9: Two Choices & Ten Days

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Chapter 9

"Got to go," I said to the laughing on the other end of the line. Then hit the end button, ending the call. I saved the number in my phone under the name Ashton. I got out of the bathtub and grabbed my robe to see who was so rudely knocking.

The loud knocking did not cease until I yanked open the door to a Sarah in mid knock, who almost fell on me.

"What the heck are you yelling about?" Sarah shouted at me rather agitated.

"Uh, nothing," I said. I guess I must have woken her from her nap.

"Nothing my butt, who was on the phone?" Sarah said. 

"It was no one," I said.

"No one my butt, who was it on the phone, and do not lie to me."

"A guy." I said, so technically I was not lying.

"Whatever, you better not be cheating on Alex, he's a nice guy and I will not stand up for you or defend you." Sarah said with venom in her voice.

"I was not cheating on Alex, what is your problem?" I said to Sarah telling her part of the truth. I like Ashton, am I cheating by liking another guy? No, I do not think so.

"Nothing, I am getting dressed, see you downstairs in an hour and think about what I have said." Sarah said with a warning before departing.

Geez, she did not seem very happy. She told me she would take Alex's side. Does she like Alex more than me now? Does our twenty years almost twenty-one years of friendship mean nothing now because of a crush? Alternatively, was she just angry at me for waking her from her nap? Glancing down at my cell phone, I noticed it was almost eight pm. She had been asleep for two hours. Wow, I talked to Ashton for a little less than two hours whole hours, and it had only seemed like ten minutes.

Practically sprinting into my room to get dressed to go clubbing with Sarah. I put on a royal blue dress that hugged my chest and flared out from the waist. I secretly loved it because the back was a bit longer than the front. After pulling my hair back into a wet ponytail and putting on a little make-up, I was ready to party hard.

Sarah was waiting for me in the front hall with an annoyed expression on her face. It seemed like she no longer wanted to go clubbing with me. I will just ignore it and try to make her have a little fun. Alex was meeting us at the club a little later due to royal business, and so my guards were accompanying us.

Gone were the days of sneaking out, Alex made me promise to have my guards with me at all times and that I would no longer sneak out. Off we, all went in two separate cars to the club. The club we were going to was called XYZ. It was the newest place to go to. 

I loved living in England because the drinking age is only eighteen unlike America, were it is a boring age of twenty-one. I mean come on if you can serve your country at age eighteen, why cannot you also have a little alcohol. 

Therefore, Sarah and I went right up to the entrance and of course, cameras were flashing in every direction. We just smiled and waltzed right in, bypassing the waiting line of course, because we are royalty. A few reporters even took a minute to ask where Alex was. Not all I said was here. I could already see the headlines tomorrow, Princess only lasts one day with Fiancé or Princess on the search for her Prince Charming yet again, and my favorite, Princess breaks off engagement after one day, how long will the next one last? An hour?

All I knew was that I planned on getting hammered forgetting all thoughts of Queen, paparazzi or even marriage. On plus side one of my guards could drive home or even Alex could. Soon I would be a Queen and not able to just go be a teenager or a young adult--whatever you want to call me-- and drink until I pass out or party until the sun shines. It would not make parliament or my subjects very happy. Well parliament already dislikes me because I already make them look bad. What can I say drinking is the only happy think in my life because it makes me forget. 

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