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After The New Order of The Stone defeated Romeo also known as the Admin, Now Beacontown has been restored. Wi... More

Chapter 1: Awkward Situation
Chapter 2: Suspicious, Isn't It?
Chapter 3: You Gotta Stop Doin' That
Chapter 4: Friends and Family Joined Together
Chapter 5: Chaotic Incident in The Theater
Chapter 6: The Mysterious Threat
Chapter 7: The Truth is Revealed
Chapter 8: The Impending Doom
Chapter 9: In Mortal Peril
Chapter 10: In This Darkest Hour
Chapter 11: The Struggle Continues On
Chapter 12: The Silent Storm
Chapter 13: Grim
Chapter 14: Did Not Expect That
Chapter 15: The Great Escape
Chapter 16: Liberation Time
Chapter 17: Night After The Liberation
Chapter 18: Ura Ura Ura!!!,🇷🇺
Chapter 19: Centurions! At Your Service!
Chapter 20: Siege of Mushashi🇯🇵
Chapter 22: First experience with Modern Equipments
Chapter 23: Ask the Girl, Jesse :D
Chapter 24: When The Yankees Stepped in🇺🇲
Chapter 25: Vive Le France🇫🇷
Chapter 26: The Tides of War
Chapter 27: The Fire of Resistance
Chapter 28: The Return of The Swastika
Chapter 29: Glory Of The Navy🇬🇧
Chapter 30: The Steel of Destruction
Chapter 31: Multiple Party but One China 🇨🇳🇹🇼
Chapter 32: Enemy at The Gates
Chapter 33: Tank Brawls and Cavalry Charge
Chapter 34: Spirit of Wellington
Chapter 35: Showdown and Fate
Chapter 36: The Battle of the Bad Luck Alley
Chapter 37: Doom is upon us
Chapter 38: Nothing is in Vain
Chapter 39: United We Stand
Chapter 40: Greed of The Corrupted Eagle
Chapter 41: The Dark Juggernaut
Chapter 42: The Return of the Allies
Chapter 43: Hitler's Steel
Chapter 44: Return to Beacontown
Chapter 45: Believe in Unity
Chapter 46: The Charge Of The Freedom Fighters
Chapter 47: Time of the Judgement
Chapter 48: Even in a desperate Moment, there's always hope
Chapter 49: Future seems to be Bright and yet it also seems to be Dark
Chapter 50: Chasing off the Inevitable
Chapter 51: Light of Hope shines on the Dark Path we went through
Chapter 52: The end is closer than you think
Chapter 53: Victory is ours (Mega Chapter and Grand Finale)
Epilogue: The Peace and Calm after the Storm
Extra 1: Major Power's Infantry Units

Chapter 21: Das Panzerlied🇩🇪

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{In the Eastern Teritorry of Minetopia}

Cassie and the Wehrmacht Troops who were with her has arrived back in the Reich Base by day time. They're exhausted and demoralized after the Allied surprise attack. Cassie is really angry for not gaining her vengeance. She was called to the Nazi Order Comitee for a Meeting since she knows about Jesse and some of his friends. The Supreme Commander Karl had ordered his men and Cassie for a meeting to prevent the Allied resistance. Karl mind is full of stress and anger. Cassie is all but quiet when the Comitee meeting started. Other than feeling dissatisfied as the reason of her being quiet, She doesn't understand almost everything the Germans are talking about due to their language barrier with hers

"Wir müssen unsere Stärke bewahren, um den alliierten Widerstand in dieser Welt zu stoppen. Wir wollten nicht, dass sie unsere Eroberung verhindern. Der oberste Führer zählt auf uns" Karl explained

"Mein Kommandant, ich weiß, dass dies eine Katastrophe ist, aber wir müssen klar denken, wenn wir nicht unsere Eroberung verlieren. Wir dürfen nicht zu schnell handeln. Schau dir die Konsequenzen an!" A council member said

"Mein Kommandant! Sie werden uns zahlenmäßig überlegen sein! Wir müssen handeln! Sofort! Schauen Sie, was in Beacontown passiert ist! Selbst die SS konnte ihren plötzlichen Angriff nicht verhindern!" a Wehrmacht officer said

"Wir können nicht zulassen, dass die alliierten Streitkräfte gewinnen!" Another Council member exclaimed

"Der Führer wird enttäuscht sein!" a Luftwaffe officer exclaimed

"Selbst unser Verbündeter, der Japaner, konnte diese zurückgebliebenen Kommunisten nicht festhalten, weil sie zu dumm waren, um Selbstmordattentate durchzuführen. Alles wegen ihres Gehorsams gegenüber der Ehre!" Another Wehrmacht officer said

"Das ist eine Katastrophe, Kommandant! Wir müssen schnell handeln, bevor sich die Alliierten vereinigen und uns angreifen" an SS officer said

"Das ist nicht nur unser Problem. Der so genannte "Order of Stone" wird auch unser neuer Gegner sein!" Another SS officer said

"Ich verstehe es. Jetzt ist unser einziger Verbündeter die faschistische italienische und finnische Armee in dieser Welt. Die Japaner hatten den Bericht über ihre Niederlage in Mushashi bereits gekannt und werden ihre Flotte schicken. Der Führer konnte keine Verstärkung mehr schicken. Er ist zu beschäftigt mit dem Aufstand auf Erden" Karl said. Then he took a deep breath "Aber wir müssen gewinnen! Ich kann nicht zulassen, dass der Führer und unsere Nation von uns enttäuscht sind" he continued quietly "Der Führer wird uns allen nicht gnädig sein, wenn wir ihn enttäuschen"

"Kommandant..." A council member said

"Gib mir einfach etwas Zeit zum Nachdenken. Ich muss eine Weile allein sein..." Karl said as he stand up from his seat

"Sehr gut, Mein Kommandant. Sieg Heil!" the Council members and military officers said, raising their hands in the air as a symbol of respect for their country and leader. Karl raised his hand too. After that, he excused himself from the meeting room

As Karl leaves the room and walked back to his personal quarter, He didn't notice that Cassie is following him at first. She's both curious and worried of him while hiding behind any hiding spot she could hide in while stalking him. Karl made it to his quarter door when he felt that someone is following him. He turned around to see Cassie hiding behind the walls

"Ah Fraulein Cassie! Vhat brings you here?" He greeted her before reaching his doorknob, making her startled

"Oh, i was you know... checking on you after what happened in the meeting, Heh" Cassie said nervously, brushing her hair

"Oh, I'm quite fine. Danke Fraulein" Karl thanked her

"Your Welcome" Cassie smiled as Karl opened his doorknob and went to his room. But before he entered his Room, he looked over at Cassie and smiled

"Vould you like to come in?" Karl invited her

"You said you wanted to be alone" Cassie said placing her hands behind her. She's confused of his behavior

"Ja, but i don't mind a good company" Karl said as he and Cassie went into his room. The room's wall is painted deep black, there's paintings of both nature and figure portraits hanged on the wall, Modern Lamps hanged on the ceiling. And then here's Karl's desk at the right corner while at the left corner is his king sized bed. Karl went to sit on the chair of his work desk

"Please, sit" He offered Cassie to sit on one of the Room's couch and she did. She went to the couch and sit on it. Karl took out his tobaco from his tobaco box for smoking

"So how's its been being a Commander of the Military for..." Cassie trailed off, she forgot how long Karl served the Military

"15 years? Vell, its really stressful. You had to command ze whole army to win the war for a long years. Winning battles for our Dear Fuhrer. Und Managing Military Defense and Strength. Manstein, Rommel, und Guderian are our Greatest Military Commanders. They never stressed when things get bad, instead, they pushed themselves to their limits. They become the Hero of The Reich for a long time ago until they died" Karl Explained. Cassie just nodded.

"So miss Cassie, Please tell me about your Story with Jesse und the Order of the Stone" Karl asked. Cassie told her story on how did she encounter Jesse and his friends alongside these group f Youtubers (Minecraft Story Mode Season 1 Ep.6)

"Hmmm, interesting" Karl said, scratching his chin. Then he threw his tobaco to a nearby trash can

"Yeah, It was unfortunate for me. But hey i can get out of there with my own enchanted flint and steel" Cassie said

"Heh, Such a struggle isnt it?" Karl said as he stand up from his seat and clasped both of his hands

"Yes, it is" Cassie said, Blushing? "oh man this guy is cool. Wait...what am i saying!?" she thought to herself

Karl noticed her blushing and chuckled in amusement

"Vhy are you red?" Karl Asked, faking to be curious

"Wha-What?" Cassie stuttered, nervously

"Nevermind" Karl looked up at the Digital Clock and looked it was almost time for the Inspection Ceremony

"Anyway, let's head to the Wunderwaffe Square. I have an inspection to conduct" Karl said as he and Cassie exited the room and went to the Wunderwaffe Quarter

{At Wunderwaffe Quarter}

Karl and Cassie reached the Podium of the Wunderwaffe Quarter and began inspection the Troops. They looked so young. Karl felt bad to let these young soldiers who didn't have time for their future to do whatever they wanted. But, aside from all that, they've volunteered themselves to fight for their Country and their beloved Fuhrer

Karl was about to begin his speech using the podium's microphone but then he fell silent. Cassie seems to be worried about him. The Soldiers also noticed how Karl looked so desperate. They felt bad about him too but then.....

A soldier, well not exactly a soldier. but, a Tank crew from the Panzer Divisions Row began to sing a Patriotic Song of their Country as the others began to sing even the officers who are not on the podium. All the officer, staff, council members, and Guard on the podium were shocked about this action but they're proud of their action that represented their dedication and loyalty to the Great Third Reich and soon, the Great Fourth Reich. Soon, everyone on the podium joined in the fray, even Cassie herself who doesn't understand German but still goes along with the flow

Ob's stürmt oder schneit,

Ob die Sonne uns lacht,

Der Tag glühend heiß

Oder eiskalt die Nacht.

Bestaubt sind die Gesichter,

Doch froh ist unser Sinn,

Ist unser Sinn;

Es braust unser Panzer

Im Sturmwind dahin.

Mit donnernden Motoren,

Geschwind wie der Blitz,

Dem Feinde entgegen,

Im Panzer geschützt.

Voraus den Kameraden,

Im Kampf steh'n wir allein,

Steh'n wir allein,

So stoßen wir tief

In die feindlichen Reihn.

Wenn vor uns ein feindliches

Heer dann erscheint,

Wird Vollgas gegeben

Und ran an den Feind!

Was gilt denn unser Leben

Für unsres Reiches Heer?

Ja Reiches Heer?

Für Deutschland zu sterben

Ist uns höchste Ehr.

Mit Sperren und Minen

Hält der Gegner uns auf,

Wir lachen darüber

Und fahren nicht drauf.

Und droh'n vor uns Geschütze,

Versteckt im gelben Sand,

Im gelben Sand,

Wir suchen uns Wege,

Die keiner sonst fand.

Und läßt uns im Stich

Einst das treulose Glück,

Und kehren wir nicht mehr

Zur Heimat zurück,

Trifft uns die Todeskugel,

Ruft uns das Schicksal ab,

Ja Schicksal ab,

Dann wird uns der Panzer

Ein ehernes Grab

(In blizzard or storm,

Or in sun warm and bright,

The day hot as hell

Or bone-chilling be the night,

Our faces may with dust be laid,

But spirits never fade,

No, never fade;

Relentless, our tank

Thunders out on a raid.

With engines a-howling,

Fast as is the wind,

We head for the foe,

Safe, as we're in armor skinned.

Our comrades still behind us roam;

We fight the foe alone,

Yes, fight alone.

We stab through the line

To break the foes backbone.

Whenever the foe

May appear in our sight,

We'll ram throttle full,

Then we'll humble all his might!

Of what use is our life if we

Our country serve freely?

Yes, serve freely!

To die for our country,

Our honour shall be.

With tank traps and mines,

Our foe tries to impede.

We laugh at his ruses;

We know he'll not suceed.

And when, in threat, his cannons stand,

Half hidden in the sand,

Yes, in the sand,

We can find our way

Over much safer land.

And should at long last,

Fickle Lady Luck leave,

And we remain here,

Leaving family to grieve,

A bullet with our name on it,

Find us and seal our fate,

Yes, seal our fate,

Our tank will our grave be

On that final date)

Most of those who felt determined by this song are the Panzer Divisions Members. They're inspired by this song. Karl know this song as 'Das Panzerlied' the song of the Tankers of the Reich. They will launch another offensive once again on Beacontown but this time with everything they had against the Allies and Beacontown. They'll strike the enemy as fast as the Lightning or as the Germans called 'Blitzkrieg'

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