.Rise And Fall.

By takenbyshawnbut_

1.9M 66.9K 10.6K

Highest ranking: #1 in Rise. #1 in Fall. #1 in... More

.Rise And Fall.
.Rise and Fall. (1)
.Rise and Fall. (2)
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.Author's Note And Cast.
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.Rise and Fall. (80)
.Bonus Chapter.
.Bonus Chapter.

.Rise and Fall. (72)

15K 586 51
By takenbyshawnbut_

|Chapter: 72|

"It was too good to be true anyway", I said before sipping my third glass of drink. I want to stop, this is not me but how can I when it was actually stopping the pain for the time being. Ian shook his head sadly before giving me a look of sympathy.

"I don't know what to say", he said, slowly.

I understood. "It's okay I'm enjoying your company and the peace", I tried to smile but it just came out deflated. It was true, he didn't push anything but was just being there for me and I couldn't ask for anything more. I needed this, the feeling of being alone and alone with someone, if that make sense.

Like Salvor said, the boys actually did plan something for my birthday by setting a small party near the bank of the same river that brought back so many memories. At first, I refused to join when I looked like a zombie after bawling my eyes out like the world is going to end. But then Sarah came along and pushed me until I said yes and when I saw the place that they decorated for me, I thought I'd have surely regretted if I didn't come and my mood by slight amount was lifted for their effort.

And now here I was, drunk and celebrating my eighteenth birthday. Not only did I have the pain of growing old, but also the pain of experiencing my first official heartbreak. What a joy, right?

"Can I ask you something?"

Ian instantly nodded his head and placed the beer bottle he was drinking from aside before turning to give me his full attention. I gulped down the remaining content of my cup while crunching my nose due to the awful smell and the burn feeling ran down my dry throat.

"Do you think he really loved me even a tiny tiny tiny bit?", I slurred. Suddenly I want to cry at the thought of him.

"I think so, I mean he looked really happy everytime I saw him with you. He even joined the team for you..", he answered.

"Then why..?" It came out as a whisper, my voice cracking at the end. I pushed him out of my mind and poured myself another drink before I finished it in one go.

"Whoa easy there." Ian chuckled lightly taking the cup away from my hand and then the bottle out of my reach. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I started laughing.

"You know being with Nick was like living in a rainbow and riding on a unicorn, adventurous and imaginary. One moment he was like goofy grin, mischievous smile and ridiculously handsome smirk and the other he was like dark, dangerous yet so beautiful. His double personality was like the two sides of the coins, so different from each other but one at the same time...and I love them the same". I pushed my hair behind my ear with my both hands, exposing my face to get hit by the cold air and closed my eyes smiling like an idiot.

I don't know why I was telling him, but remember Ian is easy to talk with and a very good listener. He didn't interrupt me once and again, I was met with the silence with him beside as the river rattle away, heading for its destined place. Then, I heard the boys laughing probably from one of the made up ghost stories, narrated by my dear bestfriend Sarah. Instead of hooting and howling over where they sat under a tree drinking, Ian was sitting with me near the shore.

Slowly, I lay back on the cold ground and seconds later Ian joined. I could feel the back of his hands touching mine, due to the warm and comforting feel I didn't pull away.

"There is something good about this place today, isn't it?", I heard him ask faintly. I peeped through the corner of my eyes to see him smiling, staring at the sky that lack of stars tonight. My eyelids were heavy and all I wanted to do was actually fall asleep.

"I wonder what, it's the same old Lockswood sky", I replied, bluntly.

"Not everyone has the same way of looking at life, or this place. I've been here since I was born, grown up looking at the tall trees, season change, seen the way the leaves wither away and then again come out of the same branches that looked lifeless once, witnessed uncountable fights near the bank. Yet, today I feel something different about this starless night... with you."

I placed my head on his shoulder and started drifting off. He sounded distant and I hardly understood anything he was saying, even though I heard all the words loud and clear. It was the alcohol, I guess.

"Please talk, I like it. Tell me more about this place and the people", I said. I heard him chuckle.

"It's a small town with less than 200 houses and not more than 500 population, news spread around among it faster than you can imagine. That's when Black comes in this picture. After Jade's death, everyone turned him down like he was curse to the place and the only person stood by him was, Zac. They were not only bestfriends but Zac protected Black like his own brother. At the age of 15 they both joined the OZ, Zac had no reason to do so but he did only for Black, to help him distract from his past. But I knew there was something other than his past haunting him down, maybe some sort of feeling. I never said much but I observed, no matter how hard Zac tried to make him happy, he couldn't. He couldn't fill up the empty space in his bestfriend's heart.. now if I put two and two together, it's you that he was lacking in his life."

And a traitor tear rolled down from the corner of my one eye. "Then why did he cheat on me?"

"Do you really think so?", he questioned me back. I didn't say anything to that. I saw him kiss another girl, what more prove do I need.

"In 8th grade, I went to his house for the first time with Zac to drop something. Black's parents weren't home and the lights were off. I'd be lying if I say I wasn't scared shitlessly that day, like every other kid in Lockswood I was warned by my parents to stay away from him. For once I stopped acting like a pussy the way Zac would say", he laughed, "I gathered all my courage and followed Zac to Black's room through the dark living room and then the stairs. I wasn't surprise to see his room lack of lights too. That day I saw a different side of Black, he wasn't rude, arrogant, harsh or the dark mysterious looking boy in black but like every other normal kid. He was himself infront of Zac and me. We started to get along and then slowly the boys, we no more believed in the rumours of him being the trouble kid. He took time to open up but we understood and knew he had a soft part under his hard covers. Every one in the team appreciated him for his soccer tactics were amazing and we became the big bad group of jocks in Fallon High."

I was having a hard time understanding whatever he was saying, due to the dizzy feeling. I knew he was taking about Nick but I couldn't understand why was he though. What was the point of talking about a cheater like him? He hurt me, hurt me so bad.

"You talk a lot", I mumbled shifting closer to him, now I was almost laying on half of his body. I want to sleep.


"Ian?" My eyes were still closed.

There was long silence after that and that's something, I didn't mind at all. I felt his heavy and wild heartbeats when he pulled me closer to his chest. I snuggled into him because he reminded of someone with the same heart rate. Wishing it was him, I whispered slowly. "Goodnight Nick."

"If pretending to be him means I can stay like this with you, so be it... Goodnight Rena." He kissed my hair.

Rena is all it took for me to believe that it was him and I no longer resisted the sleep and drifted into it.


I woke up to the smell of fresh baked pancakes. What? I tried to rub the sleep off my eyes and stared at my familiar white ceiling for a while, trying to remember the last night's events but it was all blank. The more I pressured my brain, the more I felt the string of pain run inside my skull. And next thing I know, I'm dashing inside my bathroom to throw up.

After I threw up for the third time, my anticipation meter for getting food was at its highest level. I wore my plain black top with sweats before walking out of my room in a mission of getting some food inside my belly. Then suddenly, I was again hit by the strong smell of pancakes. Who could be here? Wait..

"Mom? Is that you?", I asked walking down the stairs.

"Sweety you're awake", she excitedly said running out of the kitchen.

And then frowned immediately like she remembered something. What did I do? "You got drunk and a guy named Ian Fritz brought you home while you were asleep in his arms. There shouldn't be a next time like last night", she sternly warned. What? I fell asleep with Ian. How much did I drink? "I'm disappointed in you young lady." She shook her head. "But Ian is a gentleman."

"I'm sorry it won't happen again. When did you come back?", I asked ignoring her previous comment. She pulled me by my hand to the living room.

"Last night. I wanted to be with you for your birthday and it was suppose to be a surprise but then, you weren't here. I tried calling but you won't pick up so then I called Sarah. She told me you guys were together. Happy birthday Sweety, I can't believe my little angel is eighteen already." She hugged me tight to her. I missed this so I held on tight to her in return too.

When we pulled away she had a sheepish smile on her face. Then I noticed the pink shade on her high cheek bones. Is she blushing?!

I raised my eyebrow at her. She played with her pendant that dad gifted her when I was born and I love the fact that she still wears it.

"Uh.. I didn't come alone this time...", she hesitantly started looking at the kitchen then again back at me. Before I could ask her what is going on, someone's voice interrupted.

"Hailey, breakfast is ready. Why don't you go bring Serena sweetheart?" Then a man in suit walked out of our kitchen and I actually realised how small our house looks compared to him, with his 6 something height. He looked to be in his early forties but still young and muscular. Everything about him screamed 'power', the way he walked, or stood. But then he passed the most genuine smile to me.

"You must to Serena. Hello, I'm Andrew Montreal", he said softly and extended his hands. Andrew? Like the boyfriend Andrew? My mom's boyfriend... I shook my head before taking his hands.

"Nice to finally m-meet you Mr. Montreal", I said forcing out a nervous smile.

"Oh just drop the formality and call me Andrew.. or you also call me da.. I mean not now it's too soon.. b-but you know I don't really mind.. it's your choice but still you c-can.. oh what am I even saying..", he chuckled awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. It was actually amusing to see a guy like him, who owned a company rambling like he was nervous.

I passed him a smile, this time I didn't force. "Andrew, lets start with that."

"Yeah... yeah that's fine with me. I mean it's great", he agreed grinning.

I turn to mom who was trying her best not to burst out laughing. "I'm hungry", I said controlling my laugh too.

"I made pancakes. I hope you like them", Andrew answered instead. I nodded my head at him and the moment I turn to go to the kitchen, I heard my mom's laugh echoing through the house. It felt foreign hearing her laugh like that after so long time and I was happy at the same time.

"What?! I was trying to make a first good impression on your daughter. Did that work?", I heard Andrew ask.

"Of course. I'm sure she is intrigued by you", she said between the laughters. It was a bubbly sound, that my dad dearly loved. "The great business man who don't think twice before firing anyone rambling infront of a eighteen year old girl", she mocked him.

"Eighteen? Oh shit! I forgot to wish her happy birthday." Andrew cursed and then rushing in the kitchen with mom behind him.

"Happy eighteenth birthday", he wished with his hand extended again. I rolled my eyes at him before I hug him instead of taking his hand, he was taken back but then awkwardly patted my back.

"I'll set the plates", he said once we pulled away. He walked around the kitchen. I sat down next to mom near the counter table and when I turned to face her, she was looking at Andrew in awe. I slowly elbowed her, bringing her attention back to me. She raised her brows questioningly.

I whispered the next words to her.

"He is a keeper."


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