I set the die that day- bnha...

By KanaRika4

117K 3K 1.2K

If she was given everything she needed to succeed, to become the best hero in the world with everyone backing... More

character intro, prolouge and warnings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Omake #1: What if they did the 2v2 battles?
Final Chapter

Chapter 5

4.9K 105 25
By KanaRika4




For those of you that need it I have the exam rules/concept here:

Resume story~

Noriko POV

There was a large amount of miniature cities dotting the landscape around the U.A. grounds, there was some bigger ones that seemed to have a similar purpose but for larger scale competitions. I was on a bus labeled F2 which meant that there was at least 30 other groups of five aka 150 other people wanting to get into the hero course.

    The mini cities were small enough that my quirk could cover the whole thing so I could see all of it, I had extra paper in my pocket so I could make maps of the mini cities in case the league ever wanted to invade during a training or something.

    I looked around the bus and there was only 4 other people, none of them really stood out a couple had some interesting in theory quirks, for instance one looked a lot like a humming bird or the tooth fairy from the one movie about weird holiday characters from america (rise of the guardians), another didn’t look special so he probably had a mind or manipulation quirk, this really quiet girl in the back was messing with her hand and was able to turn parts of it into little blades. I decided to approach her.

    “HIIII” I called leaning over the seat in front of her “Your quirk is really cool! I bet it’s super useful for opening things of making food!” my mouth started to water at the thought of food, one cupcake was simply not enough for an entire day. Then my stomach started to growl and my face turned red real quick.

    The girl looked up from her hand and smiled really bright before reaching into her bag at her feet and giving me a granola bar.

    “Is this for ME!” I yelled pointing at myself.

    “You seem really hungry and I’m too nervous to eat right now anyways” she said looking away shyly.

    “Thanks a million…”and this is when the airhead known as noriko sachiko realized I did not know the name of this amazing stranger who was giving me glorious food.”OH MY GOSH I JUST REALIZED I DON’T KNOW YOUR NAME!” I yelled panicking.

    “Dont worry about it” she said “my name is Mishin Yotaru, nice to meet you” she bowed her head slightly.

    “My name is Noriko Sachiko, Nice to meet you!” I yelled pointing at myself in introduction “ I hope we can be really good friends” then I jumped over the seat and sat beside her on the seat and ate the granola bar while she kept creating new blades, I just watched both to collect information on new potential heroes and  because he quirk was so contradictory to her personality that it was interesting to me.

    The bus reached the designated mini city and I turned to Mishin-chan and tolde. her to do her best before I jumped back up to my seat and grabbed my bag before bouncing excitedly out of the bus and into the city, I waited until the bus left and Present Mic announced for us to start, I used that opportunity as well as the introduction to record his voice so I could tune the hearing aide so I only heard him in case anyone had a voice type quirk that could be used against me.

    Then I jumped up to the tallest building and took out my paper and pencil quickly making a map which had everyones locations, then I went around picking people off one by one as an attack from above before quickly reclimbing the wall oposite the one I came from and moving on. It wasn’t hard to beat people but it did seem that the guy who’s quirk I didn’t know managed to  pick of Mishin, that was sad, I kinda wanted to do it myself but I guess you can’t always have what you want. Either way I defeated him with a grand total of 3 points from that round as well as moving on to the next round, we finished 20 minutes before the time limit so I just sat on a building looking at the clouds until Present Mic called me to get on a different bus headed to the next battle city.

    The fights went on for most of the day an I was in one of the final groups nearly half of the applicants had been disqualified due to the time restraint, a large portion by being taken out of action by others and then there was the rest of us.

    I learned that there was a lot more than 150 people applying because I had nearly that many points and it was nearly time for dinner according to my normal schedule, ‘I hope Kuro has some yummy food set out for me when I get back home’ I thought, I was really hungry. They didn’t even plan a lunch break during the competitions, what kind of barbarian hero group doesn’t serve lunch at an all day exam! Not even villains stoop that low! Every training or meeting I’ve been to had some sort of refreshments.

    I was in one of the last five groups so after this fight it was just a battle for the top spot. When we all walked into the city I noticed a guy with fluffy violet hair and really dark circles, I really wanted to pet his hair but was unable to since I had to fight him now. I went about this round of the exam the same as all the rest, Tallest building, draw map, find and attack competitors, wait for bell.

The last person I got to go to after taking out the other three was the purple hair guy. He started talking but I didn’t hear him cause my hearing aides were still tuned to Present Mic’s voice an nobody else, when I didn’t react to anything he said he seemed to panic a little bit. Maybe talking was a part of his quirk? In which case pinpointing the hearing aide was a really good idea. I quickly rendered him unable to fight by pressing his pressure points in rapid succession, I looked at his wrist band while he lay on the floor and learned he had taken out nearly as many as me, which means he is strong and I should look out for him. I smiled before walking away to waste the next five minutes until the next round.

    The final five. Perhaps the best of the best the U.A. first years will have, the lineup was: me, the blondie from this morning, a girl with a gravity quirk, a friendly guy with flaming red hair, and a really fast strict guy who thought I was messing around by being here until I got angry, told him off like a miniature old lady, and showed him how many points I had (almost double his). I went up to the blondie and red haired guy and started off the minute long conversation by saying “You look like you really like the hero ‘crimson riot’ “ he blushed and nodded his head resulting in us talking about the supposed hero until Present Mic ushered us into our final battle. The fast guy was really slow in comparison to nomu so he was easy to take out, the gravity girl would have been harder if I took her on head on, which I didn’t. Then I watched the blondie and flamy fight before realizing we were running out of time and hitting both of them on the back of the neck causing them to pass out and giving me two more points.


    Then we all got on a bus back to the main campus to get treated by recovery girl is we need to or just to get home (and back to glorious food). On the way out there was a group of staff congratulating people for participating and making sure they had correct information for everyone. I looked at the paper of my information, It said my name, age, family background, previous classes/schools, current (fake) place of residence, and my quirk, of course it said I had no drawbacks because I still hadn’t told my parents about them. All For One did anything that had to do with hearing aides, light bills, new candles all the time, spicy or sugary (basically extremely flavored) foods. I approved it, incorrect quirk information, fake address and all. Then I went back to base daydreaming of the food Kuro might have laid out for me as well as a nice nap after all of the energy used today.

A.N. since this is a book that I actually have a plot for in my head (sorry for to the people who read the toga story) I will try to update this book at least once a week maybe twice, I will definitely put out a chapter on Mondays (starting on this coming one) so there's a scheduled one and then if I get really inspired I might do another one chapter, like I'm probably gonna update again between now an Saturday. Hope this is good or useful information have a good day,week, month, etc

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