21: A Bachelorette Party

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Chapter Twenty

Sarah got me in the car by nine am dressed and fed only because she threatened no breakfast if I did not get dressed quickly. Boy, did I shower fast and grab the first outfit my fingers touched.

We were on our way to someplace unknown since Sarah would not tell me. I told her no bachelorette parties but when does she ever listen to me, never. She gave the driver our itinerary and we were off.

I should of known we would end up at the salon. She made me spend the morning being pampered, like a real princess should. I got a massage, my hair cut and styled, my nails were done in a violet purple, and of course she made me go in a tanning bed and get waxed. As she put it, no one likes hairy women on their wedding day.

After all that it was lunch time, I guess we were meeting Ashton and Alex at a restaurant. We arrived and were shown to our table where the boys were already waiting. Alex pulled out Sarah and I's chairs before reseating himself.

We ordered our meals when the waitress arrived. Ashton took the chance and flirted with the waitress. I guess she got a break in twenty minutes.

"So, what did you ladies do this morning?" Alex asked.

"We went to a salon for a make-over." I said replying dryly, that waitress was annoying me, every time she walked, by she winked at Ashton.

"What did you get done at the salon?" Ashton asked winking.

"Nails, hair, tanning, and massages." I said, skipping over the waxes, knowing he would take it the wrong way.

"No, Brazilian bikini waxes?" Ashton said winking at Alex and grinning like a fool.

"That's for you to never know and Alex to find out."

"Such a tease." Ashton said, no longer smirking, that's when blond, bimbo waitress caught his attention. The stupid waitress kept motioning for him and winking, even when she went into the kitchen she must has hiked her skirt up from short to slut short, and undid more buttons on her shirt

"Are you distracted Anne? Maybe by a certain someone?" Ashton whispered to me.


"So Anne, what are the plans for the next two days?" Alex asked bluntly.

"Well I have no idea what Sarah has planned for the rest of the afternoon, since she will not tell me, but I have a good guess at what we are doing. Then this evening I am free and then tomorrow, I have the final dress fitting in the morning, and then I am free until then ." I said ticking things off on my fingers, wow tomorrow is the day before the wedding. This last month has gone by so fast.

"Don't listen to anything she says, she has no idea when she is free or if she is free at all." Sarah said chiming in.

"Sarah, you might be the most annoying best friend in the world."

"Thank you for the wonderful compliment, Anne."

"You would take it that way, so are you going to give me a hint as to what we are doing this afternoon?" I asked Sarah annoyed that she wouldn't tell me.

"Hmm, no. All I know is that Alex is going to love what we are doing this afternoon." Sarah said suggestively.

"Oh, good hint Sarah, I got that one." Ashton said winking at Alex and I.

"What the hell are you three winking about? I don't get the little comment, hint." I practically yelled, confused.

"I might just have to tag along," Ashton said smirking. 

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