14: Finding the Right Girl

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Chapter Fourteen

"Wow, now that is a lot to lay on someone, you’re the Prince of France."

"Yes, what is so different being as you’re the Princess of England," Ashton said smirking.

"Yeah but you knew that, it's new to me that your Prince of France." I said still shocked.

 "Alright, does my power and my money make you in love with me now, like every other girl I know," Ashton said jokingly but seemed serious by the look in his eyes that he covered up so quickly.

"No, pretty boy. Having girl troubles?" I teased and he made a face at me, like a grimacing smile, somewhat creepy if you ask me. I do not know if he made it because of the nickname or the question or maybe both.

"Yeah right, I can get any girl I want with a snap of my fingers," Ashton said snapping his fingers.

"Not me."

"We'll see about that." Ashton mumbled so low, I barely heard him.

"Moving on, you do not want just any girl, you want the girl, who wants you and loves you not because of any dumb crown but because you’re the one." I said speaking from experience.

"How did you know that?"

"Uh, duh I went through the same thing except, everyone competed for my love, yet Alex was the one to win in the end." I said from my heart.

"Sassy much, so is he your forever, your soul mate?" Ashton asked all traces of a smirk gone.

"I like to think so because he loves me so much how could he not be? It would break his heart and disappoint him so much if we were not meant to be but I do hope one day to show him the same amount of love and adoration he shows me every single day." I said finishing with a sad smile on my face.

"How can you know though?" Ashton asked.

"You smile just thinking about them, and holding their hand can be the best thing in the world. I can never think straight or form a thought without, and I blush a lot." I said thinking back to Peter and how our relationship was.

"Are you like that around Alex? When I am around you aren't."

"No, it was a past boyfriend."

"Well, from what you’re saying, it sounds like he is your soul mate." Ashton said questioningly.

"I don't believe in soul mates, I believe there is a person for everyone but I do not believe that it's their destiny to be together, I think everyone would find their one person anyways if other forces, people did not interfere. Also, this guy was a long time ago and I don't even know if he is still alive."

"Oh, well maybe you will change your mind, about the soul mates theory." Ashton said smirking again, trying to be less serious.

"I agree to disagree." I said smirking back and teasing him.

"So, has Alex and you done the deed?" Ashton said smirking while waggling his eyebrows. 

"The deed?" I asked raising by eyebrows pretending to be innocent.

"Ya know, rolled in the sack, knocked boots, fooled around, come on are you really that innocent? SEX." Ashton said. 

"Ha-ha, no I am not that innocent, I just wanted to know what you would say and fyi (for your information) you will never know."

"Maybe, I will just ask Alex."

"Good try, but Alex is too much of a gentleman to kiss and tell, much less sleep, and tell," I said just as Alex walked in.

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