Devon's Girl (Book 1 of Lovel...

By bubbleslishes

383K 7.9K 1.1K

(used to be Black Light) UNDER MAJOR EDITING! " What did you call me!?" He asked in a low but deadly tone of... More

Lovely Desires Series
Chapter {1}
Chapter {2}
Chapter {4}
Chapter {5}
Chapter {6}
Chapter {7}
Chapter {8}
chapter {10 }
Chapter {11}
Chapter {12}
Chapter {13} - Rated R
Chapter {14}
Chapter {15}
chapter {16}- Rated R
Chapter {17}- part 1 ( rated r)
Chapter {18}- Part 2
Chapter {19}
Chapter {20}
Chapter {21}
Chapter {22}- Rated R
Chapter {23}
Chapter {24}
Chapter {25}- Rated R
chapter {26}
Chapter {27}
Chapter {28}
Chapter {29}
Chapter {30}- Rated R
Chapter {31} Epilogue

Chapter {3}

17.6K 401 58
By bubbleslishes

(1160 words)

Chapter 3 –

"Your parents want to meet me?" Bray-Lynne asked. She was looking at Devon. He was now in a new shirt and was checking his nose in the bathroom mirror.

"Yes they do, now what are you wearing?" Devon asked looking at a wide eyed Bray-Lynne.

Bray was scared to meet his parents. What if they told him they couldn't marry? The deal would be over with. She would never get to fulfill her parents' final wishes. The thought of having her parents' last wishes filled was one of the reasons she said yes to the deal to begin with.

"Bray -Lynne what are you wearing?" Devon asked again. He was getting a little aggravated. She was just staring off into space and he needed to match her outfit.

"Um, white." Bray answered him with the first thing that came to mind.

"Okay good. I'll pick you up at six o'clock sharp. Be ready." Devon left her house feeling relieved, it was a simple color he could match. Not like pink, that just wasn't for him. It was too girly.

It only took him a few minutes to get home and get ready. He was done by time five fifteen rolled around. He wore a white button down shirt with blue jeans and a leather jacket, but nothing too showy, just enough to please his mother.

When he pulled up to Bray-Lynne's house, he saw every light off. Raising an eyebrow he got out and rang the doorbell. No one answered.

"Devon, you're here already." He looked behind him to see Bray-Lynne walking up the driveway with a blanket wrapped around her. Not showing off anything she was wearing.

"Are you ready?" Devon asked. He had to be at his mother's in thirty minutes and he knew his mother wouldn't like him to be late.

"Yeah, I just needed some fresh air." Bray- Lynne ran up to him unlocking the door and throwing the blanket inside. Underneath she wore a long skin tight white dress. It didn't scream fancy, and it looked amazing on her. She even liked the dress.

"Is there something wrong?" Bray asked him. She knew she should have gone with the summer dress. But she was meeting his parents and she didn't want to be underdressed. So she went with the floor length cocktail dress that was hanging up.

"No, no, just come on." Devon rushed to his parents' house knowing he was going way over the speed limit. But he had to keep his mind on something else. Not the beauty sitting beside him.

She had her blonde curly hair up in a messy bun and had thrown a long sweater over her bare arms. He just couldn't look away. She was stunning.

He wanted to do many things to this little vixen. One was for sure; he wanted her in his room, in his bed, under him and begging for him.

He pulled up in front of his parents' overly large house and helped Bray out of the car. He could feel her hands shaking and the thin layer of sweat that covered her palms. She was nervous. But there was nothing to be nervous about. His family would love her, well except for Jill. He didn't understand her problem. He had never even shown interest in her and ever since Bray-Lynne came into the picture she's been acting like a completely different person.

Shaking those thoughts away he knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer.

"Oh Devon honey you look so nice." His mother said before engulfing him in a hug, noticing the beauty beside him.

When his mother pulled away she looked Bray-Lynne up and down. "Is this her?"

"Yes mother, this is Bray-Lynne Carder." Devon squeezed her hand telling her everything was going to be okay.

"Well you look stunning Bray-Lynne. Oh you must be cold, come in, come in." Devon's mother ushered the couple into her home. She had seen lots of girls leave her son's home. But Bray-Lynne was by far the most beautiful of them all. She had even caught that slutty assistant of his leaving a few times.

She hated that girl. Knowing full well she only wanted her son's money, not his heart, but something about Bray-Lynne just screamed at her. She knew she was the one for him, even if both of them didn't know it.

Sure she did some digging and found out a lot about Bray-Lynne, even about the contract her son thought was a secret. She knew her son was good looking. But there was just no way he found a wife just like that.

"You have a lovely home Mrs. DiCaprio." Bray-Lynne complemented them as they walked through the extravagant home. She had never been in a home so nice. Well except for Devon's and now her new home, but still, this home was just; wow.

"Well thank you Bray-Lynne; it's so nice to have someone notice the fine details of my home." Lilly commented. No one really looked at her home. They all stopped and talked about who made their clothes or how much it cost. Sometimes her friends talked about the latest stores that were all the rage.

"You're very welcome Mrs. DiCaprio." Bray-Lynne commented back just as they arrived at the kitchen.

"Please call me Lilly dear. Oh and I had supper prepared early so it's already ready for us to eat.." Lilly walked over to the already full dining room table. Karma DiCaprio was sitting beside her father while Lilly took a seat next to him. Leaving only two seats open for Devon and Bray-Lynne.


Sometime after dinner everyone found their way to the living room and was talking and laughing, just enjoying each other's company.

Bray-Lynne thought all the cute baby stories about Devon were just fascinating.

"So what do your parent's do Bray-Lynne?" Karma asked, silencing the room. All eyes turned to Bray- Lynne.

"Um, they don't do anything. They died a while ago in that building collapse." She couldn't even look up because she knew her eyes were filled with tears. Bray's parent's death had always been a soft spot.

"Oh honey!" Lilly got up and walked over to Bray-Lynne giving her a hug. Lilly was just one of those people who emitted an essence of safety and love. . She was such a good woman, and all though Bray-Lynne barely knew her; she could feel it.

"No, no it's fine I kind of always get choked up talking about it." Bray-Lynne mumbled as she wiped under her eyes. Where she knew tears had started to spill over.

"Oh honey it is perfectly okay to cry about the passing of your parents. You must have been so young." Lilly held on to Bray-Lynne while they chatted the night away.

Bray-Lynne could feel her life starting to peace itself-back together. For how long; she didn't know. But she did know she was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

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