22: A Wedding Rehearsal Dinner

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Chapter 22

It was not long before I did close my eyes but when I finally was shaken awake quite rudely by Sarah, it felt like a blink of an eye. It was five pm and the wedding rehearsal started in just an hour.

I had to get ready, yet I wanted to go back to a wonderful dream I was having. I was walking along the beach just holding hands with a man, I was truly in love with him, but when I looked up to see his face or kiss him, I would just see a blank face.

It disturbed me deeply because it was almost like a fill in the blank, I had to choose the man. Why does my life revolve around so many complicated decisions? Why can't they be as simple as which socks do I wear today? Alternatively, should I wear my hair in a ponytail or a braid? I envy the normal teenage girls who have simple problems such as acne or getting the popular boy to like the nerdy girl.

I was just sitting on my bed when I came to the realization that Sarah was snapping her fingers in front of my face. I looked at my phone, she had left me a half hour ago to shower, and get ready and I had spent that time in deep thought. I knew it was way too late to back out now, the show must go on.

I raced to get dressed and was slowly descending the stairs now, to be driven to the church for the wedding rehearsal. Alex and I were riding together, since this evening would be the last time I see him before the big "I do."

"Wow, Anne, you look beautiful," Alex said as I walked down the stairs. Luckily, I got out of my head enough to concentrate on the stairs and not fall. We were the last two to leave, everyone was already at the church.

"Thank you, Alex. You are looking quite handsome yourself." I said pulling a smile from I don't even know.

"Thank you, we should be going," Alex said leading me to the door and helping me put my coat on. I saw myself three years from now, doing the same thing and ten years from now the same but with little ones tugging on my coat and looking tired. Even thirty years from now, with Alex always at my side, and grandchildren now. I thought about and I am surprised I was able to keep a smile on my face, I felt like running back upstairs and crying myself to sleep.

He opened the door and helped me into the car before I had the chance. I stepped in daintily, and slide to the seat closest to the other side, and Alex slide in next to me. He put his arm around me and pulled me to him. He looked depressed, our facial expressions were both strained smiles.

"Anne, are you sure?" Alex asked thinking on the same way length as me.

"It's too late anyways isn't it?" I said as Alex just nodded his head.

"Do you love me?" I asked Alex.

"No. Do you love me?" Alex said grimly looking away.

"No, I believe I can grow to love you though." I said trying to be cheerful.

"I hope to just be a wonderful husband, a King to be remembered and a supporting father someday, “Alex said looking into my eyes.

"I have the same hopes and dreams." I said.

"Good let's make our dreams come true for each other, no cold feet now." Alex said as he leaned in for a kiss, I felt him pause and his breath on my face. Our lips met and I let him open my mouth. We kissed for a few moments before pulling apart and I opened my eyes and was met with beautiful brown eyes. I smiled and it was almost a genuine one.

"Let's go get this rehearsal over and get married already." Alex said leading me out of the car into the church. We slowly walked into the church just holding hands. I thought that if I had to marry at least it was to a decent guy who would support me in all my endeavors.

Royal SoulmatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora