Stay // Jimin X Reader {Compl...

By Bambiiya

62.4K 1.9K 241

❝It hurts when I can't touch you.....your like a drug to me...and I cant resist it anymore.❞ You and Jimin ha... More

💜Thank you!!💜


4.5K 128 21
By Bambiiya

"Your really different then most girls"



I sit on the couch watching LuHan practice his lines for his new Drama he is in. 

"Wow Fang yu your really something."  He says causing me to laugh. He shoots me a look then smiles at me. "Y/n wanna help?" He asks. I shrug then nod. I scoot over closer to him and grab a script. I scan the paper. "Who am I" i ask. He points to Fang Yu. I nod.

"You know Ming Tain your defiantly different than the other ones. You seem like your someone who will never fight." I say. He shakes his head. "You dont get it do you!" He yells. I stare at his eyes. "I think you should leave." I say. He shakes his head. "Not until i dont have to do the fight." He says. He yawns. "Im tired can we take a break." He asks.

"Sure. Wanna watch a movie or something?" I ask. He jumps up grabbing his computer. He goes on netflix and scrolls through the movies. "How about we watch riverdale instead." He says. I smile and nod. He turns on the last episode that we were on. He brings over a blanket and wraps it around both of us. He snuggles up in the blanket and scoots a little closer to me. We continue watching the show for a little bit longer. I begin to feel tired. Its almost midnight and i have work tomorrow. I should get some rest.  I yawn then start to stand up. "Hey Lu im going to bed." I say. He nods. I take my phone off the coffee table then trudge up the stairs to my room. "Night Y/n." He shouts from downstairs. I chuckle. "Night Lu!" I yell back. I walk into the bathroom to take a quick shower. 

I slip out of my clothes then step into the shower. I turn it on letting the warm water run over my body. Its nice to be able to relax for a bit. I finish up washing then I grab my towel and try myself off. I put on a pair of shorts and a hoodie. I walk into my room while brushing my hair out.  I sit down on my bed. I notice i got a text. I open up the message. It seems like an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Y/n its me!

You: Who is this?

Unknown:  Its Namjoon. I got your number from Jimin.
[changes name to namjoon]

You: Oh hey namjoon whats up?

Namjoon: Nothin i was just bored, You asleep?

You: would i be answering you if i was asleep?

Namjoon: Oh haha, well now im tired so i will see you at work tomorrow.

You: alright then.....

I turn my phone off and chuckle, Namjoon is weird. I lay down on my bed and cover myself in my blanket and covering myself. I begin to drift off to sleep.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I sit up and rub my eyes. I feel tired but i guess everyone feels like that at 7 o'clock in the morning. I stand up and walk over to my closet to get dressed. I slip on an outfit then run to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I brush my teeth then brush my hair. I put on a little bit of makeup. When im done i grab my bag, my phone, and my heels and rush out the door. "BYE LU BE HOME LATERRR!" I yell as i run out the door. I get into my car and start to drive to work.

"Hey Y/n!" Ren says as i walk in the lockeroom. I smile at her and go to my locker. I change into my uniform. We both stand in front of the mirror doing our hair. "So y/n, like anyone who works here?" She asks. I shrug. "I mean Namjoon seems nice." I say. She smiles. We finish our hair then we walk out to the bar. We walk over to the bar to meet Namjoon and Jin. "Hey guys." Ren says. I smile at them.

"Morning ladies, looking ravishing today." A man says from behind the counter. "Im Taehyung by the way, this is Jungkook, he is shy." He says. I smile at both of them. Jimin walks out of his office. He smiles at us. "Morning guys." He says. We bow. "Good morning sir." The boys say. Jimin nods before turning away.  Before he is fully turned around i can see his eyes land on me and he smiles a little more than before. I bow to him and blush a little. I look at my shoes and brush a piece of hair out of my face. I snap out of my trance when Namjoon begins talking. "We should get to work. There are costumers coming in." He says. I walk over to the people who are asking for drinks. I take their orders then bring them their drinks. Then he walks in.....

My ex boyfriend....Lee Taeyong.  He struts in with his new girlfriend Joy. I look over at them in shock and he gives me an evil smirk. I feel a wave of sadness and anger hit me. Ren rushes over to me. "Y/n can you get those two, im busy."  She says pointing to Taeyong and Joy. I slowly nod. I walk over to the table and try to keep my head down.

"C-can i take your order...." I say. Joy glares at me. "Ew....its that slut." She says. Taeyong smiles at her. "No babe, thats the trash, someone should really take it out." He says. I clench my jaw.

"Can i take your order?" I say a little more confidently. He stares at me. "Give us some soju." He says. I slowly nod then go get the drinks. I get the drinks and bring them over to the table. "Water too please." Joy says. I sigh then nod and go get the water.  I hand her the glass of water.  She smirks at me. "Oh y/n you have something on your shirt." She says. I look down. "Theres noth-" i say but was cut off my a burst of water. She threw the glass of water at me. The water goes all over my shirt. The glass falls to the ground and breaks. Everyone looks over at me. I stare at them. "WHY DID I EVER DATE YOU!" I yell. Taeyong stands up and grabs the collar of my shirt. I gulp. He stares at me. "Shut up!" He yells. I see a strong hand grasp Taeyong's shoulder and pulls him off of me. Its Jimin. He stares at Taeyong with anger in his eyes. "Get out of my bar, and take that slut of a girlfriend with you." He hisses at him. I watch as Taeyong stares at him. He rolls his eyes then grabs Joy's hand and they stomp out. "I NEVER NEEDED YOU ANYWAY Y/N YOUR NOTHING, YOUR WORTHLESS!" Taeyong screams at me causing me to break down in tears. Jimin takes my hand and walks into his office. He sits me down on the couch.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I nod softly. He wipes away my tears. He stares at me for a few moments. "Your not worthless, your beautiful and kind, dont forget that." He says. I lift my head to meet his eyes. "T-thank you Sir." I say. He nods. "Why dont you go home and get some rest, i will see you tomorrow. Feel better." He says with a soft expression. I nod. He smiles at me. I take a deep breath then stand up. "Thank you sir, see you tomorrow." I say. 

"You can call me Jimin, Y/n." He says smiling. I nod and smile back. He is very comforting to me, even though we just met 2 days ago. Lets just see how this goes...

Hey y'all
i hope you liked it, i worked really hard on this
Bye bye 💜

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