Strange Sizes (G/T Oneshots)

By Marakura

38.8K 541 201

Ladies and Gentlegiants! Come with me to faraway lands where people of strange sizes live. Will they be nice... More

🌺~ How to train your giant.
🌻~ Can be clumsy
🌷~ Falling for him.
🍂 ~That's not fair
🌹~ Song bird.
🍁~ Dirty hands.
✳~ Please come back.
🌹~ The littlest angel.
☔~ That's life.
☁~ Innocent revenge.
✴~ Little puppet.
🍀~ Lucky charm.
🍃~ Tiny Nanny
👿 ~Big spooks.
🌲~L'arbre de mon quartier
🐟 ~Underwater surprise
🎑~The mumrik
🌻~Raising a giant
👆~ Hey hey

♠~ My little bully.

2.1K 23 12
By Marakura

Vanessa woke up, feeling dizzy for some reason. Wait... Why was she waking up? Did she fall asleep? She opened her eyes, only to be met with a blurry environment. But she didn't recognize any shape or colour around. Nervously, she rubbed her dizziness away from the eyes.

When she lifted her head, and she was met with the sight of an unfamiliar bedroom, it was clean, rather tidy, somewhat bigger than average, and from the light colours of the furniture, it seemed like a girl's bedroom. Vanessa started panicking as her fuzzy mind processed the fact that she woke up in the bedroom of a complete stranger.

She hurriedly got up on her feet, but her head had a terrible migraine and she took a step back of shock when her perspective didn't change. When she was laying down, everything was enormous and faraway, as if she was as short as her head, but this was normal. What wasn't normal was that the room didn't shrink when she got up at her full height, as she if she was still laying down, as if she was still as short as her head.

Her panic and confusion growing, Vanessa attempted to lay back down and get back up, or to walk around, to reach for something, to do anything that a little less than six feet tall person could do with ease; but nothing did. It was as if... As if...

"Why are you even trying?" Vanessa's heart skipped a beat when she heard the familiar voice speak up, it was thunderous, powerful, and it held a menacing tone.

She looked around, and her doubts were confirmed when she spotted Aya, a shy, reclusive girl in her class. She sat at the top of a bunk bed, her legs dangling from the side. Her eyes had the same hateful glare Aya gave Vanessa when she was hanging out with her group of friends or her boyfriend, or when she got new clothes. It wasn't jealousy, just pure hatred that made a heavy shudder run down her spine.

"As you may have noticed," Aya jumped down on the floor. And it was so powerful, it was just surreal. It looked like a skyscraper falling from the sky and crashing down. The impact shook the ground so hard it should have cracked it, and the impact made Vanessa loose her balance and fall back.

She craned her neck and watched in horror as Aya's gigantic body approached her; it was massive, and she looked so imposent and intimidating with her head being now the sky Vanessa could only see if she was laying down. Her gaze reached at most the chest part, and she had to scramble back to see her face.

"I shrunk you."

The cruel words echoed in Vanessa's mind as her body shook in terror. This couldn't be real, this couldn't be happening, she had dreaming, surely, only imagination could reach to something so titanic and so powerful.

But the little hope she had of this being the fruit of her imagination was practically crushed, because the pain she felt when Aya's foot came crashing down on her, as the girl mercilessly trampled her.

She gasped as the air was knocked out of her. With how terrified she was, she could be wheezing like a dying man, but instead she found herself using every ounce of strength she had to fight for a breath of air.

"For too long, you kept harassing me at school," Vanessa would have been confused to hear it if she wasn't struggling to fight the increasing pressure on top of her. "You and your fake friends just kept mocking me at any given time, just because you know I'm shy and I'd never speak for myself. Guess you didn't see my revenge coming, huh?" At this point, her lungs were ready to explode. She could tears falling freely. Never! Never had she mocked the girl! She came and discussed with her and teased her just like she teases all her friends, she just wanted to make friends with her, to get her out of her shell.

Vanessa felt the pressure being lifted off of her, and light filled her vision as she struggled to take a few breaths. She could clearly see Aya standing above her, looking at her and... Crying?

Rage now started to boil inside of her. She dared cry right now? When she was the one to shrink and torture Vanessa, and even threaten her of death for no reason, and she cried? She wanted to shout at her but she saw her gigantic hand slowly come in vision until it almost completely covered her. She shrieked and weakly scrambled off, but the hand was faster to wrap around her upper body, leaving only a tiny gap between her trunk-sized fingers to breath. She could feel air flying past her dangling legs as she was being lifted at inhuman speed and up to god knows where. The fingers kept pressing on her head and chest as if she was and unwanted object, a bulge that needed to be crushed to allow the fist to close completely. The force the titanic girl used was more than enough to kill her and turn her into a mashed human mess, but it didn't, for a cruel reason, she felt the force just as it was but it didn't kill her, it didn't even make her faint. She just had for some sick reason to live through the whole thing.

"You just think you're better than everyone because you paint your face and put classy clothes every morning to hang out with your friends more fake than your face, huh?" Pain was clear in her voice, and only god knows where this stupid pain came from, she wasn't the one having her body mercilessly squeezed to death right now!

Vanessa wanted to scream, to kick the girl, to practically murder her. This girl was the biggest retard on earth! Yes, she did put make-up on and wear nice clothes because she knew her appearance was important, and because she knew she needed to appeal to people to make her life comfortable and enjoyable, and despite being more of an introvert, she actually put effort into socializing because she knew how important it was to do so. But this jealous bitch here, she never put any effort, she had greasy and messy hair, neglected skin, clothes that looked even ugly as pajamas, she looked hideous, and she never did any effort to befriend someone, and she expected to have friends and to appeal to people just because deep down, she was a kind of okay person to be around? This was an idiotic stupid retarted moron who was lazy and jealous and- She should die for being so stupid!

The disgrace of the human race kept rambling about Vanessa's effort and how she was a bad person for being sociable and audacious and how it was unfair that no one noticed the shy but sweet girl she was. Vanessa kept crying tears of rage and fear as she insulted her with every word she knew, making the pressure on her soon loosen.

Until her fist opened completely, leaving her to fall freely to the ground probably miles away.

She screamed in horror as the ground rushed to meet her. But instead of something painful, she was met with something freezing cold. The impact made her back almost break, but the pressure form before was so forceful that it made her back numb to the pain, for now.

She forced herself to open her eyes and look around. Above her, there was a brown round ceiling-like thing, and bellow, there was -as she had guessed- freezing cold water that reached to her stomach as she was sitting. All around her was a wall that blurred and difromed everything outside, everything which was just Aya's ginormous face that held her crying and pained face, while her eyes still had some sort of... Fascination at the situation, at the power she held over the tiny bully who made her life so miserable for so long, too long.

Vanessa banged at the glass as soon as the horrible realization of where she was hit her: She was trapped in a closed bocal filled with water, with possibilities of dying from either drowning, hypothermia, or suffocation: or all the three at once, given her luck today.

At first, she hit the glass wall in anger and shouted at Aya to release her, while throwing at her any insult she could think of. She swallowed her sobs and held onto the little dignity she had left. But she completely forgot about said dignity when she saw her hand come closer and grip the top of her dome, and slowly shake it around, making her clothes wet and uncomfortably sticky.

Vanessa lost it at the moment, she already struggling to stay in a sitting position with how weak she was and with her numb limbs -and maybe even broken arm, she was so numb she wasn't sure-, but now there was no doubt she was going to drown and die. Her hits on the wall became frantic and she found herself screaming and begging for Aya to stop and have mercy, she pleaded and begged and apologized as much as she could between her gasps for air and the few moments of drowning before she managed to get back to the surface.

The shaking slowly got more violent, and Vanessa's screams and words that were muffled by the glass now turned into incoherent shrieks and yelps and noises of panic and distress as her body was now practically being thrown against the walls like a rag doll.

It went on and on with Vanessa struggling to breath and slowly starting to move around less, feeling completely exhausted, and Aya finding her guilty pleasure increase as she saw just how helpless the now tiny bitch was now, just like how helpless she felt when the girls mocked her and knew she couldn't retorcate. She reached the point where she shook the glass as hard as she could manage, letting her years of burried anger all out on the responsible for her dismay.

When the small movements and noises in the bocal stopped, Aya lessened the shaking, thinking that she may be going a little too hard on the bully now. Still, she didn't move. She even stopped the shaking all at once; but instead of getting up and insulting her, Vanessa fell in the water, motionless, even if it probably would kill her to stop breathing.

Feeling her hatred being overpowered by worry, she hurriedly opened the container and got the limp body of the girl out. She shuddered heavily at the contact. Her body was freezing cold. She leaned closer to get a look at her; she was a brunette, but her skin was ghostly pale, bluish even.

"V-Vanessa?" Aya called out. No response, she didn't even budge.

"Vanessa, w-wake up," She commanded, in case she was faking, but still nothing.

Not knowing exactly what to do, she hurriedly got a towel from the bathroom and wrapped the small body in it, enveloping it in safety and warmth. She scrubbed her body with the towel and kept calling out for her, sternly at first, but it gradually became more nervous and pleading.

"Vanessa, p-please, stop, this isn't funny anymore. C'mon, I-I'll give you a break, I won't hurt you, I swear, j-just wake up and stop," Aya pleaded, feeling tears welling up in her eyes, but not tears of rage and hatred, those were of fear and guilt. She was terrified of the freezing, limp body wrapped in the towel.

"W-what have I done?" She whispered, bringing a hand to her gaping mouth as she realized the horror of the situation. "N-no no no no, I didn't- she- Vanessa... I-I" Her thoughts were a complete mess now, but she could still think of something very -unfairly- clearly.

On her desk, wrapped in her white, fluffy towel, laid a miniature cold, limp, and very much dead body.

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