Unraveling ❖ Stiles Stilinksi...

By mei1524

945K 26.2K 6.5K

Pulling away reluctantly, with swollen lips and messy hair, Stiles kept his hands on her waist as he stared a... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Season 3B
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter: 29
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Season 4:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51:
Chapter 52:
Chapter 53:
Chapter 54:
Chapter 55:
Final Book

Chapter 45:

12.3K 335 59
By mei1524

"She just growled at me." Stiles whispered in disbelief and slight fear, turning to his girlfriend beside him.

Emily grinned at him and shrugged. "Can't blame her. I wouldn't want to go up there either." She said, eyeing the letters and numbers on the board.

"Has Derek told you anything about Kate or Peter's missing 117 million dollars?" He asked her.

She glanced at him. "He said he was going to hire Braeden to find Kate. Peter thinks she's the one who stole his money which wouldn't surprise me if she did."

He pursed his lips. "Did you know that the Hales were that rich?"

She hummed. "Of course. I'm the one that gave them majority of it. Well, actually I gave the money to Lily. I sent it to her so she could rebuild everything that my father and his men had destroyed." He went to say something else but there was an alert on his phone that made him freeze in his spot. It was a triple homicide. She noticed his expression. "What is it?"

"Look." He showed her and then glanced at the clock. "We need to tell Scott."

She sighed, "Do we have to? I mean, it obviously has nothing supernatural about it." She pointed out. It was an axe murderer.

"It's always something supernatural." He reminded her, feeling it in his gut that it was connected. "We're telling Scott." He said firmly making her roll her eyes.




"An axe murderer?" Kira repeated, walking beside Scott with Emily and Stiles following behind them.

Stiles nodded. "A family murdering axe murderer."

Scott walked up to his locker. "I already heard about it."

"Wait. What?" Stiles looked at him disbelief. "You did? How?"

"My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news."

"Perfect. Let's go."

"Whoa, whoa. We've got Econ in five minutes."

"All right." He scoffed. "Did you forget the part about the family murdering axe murderer?"

Scott glanced at him. "Did you forget that your dad's the sheriff? They want us to stay out of it."

"Are you guys kidding me?" Stiles looked at the three who looked disinterested in getting involved. "There's a family murdering axe murderer and we're not going to do anything about it?"

Kira grimaced. "Maybe we should just let the adults handle it."

"So the three of you, you just want to stay here, school, go to class." He made a face at the idea. "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life." He huffed, grabbing his girlfriend's hand to pull her along. "Come on."

"See you at tryouts?" Scott called out, getting a hand wave from his friend who turned the corner.

Stiles glanced at Emily. "You're coming to my tryouts right?" He asked in a hopeful tone. He decided to humour his best friend by staying out of it.

She nodded, "Of course. I like watching you play lacrosse."

"You do?" He looked surprised.

"Hmm. Yeah, it turns me on watching you get all serious and sweaty when you play." She teased, nipping his neck before walking away towards her next class.

His cheeks were flushed a deep red, watching the way her hips swayed as she strutted away. Of course she didn't actually care about the actual game, he thought with a groan. She always had to make things dirty and turn him on when he couldn't do anything. He pushed away the thought of dragging her into an empty classroom and followed after her. He couldn't afford missing anymore classes.




"Why do we have to watch them play lacrosse?" Malia whined, sitting down reluctantly between Kira and Emily.

The vampire kept her gaze on her boyfriend who was struggling to run beside the rest of the boy's. "Because I'm your ride home and the last time I let you walk home by yourself, you went to the woods instead to hunt for deer."

The werecoyote blinked. "I was hungry."

"Well now you're human and you can't just chase after poor bambi. You'll end up back in Eichen House if anyone saw you." She muttered.

"Fine." She pouted.

Emily chuckled, watching her boyfriend already sweating profusely. "I did tell him to start running more." She mused, finding it amusing how Stiles found no joy in working out but enjoyed playing the sport that requires a lot of running around.

Malia wrinkled her nose at the strong emotions coming from the kitsune beside her. "What's wrong with you?"

"Me?" Kira sat up straighter, glancing away from the true alpha to the two girls. "Nothing."

"You reek of anxiety." Emily said, having recognized the smell especially it's what Stiles always smelled like.

"And it's distracting." Malia said in an annoyed tone. " What's going on?"

She thought back on the moment in the hallway, her cheeks reddened. "Scott and I sort of had this thing happen. But it wasn't much of a thing. And I'm starting to think it never was anything at all."

"What do you want it to be?" Malia asked her curiously.

She sighed. "More."

Emily glanced at her. "What's stopping you?" She asked, and the girl opened her mouth to reply. "And don't use Allison as an excuse. Scooby isn't going to put his love life on hold forever, you know. Take it from someone who's gone through the same pain as him and go for it. Because if it isn't you he's screwing, it'll be another girl."

"Screwing?" She squeaked at the crude words.

The vampire smirked. "You aren't a virgin, Kira, so don't start getting all shy." She teased. "You and I both know that Scooby has the hots for you. Stop thinking and start doing."

Kira flushed at her insinuation but the vampire wasn't wrong. She had sex before. "You're right. I'm going to tell him." She stood up ready to march up to the alpha and tell him but coach blew his whistle and ordered all the boy's to form a line to try to score a goal. She sat down immediately. ""I'll tell him as soon as practice as over."

"Whatever." Emily rolled her eyes, focusing back on her boyfriend who was up first to try to make a goal. He flung the ball straight into the goalies stick and she gave the most comforting smile she could muster when he glanced in her direction.

"He sucks." Malia muttered.

The vampire blinked. "I never said he was the best player." She said. "At least he tried. We have to be supportive remember. Friends are supportive of each other."

The werecoyote watched as Scott completely missed the goal. "Even if they suck."

"Even if they suck." She exhaled, wondering just how an alpha managed to fail when he was supposed to be better than everyone else. The boy's kept going up and completely failing. She kept switching her gaze from the field to Malia who would ask questions on homework.

The coach made them switch drills and had both Stiles and Scott guarding the goalie while the others would try to get passed them. Kira beamed, watching the boy she liked actually doing well. "Yes!" She cheered.

Emily grinned watching how Stiles would knock back the boy trying to get passed him. She chuckled when him and his best friend bumped chests only for him to fall to the ground. "They're idiots." She mused and she suddenly frowned when the young kid who had been doing perfectly well on the field was up next. She wasn't surprised when the freshman was able to easily get around the two and score a goal.

Malia suddenly shot up from her seat. "That was luck!"

"What are you doing?" Emily hissed at her. Stiles looked horrified by the girls outburst.

"You said we have to be supportive." She muttered before looking at the coach. "Do-over!"

"Sweetheart, there's no do-overs." Coach said, not even glancing back at the girl. "This is a practice."

Stiles sent Emily a pleading look to stop the werecoyote but she shrugged as she pulled ten dollars out and handed it to Malia. "Here." She herself was getting annoyed by this little human for acting all smug for beating her boyfriend and Scooby.

Malia held up the money. "Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles."

"I'll take that action." Finstock said without hesitation and turned towards the freshman. "Hey! Get back in there, Liam."

Liam stepped up once more while the juniors prepared themselves and Scott's eyes shined red under his helmet. Kira let out a sharp gasp when Scott flipped the boy over and he fell on the ground roughly. The coach immediately rushed over to the young teenager while Scott and Stiles offered to take him to the nurse's office.

Emily was ready to follow after her boyfriend but stopped when Kira caught the lacrosse ball that almost hit Malia in the face. Finstock had her throw it back, only for the kitsune to throw it a bit too hard and hit him in the stomach. The pureblood snickered at the flustered girl. "Nice job."




"I can't believe you and Scott sent that poor kid to the hospital."

Stiles exhaled, glancing at his girlfriend who was sitting on the bed beside him, flipping through a magazine while he worked on his math homework. "If we're being specific, Scott put Liam in the hospital, not me." He drawled out, thinking back on his best friends guilty expression. "And Scott didn't mean to do it. I might have pressured him into using his alpha abilities."

"You do realize that I could have just compelled coach to let Scooby continue being team captain and put you in first line." She said, turning the page.

He sighed. "Yeah, but it wouldn't seem right. It'd feel like we were cheati-" He winced at the look he got in return. "Okay, so using werewolf strength to beat a freshman was cheating. Scott sent me a text saying that Liam might not get to play this season because of his ankle."

"Don't worry about it. I'll just give the kid some of my blood to heal him and compel the doctors to forget anything. He'll be as good as new and be able to play on the team and you two won't have to feel so guilty anymore." She said.

"Thanks." He eyed the magazine. "Why aren't you doing your homework?"

"I finished it."

He raised a brow at the way she pursed her lips, able to tell she was lying. He furrowed his brows when he noticed the pack highlighters that were lying on the notebook that he reached for to check if she actually did her homework. "What are the highlighters for."

"They're for Malia since hers ran out of ink. Well they were actually mine but whatever." She said as he flipped through her notebook seeing the way she highlighted some things. "Green is for the things we understand, yellow is for I'm working on it, and red means I have no clue." She sighed. "If you haven't noticed, red is the main color I've been using. Especially for math."

Stiles' eyes flickered to the board he had and the strings he used for solving his cases. He realized that she had been using his method for studying and couldn't help but stare at her with a soft smile. "Em..." When she turned her head to look at him, he pulled her in for a kiss.

Her eyes fluttered open once he pulled away from the kiss. "Not that I'm complaining or anything but, weren't you the one who said that when we're doing homework, we couldn't fool around." She said softly.

"I know, but I wanted to kiss you." He smiled at her, "I love you." He whispered before kissing her again and pulled her into his lap, feeling her smile in the kiss before he deepened it. He didn't think he would ever get tired of kissing her. He wanted to spend the rest of his life being able to hold her and kiss her. When they pulled away for air, he stared at her swollen lips and then her bright hazel eyes that stared back at him. "I know you didn't finish your homework."

She groaned, feeling him nip at her throat and gripped his shoulders tighter. "So?"

He pulled away, chuckling. "You need to finish it."

Emily pouted, when he stopped. "It's just math. I can do it later." She whispered, running her hands down his chest to the button on his jeans.

"We both know that you won't if we continue." He said in amusement at the sulky look on her face. He grabbed the notebook with Lydia's notes. "I'll help you finish and then we can continue."

"We better because I can't stop think about you earlier on the field." She whispered in his ear teasingly as she got off his lap reluctantly.

He cleared his throat, focusing on the notes instead of his girlfriend who stifling her chuckles since it was obvious she could tell that he was aroused at the prospect of seeing her writhing underneath him. But, all those thoughts halted when he saw Lydia's notes and furrowed his brows. "Lydia wrote these?"

"Yeah, why?" Her answer came when she saw the writing and groaned, falling onto the bed. "Nevermind."

It was a code, at least that's what he thought as stared at the different numbers and letters. But this was just the tip of the iceberg because he then got a cryptic text from his best friend who needed him.

He wasn't prepared to find out that his best friend had bitten the very freshman he had injured earlier on the field today. 

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