Guiltless Sin || John Murphy

By Cutehorse

137K 4.8K 1.9K

'Sin: an act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault, offence, or omission; Guilty: conscious of, affected... More



2.5K 104 24
By Cutehorse



Byrd walked through the forest, swinging her knives around in her hands as she started back to camp. She hadn't seen a sign of Murphy and it made her nervous. She couldn't loose him. She smirked when she heard chatter up ahead before they all fell silent, knowing it was the remaining of the original hundred, she continued onward.

'Byrd?' Octavia called softly when she came into view.

'The one and only,' She replied.

'What are you doing out here by yourself?' Jasper asked.

'Trying to find Murphy, what else?'

'Get over here before they get you.'

'Uh, pretty sure they won't. Been out here by myself for a while now.'

Bellamy shook his head at her as Clarke sent her a stern glance, neither of them saying a word.

'So, you haven't seen anyone?' One of the boys asked.

'Not a soul,' She shook her head; 'Beside this guy.'

She held up a dead fox, smirking as it swung in the air. She hardly blinked when something silver flew past her head, skimming the side of her ear before lodging itself into a boy's head. The entire crowd gasped as they all scrambled backwards, Byrd merely lowering the animal as her eyes came to land on the dead boy. She looked back up at Octavia, smirking as she laughed.

'You better run,' She shook her head; 'Cause they're here.'

'Grounders!' Jasper yelled.

The group all bolted back for camp, pushing and shoving one another. The girl was yanked forward by Octavia, who didn't let go of her arm until they were inside the wall. She rolled her eyes, watching as everyone ran around in a panic; a smirk coming onto her lips. She loved chaos.

'Little Bird,' Finn called as he ran toward her with a gun; 'Do you know how to use this?'

'Of course,' She chuffed.

'Here you go then.'

He shoved the gun into her chest before he rushed away again, Bellamy calling her name; motioning for her to come up. Though little did he know, she wasn't going to kill any of them; well, any of the ones she liked anyway. She propped herself up against the wall, eyes scanning the forest before her lazily.

'Where are they? Why aren't they attacking?' Bellamy asked Clarke as she came to stand beside him.

'Because we're doing exactly what they wanted us to do,' The blonde muttered after a moment.

'What are you talking about?'

Byrd pulled her gun up, the barrel aiming at the sky as she turned to smirk at the boy; 'They're corralling us. Easier kill.'

She jumped down from the ledge, landing easily as Clarke began to talk.

'Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive,' The girl looked to Finn.

'If it's just scouts, we can fight our way out,' Octavia strode forward; 'That's what Lincoln would do.'

'We're done doing what that grounder would do,' Bellamy stated firmly as he jumped down beside Byrd; 'We tried it and now Drew is dead. You want to be next?'

'That grounder saved our lives,' Finn chimed; 'I agree with Octavia. For all we know, there's one scout out there.'

'One scout with insanely good aim,' Jasper added nervously.

'Clarke, we can still do this,' Octavia looked up.

'Looking to you, Princess. What's it gonna be? Run and get picked off out in the open, or stand and fight back?' Bellamy queried.

The blonde looked over all of them before looking out at the forest, remaining silent. She jumped down from the ledge after turning back, Finn catching her arm as she went to walk away. Byrd rolled her eyes, lowering her weapon to point at the ground before passing it off to a boy to her right; gripping her knives instead.

'Clarke,' Finn muttered; 'If we're still here when Tristan gets here-'

'Lincoln said scouts. More than one. He said, get home before the scouts arrive. Finn, they're already here,' Clarke replied lowly before turning to Bellamy; 'Looks like you've got your fight.'

'Ok, then,' The boy called; 'This is what we've been preparing for. Kill them before they kill us. Gunners, to your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on, the gate stays closed.'

Byrd watched as Finn ran his hands through his hair, every ounce of him against the idea of killing. The group around them moved quickly, racing to get to their posts and through the tunnels.

'Tav, you coming?' The girl called as she twisting her knives around.

Octavia nodded as she grabbed a large knife, striding toward her before her brother grabbed her arm.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not a gunner,' He stated.

'No, I'm not. Like you said,' She held up her knife; 'I'm a grounder.'

Bellamy looked shocked as he nodded, letting his sister run off with one of the more troublesome delinquents. She lead the group through the tunnels, making it out of the other side with ease.

'All right, let's get to those foxholes,' Miller called.

Byrd shook her head, motioning for Octavia to follow her; clambering up a tree. But the Blake girl hesitated, shaking her head before she followed after the others.

'All foxholes, listen up,' She heard faintly; 'Keep your eyes and ears open. Inflict casualties, as many as possible. You can hold them off long enough to make them turn back. That's the plan.'

She smirked, 'Yes, chancellor.'

She laid along the tree branch, looking down at the dark ground below. It wasn't long before she heard chatter coming through the radios, gunshots echoing through the air. Shadows raced around the ground beneath her, a smirk growing on her lips; they were playing with them like dummies. She pushed herself up to stand on the branch, searching for more grounders.

That was when the yells sounded, a large group of grounders charging the foxhole. Byrd stood still, waiting for the right moment to jump down and kill; listening to the yells of the men below. With a shrug, she jumped down, flinging her knives out either side of her; slitting the throats of two grounders. She spun around, ducking under a knife and jabbing one into a stomach. She looked over her shoulder when she heard a yell, before her own yell sounded; a burning pain searing through her stomach.

'You little bitch,' She yelled before killing the next three grounders.

'Byrd,' Octavia cried.

The girl spun around, killing more grounders as she went; running toward Bellamy and Octavia.

'Are you ok?' The boy asked.

'Great,' She replied through clenched teeth.

She could feel the blood dripping from her hand, her singlet sticking to her skin.

'Go,' She urged; 'Save her.'

'What about you?' He queried.

'I'll be right behind you.'

The boy nodded, carrying his sister lifting his sister up once more.

'Hey, Bellamy,' She called; 'If you see Murphy, help him, please... And tell him I'm sorry.'

Bellamy looked at her with wide eyes, nodding slowly; watching as she turned away, turning back to fight the grounders. Byrd fought off all the grounders she could; though the numbers they were running at her in was drowning her. She screamed when her knife was knocked out of her hand, her wrist screaming with pain. She gripped at it, more blood seeping from her skin.

With one last effort, she killed who she killed and bolted back through the tunnels. She stumbled into the camp, looking up at the sky as an explosion sounded. Everything around her went silent, her eyes turning to the sky to see what looked like a firey meteorite. It soon began to break into pieces as it his the atmosphere, sparking a glimpse of hope inside of her.

'Is that from the Ark?' A girl asked.

'That is the Ark,' Clarke replied.

Her head snapped toward the wall when she heard yelling once more, snatching a gun from the nearest teenager before she strode forward. But just as she stumbled to her knees, bird calls and hoots echoed through the air causing a smirk to come onto her lips.

'Reapers,' She whispered before she began to laugh; 'Reapers!'

The fighting outside the wall echoed over them, Finn rushing into camp; only to be hugged by Clarke. Miller helped her up from her knees, wrapping an arm around her back; leading her toward the drop ship.

'Where's Octavia?' She asked.

'I don't know,' He muttered as he helped her up the ramp.


'She's still out there, Byrd.'

'Then what are we doing here?'

She stopped walking, ignoring the dizziness that settled upon her mind.

'She's probably d-' Miller tried again.

'Until you know she's dead,' The girl stated firmly; 'You don't say that.'

His eyes moved over her face as he set her down beside Raven, a soft groan leaving her mouth. The boy didn't stay long when the gunshots started outside, leaving her in Clarke's hands.

'Byrd, oh my God,' The blonde gasped before she moved to help her.

'I'm fine,' She waved them off; 'I'm good, Blondie. Sto-'

A loud yell came from her mouth when Clarke pressed down on it, trying to figure out how deep it is.

'How long have you had this?' Clarke asked.

'I didn't exactly count,' Byrd snapped.

'You've lost a lot of blood.'

'I'm fine. If I die, I die.'

'Not if I can save you.'

'Let me go, Blondie. I'm happy to die here.'

'What about Murphy?'

The Delani girl paused then, 'I don't know... But if it comes down to it, let me die. I'm not scared.'

Clarke studied her face, noting how pale it was but her eyes were still so full of life. She nodded reluctantly, Finn shaking his head behind her.

'Skywalker, I'm ok,' Byrd whispered as her eyes fell shut.

He scoffed, 'Cause it looks like it.'

She didn't say anything as she smiled softly, her hand still pressing into her stomach.

'Clarke, they're taking down the gate,' Miller yelled as stumbled into the drop ship.

'Good. Because I did it I think,' Jasper stated as he popped up from under the dropship.

'I'm closing that door.'

'Wait! We've still got people out there,' Clarke exclaimed as she stood; 'Bellamy's not back yet.'

Byrd sighed as she pushed herself up to stand slowly, gripping at the chest as she leant against. Finn watched her hesitantly as she grabbed a gun, moving slowly toward the door. The girl fired shots as she leant against the door frame, the bullets landing in grounders left, right and centre. Once the bullets ran out, she pulled her knife; launching it with the little strength she had left. The blade flipped through the air, piercing a grounders skull; a smirk sitting on her lips.

'No, Finn, no!' Clarke yelled as Finn ran into the fight; 'No!'

'Blondie, we need to get in here,' She called; 'Unless you want everyone to die.'

'We can't leave him!'

'If we don't, everyone else dies.'

'You can't save everybody,' Miller added; 'Let's go.'

Byrd watched as Finn nodded to them, motioning for them to go. She let Miller drag Clarke inside, standing in the doorway for a moment longer. She watched Bellamy and Finn fight, slight dread sitting in her stomach as she watched them loose.

'Byrd, go!' Finn yelled.

She stared at him for a second, nodding slowly before she back away; Clarke standing by the lever to shut the door.

'Do it,' She stated.

The blonde struggled to hold back the tears in her eyes, Byrd pulling on a new shirt to hide her wounds until they could be stitched up. The blood soaked through it easily, but it would do. She moved to sit down by the wall, smirking when a body stepped through the curtains; Anya standing ready to fight as she looked over them all.

'Grounder Princess,' She drawled as she closed her eyes; 'Your presence makes awful timing.'

'Jasper, now,' Clarke called.

The banging from outside the dropship only hitting higher up the sides, but nothing else happened. Jasper looked up in shock, slight panic in his face.

'Anya, you can't win,' Clarke tried to reason with the grounder.

But the woman didn't seem to take her words seriously as she swung her knives around, a teen jumping out from her left; hitting her over the head. Most of the group pounced on her then, kicking and yelling at her. 

'Stop! She's already down,' Clarke yelled. 

Byrd pushed herself up from the ground, grabbing a gun from one of the crates before she fired it into the air; everyone jumping back in shock. 

'Leave her alone or the next bullet is in one of you,' She spat.

'Traitor,' One of the girls sneered. 

The Delani girl aimed her weapon at her and fired, hitting her in the leg. 

'Anyone else share that opinion?' She asked as she spun around; 'That's what I thought.'

'She deserves to die,' A boy yelled before he went to attack Anya who still laid on the floor. 

'No!' Clarke yelled. 


Byrd let out a long sigh, shooting the boy in the foot; unable to kill him with Clarke standing before him. He let out a yell and collapsed to the ground, the blonde girl sending her a look. 

'We are not grounders!' Clarke yelled. 

All violence in the room seemed to stop then, everyone looking toward her; listening to the chaos outside. But what they didn't expect was for the drop ship to suddenly jolt upward, sending everyone to the ground. Byrd groaned as pain ripped through her stomach and wrist, her body laying against the cold metal floor which slowly warmed. It only last a second before the dropship slammed back to the ground, her body being jolted around once more. 

She pushed herself up to sit, watching as some of the boys rushed Anya once again; tying her hands together with rope. Byrd shook her head, clenching her teeth as blood painted the skin on her arm. She closed her eyes as the dizziness hit her hard, the room spinning as her body swayed. 

'Byrd, hey,' Clarke's soft voice made her head pound.

'Shit, Blondie,' She muttered; 'Quieten down.'

'I'm going to burn the wound, ok?'

'What? With your laser eyes? We have to go see the glorious chaos.'

'We need to get you patched up. We have plenty of time.'

The girl groaned, 'I told you to let me die.'

'I told you, I'm not letting that happen. Now lie down, this is gonna hurt.'

'I'm sure it will.'

'Jasper, heat this knife, please. Quickly.'

Byrd laid silent then, her eyelids falling shut as she waited the huge amount of pain she was about to endure. She clenched her teeth hard when Clarke pressed the burning knife to her stomach, suppressing a scream between her lips. Her back arched up off the floor, her hands clenched into fists. It burned white hot, her sizzling skin causing her to cough softly; the memories playing on the back of her eyelids. 

There was fire everywhere, the orange flames licking the roof and walls. She could hear the screams as she stood amongst it grinning, her blood drenched knife sitting clenched in her hand. Another scream was muffled by her lips. She could see the guards rushing at her, masks covering their faces and weapons aimed at her. The smoke sat heavy in her lungs, soft coughs leaving her mouth as her eyes burnt.

'Byrd,' Clarke called; 'Byrd, you with me?'

'Damn, you didn't kill me,' She coughed once more. 

'It's all done.'

'Oh, trust me, I know.'

She sat up slowly, running her hand over her face; glad she hadn't passed out in front of everyone. Jasper helped her hand, Miller wrapping an arm around her back. 

'Get off, losers,' She muttered; 'I'm fine. Let's go see the chard bodies.'

The girl walked forward slowly, pulling down the lever for the door; watching as it lowered slowly. The first thing she could smell was the ash and smoke, then the smell of burning skin. She smirked at the chard skeletons amongst all the white and grey ash piles, most of the jaws locked; looking as though they were still screaming. She looked around, taking it all in; imagining if the guards ward had looked similar after she had visited. 

Bu as Byrd leant down to touch one of the skeletons, something was thrown over the wall; red smoke bellowing from it. She covered her nose and mouth, breathing into her skin as she watched more fly over; red smoke blocking her vision. People coughed around her, green lasers flickering through the smoke. 

'Who the hell are you?' She asked as she lowered her arm. 

The man covered in a dark green suit pushed her to the ground, loud coughs leaving her mouth as she breathed in the red smoke. Her gaze began to fall hazy, blurring everything around her before it all went black. And when she awoke next, all she saw was white.

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