17: Strip Poker & The Hot Tub

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Chapter Seventeen

"You pig, when did you get the chance?"

"I was joking, I would never under mind someone's privacy like that much, unless I got permission," Ashton said wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Oh okay," I said knowing otherwise.

"Don't believe me then, do you?"

"Good, I won't, so when are Alex and Sarah going to be arriving?"

"Not for another forty-five minutes, I know what we could do." Ashton said winking.

"Yeah but you would only need a minute so what am I supposed to do during the other forty-four minutes?"

"You know Anne, you’re really funny. But trust me on this; you would need at least forty-five minutes." Ashton said winking again.

"Yeah right, so make me a drink already."

"Okay, pushy."

That is how we spent the next hour, just trading insults, joking and drinking until Alex and Sarah walked through the door.

"Ashton?" "Anne?" I heard Alex ask.

"In here, honey." I called out to Alex before he appeared in the doorway.

"Hi, honey," Alex, said strolling in with Sarah following. Alex came and kissed me before taking in the both of us.

"What happened to you two?" Sarah asked concerning. Ashton and I, I guess looked a little pathetic. I was propped up on the couch with two bags of ice on my ankle, my outfit was wrinkled, and my hair was probably sticking up in eight different directions. 

Ashton looked like a God still of course. He was sitting in a chair with just jeans on, a bag of ice on his lap because his nose finally stopped bleeding, to top it off we had a drink in each hand and another empty glass on the coffee table.

"Just a few accidents," I said before rehashing out entire day for Sarah and Alex.

"Sounds like you two had a very interesting day." Sarah said trying not to laugh. 

"Ashton, I cannot even leave my bride-to-be with you for a few hours and she gets injured. I am so disappointed." Alex said trying to sound stern.

"Sorry, but trouble would have found her with or without me."

"Excuse me, because trouble really would have pushed me into a pond."

"Yeah, it would have." Ashton said challenging me.

"Would not!" "Have!" "Not"

"Okay, okay, Calm down you two, so scuba diving is out of the picture for tonight I guess, so what do you guys and gals want to do?" Alex said calmly and politely.

"STRIP POKER!" You would have never guessed who yelled that, oh wait you guessed it, ASHTON.

"Hell to the no, how about some dinner?" I asked.

"Sure Anne, I believe the cook has already started but I will go check." Alex said walking off in the direction of the kitchen, I believe.

"I am going to get you to play strip poker, whether it's the last thing I do, Anne," Ashton said with an evil laugh.

"Okay, I will enjoy seeing you try."

"You two squabble like you’re an old married couple," Sarah said laughing.

"More like brother and sister," Alex said coming in catching the last part of the conversation.

"Yeah, ha-ha," I said, glad that we were not brother and sister otherwise my thoughts would not only be wildly inappropriate but also illegal. I still wonder if he is the same Ashton, I kissed in the garden that night not even a month past.

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