Ragnarok | Book 4

By ThevampireMermaid18

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Ominous prophecies and dreams had long foretold the downfall of the cosmos and of its gods and goddesses alon... More

Chapter 1: Prophecy Of Ragnarok
Chapter 2: Key
Chapter 3: An Old Friend
Chapter 4: Everything Must End
Chapter 5: Cheap Tricks
Chapter 6: The Horn of Jormungandr
Chapter 7: Dead Flowers Blooming On A Grave
Chapter 8: Winds Of The North
Chapter 9: The Tragic Story Of Loki
Chapter 10: Return Of Thor
Chapter 11: Shady Acres
Chapter 12: Twilight Of The Gods
Chapter 13: Goddess Of Death
Chapter 14: Sakaar
Chapter 15: No Getting Off This Planet
Chapter 17: No Escaping Destiny
Chapter 18: Contest Of Campions
Chapter 19: Thunder!
Chapter 20: Pretty Avenger
Chapter 21: Brunnhilde
Chapter 22: Seductive Lord Of Thunder
Chapter 23: The Revengers
Chapter 24: Revolution
Chapter 25: Evacuate The Planet
Chapter 26: The People Fight
Chapter 27: Flirting With Death
Chapter 28: Asgard Is Not A Place
Chapter 29: King Of Asgard
Chapter 30: This Is Not The End Of Ragnarok
Chapter 31: Infinity War
Chapter 32: The End Of All Things
Chapter 33: Undying Fidelity
Chapter 34: Valhalla Awaits
Chapter 35: Death Shall Not Have Thee
Chapter 36: Destroy The Stone
Chapter 37: Elite Female Warriors... About Time
Chapter 38: Fight For the Universe
Chapter 39: Victory Or Valhalla
Chapter 40: O'Valhalla
Chapter 41: Ashes To Ashes; Dust To Dust
Chapter 42: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Chapter 43: Space Oddity
Chapter 44: The Garden
Chapter 45: Last Survivers
Chapter 46: Endless Cold Winters
Chapter 47: Brothers and Sisters Will Defile Kinship
Chapter 48: Sons of Loki
Chapter 49: Long Live The Queen
Chapter 50: The New Asgard
Chapter 51: The World Serpent
Chapter 52: The Lake of The Nine
Chapter 53: The Norns
Chapter 54: Sigyndottir
Chapter 55: Five Years Later
Chapter 56: A Queen Is What She Became
Chapter 57: Magic
Chapter 58: By The Norns
Chapter 59: Six Stones
Chapter 60: Time Heist
Chapter 61: Old Asgard
Chapter 62: We Were Family
Chapter 63: The Birds And Bees
Chapter 64: Past And Future
Chapter 65: The Vanir Fleet
Chapter 66: I Am Iron Man
Chapter 67: You Can Rest Now
Chapter 68: The Time Is Near
Chapter 69: One Moment
Chapter 70: A Chance Granted
Chapter 71: Home Bound
Chapter 72: To Infinity And Beyond...

Chapter 16: We Didn't Get A Chair

1.4K 29 2
By ThevampireMermaid18

Days later, Loki and Sigyn sat surrounded by the people of Sakaar at some sort of party that was being held. Sigyn sat shoulder to shoulder with Loki, both drinks in their hands while Loki did all the talking to entertain the people.

"And in that moment," Loki said, "I let go."

Loki laughed and the surrounding people also laughed, but not Sigyn. She felt so out of place here, she just wanted to get off this planet.


Sigyn heard a faint voice call. She furrowed her eyebrows, looking around for the source of the voice calling. Her eyes landed on Thor.

"Loki!" he called louder. "Sigyn!"

Sigyn patted Loki's arm catching his attention, "Uh..."

"Hmm?" Loki looked to his wife curiously, she pointed in the other direction and he followed her gaze, he see's Thor confined to a chair. Sigyn felt rejoiced to see his was alive, and not at all surprised to see him on this planet.

"Over here!" Thor nodded his head in his direction, motioning for the two. Loki's face fell upon seeing his brother, he shot straight up from his seat, his hand pulling up Sigyn's. He was stupid enough to leave her alone with these people. She would either kill them all, or things would get very awkward.

"Over here!" Thor growled. "Loki!"

Loki marched towards his brother with his wife in tow, shushing him, "SHHH! Shh!"

"What?" Thor whispered.

"You're alive?" Loki whispered.

"Yes, of course I'm alive."

"What are you doing here?"

"What— what'd you mean?" Thor asked confused. Sigyn shook her head, that was the most stupidest thing Loki had said all day.

"I'm stuck in this stupid chair, where's your chair?"

"We didn't get a chair."

"We'll get me out of this one."

"I can't."

"Get me out!" Thor whisper yelled.

"I can't" Loki retorted.

"W-what?" Thor shook his head confused and upset.

"We've made friends with this man called the Grandmaster." Loki explained.

"You made friends with the Grandmaster." Sigyn scolded.

"I've gained his favour, Bifrost threw us out weeks ago."

"Weeks ago?" Thor repeated. "I just got here."

"Why are we whispering?" another voice joined, Thor yelled with surprise. Loki stumbled back from Thor. "Time works real different around these parts. On any other world I'd be like, millions of years old, but here on Sakaar..." the Grandmaster trailed off. He fluttered his eyes looking at Loki and Sigyn.

Loki looked from the Grandmaster to Thor at a loss for words. Sigyn's eyes trailed around the room, finding anything else more interesting than this conversation. Thor just looked between the three highly confused.

"In any case." The Grandmaster says, "You know this, uh, you call yourself Lord of Thunder?"

"God of Thunder." Thor corrected, with an airy chuckle, "Tell him."

Loki chuckled, "I've never met this man in my life."

"They're brothers!" Sigyn announced growing tired of his games.

"Adopted." Loki smiled widely, gesturing to himself.

"Is your brother any kind of a fighter?" the Grandmaster asked.

"You take this thing out of my neck and I'll show you—"

"Aw, look at that, he's trying to threaten me." The Grandmaster cooed. "Hey, Sparkles, whats the deal, you wanna get back to, uh, Ass-place, Asberg—"

"Asgard!" Thor growled.

"Any contender who defeats my champion, their freedom, they shall win."

"Fine! Then point me in the direction of whoever arse I have to kick!"

"Thats what I like to call 'Tender'!" The Grandmaster picked up a long remote stick and said, "The direction would be this way, Lord."

The chair began to move, Thor let out a cry for help. "Ah, Loki! Sig!"

Loki and Sigyn watched helplessly as The Grandmaster walked off with Thor. Sigyn let out a breath, "He's insane."

"Hm." Loki hummed in agreement. "I think we should take this time to do some exploring."

"Good idea." 

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