The Dueling Professor | Gelle...

By DarkGuardian_15

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{An alternative universe based in present day. All Harry Potter characters are in this au as well} Sapphire... More

An Ilvermorny Girl In A Hogwarts World
Feathers and Claws
Taken By Surprise
Homework In The Hospital Wing
The Dueling Professor's Offer
A Lion's Thanks
Hogsmead Visit
Gryffindor Versus Hufflepuff
Whispers In The Dark
Birthday Surprises
The Patronus Charm
Winter Dance
Grindelwald, Dumbledore, and Severus Snape
Breakfast At Gellert's
The Pensieve
A Christmas Tragedy
Saving Grace
Letter From The Ministry
Reconciled Friendships
Summer Break
Quality Time With Grindelwald
Snape's Lessons
Potion Ingredients
Gellert's Love
The Order of the Phoenix
Snake Man
Cornelius Fudge
New School Year
Classes and Assistant Duties
A Suspicious Package
Twin Cores
Chocolate Frogs and Sugar Quills
The Malfoy Family Scandal
For The Greater Good
The Burrow
Christmas With The Weasley's
Snape's Secret
Back To Hogwarts
Piles of Homework
Black and Grindelwald

Relationship Advice

6K 224 67
By DarkGuardian_15

A/N: Listen to the song above as you read the chapter of you want to.

Sapphire's POV:

The week went by quick, but it accumulate lots and lots of homework. At least today is Friday, and I don't have as many classes. All I have is Charms, Alchemy, and Dueling. I went down to the Great Hall and got myself some breakfast. Instead of having cereal, I decided to have some toast and coffee. Today I was feeling kinda down, especially since Erin and her friends only wanted to talk to me so they could ask questions about Ilvermorny. They never intended to become my friends; it wasn't really surprising... just.. disappointing. I sort of figured that's the same reason Draco wanted to talk to me, but we haven't been able to speak to each other. His girlfriend, Pansy has been making sure he doesn't have a chance to talk to me. She acts like she's jealous of me, but there's nothing to be jealous about. I'm just... me. After I finished eating, I decided to go outside for a while. I just needed a little break from the chaos that was the Great Hall. Half of the people in the room were excited that they didn't have classes today like some of us. I walked through the front doors and made my way towards the Black Lake. There was a large tree sitting near by the body of water, and I decided to sit down underneath it. The September sun was bright and warm, but a nice cool breeze blew every now and then. The sky was a beautiful blue color, speckled with white fluffy clouds. It really was a perfectly good day. I opened my school bag and grabbed the book I've been reading. I hoped I could finish it before class; I didn't have much more to read anyway. I read a few chapters before I was interrupted. "Hey, do you mind if I join you?" I heard a slightly familiar voice say next to me. I looked up and saw Draco standing there looking tired in a white buttoned t-shirt and a pair of black pants. "Sure, go ahead." I replied as I marked my place and shut my book. He sat down next to me and leaned his back against the tree before raising one of his knees to rest his arm on. "So, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked him curiously, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled over us. He let out a deep sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. A couple of birds chirped somewhere in the distance and a light breeze rustled the leaves, before he spoke up. "I know we don't know each other, but I'd like to change that. Especially since I feel like you're the only one who can help me with a little problem I'm having." He said, and I started to feel a little worried. 'What did he want me to do?' I wondered inside of my head. "What do you need help with?" I asked him curiously with furrowed brows. "My girlfriend is driving me crazy for the past year and a half. I'm sure you've noticed how aggressive and possessive she has been lately," He said and then paused for a few seconds. "I've been trying to break up with her, but I don't know the best way to do it. I thought that... maybe you could give me some ideas or something." He finished, and I was shocked. I just sat there, staring at him. I wasn't quite sure what to say. A complete stranger was asking me for relationship advice, and I haven't even been in a relationship. Hell, I haven't even had a crush or fallen in love before. "Well... have you tried talking to her?" I asked. "Yeah, but you've seen her. Do you really think she'd listen to me?" He replied with a slight laugh. I suggested writing her a note and giving it to hear instead, and he considered it for a few minutes. I had no idea if that would work, but I hoped that it did. "You know... I might actually try that. She does love to write me notes and stuff." He said, thoughtfully as he ran a hand through his hair once more. We sat quietly for a few minutes before he spoke up again. "So, what are your plans for today?" He asked me curiously as he looked over at me. "I actually have a few classes today." I replied. "Oh, really? Which ones do you have?" He asked. I told him the three classes I had. Deep down I hoped he'd tell me what he thought of the professors, but he didn't. I guess his mind was preoccupied with the taste of breaking up with his girlfriend. He and I made a little small talk before we said our goodbyes, because I had to get to class. I wished that everything would work out for him. I dusted the grass off of me and made my way to my charms class. Professor Flitwick gave us a tone of notes during class, but I was surprised when he didn't assign any homework; I was glad he didn't though. Since I had an hour before lunch, I went to the common room and dropped off my charms book before heading outside for a walk. "FINE!! YOU WERE A HORRIBLE BOYFRIEND ANYWAY!!" I heard once I walked through the portrait hole. Everyone was staring in the direction where the couch and chairs were. It was like an audience watching some kind of concert or something, except... way more Jerry Springer. "I WAS HORRIBLE!?! WHAT ABOUT YOU!? YOU NEVER LET ME DO THINGS THAT I WANNA DO!! IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT YOU, AND I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! I'm done!" Draco's voice said, and I figured things didn't go over so well with Pansy. "FUCK YOU!!" Pansy yelled before storming past me and out of the common room. As soon as the show was over, people started breaking apart to go back to whatever they were doing. I walked over to where the couch was and saw Draco sitting there with his head in his hands. His friends, Crabbe and Goyle were sitting on either side of him looking awkward and out of place. "Hey... you okay?" I asked in a soft tone. Draco looked up at me, and I could see the stress and pain he was hiding behind his eyes. "I guess... at least I don't have to put up with her anymore." He replied as he ruffled up his hair. "Listen, if you need someone to talk to... I'm here for you. Okay?" I said with a sympathetic look in my eyes. He nodded to let me know he understood. I suggested him join more for a walk before lunch, but he declined. "I think I'm just gonna go take a nap." He replied. I gave him a small smile before he left the common room for the boys dormitory. I lingered in the common room for a few seconds before I went up to my dorm to drop off my book as I planned. Then I walked out of the portrait hole for that pre lunch walk I mentioned to Draco. I hoped he didn't blame me for what happened; deep down I honestly think he blamed himself. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I walked around the school grounds. After a while I found myself at the Quidditch field. I've never been a sports fan, but I decided to go ahead and take a seat on the bleachers. To my surprise, someone else was there. A boy around my age was sitting on the bleachers, and he was wearing his school uniform like I was, but his was a Hufflepuff uniform. The shoulder length hair on his head was a light purple color with black roots. "Hi, I guess I'm not the only one who came here to get away from everyone else." He said with a slight laugh. "Yeah, I guess not," I replied with a half smile. "Do you mind if I join you?" I asked him curiously. "Oh, no. Go ahead." He replied with a kind smile on his pale face. That's when I noticed his lip and nose rings. We ended up talking and bonding over books and music before we even introduced ourselves. It turned out that he and I actually have alchemy and dueling together later. "I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name. I'm Nick by the way." He said as he and I walked towards the school. "It's nice to meet you, Nick. I'm Sapphire." I replied. "That's a really cool name." He replied with a huge smile on his face. "Thanks." I replied with a smile as well. Nick and I parted ways when we entered the Great Hall for lunch, but I knew we'd see each other in class. I sat down at the Slytherin table and Draco took a seat right next to me when he walked in. He looked like he had been crying, and I felt bad for him. As I ate, I tried making him feel better and I managed to get a laugh out of him. It made me feel better knowing he wasn't completely lost in the darkness of sadness. Draco and I talked about our classes, which were different since I was a year ahead of him. Then our conversation went onto random facts about ourselves. Talking to him and Nick was different from the way it was when I met Erin, and I hoped that was a good thing. 'Maybe I'll actually make some good friends here at Hogwarts.' I said inside of my head. I haven't had the best luck with making loyal friends, but I really wanted that to change. Lunch went by quickly and I met up with Nick so we could walk to alchemy class together. He and I sat next to each other once we entered the classroom. Professor Wells was another teacher who gave us notes, but he also demonstrated a few things for us. He said we'd be doing a lot of fun stuff this year, since the class is small. It's so small that all houses were represented in the classroom; two Hufflepuff, three Ravenclaw, and one Slytherin. It made me feel out of place. Before long, it was time to go to our dueling class. I didn't know who the professor was, but this last name sounded pretty cool. Nick and I sat next to each other once more, and I was thankful that he and I met beforehand. This class was packed full of Slytherins and Hufflepuffs. I was amazed at how many people actually took dueling class. After a long while of waiting, that blond haired professor I spotted at the staff table came into the room from a side door. He was wearing a long black jacket and white buttoned t-shirt with dark blue pants. A dark blue tie was around his neck, but it was oddly lucked inside of his shirt. "Good afternoon, students. Welcome to dueling class." He said in an slightly deep, attractive voice. "Good afternoon, professor Grindelwald." Half of the class said, and a side smile spread across his handsome looking face. He had a strong jaw and beautifully shaped cheekbones. He took roll call and jumped into an introduction of the class. We'd be learning and practicing dueling techniques to defend ourselves, along with blocking spells. It was sort of a D.A.D.A 2.0. We took notes and the homework was to read the first chapter in our textbooks. During the lecture, I couldn't help but notice that both of his eyes weren't the same color. One was white and the other was a dark brown. I found it fascinating, especially since I haven't seen a person with two different colored eyes before. I've seen dogs have them, but never human unless they're wearing colored contacts. 'Could he be wearing a contact? He could he, but wouldn't that be considered unprofessional?' I wondered inside of my head, but I didn't have too much time to wonder. I had to make sure I was writing down his every word. I didn't wanna miss anything that might be or a test or pop quiz. My Ilvermorny teachers were quite fond of pop quizzes, so I knew to pay attention in class. The bell rang, and everyone hurried to put their stuff away. "Do you wanna hangout at the library or something after dinner?" Nick asked me curiously as he and I walked out of the classroom. "Sure." I replied with a smile. "Great!" He said with a smile. We went our separate ways to drop our school bags off at our dorms before going to dinner. After I dropped my stuff off, Draco met up with me and we walked to the Great Hall together. "How was your classes?" He asked me curiously. "They were pretty good. I have a lot of homework to do though," I replied. "How are you? Are you feeling a little better?" I asked him curiously. "Yeah, I guess." He replied, shrugging his shoulders. Pansy gave us a dirty look, but we both just ignored her as we sat down at the table. My stomach was growling from hunger, but the food hadn't appeared yet. I had a feeling that Dumbledore was going to make some kind of speech, and he did. "I want to congratulate all of you for a wonderful first week. Your professors had nothing but good things to say about all of you, and I hope the rest of the year is just the same. However, I suspect that some may cause some mischief as time goes on." Dumbledore said, and some snickering came from the Gryffindor table. Once the speech was over, the tables filled with food and I started filling my plate. Dinner dragged by a bit, but I didn't mind. It gave Draco and I more time to get to know each other. I asked if he wanted to hangout with me and Nick later, but he said no. I was little disappointed, but I understood why he wanted to be alone. Before long I was sitting in the library doing homework with Nick by my side. Even though we were doing our homework, it was nice having someone to talk to. It was nice having a friend.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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