
By Haddassa

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What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 47

646 32 3
By Haddassa

Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 47

Cole comforted me for a while after my panic attack. It took a long time to get me to calm down enough so I wasn't shaking with violent tremors, but when I finally stopped he pulled away from me. Concern was evident on his face.

"Rumor is you were shot."

I nodded my head.

"Could I look?" Cole asked.

I nodded my head again. Cole pulled off the dishtowel, examining the wound. He got up to go get some supplies to clean and stitch up my arm. I looked around, and saw that all the other boys were here. Nate and Aden were cleaning up. Deon and his brother Joe were taking care of the men.

"What are you going to do with them?" I asked the two brothers.

They both looked back at me with a cold look in their eyes.

"Oh," I muttered understanding. "Is Johnny still alive?"

"Johnny?" Deon asked.

"The man I shot in the hallway."

"Yeah, he is."

I felt a sense of relief as soon as I heard those words. I wasn't a murderer. I hadn't killed someone.

Cole returned, and started cleaning the wound. I didn't really pay much attention to what he actually did, because I was too deep in my thoughts. I was running over what Nate had said. My twin was a man feared by many. He was ruthless, and cold. I remembered the first time I met Cole. That side of Cole was the one that many others feared. But now when I looked at him I could never see that. When I looked at Cole I didn't feel like I had to run away and hide, like I'm sure many others do. I felt safe.

"Jace should be over soon," Cole said interrupting my foggy thoughts.

"Why?" I asked.

"Jace called," Cole lowered his voice. "He said he could feel your fear. He demanded to know what was going on, so I told him. I-"

"Why the hell would you do that?" I whisper yelled. "Do you want him to go all wolf at home?"

"How was I supposed to know? What's done is done, so there is no point in arguing. I told him where I lived, and he said he would be right over."

"Great! Now I'm going to have to calm him down. Thanks a lot," I sarcastically muttered, glaring at my brother.

"Sorry. Now stay still," Cole demanded.

I let out a frustrated sigh, and held still. Cole eventually finished, and wrapped up my arm. Then he inspected my ribs.

"Nate thought it was broken," I explained.

Cole nodded his head, while running his fingers over my large dark bruise.

The front door slammed open. My head whipped up to look at the front entrance. Jace stood furiously in the doorway. His eyes were black, meaning his wolf was in control. This wasn't good. My heart still skipped a beat when I saw him, even though he was fuming in the doorway.

"Who are you?" Nate demanded, blocking Jace's path from entering.

Not a good move to block a furious wolf from finding their mate. Jace just knocked Nate out of the way, like he was an annoying fly. That move led to a gun pointed at his face. My heart squeezed with fear. Without a second glance at the threatening gun, Jace punched Deon in the face. He crumpled to the floor, losing his grip on the gun. I jumped up, rushing over to calm Jace down. It wasn't really running, more like limping over.

Nate was back up, sending a punch at Jace. Jace ducked, before grabbing his arm and throwing him. Nate quickly recovered, and grabbed Jace into a headlock.

"Jace!" I yelled out.

He froze for a moment, before throwing Nate over his shoulder. Deon was back up with Joe standing next to him, both had their guns aimed at the furious Jace. Jace froze, glaring at the brothers.

"NO! Don't shoot!" I yelled, reaching the boys.

"Stay back Eliana!" Joe warned.

Jace locked eyes with me, and immediately started to calm down. I felt relieved. I didn't have to worry about him doing something stupid to find me. He knew where I was, and knew I was safe. But that didn't mean he wouldn't do anything stupid for another reason. I pushed between the two, trying to reach for Jace.

"Damn it! I said stay back," Joe said pushing me back.

I struggled to get past, but Joe was stronger than me in my injured state. Joe easily shoved me back. Deon kept his gun on Jace.

"Don't you dare lay your hands on her!" Jace snarled, running up to help me.

There's that stupid thing he was bound to do. He ran forward, with no regard towards the lethal guns aimed at his face.

Jace tried to reach Joe, but Nate rushed into the mad pile trying to knock Jace down. Joe was trying to hold me back from reaching Jace, but I was struggling against him. Cole joined, trying to pull Nate and Jace apart.

"Don't move, or I will shoot!" Deon threatened.

I felt my heart drop, as I saw him aim at Jace's struggling figure. I changed directions, and ran at Deon. I shoved the gun up, just as a shot rang out. I screamed, and ducked to cover my head. I felt Jace cover me, protecting me from being shot. When I looked up between Jace's arms, I saw everyone was ducked except for Deon. He was staring in shock at all of us.

That shot was meant to hit Jace. I felt anger burn through my veins, my heart pounding faster to fuel more of it. That shot was meant to kill my mate. I pushed Jace off of me, and walked right up to Deon. I snatched the gun out of his hand, flicked the safety on, and threw it on the ground. Everyone slowly got up from their crouched position.

"What the f*ck was that?" I snarled, glaring at each and every one of them.

"I know you all are men, and your thrill to fight is greater than mine, but what the hell?!?" They were all watching me in shock.

Jace took a step towards me, but I glared daggers at him. He took a step back, and watched me.

"And you! What the hell were you thinking? Just barging in here swinging your fists around?" I growled at him.

"What were you expecting me to do? Cole told me you were attacked. Did you actually expect me to come in here calmly?" Jace snapped.

"No, but I wasn't expecting you to go punching my brother's roommates. Was that called for?" I snapped.

"It was."

I raised my eyebrow, begging for him to explain it to me.

"They were blocking me from getting to you. I had to get to you. I had to make sure you were safe," Jace explained, not realizing how pathetic of an explanation it was.

"Hey, lets just punch you because you're blocking my way. Sound like a good idea?"

Jace lowered his head, not having an answer.

"And you two." I spun around facing Deon and Joe. Joe quickly hid his gun behind his back. "What the hell were you two doing waving your guns around like some kids?" I asked, waving my own hands around in a crazed move.

"We didn't know he wasn't a threat," Deon answered.

I sent him a glare, which silenced him.

The door opened up, and in walked Aden. I hadn't even realized he had left earlier.

"Uh... What's going on in here? Oh, hey Jace," He greeted.


"Ok, I'm confused," Nate began. "Who is this psychopath?"

I sighed in frustration, before introducing them.

"Jace meet Nate, Deon, and his brother Joe. You already know the other two. Boy's meet Jace, my over protective boyfriend."

A look of shock replaced their confusion. I smirked at them. I felt Jace wrap his arm around my waist. I didn't protest this time. Jace pulled me close to his chest, but I hissed when his arm brushed my ribs.

"Your hurt?" asked Jace, picking me up and leading me to the couch. The boys followed, talking to each other. He pulled up my shirt to inspect it. His eyes darkened when he saw the bruises blooming across my rib cage.

"I'm ok. Cole was just taking a look at them," I explained.

"I think she might have broken a rib," Cole said.

"What happened?" Jace asked me.

All the boys looked at me for an answer. So I explained what had happen.

While I was explaining, Jace explored my body for other wounds. His hands brushed my gunshot wound as gently as he could. After inspecting for wounds, he pulled me onto his lap, and wrapped an arm around me protectively. When I was all done, I rested my pounding head against his chest. The boys continued talking about what they were going to do about the man that got away. Jace played with my hair. I started to relax while leaning against him.

"Did the man know I was your brother?" Cole asked.

I nodded my head.

"Did you tell him your name?"

"No, but he looked at my student ID. So he knows who I am."

"Well this couldn't get any more perfect," Cole muttered.

"Why?" Jace asked.

Cole stared at him, debating if he should tell him. He looked at me, and saw I wanted to know.

"I'm a very wanted person in my world, and people will do just about anything to get to me. But most of the people who try coming after me directly end up dead. Which makes me even more wanted. I had no weaknesses that they could use against me, until Eliana stepped into my life. I kept her hidden from everyone except for these four. But now that man that got away knows all about her," Cole explained.

"So what? They're going to use her to get to you? By doing what?" Jace asked, tightening his grip around me.

"Probably kidnap and torture."

"Sounds pretty familiar," I teased trying to lighten the mood.

"What do you mean?" Aden asked.

Shit, forgot about the other boys.

"Just that I have the same things going on in my life. Using me against the people I love," I explained.

"Sorry," Aden apologized.

"Not your fault. But that man and his people might be a little hesitant to come after me."

"What do you mean?" Cole asked.

"I got pissed, and told him that I insisted he take me away. That way the people who were after me could come chase me down and kill all of them. I'm pretty sure I scared the crap out of him, when I explained just how dangerous they are compared to you guys," I explained.

Jace nudged me. I looked at his face, and got the silent question he was trying to ask. Did I tell the man about werewolves? I shook my head, before resting it against his chest again.

"I bet we are more dangerous." Nate said, boosting his ego.

I started cracking up laughing. I felt Jace shake as he held back silent laughter.

"Oh, that's cute." I cooed, wiping away tears.

"They make all of you look like kids fighting with water guns over a teddy bear," I explained before laughing again.

"I doubt it," Joe said.

"It's true," Cole said. "They really are ruthless. They don't care if they want to be one of them, they just are. We have a choice to join the gang, they are born into theirs. They kill thousands without caring if it was a woman or a child, as long as what their leader says is done. They obey his every command..."

I felt Jace stiffen against me. I blanked out on anything else Cole said, and glanced down at Jace's clenched fist. I unwrapped his fingers, and intertwined mine with his. I gave a gentle squeeze, which Jace returned. I looked up into his eyes, and saw adoration in them.

"Thank you," He whispered.

"No problem," I whispered back.

"I don't know how you do it, but you always manage to calm me down," he whispered into my ear. I felt his warm breath run across my cheek. A slight blush started to crawl onto my cheeks.

I hung my head low, so my hair hid my face. Jace chuckled, and gently tucked my hair behind my ear. He pulled my face up, so I was looking at him. My heart sped up, and started pounding swiftly in my chest. I felt my face get warmer. If his hand wasn't holding my chin up, I would have hid my cheeks again. Jace leaned forward.

"I think you look cute when you blush," Jace whispered.

My face heated up more, and I was sure my cheeks would burst into flames. Jace closed the gap between us, and his soft firm lips met mine. Tingles erupted on my lips instantly, spreading throughout my body. He kissed me gently, almost like he was afraid of hurting me. It was soft and slow, but still made butterflies erupt in my stomach. Our kiss was broken almost instantly, when I felt a cushion hit my back. I pulled away, to see all of the boys staring at us. Cole was glaring daggers at Jace.

"Get a room you two," Aden chuckled.

I quickly glared at them, before hiding my blushing face in Jace's chest. He chuckled at me, before apologizing to them. Jace wrapped his arms around me again. He rubbed my arm, careful not to get to close to the gauze wrapped around my gunshot wound. My uninjured arm was pinned against Jace.

"I never thought I would ever see Eliana act so... so girly," Deon said in fake amazement.

I pulled my head out from it's hiding spot, and poked my tongue out at him.

"Or so nice," Nate muttered.

"When was I ever not nice to you?" I asked.

"When we first met, and you punched me."

I started laughing at the memory.

"Oh, right. Sorry about that, but you did deserve it."

"Whatever," he grumbled.

"I need to finish taking care of your wounds," Cole said.

"Ok," I muttered.

I slid off of Jace's lap, and sat right next to him. Cole came over, so he could take a look at my wounds. A new conversation started up. I didn't really pay attention, because I was more interested in Cole probing around my ribs.

"What are you going to do about my rib?"

Cole pursed his lips, looking up at me with a pained look in his eyes.


Cole grabbed my hand, and gently rubbed it across the painful rib. I bit my lip holding back a whimper of pain, as I felt where the bone was broken.

"Feel that?" Cole asked.

"Yeah. I thought it would just be cracked, but it's actually broken."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to have to snap it back into place so it can heal. Maybe with Jace around it will heal quickly," Cole whispered, so the boys didn't hear. "You're lucky the bone didn't puncture your lung. Then we would be in deep trouble."

"Why don't I just go to a doctor? Say I was mugged in an alleyway."

"The police would be involved then. The last thing you need is people poking around in your life, and realizing just how many unexplained stuff happens to you," Cole explained. "Besides, Jace wouldn't be able to be around you then. You would be in more pain, and would heal slower."


"Where else are you hurt? I'd rather deal with everything else, so I don't have to put you through anymore pain after I deal with your rib."

"My nose was broken, but Nate snapped it back into place. My ankle is bruised, but it will probably just need an icepack. My neck hurts, but there isn't really anything to do about it," I muttered, rubbing my neck gently.

"Ok, hold this on your ribs."

Cole handed me the ice pack that had previously been on my ribs, but fell to the ground when Jace had arrived. I placed it on my ribs, and hissed at the cold contact to the pained area. Cole got up, and went to go get another ice pack for my ankle. When Cole left, Jace pulled me closer to him. I felt some more of my pain numb away when Jace touched me. Most of my pain was completely numbed out by Jace, the painkillers, and the icepack. I leaned against him. The boys got up, and went to continue cleaning up the apartment.

"So, Cole is going to have to put your rib back in place?' Jace asked.

"Yeah. Will you be able to watch that without trying to kill him?" I asked.

"I think I can handle it, because I know he is doing it to help you. Besides what else would I do? Leave my mate when she is being hurt just because I can't control myself? Not happening," Jace teased.

I gave him a tired smile.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I'm just tired of all of this. It's so much happening in my life. All I really want is a break, or at least a fighting chance," I muttered.

"I don't know what I can do about giving you a break, but I think I could train you."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Teach you how to fight. I could train you the same way I train the younger pack members. I can teach you self defense, and then maybe you would feel like you have more of a fighting chance in all of this mess."

"When would we ever get around to training?" I asked.

"Well we could do it in the woods during the day, or at night. Besides I would feel safer if I knew you could defend yourself."

"Hey, I know how to defend myself pretty well."

"That you do, but you could always do better. So, we got a deal?" Jace asked.


"We can start as soon as you're healed."

Cole came back with another two ice packs, a washcloth, a bottle of whiskey, a bottle of water, and some more painkillers. He propped my foot onto a pillow on the coffee table, and laid an ice pack on it.

"Take this." Cole handed me another pill with the bottle of water. I swallowed it quickly.

"What's with the whiskey?" I asked.

"To calm you boyfriends nerves down. I don't want him to kill me."

I smirked, and handed the glaring Jace the bottle. He glared at me.

"I won't kill you," Jace reasoned.

"Ha. Yeah you will," I said.

"We just had this conversation."

"I know, but I also know you. You won't be able to control yourself. I don't want my twin to end up dead. Please for me," I begged. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

Jace glared at me, before unscrewing the bottle.

"The control you have over me," Jace muttered shaking his head, before taking a swig.

Cole turned his attention back to me. He pulled the ice pack I was still holding to my ribs away.

"All numb?" Cole asked. He brushed his fingers over the dark bruising.

I nodded my head. Jace took another couple swigs, before putting the bottle down.

"Bite down on this." Cole handed me the washcloth. I put it in my mouth, and bit down.

Jace laced his fingers through mine, while resting his other hand on my lower back. I was so numbed out from the medicine and holding the ice pack, that I didn't even feel tingles.

"I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt," Cole apologized.

Cole wrapped his fingers around my bone, and yanked upwards. Instant searing pain filled my system, even though I was all numbed up. I screamed into the rag, and clenched tightly. I felt tears begin to fill my eyes. It felt as if I had been stabbed in the chest with a flaming knife, from the amount of pain I felt surging through me. My vision started to fill with black spots. My system was swarming with the intense pain. Cole gently held an ice pack to my ribs.

Slowly, I felt the pain begin to subside. When it did, I became aware that Jace was holding me close. I was leaning against him, while he rubbed his hand up and down my back. Jace stopped, when he realized I was in less pain. He handed me the bottle of whiskey. I removed the washcloth from my mouth. I would have for sure bitten right through my tongue, had it not been there in the first place. I took the bottle from him, and took a few swigs. It instantly filled me with heat, and a bubbly numbing feeling. I set the bottle down, and leaned back into Jace. The pain subsided to a throbbing ache. He took the ice pack from Coles hand, and held it over the pained spot.

"Are you ok?" Jace asked.

I nodded my head, and let my eyes close. I could feel the gentle pull of unconsciousness. Jace kissed my forehead. More pain numbed away. Finally when the pain seemed to have completely numbed out, I stirred to a more comfortable position.

"Let's take you to bed," Cole said.

Jace picked me up gently, careful not to bump me too much. He carried me into Cole's room. Cole cleared off the bed so Jace could set me down. I felt the pull of unconsciousness become greater. I was exhausted. Jace set me down when the bed was cleared. Cole left us alone, as Jace kneeled next to the bed.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

He brushed some hair out of my face, as I tried to focus on his face.


"Yeah? Well you went through a lot today. Plus mixing alcohol and pain killers probably wasn't the best idea," Jace said, in a soothing voice.

Jace held my hand in his. I felt myself give in a bit more to the pull. My vision went darker, and my body started to feel like it was floating. I was pulled out from this state, when Jace pulled away from me. I quickly snatched his hand, and pulled him back down. I was too weak to have actually pulled him down to me, but Jace followed what I wanted.

"Stay," I whispered.

Jace watched me for a moment, before nodding his head. He took off his shoes, and his shirt. Then he slipped into the bed with me. He wrapped an arm gently around me. I gave in fully to the unconsciousness. But not before feeling Jace kiss my forehead, and hear him whisper something. I wasn't too sure if I heard accurately, but I heard him whisper- "I'm sorry". I didn't even get a chance to puzzle over it, when I felt myself slip away.

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