The Light of Elysium

By MayaR-31

596K 38.3K 11K

Book 1 (complete) - Veterinary student Elle wants to travel, but she doesn't plan on getting pulled into a ma... More

Author's note
1 - Dreams
2 - The Journey Begins
3 - Not in Kansas anymore
4 - Kingdom under the Mountains
5 - No way home
6 - A New Partnership
7 - A dark encounter
8 - Did someone yell for a hero
9 - Down by the lake
10 - Dance of the sun and the moon
11 - The Rainbow Isles
12 - Queen's Conquest
13 - Lammas Festival
14 - Lord of the Emerald Isle
15 - Ill met by Moonlight
16 - Agape
17 - Amongst the trees
18 - Equinox
19 - Capture
20 - Lord Nero
21 - Glimmer in the dark
22 - My sweet
23 - Leap of Faith
24 - Flight
25 - White Water
26 - Fearful symmetry
27 - Company of wolves
28 - Falling
29 - Arcadia
30 - A new dawn
31 - Mr Sullen, Mr Mischief & Mr Silent
32 - Green does not become you
33 - Battlelines
34 - Storm
36 - Temptation
37 - Whiplash
38 - The Chase
39 - The white knight
40 - Mid-Winter Ball
41 - Promises
42 - The Prophecy
43 - The element of air
44 - Home is where the heart is
45 - Destiny calling
46 - Icarus
47 - Journey by night
48 - A face from the past
49 - Aldebaran
50 - Trial of the White Queen
51 - Sleep, perchance to dream
52 - Lair of the Dark King
53 - Dark dreams
54 - Dark games
55 - Winter's embrace
56 - The Ice Queen and the King of Sin
57 - Politics
58 - A truth uncovered
59 - Back from the edge
60 - Muse
61 - Quandary
62 - Night under the stars
63 - Bound in blood
64 - A rolling stone
65 - Waiting for a hero
66 - Pride and Prejudice
67 - Sensibility
68 - Bedouin Night
69 - Flashpoint
70 - Reunion
71 - Denial
72 - Dreams
73 - A fire kindled
74 - Touched by a Goddess
75 - Ostara
76 - The fire within
77 - Options
78 - An inescapable fate
79 - Point of no return
80 - Bereft
81 - Journey's end
Characters/Cast List
The Queen of Elysium - sneak peek

35 - The wild hunt

4.2K 323 91
By MayaR-31

(Elissa's PoV)

Torbjorn is seated on a massive black charger and appears the epitome of a pagan king. Upon his head are huge ceremonial antlers of a stag and his bare torso is painted with swirling green patterns. A dark green velvet cloak flows over his back and onto his mount.

Leo and Aren immediately flank their father. They too are bare-chested, with similar green markings painted on their skin and upon their heads are wreaths of ivy. Behind them, the gentlemen of the court are mounted, each carrying a bow or spear.

An ancient horn sounds, rumbling through the air and causing the horses to stamp excitedly.

The king's voice rings out, "Let Cernunnos look favourably upon us during this hunt."

Tabbi and I are right at the front of the crowd to see them off. The king leads the riders into the woods and we grab each other as the ground vibrates with their hoof beats.

It is quite a spectacle and I must admit that the feral edge to one blue-eyed prince is sending my heart all a flutter. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that Tabbi's attention is fixed elsewhere.

Once the dust settles, literally, I challenge, "Ok, spill." She looks at me completely blankly, so I clarify, "Who has caught your eye?"

Tabbi blushes and her gaze flickers about at the ladies of the court, who are still milling about.

She grabs my hand and brightly says, "Let us go and see how baby Storm is doing."

At only four days old, the foal shows no signs of his traumatic start. He is still skinny, but he is starting to fatten and his eyes are bright. He bounds over on spindly legs and allows me to fuss him as I lean over the wall of his enclosure.

His sleek hair is a dark charcoal grey, making the white blaze on his nose even more startling. I know they normally change colour as they age, but it would be wonderful if he stayed like this.

I shudder, remembering the devastation I felt looking down at his forlorn, motionless body. However, I refused to give up on him. I'm not sure whether it was the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or my apparent talent for healing, but he made it.

Turning away from the distraction of Storm, I focus on Tabbi. "Sooo, who is it that you like?"

Tabbi flushes and picks at hay from the rack, whist mumbling, "Drake."

"Really?" My tone is so full of shock that I feel the need to soften it with an encouraging smile.

"He is so handsome and so refined." She sighs. "I think he just sees me as 'little Tabbi'."

A while back I would have been horrified, but since the 'maze incident' I have seen the gentlemanly side of Drake come out. He is nothing like his twin sister Belinda, in fact it is hard to believe that they are related, let alone shared the same womb.

"I think that you two would make a cute couple."

"But there is talk about holding a ball to celebrate Leo becoming a man. He turned thirty while Aren was ... was away."

"Isn't a ball a good thing? I mean, the music and dancing. Surely that will help get in the mood for romancing?"

"There are bound to be many beautiful women at the ball. How am I ever going to compete?"

"Well, we just need to find a way of getting him to notice you before then."


Fire licks the huge wooden pyres, sending flames leaping high into the moonless sky. The scent of smoke and roasting meat fills the air. The quarry from the men's hunt is providing the meat for tonight's feast.

Aren, Leo and Drake are stood laughing together. Belinda sidles up to Aren, trying to ingratiate herself with him. I cannot believe the audacity of the woman.

Jaw clenching, I hiss, "Cow!" under my breath.

Tabbi giggles. "A flatulent bovine?"

Unfortunately, Belinda is still at the castle, having grovelled her way out of too harsh a reprimand. She has also had to put up with me joining the ladies in all of their classes, for the king has made me a ward of the court.

Tabbi wipes her eyes in mirth and I smile despite my chagrin, pleased to see how much she has come out of her shell since we have become friends.

The crowd falls silent as Torbjorn steps onto a makeshift dais and raises a golden goblet; it glints in the firelight.

"Tonight, is the first night under the Hunter's moon. We gather to celebrate Samhain and the passing of the seasons from autumn unto winter."

Arms wrap around my waist and stubble brushes against my jaw as warm lips nestle into the crook of my neck. Tingling with anticipation, I twist within his hold and those butterflies loop the loop at Aren's nearness. I still can't quite believe that this beautiful, wild man is mine.

Gazing into his eyes, which no longer seem quite so blue, everything around us fades into the background. Like magnets our lips meet, unable to resist. The kiss is passionate, but alas all too fleeting, leaving me with a lingering taste of spiced wine.

Tabbi grins and fans herself, causing me to blush. I had completely forgotten her presence.

"Sneak off while nobody is paying attention," she urges.

Aren seizes on the opportunity and leads us under the cover of the trees. It is hard to see his expression as we stand in the shadows, but I detect a tenseness to him.

"Is something wrong, Aren?"

He clears his throat. "Elissa, although it has been less than two moons since our fateful meeting, you have become my everything."

He cups my face with his hands and kisses me so reverentially that I cannot help feeling special.

As he pulls back, he utters the words I never expected to hear, "Elissa, I love you."

My throat closes up and I don't know how to respond. I want to say 'I love you too' but I am struck dumb with fear.

"I do not mean to pressure you. I only wish you to know how I feel and I hope with time that ... that you will feel the same." His voice sounds so fragile.

I bite my lip and wring my hands. "I am scared, Aren. I have lost everyone I have ever cared for. I fear that something terrible will happen."

"I am not going anywhere," he insists and enfolds me in strong arms.

My fingers run through his hair, brushing against the oak-leaf wreath. I may not be able to tell him how I feel, but I can show him.


The next morning the castle is very sleepy with many having partied long into the night. The weather has turned too. Often it seems to reflect my mood, but today it is miserable and wet outside, while I am feeling on top of the world.

I skip along to the library, one of my favourite places in Arcadia and decide to learn more about the fauna of Elysium. Perhaps I could be of use, like Newt, but without the tardis-like suitcase.

Spotting several interesting looking titles on a shelf far above my head, I snag one of the ladders and run it along the rail until it reaches the section that has roused my curiosity. Climbing up, I am able to peruse at my leisure.

Further along the shelf is a chunky, leather-bound tome with 'Magical Creatures' embossed in gold lettering on the spine. It's not quite within easy reach, so I balance one foot on a ladder and holding on with one hand, lean out and stretch out my free arm.

I am startled by a polite cough and grab onto the shelf to steady myself. Standing below me is the king.

"Would you like some assistance, my dear? I would not wish you to fall."

I put both feet on the rung and he slides the ladder to the right. Without looking, I put out my hand and frown, noticing that the book that I was coveting is now sitting proud. The king steadies the ladder until I am safely on the ground with my prize.

"Thank you, your Majesty."

"There is no need to stand on formality. You may call me Torbjorn." His blue eyes twinkle, reminding me of his son.

I hide behind my hair, feeling a flush rising on my cheeks at the memory of Aren's declaration of love. Torbjorn is very kind, however, I wonder whether I will be truly accepted. Feeling awkward, I pick up an intricately carved jade piece from a Queen's Conquest game set out on a side table.

"Do you play?" Torbjorn enquires.

"Darish, my former guardian taught me." I sigh wistfully. I miss him and Zane dreadfully.

"Ah, I have some news. From what you were able to tell me, I was able to track down Darish's village and sent a messenger." His smile becomes pained. "I am afraid that your guardians are no longer there."

My legs don't want to seem to work anymore and he guilds me onto a chair.

"I am so terribly sorry, Elissa. I hope that you can be happy here." He takes the seat across the table from me and pats my hand. "Will you do me the honour of a game?"

After hesitating, I agree as it might help take my mind off things. I frown, picking up the white quartz piece from the centre of the board. "I normally play the queen, although she looks a bit masculine."

"That is because we play the game with a king. I shall play the green knights."

"That makes me the bearded queen," I announce and cause him to laugh.

As we play, we fall into an easy conversation. He really is a most charming and intelligent man.

I see a possible opening in the game and recalling the lessons from all the times I got beaten by Darish, I prepare to sacrifice one of my guards. Torbjorn takes the bait and his attention is drawn to a different part of the board.

Several moves later I am able to capture one of his green knights. He groans, realising too late that he has fallen into my trap and I wink in response.

"Albus!" At my command, the colour leaches from the knight and its foot soldiers and they turn from dark green jade to sparkling white.

My pieces now split his remaining forces into two and my victory is inevitable. My delight is short lived, however, for he looks horrified.

"I do not mind conceding defeat," he quickly reassures me. "But how on Elysium did you change the pieces?"

I don't understand, surely that is the whole point of the game.

He slowly rises, snatching up the white knight and gives me a short bow. "Well played, my lady. Next time I shall have to raise my game."


AN - the song is Feral Hearts by Kerli - the video is amazing and very fitting for the vibe at the start.
Note - Elysium follows something like the pagan calendar - Hunter's moon equates to November.

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