Retention (Dabi x OC - Commis...

De LadysDaze

48.9K 2K 313

Fuyu never considered herself to be someone who would take risks. She opted to be a rescue hero after all, bu... Mais

A Warning to Future Readers
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14 (NSFW)
Part 15 (NSFW)
Part 16
Part 17 (NSFW)
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21 (NSFW)

Part 1

5.9K 150 54
De LadysDaze

Fuyu Soji x Dabi

The girl ran with hot breath, trying to dodge the bits of the building that was crumbling around her. And while she wasn't the best hero around, she did know how to help others. It was what she excelled in! And seeing the looks on citizen's faces when she was able to pull one out of the rubble and get them to safety was all she could ask for.

But at the current moment, seeing as Hawks has used his feathers to save and protect everyone who wasn't registered as a pro, the only person Fuyu had to worry about saving was herself. And if it hadn't have been for the training she had received at UA all those years ago, she would have been as good as a pancake by now.

She huffed as she finally reached the ends of the danger zone. The sky igniting with flames and cries as the new number one hero did his best to defeat the Nomu that had suddenly begun to attack the city.

She had come running to help, but with so many top leveled pros here... the less than top-ranked pro could see that her help was needed. And so she made sure to watch over a small walkway and guide citizens away if they attempted to pass by her.

Eventually, the fight ended and the police, fire, and medical team began to move in. Fuyu watched with a relieved gaze as this happened. Her work here was done, and thus she decided to head home for the evening. She had done her best and in the end, the heroes pulled through again.

Her footsteps echoed down the nearly abandoned streets, looking forwards. Her eyes falling onto cats, flowers, and anything that seemed to catch her attention as she walked. And so, when a rather strange figure suddenly walking in front of her from the right... she couldn't help but stare with wide eyes.

The male with jet black hair and icy blue eyes looked back at her, her attire outing her as a hero right away. And as he lifted his lip into a smirk, Fuyu swallowed hard. Out of any and all villains, she could have run into... it had to be a member of the League of Villains, didn't it?

His face had been plastered everywhere after that nasty group had attacked those UAS kids at their summer camp... and then when they kidnapped that Bakugou kid. She was positive... this was the villain known as Dabi.

"Well hello there, hero." He taunted her. "Fine night we're having, huh?"

Fuyu calmed her nerves. She was never much of a fighter, but she knew she had to take this criminal down... he was a highly wanted villain. And to let him go because she hated fighting was not what a true hero would do. And so, with a deep breath to calm her nerves, Fuyu prepared to engage in battle with Dabi.

"It always seems to go this way with you hero types..." Dabi sighed, his flames beginning to emit from his hand.

Fuyu closed her eyes, knowing she would regret using it... but then again getting burned alive was not something she wanted to experience anytime soon. And thus, as Dabi shot a ball of blue flames towards her, she allowed her quirk to take effect.

Dabi blinked as suddenly his fire vanished, and the hero remained untouched, if not looking a bit woozy from having used her own quirk. The male clicked his tongue, seeing as she was the type to possess as quirk like that damn UA teacher... meaning he should get out of here before she got any closer to him.

He was in no shape to fight... and so, as the heroic little female seemed to be recovering from her defensive move, he bolted. And when Fuyu had noticed what happened, she didn't know where to feel relieved or angry at herself... both for losing Dabi and for using her quirk in the way she did


Dabi sighed as he finally made it back to the League's temporary headquarters. The old and rusted warehouse definitely not holding a single charm in comparison to the slightly shitty bar that their base had been at before. But alas... it was a place away from the cops and away from heroes, so he couldn't complain much.

The blue-eyed male glanced around himself, seeing what other League members were currently here. To his luck, it looked as if it was only him, Toga, and that handsy bastard. So, the two he had to often deal with the most without losing his cool. So... maybe he wasn't as lucky as he assumed.

"How'd it go with our informant?" Shigaraki asked from where he was sitting, the crate underneath him looking not too terribly comfy.

"Fine. Hawks seems willing to do whatever we tell him as long as we don't out him." He shrugged. "So... we can play it any way we want. He has more to lose then we do."

The sounds of a distant buzzing alerted the male that the knife-wielding psycho had turned on the TV, and was channel flipping. Toga obviously not caring about the two males trying to have a conversation behind her.

"Good... I guess we just wait for the time to strike once-"

Shigaraki watched as Dabi suddenly perked up, the TV letting off a sound that for some reason he recognized. The grey-haired male in front of him watching with a raised brow as the darker haired male looked at the TV.

Toga had paused in her channel surfing, seeming to have settled for some anime that was now playing. It was an older one, seeing as the newer and more fluid animation style wasn't present in this one. Yet despite knowing this, the male still seemed to feel slight happiness from seeing it.

Before he knew it, he was walking forward and looking towards the TV with eyes that were entranced by the short blonde male with a metal arm and the suit of armor walking beside him. Noticing how Dabi had suddenly come forward, and seeing Tomura hovering close by, Toga muted the show.

"What's wrong with you?" She dulled, the tone she only used when she no longer found something fun or exciting.

"This show..." He mumbled. "It's Fullmetal Alchemist."

"Huh?" Toga blinked, looking back at the screen as Ed and Winry began to fight over something or another (most likely his height...) "Yeah, looks to be the older anime..."

"No, it's not." Dabi suddenly spoke, knowledge filling his mind. "The original anime that aired in 2003 didn't include many of the major manga characters such as Olivier Armstrong or Ling Yao. Both of which were in the opening that just played... therefore this is the 2009 version."

Toga whistled, turning to face the fire quirk wielder, her golden eyes wide and interested in this. Shigaraki still remained near, looking agitated at how this was what ended his conversation about Hawks and the plan for the soon to be future.

"Wow, Dabi!' Toga gushed. "I had no idea you were such a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist! I used to watch it every now and then as a kid... but you seem like a huge fan!"

Dabi shook his head, breaking the trance he had been under. He glanced towards Toga, and then towards Shigaraki, trying to see if this was real or not. Soon enough though, he realized it was... and that he wasn't having some kind of very lucid dream at this moment.

"I've.... Never seen the show." He mumbled, looking towards his comrades in villainy.

"Huh?" Toga blinked, confusion now on her features.

"What are you talking about? It seemed pretty obvious to me that you know what this show is... much more than an average pathetic viewer..." Shigaraki sighed.

"No. I wasn't allowed to watch such 'distracting' things as a kid... so I have no idea how I know about this shit..." He grits his teeth, trying to find a logical reason behind this all.

"Well did some hero hit you with a weird quirk?" Toga muttered, her interest slowly growing back.

"I wouldn't be surprised... you were fairly reckless today..." Shigaraki sighed, walking away. "Either way, I don't care. Figure it out yourself if you are so bothered by it."

Dabi glared at the retreating male, wanting nothing more than to light his stupid hands on fire at this moment. However... another thing seemed to frighten him more than the reason that he suddenly knew some random trivia about some random anime.

"I guess you're an Otaku now, huh Dabi?!" Toga giggled, her legs kicking up and down as she laughed at this, her body collapsed on the old and tattered couch.

However, when she didn't hear the male scold or talk smack back to her, she rose a messy bunned head up over the couch. She pouted heavily, seeing as both Dabi and Shigaraki had left while she wasn't looking. Those meanies always seemed to leave her out... and it annoyed her to no end. She could care less though... this meant she could watch more anime, this time with no one to bother her.


Fuyu sighed happily as she made her way through the park. The sun had set a few moments prior, leaving the sky painted with fading lights of pink, orange, and yellows. It calmed her after such a hectic day.

The small bag of food she had ordered from her favorite take-out restaurant made her look forward to getting home and relaxing. Fuyu had her first off day in weeks tomorrow and she was very much looking forward to lazing about and doing nothing for the majority of the day tomorrow.

So lost in her thoughts, she had missed the shadowy figured that crossed her path for the second time that day. Only this time, it was not by accident that he had run into her. Fuyu hadn't even noticed him until she spoke out to her, his voice bouncing off the trees as the darkness began to take over.

"Well... looks like you hero types are much easier to track down then we villain types, huh?"

Fuyu paused in her stride, turning a glance towards the male who was nonchalantly leaning against a tree that was near her. She gulped down harshly, prepared for another round of fighting. She'd use her quirk again if it meant she could live... even if she didn't like to use it.

"Relax hero, I'm not here to fight or kill you surprisingly..." Dabi chuckled, coming forward and taking a seat on a bench near him and her. "Sit... let's have a little talk about your quirk and what you took from me..."

Fuyu nodded slowly, sensing that she would be in more trouble with him if she tried to run or call for help then if she kept her guard up and talked to this strange looking villain. Her meal resting by her feet, Fuyu turned to look at the male.

"So... how the hell does your quirk work?" He demanded, drumming his fingers along the wooden seat.

Fuyu blinked, worry building in her gut as she tried to think of the best way to talk about this, or if she could beat around the bush a bit. She didn't want to reveal her quirk to him after all and already talking to Dabi so casually made her nervous.

"I-I exchange things." She spoke. "I get something from you... you get something from me."

Dabi's calm features soon turned into ones of anger as he looked at her. His icy blue eyes seeming to burst with rage at this. His hands starting to ignite, but could only produce black and blue sparks.

The colorful pieces of heat falling from his hands and burning off as the flew through the air. His powerful quirk reduced to mere crackles no doubt from her. Fuyu's eyes widened, realizing this was what she took from him.

"So... you take my ability to turn my sparks into fire... in exchange for some stupid anime trivia."

It suddenly made sense at that moment, as the female saw were her favorite anime's information had gone. And to such an undeserving person as well! Plus to make matters worse, he seemed to sure of himself when he called the show stupid... thus making the girl only further ticked off. But the villain was about to get an earful from her instead of the fist full she would have at any other situation.

Fuyu suddenly ignited with passion, pointing an accusing finger towards the male. And while she was shy, insulting her and her love of anime was the one thing that would set her off to anyone and everyone.

"Excuse you! I'll have you know I can't control what gets exchanged! So whatever you got and I took from you was by sheer coincidence alone! And furthermore, if you got anime knowledge from me, you should be thankful! Anime is the greatest thing on the Earth and now you're lucky to be able to appreciate one of my favorite shows like I used to be able to! Also, it's not like I stole your ability to create fire... so if anyone got a bad end in this deal it was me! I lost anime knowledge in exchange for a part of your quirk I can't even use!"

Dabi blinked, unsure how to really speak at this point after all this shy hero was now yelling at him like she was scolding him. She was one weird hero... but then again, at least she didn't seem bent on arresting him right now when he was practically powerless.

"Fine... let's fix it then." Dabi's eye twitched, watching as Fuyu sat down with a pout once more, her cheeks glowing in embarrassment. "You give me the missing part of my quirk back, and you can have your shitty Fullmetal Alchemist information back..."

And while Fuyu wanted to shout at the male a bit longer for stealing, though he really hadn't, her favorite anime from her mind... she also knew his request was impossible. And thus, with a deep breath and tired, annoyed-looking eyes, she spoke again to the villain who she was suddenly having a regular conversation with.

"I-it doesn't work like that..." She mumbled to him, eyes looking away from the villain who for reasons unknown to her had suddenly stopped acting and seeming to hostile.

"Then what do we have to do so I can have the full extent of my quirk back..." Dabi spoke, a hint of irritation in his voice.

Fuyu sighed, looking at him from where she was sitting on the bench in the park. Her hair moving gently in the breeze as she tried to think of a solution. And while she wasn't exactly sure if there was a way to reverse this... she did have an idea.

"Maybe if we reserve what was taken from each of us?" She spoke, looking towards the male.

"What do you mean?" He seemed to look at her with a suspicion.

"I mean if I exchanged the part of your quirk I took, in exchange for a piece of information that you have... then it might work?"

Dabi narrowed his eyes, coming close to Fuyu's face, noticing how her cheeks seemed to be dusted with rose the closer he got. From what he could tell, she didn't seem like the type that was able to trick others, or looked like she was lying when she said her quirk randomly exchanged things and that she never got to chose what was exchanged.

Meaning that he actually might be able to get his quirk completed once more and not have the League's plans fly out of his head in the meantime. And so, with a shrug, he nodded for her to do her thing. Fuyu blinked, calming her reddening face and then focused on herself.

She did her best, knowing she could ask for a certain category to take, this time being a piece of info from the male who was waiting with a look of impatience. And then suddenly, a piece of information appeared in her head, eyes widening as it became clear as day to her.

But before she could do anything, the male beside her rose from his seat. Fuyu looked towards him with wide eyes, unsure if she should bring up the small memory she had taken from him... but from how he was already disappearing into the darkness, she knew he wasn't giving her the chance.

Dabi waved a lazy goodbye, his hands igniting in the process as he walked away. His head turning a little bit to look at the girl who was still watching him with a curious gaze. He could care less though, as he seemed to remember everything important to him as well as have his quirk all the way back. And so... he didn't care what shitty memory of his that hero girl had.

"Thanks for this, hero girl." He chuckled. "Though next time... just know it won't be on friendly terms..."

Fuyu watched as the light suddenly disappeared, the blue glow gone as well as the male himself. And while in any other case she would have been angry that the male had slipped away from her twice now, she couldn't bring herself to do so.

The memory of a small boy being trained so harshly that he ended up burning himself and created a nasty scar on his body was enough to let the hero know... she had a lot to think about tonight. The memory of a villain as evil and despicable as Dabi suddenly changed in her mind as the memory played over and over in her head. It would forever be stuck with her now, as well as the idea that even the worst villains... had a reason why they did such awful things. 


I've had a few readers asking about commissions, so I wanted to address it really quickly. I am ALWAYS open for commissions, whether for an x-reader series, OC fic, self-insert, or something else you'd like. You can find my commissions page on both Etsy and Fiverr. I have two options: a standard commission and love letters! A standard commission would be something akin to a story like this one! A love letter is a letter addressed to whom ever you like from a MHA character of choice. If you are interested, please check out my commission pages and let me write you the fic of your dreams! :D (Etsy- MyHeroComfortLetters )(Fiverr- mvwhite97 )

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