Winter's Revenge // Peter Pan...

By ilikewarmhugs1235

23.1K 395 38

Winter is the sister of the great Snow White, there life was perfect. Except when Winter starts working for R... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Sequel- Winter's Fate

Chapter 22

396 7 0
By ilikewarmhugs1235

"Winter?" I faintly heard. "Winter come on open your eyes."

"No Pan no!" I screamed as I woke up.

"Hey, hey you're fine." Hook said. "Pan won't find us here."

"How?" I asked.

"Because of your magic."

"Right." I said. I used a cloaking spell and slowly got up. I looked all around and it was beautiful. "You did all of this?"

"Aye." He took my hand and took me to a lake. Where he set up a picnic.

"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." I said.

"I wanted to apologize for anything I have done in the past that was terrible."
"It's okay."

"Look I don't know how to act around you." Hook said. "I say extremely stupid things and I don't know why."

"Well I haven't exactly been a princess." I said. "I'm willing to try again though."


"I guess I don't completely hate you."

"You're terrible at telling people your feelings."

"Thank you."


"COME ON!" I screamed.

"What's wrong?" Hook ran into the room.

"I can't get this spell right."

"Just relax."

"Never tell a girl to relax."



Hook came behind me and grabbed my arm. "What the bloody hell!"I jumped.

"I want to show you something." Hook smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"You'll just have to trust me."

"That scares me." I admitted.

"I'm not going to pretend to drown."

"I would leave without you if you did that again."

"Did I say I'm sorry about that?"


"Well I'm sorry."

"I guess it's okay."

"Just close your eyes." He put his hands on my eyes.

"Fine, I'll close them. Just get your hands off my face."

"Okay." He said. "Are they closed?"

"I can't see your stupid smirk, so I would say yes they're closed."

"Good." He took my arm and guided me to wherever we were going. "Stop."

I opened my eyes and we were on the beach, "Why are we on the beach?"

"I want to see if you have what it takes to beat a pirate."

"You want to fight me?"

"Well I've never fought a girl, so let's see how bad you lose."

"All the guys who have said that regretted it."

"I guess you've never fought a pirate."

"You'd be surprised about how many pirates I've fought."

"Let's see." Hook said. He pulled out two swords that were behind him.

"Where were you hiding those, and how didn't I see them?" I asked. He threw me the sword and started heading towards me. "Oh are we starting?"

He smirked at me. "I can't wait to wipe that smirk off your face" I said.

He lunged at me and I blocked his sword from hitting me. He had his sword pointed at me and I saw a chance, and took the sword out of his hand.

"How did you learn that?" He asked. I smirked at him. "Now you're smirking." I lunged at him but he kicked my knee and I fell on the ground. He took his sword out my hand, "Now who's winning?"

"Still me." I said. I knocked his sword out of his hand. When he ran to go get it, I got up and ran after him. He grabbed his sword and I grabbed his arm. He turned to me and I pushed him up against a tree.

"If you wanted to do this all you had to do is ask." He said. I put my sword up against his neck. "Not in the mood?" He switched our places and now I was up against a tree. He smirked at me and I laughed. "What?" He asked.

"Rule number one never leave an opening." I ducked underneath his arm. I elbowed his back into the tree, and he fell to the floor.

"That hurt." He said.

"It looked like it." I said.

"You don't look like you're sorry at all."
"You're right I am not." I laughed. "Now are you going to admit it?"

"Admit what?"

"That i'm better than you."



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