?

Jaune: Y...yeah that last one was kind of a disaster wasn't it, *hearty laugh*

Pyrrah: Oh Jaune, it was not a disaster.

Jaune: But..but Kraven?

Pyrrah: Aside from Kraven, I had the time of my life, I love being with you, and nothing that Kraven did could damage the great memories we made.

She puts her hand on his chest which causes Jaune to flush.

Jaune: T...thanks, I had a great time with you too.

Pyrrah: ...

Jaune: ...

Pyrrah: You know Ren and Nora are not going to be back until tomorrow.

Jaune: Oh I know they told us.

Pyrrah: Maybe we can spend the night...............together.

Jaune: But we do that every night Pyrrah, where roommates.

Pyrrah rolls her eyes and whispers something in Jaunes ear.

Jaune: Oh, OOOOOOOOOOOH,  um........your sure?

Pyrrah just rolls her eyes and pulls him into the room and locks the door.

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