Guiltless Sin || John Murphy

By Cutehorse

137K 4.8K 1.9K

'Sin: an act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault, offence, or omission; Guilty: conscious of, affected... More



2K 75 37
By Cutehorse



Byrd stood amongst the crowd in the new training room, watching as the grounders entered with a smirk. People shrunk away from them, shuffling closer together to get away from them. She remained confident at the front of the ground with Octavia and Murphy, her eyes moving over Indra as she glared over the group.

Kane walked forward to the middle of the room, 'I know we don't have a lot in common, but we do have a common enemy and a common goal. For us to reach it, to get our people out of Mount Weather, we need to work together... Ogeda... Skaikru en Trikru... Our survival depends on us sharing your knowledge.'

Byrd looked up at the grounder that approached her and Murphy, the pair smirking as he stared down at them.

'Do you got a problem?' Murphy asked.

'Yu sou don set raun der en ai em op taim ai stegeda don ge flosh klin,' The man sneered quietly.

'I'm sorry, man. I don't speak Grounder.'

The grounder hit the cup out of the boy's hands, causing Murphy to shove him backwards. Everyone's attention snapped toward them, Byrd standing beside her best friend with a smirk; waiting to see how he handled himself.

'Mr. Murphy,' Kane called; 'Apologise to that man.'

'For what?' Murphy held the grounder's gaze; 'He was the one who came at me.'

'Two days work detail.'

'Work detail? I just told you, I didn't do-'

'Care to make it three?'

The boy rolled his eyes, smirking up at the grounder before he stepped around him.

'You're gonna burn just like your friend,' The grounder muttered.

'Fuck you,' Byrd sneered before she threw a punch into his face before Murphy did the same.

Everyone moved in around them, trying to break up the fight as the Delani girl pounded the grounder's nose into his head; her best friend kicking him. And soon it wasn't just them fighting, it was grounder against sky person. Byrd was quick to find a new grounder to fight when he tried to pull her off, nailing him in the jaw before she threatened him with her knife; her entire body burning with pain.

He held her gaze, waiting for her to attack, but she never got the chance as the knife was ripped from her hand; slicing her skin as it went. Kane held her gaze when she spun around to glare at him, elbowing the grounder behind her in the face; knocking him out. With a smirk, she weaved through the fighting; looking for another for herself.

It wasn't long before Indra got her people under control, leading them back outside to train. Byrd watched on with a keen eye at the grounders attacked one another, her body itching for a decent fight. Indra called out different commands, she strode forward when a fight ended. She stood beside the woman, neither of them looking at each other.

'What do you think you're doing?' Indra sneered.

'Thought I might have some fun,' She smirked.

'Only warriors train here.'

'Fir raun me?'


'Then you shouldn't be worried about your warriors.'

Byrd strode forward, standing before the opponentless grounder. She smirked when he looked toward Indra, the woman nodding subtly. The girl watched as the man readied himself, ducking one of his punches before one his kicks hit her in the side. She slid across the mud, quickly pushing herself back up to stand. He hit her hard, sending her head to the side. She hit him in the face, jumping over his leg before she charged at him.

She wrapped her arms as far around his waist as she could, pushing him backwards through the mud. And when he wrapped his arms around her abdomen, she flipped herself up; wrapping her legs around his neck. Byrd leaned forward, causing him to fall backwards into the mud before she rolled off; wiping at the blood dripping from her nose. The grounder was struggling to push himself up to stand, the back of his head colliding harshly with the grounder when she pushed him over.

The girl kicked his head as he sat on his hands and knees, knocking him out cold. Everyone looked at her shocked, causing a smirk to rise on her face through the mud. Indra looked mad as she stared at her warrior, her steely gaze soon coming to sit upon her. Byrd winked toward her, wiping her hands on her muddy pants; sarcastically bowing before she wandered away.

She threw herself onto her horse's back, stripping her jacket from her torso once she was settled. She threw it to the ground as Octavia approached her, gathering the reins into her hands. The girl looked down at her friend, the smirk still sitting proudly on her lips.

'Can you teach me how to do that?' She asked.

'Sure,' Byrd shrugged.


'Why not?'


'When I get back, we start.'

'Back from where?'

'Helping your brother.'

'You're going back?'

'Yeh. I know my way around, Bellamy doesn't.'

'But Lincoln's going with him.'

'Lincoln can only go so far. I can get us in further. Besides, I have some unfinished business.'

'Well, be- Don't get yourself killed.'

'Try not to. Have fun here.'

'I will.'

Byrd winked at the girl before she reined her horse around, riding up behind Murphy. He looked back in surprise, his eyes wide. He listened to her chuckle, shaking his head at her.

'You're seriously going to do work detail?' She asked as she rode beside him.

'What other choice do I have?' He retorted.

'You could come with me.'

'Yeh, I'd rather clean then have my insides drilled out.'

He watched the smirk fall from her face, muttering a curse as he lowered his head.

'I'm sorry,' He looked up at her.

'Don't worry about,' She shook her head; 'If I don't make it back, don't cry into my clothes for god's sake.'

Murphy smirked, 'How'd you know? I had it all planned out.'

'I know you too well, Murphy... Now, harden up, princess. I'll be back soon.'

'And it better not be on a stretcher.'

'It won't be.'


The pair came to stop outside the station, looking at one another. Byrd leant down to hug her best friend, wrapping her arm around his shoulders.

'Stay safe,' She whispered.

'Stay alive,' He replied.

And as they pulled back, she placed a soft kiss to his lips; quickly leaning back up to sit properly to sit. She smirked at his shocked face, turning her horse and clicking him up to canter; riding right through and out of the camp.


Byrd smirked when Lincoln and Bellamy jumped as she rode up behind them, pulling her horse to a walk within two strides. The Blake boy had his hands tied to a log tied behind his neck, Lincoln's face covered in white stripes and blood.

'You look like you've seen better days,' Bellamy smirked as he looked over her mud covered figure.

'Just proving a point to Indra,' She replied as she wiggled her brows.

'You fought Indra?' Lincoln asked.

'No. One of her warriors. Beat his arse, too.'

She slid off her horse and let him free, walking behind them.

'I need to tie you up,' Lincoln informed her as they came to stand before the tunnel.

'I got rope,' She pulled up her shirt to reveal her makeshift belt.

'That will do.'

Byrd pulled it from around her waist, holding it out before she spun around with her wrists together. Lincoln was quick to tie them together, before he turned back to look at the tunnel before them.

'Oh, the fear this bitch is gonna feel when she sees me,' She laughed as she wandered into the tunnel; 'She's gonna shit herself.'

She walked further into the tunnel, laughing to herself as she went; unsure as to whether the boys were following after her or not. She came to a stop when they were close to the intake doors, waiting for the other two. She peeked up the tunnel to see nobody around except some struggling reapers, turning to look over her shoulder when she heard footsteps.

'Why are we stopping?' Bellamy asked.

Byrd's eyes fell from him to the ground where Lincoln's stared, an empty syringe bottle of red liquid laying there. He stepped forward and crushed it beneath his boot, his eyes flicking to her as she stood.

'You ok?' Bellamy queried.

'As soon as they open the intake doors, we attack. Do not let it close. Once they're all dead, you go in. I'll make it look like you escaped. Once you're inside-'

'I know.'

The Delani girl turned to look back up the tunnel when she heard voices, smirking to herself.

'Oh, friends,' She chuckled; 'Let's go say hi.'

'Byrd,' Lincoln stated through gritted teeth.

'Fine. Let's go play stupid.'


'What are you doing?' Bellamy asked as the grounder tried to untie him.

'We have to go back. It's the only way.'

'Go back? No way. There's three, maybe four. We can fight our way through. We'll never get a better chance than this.'

'I thought I could do this, but I can't. It's over.'

'No. It's not,' Byrd shook her head; 'You've got us. We won't let them you. We can join them. Listen to me. When they bring out that shit, you grab it, and you run like hell.'

'The Reapers will go nuts, the Grounders will run, and the Mountain Men have to deal with it. No one will be looking for a grounder running into the mountain,' Bellamy continued.

'I said no!'

Byrd pretended to be knocked to the ground when the boys began to fight, laying with her eyes close; struggling to keep the smirk from her face as the reapers ran up the tunnel. Lincoln spoke in his native tongue, words she didn't know before she was lifted from the ground. She pretended to come around, groaning softly as her hands were tied to a log and she was shoved forward with a blindfold around her eyes.

She was lead through the tunnels, shoved onto her knees and her shirt stripped from her torso along with her pants from her legs; leaving her in her bra and underwear. She glared up at the reapers when her blindfold was removed, her hands being tied in front of her. The girl looked at Bellamy briefly, her eyes lingering on Lincoln a little longer who nodded to the pair subtly. Though even she flinched at the high pitch squeal that occurred when the door opened, mountain men striding forward in their green suits. 

Byrd lowered her head instantly, smirking to herself when she saw Lorelei marched through after the guards. Bellamy looked at her confused, only earning a wink in reply. The doctor walked to the end of the line where they knelt, the guards moving to inject the reapers with the serum. Lorelei looked over Bellamy, her clipboard in hand.

'Harvest,' She stated, but as she came to stand in front of her, her face fell; 'No.'

The Delani girl looked up with a smirk, 'Boo.'

'Seems you're not as good as hiding as you think.'

'No. I just couldn't stay away. I missed my favourite psycho too much. I just had to come back.'

'You'll wish you didn't and I dare you to try something.'

'Challenge accepted.'

The doctor's face turned into a sneered as she watched Byrd smirk, humour clear in her eyes.

'Harvest,' She continued on up the line.

'What did you do to her?' Bellamy whispered.

'Oh, not much,' The girl chuckled; 'A lot.'

'Explains everything.'

'Reminiscing on the past?'

'Not exactly.'

Though she looked up with furrowed brows when Bellamy didn't reply, following his gaze to find Lincoln on his knees before a guard with the serum. She looked at the war in his eyes, the guilt sitting heavy in them as the needle penetrated his neck. Lincoln's eyes rolled into the back of his head when the serum entered his blood stream, his body falling to the ground with tremors.

'Harvest them all,' Lorelei waved over them.

Byrd fought when she was grabbed up her arms and yanked up from the ground, Bellamy doing the same beside her. She kicked out as she was lifted from the ground, cackling when she sent the doctor backwards onto the ground.

'Put the girl up for the next extraction,' Dr Tsing called.

'Oh, I missed you, too, psycho,' She called.

She was carried into the mountain, laughing her head off; Bellamy struggling to walk behind her after being knocked on the head. They were taken to quarantine, wear they put in collars with poles holding them out from the walls; their hands and feet cuffed with a chain connecting them all. They were hosed with pressure hoses and scrubbed with brooms. Byrd fought the needles and having her mouth held open for a pill to be shot down her throat, shouting threats and attempting to attack the guards.

Yells surrounded her, coming from Bellamy and the other grounders. Powder was thrown at her, causing her wounds to sting. The mud and blood that once covered her was washed down into the drain below her feet, but not before it trailed down over every inch of her skin. A constant glare sat on her face, a darkness building in her eyes as anger built in her stomach. She was going to kill every single of of them, and she was going to make sure of it.

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