Ambassadors - A novel based o...

By DuilioGF

834 6 0

Conflict and hatred afflict the world of Azeroth, a disease that has been spreading for generations. Horde an... More

Prologue - War Must Go On
Chapter 01 - Bloodshed
Chapter 02 - Storm
Chapter 03 - Stand in the Light
Chapter 04 - The Human Spirit
Chapter 05 - The Plan
Chapter 06 - Sorrow
Chapter 07 - Winds of War
Chapter 08 - Whiteclaw
Chapter 10 - Snow and Ash
Chapter 11 - Power
Chapter 12 - The Polluters and the Cursed
Chapter 13 - Cursed Blood
Chapter 14 - Blueprints
Chapter 15 - Legion Loyalists
Chapter 16 - Arathor
Chapter 17 - Barbarians
Chapter 18 - Syndicalism no more
Chapter 19 - The Infernal Garden
Chapter 20 - Ambush
Chapter 21 - La Suerte
Chapter 22 - Boulder Flesh
Chapter 23 - The Light of a Titan
Chapter 24 - Harsh Lessons
Chapter 25 - Draconic Intervention
Chapter 26 - Legacy of the Stoneward
Chapter 27 - Burning Hatred
Chapter 28 - The Bombing of Theramore
Chapter 29 - A Leyline in the Sand
Epilogue - The Azeroth Embassy

Chapter 09 - The Golden Bridge

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By DuilioGF

"After all these years, this place is still burning with boiling lava... how?", Syla expressed, staring down at the deep fissure. From down there, a hot and smoldering air ascended, raising the temperature around them.

"Yes, it's quite a mystery", Dunris responded, carrying a big lodge on his shoulder. "Many Shamans have tried to ease the fury of the land, but the wounds opened by Deathwing are still hard to heal", and then he kept moving on.

"Do you still have trouble in trusting them?", Argheros asked the woman.

"It's... complicated...", she said with a hesitant voice. "I look them in the eye, and all my doubts fade away... but then I start thinking, and... I don't know, you don't forget about years and years of war from one moment to the other. Plus, there's Theramore on top of that. I think I will never forgive that."

"Well, you didn't try to gut Wolfeye, so I think that's progress already", he observed with a wide smile.

"Yeah, you can say it's progress. At least I don't feel like murdering you for dragging me here anymore", she joked.

"Captain, Jian-do says the food is ready", one of her crewmen called, interrupting the conversation.

"We'll be there. Tell that fat pandaren to save us a juicy ration", she commanded.

"He says he must feed the Taurajo volunteers first, as he was commanded", the sailor reminded her.

Wolfeye and his brothers had told everyone the story of Camp Taurajo, how that small town had welcomed them without asking many questions. Irondawn remembered that Dunris had been distant and silent during the first years of the Cataclysm events, since he resented the Alliance for what had happened at the small tauren village. However, the orc was wise enough to overcome his hatred.

And now, after all the pain they had been through, some of the Taurajo survivors had rushed to volunteer for the Embassy Project, offering themselves as workforce. They weren't Warriors nor Hunters, but they were eager to help.

"I am his bloody captain. Do as I say!"

"Aye aye, cap'n."

Argheros and Syla put down their tools and set out to join the rest of the camp. Irondawn gave one last look at the bridge they were building and gave a long sigh out of satisfaction. After they took Dunris and the Whiteclaw Clan back to Ratchet, their group had awaited for the rest of their allies to arrive. And, to be honest, their arrivals had been way more surprising than what he had expected.

Craos and Drahna had shown up with more volunteers, all of them willing to give a helping hand. There was this young human warrior called Tandren who was incredibly charming and had a bright, friendly smile. From a young age, he had been Silverflame's squire, following her everywhere and assisting her every time it was necessary. Thus, he had grown into an outstanding combatant under her tutelage, and even Drahna had to admit he was quite strong. Even Argheros had taught the young man a thing or two. However, he had not wanted to follow the path of the Paladin, but he was not to be underestimated: he had proven himself to Odyn and was a renowned Valarjar.

Gina was a cute little gnome with a strong character, passionate for alchemy and inventions. "As every good gnome should be", according to her own words. Her lifelong wish was to find a lasting cure for the Lepper Gnome disease, but she lacked the influence or the funds to embark on such endeavor.

She didn't seem to like the only High Elf of the group, with his bright blue eyes and his harmonious lute. Darandir had been traveling the world in search for new adventures and songs since before the First War. He wasn't much of a fighter, but he thought that the world had become a sadder, darker place and wanted to do something to change this. His voice was truly a wonder, and his music was a delight for the ears.

Finally, a researcher by the name of Laehlas had joined the group altogether with a night elven Sentinel called Alissea, who was his trusted friend and bodyguard. The man was a Kirin Tor Mage, and honestly quite a scholar, having dedicated his life to the study of magic and history. He had been present at the first assault to Naxxramas, but after that he had decided to abandon the battlefields to research new discoveries to improve the lives of the azerothian people. The night elf, however, was reluctant to join the group of Ambassadors.

"I join only because of Laehlas", she had stated when she had been introduced to the others. "I know that none of you took part in the War of Thorns. I know you didn't burn Teldrassil... But if anything happens to Laehlas, I will kill you."

In spite her harsh words, the Mage promised Alissea had a great heart and would be of great help.

Argheros had expected more support from Hearthglen, but the Argent Crusade had pitched in with useful supplies and equipment. Craos was a little bit upset with Drahna for this, because it seemed she had put a lot of pressure to get said supplies. In the draenei's own words, she "had forced" their brothers and sisters to collaborate with the Embassy effort.

The Forsaken Warrior Drusila had also returned to Ratchet with an outstanding surprise. She had brought with her not only the Blood Elven sisters Anastriana and Eidil, but a small undead pirate ship commanded by a crazy individual called Osmond. This man and his crew seemed thrilled with their unlife, as it allowed them to "party and plunder all the time, without feeling the weariness of the living". Their ship had no name, as Osmond changed it every week. That way it was "more fun", according to him. He owed Drusila a couple of favors, and his ship was more than useful for the project.

The Forsaken Warrior herself was a former Lordaeron Knight, and she was furious with what had happened at the Undercity. She had sworn she would return the old city back to her people, but she had also understood that shedding more blood was useless. Drusila wasn't quite fond of using the Plague, and at the same time she didn't trust Calia Menethil, the supposed rightful heir of Lordaeron.

Anastriana, in the other hand was quite familiar to Argheros, since they had fought together under the banner of the Silver Hand. She didn't talk much, but Irondawn had seen few other Paladins master the shield and the protective ways of the Light like her. Some called her the "Ruby Bulwark" because of her fiery ginger hair, but she hated that tittle. Her sister, Eidil, was a member of the Farstriders and a remarkable marksman. A silver dragonhawk followed her everywhere, and the elven archer was used to mount her companion when she charged into battle.

Hollowheart and Goldsprout had also returned from their journey to the north, and they had brought a draenei priestess with them that had left Irondawn speechless. She had a pure and soothing aura, her eyes and her smile were unbelievably warm and her words could bring peace to the most troubled heart. Her name was Veelah, and Argheros felt the Light's unmistakeable blessing within her.

Goldsprout had also brought his young apprentice, Thalanyr, who was training to become a Druid of the Leaf. For the surprise of all of them, it had been Thalanyr herself the one who had come up with the idea to build a bridge to reconnect the Golden Road. Goldsprout was quite a demanding and strict tutor, but he trusted the young woman and had done everything within his power for everyone to listen to her. Argheros had realized that the night elf Druid had a great heart in spite of his usual severeness.

After that, the entire group had started working on the construction. To some people, it may seem as a small deed, but to Irondawn, it meant quite a big deal. They weren't peons nor builders, but they had laid down their weapons in order to work together. Ushi and Gina were the most experienced in designing and planning, and Argheros still couldn't believe that they had collaborated so easily in creating the bridge. Goblins and Gnomes were well known for hating each other, but the two of them had somehow come to an understanding.

Topijin had traveled quickly to Sen'jin Village, and he had returned with a curious ally, a female troll Warlock. She smiled silently and had few clothings, most of her body was painted, and she had hundreds of bones and tiny vials all around her. If the Mage wouldn't have introduced her, Argheros would've thought she was a Blood Troll.

"Dis be Valja, mon", Topijin started when he presented her. "She is a Hexer, a Witch in da service of da Black Harvest. Anastriana knows her well too, dey fought together many times."

Irondawn had tried to make good acquaintances with her, but he had felt a hint of horror when Valja spoke about her collection of souls like a kid talks about her toys.

But overall, the group seemed to be getting along really well. Marsha and Augustus had bought their twin daughters with them, Aega and Tyralin, who also helped ease any tension. The girls were fascinated with the taurens, and they were amazed by the blood elves' beauty; but the best part was that they didn't seem afraid of the undead. Osmond and his crew had a hoot with them, although Drusila wasn't quite fond of children. Degarok and Korghan had the bigger muscles of the group, so Tyralin and Aega climbed to their arms and started swinging on them; for a second, Irondawn had seen Dunris' youngest brother smile.

"So, what now?", Anastriana asked them when they sat down to eat their meal. "Soon we will be done with this bridge. What will be our next move?"

"I thought we had agreed we should go to the Burning Steppes...", her sister answered.

"Yes, but, as a matter of fact, we are too close to the ruins of Theramore", the Blood Knight insisted. "I know Dunris had some sort of vision that ended at the crater, but it's ridiculous to think that we should actually do all these things in order. Besides, if people see what we did here, and then they see what we are trying to do at Theramore, our journey to the east may be safer."

"Safer?", Razorhowl intervened with his charming voice. "Even if we married Sylvanas to Anduin the war would go on. No righteous and merciful deed would spare us the title of traitors."

"No, it won't", Augustus responded. "However, I think I have to agree with Anastriana this time... Maybe we should try to restore Theramore. Many heroes of both the Alliance and the Horde would rush to our side if we build our first Embassy there. But I don't know... what do you think, Wolfeye?"

"You already know what I think. I told you, the spirit wolf Alok presented himself in my dreams. He returned my sight, and I am bound to trust his", the Shaman insisted. "I agreed we should build this bridge so we could start with the right foot... but I have the urge to travel east."

"Ahem, ahem", Laehlas loudly cleared his throat, calling everyone's attention. He waited a second in order to swallow his food, and then he proceeded to stand up. The Mage was a few inches shorter than the common human, with long brown hair and a bushy beard without a moustache. "If I may speak, there's an inconvenient with rebuilding Theramore that I've been trying to tell you about... I was just waiting for all of us to be together and discussing this matter. Imagine that the ruins are the remains of this bonfire", he got near the charring embers. "We already know that the fire has been extinguished, but if we tried to put anything over the charcoal, it would still burn, even kindling the flame once again. Our precious Theramore has become the same."

"Burning embers?", Argheros asked. "The ruins are more unstable than what we expect, then..."

"Precisely", the Mage approved. "I've conducted several studies to the soil, and there's an alarming level of arcane residue, even in the air."

"So, if you want to build over ashes, first you must extinguish them", Irondawn added with an understanding nod. "How do you extinguish arcane residue, then?"

"You don't", Laehlas answered, shrugging. "That's the problem. You have to extract it, remove it from the entire place. And only the finest arcanists have the capacity of doing this; I myself have tried several times, but it's a time consuming process, and the results I got were... scarce."

"And we don't have enough Mages", Wolfeye summed up. "Only you and Topijin. Maybe Valja can also master the arcane?"

"No, mon, me domains be da shadows", she answered with her usual, wicked smile.

"Then we go the East, as planned!", Orato cheered, raising a fist in the air.

"We could also try and get more volunteer Mages...", Laehlas stated.

"Actually, I think we should absolutely go to the Eastern Kingdoms", the young Warrior Tandren interrupted.

"Hush, boy! The grownups are speaking!", Drahna silenced her squire, who had stopped being a boy a long time ago.

"No, no, let him speak", Argheros told her with a wide smile. He was no stranger to her strict but maternal relationship with Tandren.

"Thanks, Commander. I must tell you I was born at Redridge Mountains, and as some of you may know, that region has been harassed by the Blackrock Clan for generations. But recently... there has been something different... like a shadow to the north of Lakeshire. It's probably nothing, but I recently got a raven with a message... I was about to head home when Drahna and Craos approached me. The townsfolk are starting to get worried..."

"Maybe, if we help the people from Redridge we can get even more support", Argheros reasoned "It's not a bad idea, and we would stick to the initial plan. In fact, I've been thinking...", the Paladin added, making a brief pause to get everyone's attention. "We can't count with direct help from either Horde or Alliance; however, we do need official support as a safe-conduct in order to shield us from any possible aggressions."

Irondawn had thought about this right after Drahna and Craos' arrival. Even without the contribution of soldiers, the Silver Hand had sent supplies and provisions. It was then when it became obvious to him, clear as daylight: he should've asked for an official document, certifying the support of the Knights of the Silver Hand to the Azeroth Embassy. He only regretted he hadn't thought about it before, although there was still time to ask for such certificate.

"I'm not as good with politics as I'd like to be", Dunris answered, rubbing his chin. "But I understand what you mean; there are many factions that would approve of our efforts. And, if we can prove they support us, we would be safer."

"Nevertheless... we will need to prove we aren't just a bunch of promises", Argheros continued. "And we will need more than just a bridge for that..."

"Then aiding Redridge matches perfectly with our agenda!", Tandren insisted.

"Indeed", Irondawn laughed. "In any case, we must first finish with the bridge. Let's get back to work as soon as possible."

After meal time was over and everyone else scattered, Wolfeye approached the Paladin quitely. He had a hint of concern on his expression, but the human asked no questions. However, before saying anything, Dunris stared at the twins and her mother.

"What are you doing, Marsha?", the orc inquired with curiosity.

Argheros directed his eyes to her, and he could see she was sewing, while Aega and Tyralin helped her. She also had several dyes around her, and it seemed she had struggled to find the desired combination of colors.

"I figured that, if we are going to work as a faction, we will need an emblem", she explained, giving the finishing touches to the embroidery. "We need everyone to see our crest, and recognize its meaning", she looked at the orc and then at Argheros. "You two should get to the center of that bridge, and place this banner in the middle."

The Shaman approached her with his eyes wide open, as if he couldn't believe her. Argheros was surprised too, since Marsha hadn't shown herself as a strong supporter of the Embassy. What made her change her mind? Dunris received the flag almost with shaky hands, and he raised it in the air. It was purple, and it had a silver "A" at its center. The style of this symbol seemed like the combination of an orcish rune and the human alphabet.

"It's A for Azeroth", she said in a loud voice so anyone could hear her. "And that purple comes from the combination of the Horde's red and the Alliance's blue."

"It's... perfect... I have no words to thank you", Wolfeye mumbled.

"You don't need to thank me; Argheros is right, this is the most righteous cause I've ever fought for", she answered. "Besides, you should thank the girls", she added with a proud big smile. "They must have heard you saying the We are Azeroth motto, since they kept on telling me A for Azeroth, A for Azeroth!"

The Paladin saw the twins giggling, he kneeled down and opened his arms widely. Aega and Tyralin rushed towards him and dived in a warm hug. He kissed both of them on the forehead.

"You are amazing, girls", he told them. "Let no one tell you otherwise. Shall we?", he asked Wolfeye, standing up and holding out his hand.

"Of course", Dunris responded, and then they both held the flagpole of the banner.

Together, orc and human walked to the center of the bridge, and nailed the flag to the railing. The calm wind stirred it softly, and even the smoldering lava underneath them seemed to be more quiet.

"We should leave a sign next to the banner", Wolfeye said then. "Marsha spoke the truth: we need everyone to know who we are and what are we going to do. This bridge... it is the first proof that our intentions are possible. Horde and Alliance, working together for a better future", then he took a small knife out of his pouch. "At each side, we should write both in orcish and the common language: May all witness The Golden Bridge, as it was built by...", the Shaman looked at Argheros, and then at Marsha and the others.

"By the Azeroth Embassy. Together, we are Azeroth", Irondawn completed for him.

"Wait, I'm a Scribe", Ishgo interrupted. "And I know both orcish, common, and many other languages, like taur-ahe, dwarvish, darnassian, thalassian, draconic..."

"Draconic?", Marsha wondered with surprise. "You must be one lucky goblin if the Dragons bothered to teach you their language", Dunris and Argheros shared a knowing look; the Shaman had told him about the Priest's true nature, but they had agreed not to tell anyone. Ishigormu trusted they would keep his true identity a secret.

"Yes, yes, lucky indeed", Ishgo answered, clearing his throat. "Give me some spare wood, and I'll craft a proper sign, written in every possible language."

After some moments, their work was done. All of them contemplated the banner with pride and honor. Argheros was truly hoping everyone else felt the same warmth he was feeling within his chest. Then Dunris turned around and faced the entire group... the entire Ambassadors.

"Now, off to the East. Now comes the hardest part."

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