Royal Soulmates

By ElizabethAnneBlacke

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The Princess who is also next in line for the throne, finally is twenty and she has to marry before her twent... More

1: Get Hitched or Lose the Throne
2: A Daring Escape
3: Going Back Eight Years
4: The Royal Ball Begins
5: Our Song
6: Masked Stranger
7: A Decision is Made
8: Slip of Paper
9: Two Choices & Ten Days
10: Royal Drama & A Dead Phone
11: Little Time to Grow Love
12: Gown Fit for A Princess
14: Finding the Right Girl
15: Already Found The One...Twice
16: Family Jewels
17: Strip Poker & The Hot Tub
18: A Spider Part One & Part Two
19: Wedding Plans
20: An Annoying Waitress
21: A Bachelorette Party
22: A Wedding Rehearsal Dinner
23: A Royal Wedding
24: Truth, Lies & A Runaway
25: Soul Mate from Diapers to Death
Epilogue: Royal Soul Mates Finally

13: Best Man is Always Tardy

1.3K 16 2
By ElizabethAnneBlacke

Chapter Thirteen

A week from the wedding already, the time has flown by. Today, Alex and I would be going to the bakery to choose the cake. Our appointment was set for one o'clock pm. Caroline, and Sarah would be meeting us at the famous bakery, Sweet Tooth to help choose the cake, well Caroline would be lending her expertise while Sarah would give her opinion on the best tasting one. I held no particular interest in doing this so I mumbled and grumbled the whole way there. Alex tried to get me to be upbeat saying that I get to eat all the cake that I ever wanted. That got me in better spirits at least. It did not take very long to get to the bakery, probably around thirty minutes. Sarah arrived at exactly the same time as us, ten after one. While Caroline was probably already waiting inside.

We walked inside and when we opened the door, I was hit with the scent of freshly baked bread, icing for cakes and other pastries and just out of the oven chocolate chip cookies. That is the exact reason I love bakeries. Caroline was waiting for all of us with the head bakery, George but George was pronounced Horge. Weird, I know. Soon we were flipping through extraordinary cake displays and designs, frostings, patterns, icings, cake flavors and fillings. It was all a little over whelming. Right then a tall, handsome blond man wearing designer sunglasses and using a fancy, high tech cell phone walked in the door. 

He looked cocky, and arrogant who thought he was the shits, you know important. I went back to looking while the guy ended his call, and everyone was moving about around me. What I did not realize was that they were standing up. Alex stood up and walked up to greet the man but I just ignored him thinking, the arrogant guy was one of Alex's friends. 

"Hey man, what's up? Nice of you to join us finally."

"Sorry, you know business crap and not much new in my world, well not at least as big as a wedding, so where's the bride to be? This one?" he said and I knew he was mentioning Sarah.

"Hi, I am Sarah," Sarah said blushing and giggling.

"Hi, beautiful, so you must be the bride to be?" he asked again because Sarah was too muddled by his handsomeness to answer.

"No, that would be me," I said in a serious voice swiveling around on my stool and you could hear my heels clicking in the silence on the wood floors.

"Pleasure to meet you, I am the best man and best friend of Alex," he said before taking my hand and kissing it.

"Really gentlemen like and nice see you make an appearance after last time's no show." I said while thinking he looked very familiar. 

"Yes and I look forward to getting to know the girl who has snatched up Alex, since Alex has told me absolutely nothing about you." Ashton said while taking off his fancy, swanky sunglasses.

His blue eyes were captivating, I could not tear my eyes away from his but finally Alex cleared his throat and said, “so shall we all get down to business and start the cake choosing process."

Boy was it a process, we all got down to business or should I say just the women. The men, no wait I take that back, boys were too busy eating the cake and shoving it in each other's mouths, I am surprised that they did not start a food fight right in the middle of the shop, were not much of a help. Sarah, Caroline, and I finally decided on a white cake with coconut frosting. A ten-tier cake with every other tier being blue with edible pearls and lace. A white tier in between each of those with blue fondant designs to incorporate the wedding colors. Soon enough we were done and heading back to the palace. 

Everyone was staying at the palace until the wedding, which was only a week away, so all the final details can be put into place. With four guest suites on the second floor and even more on the third, everyone had plenty of room. I had my room on the second floor, which Sarah was next to me and Alex was at the end of the hall, while Ashton had the one across from mine and the last one on the floor was held by Alex's parents. 

Sarah and I got into my limo that I hired to drive us around for final wedding plans and went to my stylist bridal shop to find a bridesmaid dress for Sarah. Alex and Ashton would be going there also but to the separate part for men to be fitted for their tuxedos. They drove separately so they would not have to wait around for us to finish because you know how girls can get when they are shopping. Sarah was so excited and kept gushing her thanks for choosing her to be my maid of honor. We finally arrived at Rebecca's design studio and store. The boys had beat us there because Ashton drove his car and he probably drove way over the speed limit because he left five minutes after us.

We were in the store part for women browsing the racks looking for the perfect gown. My only prerequisite was that it had to be the wedding color of blue. Sarah being a size six found several she liked and went to try them on.

While Sarah was trying the first one on and before she came out, the boys wandered in. 

"You, know only women are supposed to be n this part of the story right?" I asked them.

"Yeah so." Ashton said smirking.               

"Oh, and another thing, you better drive safely like within the speed limits. I will seriously kick your ass if you kill my fiancé."

"How do you know I was going eighty the whole way here?" Ashton said and then just realized he confirmed that he was speeding. "Shit."

"You see, now you boys run along and have some fun."

"Sorry, honey and Rebecca told us to come back to tell you ourselves we were leaving," Alex said.

"It's okay, be safe, I'll see you home."

"Bye," Alex said before kissing me for so long I thought I would faint from lack of oxygen, and then walking out with Ashton.

The last thing I heard was," Dude, you are so whipped," which was said by no other then Ashton. Why did I already feel like I knew this Ashton, fellow. I really just called him a fellow, I have been spending excessively much time with Alex, oh wait he is going to be my fiancé. Back to the point, could the reason I feel like I know him so much be that he really is my Ashton. I cannot remember his face that entire well because one he was wearing a mask and two it was dark in the garden. 

I was taken forcefully out of my thoughts by Sarah coming out of the dressing room, well more like tripping and stumbling out of it. 

"What are you wearing?" I said trying to stifle my laugh.

"This dress has to be made for either someone wearing five inch heels or a giant."

"I could be a combination, I vote no on that one."

"So do I, off to the next one."

"Hopefully it was made for midgets then it might just fit you." I said laughing.

"Funny." Sarah said before giving me the finger and stumbling back to her dressing room.

"That was not lady like," was all I said before she slammed the door on me.

Finally, four gowns later, we found the one made for normal people, not long, gowns for giants or short ones made for anorexic people but a normal one that looked elegant and gorgeous on Sarah. Once I paid, and left, we went back to the palace. We arrived and were greeted by Ashton and Alex opening our doors to the limo. They took our coats and placed them in the closet.

That was when I noticed the aprons they were wearing. Ashton had on an apron that had a muscular man in boxers with toilets on them on the front and across the top of the apron said, Mr. Fitzroy and Alex had on an apron that had a bikini-clad women without a head that said Mrs. Fitzroy on it. 

"What's with the aprons, boys?" Sarah asked.

"Oh, a weird present Ashton got me about two years ago because he thought they would be perfect for us." Alex said sheepishly.

"I just do not see why Ashton gets to be the man, because he looks nothing like that more like the woman on your apron," I said smirking to Ashton.

"You’re just jealous you don't look like that and cannot win over young, gorgeous men like myself." Ashton said trying to get back at me.

"For a matter of a fact, I do and I already won over a gorgeous, young man."

"Can I see and where is this young man? I would like to meet him."

"He happens to be in your presence and no pervert you cannot see." I said punching him in the arm. Which actually hurt a lot and Ashton knew that it hurt from the smirk on his face.

"Gosh pervert, what did you inject into your arm? Bricks?"

"No, that’s pure muscle from six days in the gym."

"Oh, I see you pay others to go to the gym for you."

"Okay, Anne, just follow me before this turns into a fist fight." Alex said turning my attention away from Ashton; I had failed to notice Alex and Sarah still standing there.

"Hi, honey, sorry I will try to get along, today was just a long day." I said as we stopped in the dining room but before I looked, I turned to kiss Alex. I nibbled on his bottom lip and I was granted entrance, if I felt no passion kissing him, I at least felt comforted. He was like my security blanket. We stayed like that for several minutes, no idea what was going on around me.

"Get a room," Ashton said interrupting.

"Go suck yourself." I told Ashton.

"I would if I could.

"Ugh," Sarah, Alex, and I said at the same time. "That is a horrible image to put into someone's head."

"Who said anything about picturing it?"

"How could I not picture it when you bring it up?"

"Well actually you were the one who told me to do it."


"So, let's just enjoy dinner even if I have to send you two to different corners." Alex said rashly.

"Sorry Alex."

"Its fine, honey."

While all this was going on, I failed to notice that they had cooked us a lovely meal of grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, fruit, and rolls. The boys pulled out our chairs for us. Alex was next to me and across from Sarah who was sitting next to Ashton who was across from me. For dessert, we had chocolate covered strawberries. 

"So, boys, I think we should watch a movie? Everyone else in agreement?" Sarah asked who had been quiet all throughout dinner.

"Agreed," they both said at the same time.

"Okay, we will change and meet you in the living room." I said before Sarah and I went up to our respectable rooms to change. I was in my room just finishing putting on my slippers when Alex walked in.

"Hey," I said stepping out of my closet.

"Hi, all changed can I uncover my eyes?" Alex asked while cutely still having his eyes covered.

Yes, I am decent." I said reaching up to uncover Alex's eyes.

"Good," Alex said taking my hands and leading me downstairs to the living room.

"Finally, took you long enough, from now how long you took, I would have though you two were getting down to business," Ashton said cocking one of his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up pervert." I said tossing a throw pillow at his face.

"You know you like it when I talk dirty to you." Ashton said winking. I blushed because if this really my Ashton then he did talk dirty to me.

"Man, this my fiancé, back off and try to keep it in your pants just a little," Alex said coming to my rescue while I stuck my tongue out at Ashton.

I could not see how those two became friends, Ashton is the world's biggest pervert, if you look him up on the Guinness book of world records, and there is a picture of him. He is the cockiest and over confident person I know. While Alex is kind and calm and not the jealous type and so loving. Was I trying comparing those two or trying to convince myself why I should love Alex? I really had no clue when it came down to it.

I curled up on the couch next to Alex and Ashton, and I began to wonder where Sarah was. Finally, I got up to look for her. She was in her room, fast asleep, so I just left her where she was and went back downstairs. I interrupted an argument over the movie choice.

"We are watching Cabin in the Woods and its final," Ashton said.

"Come on man, you know girls do not like scary movies," Alex said I think for my benefit.

"Cabin in the Woods is fine with me." 

"Where is Sarah?" Alex asked oddly eager.

"Sarah was a sleep so I just left her in bed." 

"Oh," Alex said as I settled back down on the couch and Ashton un-paused the commercials before the movie actually started. 

"I'll get the ice cream and popcorn I guess. What flavors?" Alex asked because we always had about ten ice cream flavors in the house.

"Mint Chocolate chip." Ashton and I both said simultaneously coordinated. 

"Yup," Ashton said while scooting closer to me.

"So, how did you meet each other?" I asked Ashton, indicating meeting Alex.

"We met at a two week Summer Camp when we were fifteen and have known each other ever since. Even though Alex lives in Egypt and I live in France, we would spend weeks at each other's houses. We know what each other's lives are like and that's what we had in common." Ashton said leaving the sentence trailing off.

"What do mean what each other's lives are like?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, I thought Alex would have told you already. Both our father's are royalty. Alex is the Prince and soon to be, King of Egypt and I am the Prince of France and soon to be King of France. 

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