True Love

By PlutonianTrash

14.4K 835 168

Because love isn't just another genre. |TaeTen| 2/06/2018 - 1/09/2018 Sequel 4/09/2018 - 16/09/2018 Completed More

i n t r o
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t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
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n i n e
c h i t t a p h o n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
l a s t
i n t r o
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t h r e e
f o u r
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s i x
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t e n
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t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
Sequel 1
Sequel 2
Sequel 3
Sequel 4
Sequel 5
Sequel 6
Sequel 7
The End

Sequel 8

200 13 3
By PlutonianTrash

Donghae stopped the car in front of someone's house and Taeyong looked at him confused.

"Where are we?"

"Heechul's house."

"You brought me to Heechul's house for commitment advice? Are you sure about that?"

"He proposed to Kyunghoon, so yes."


Before any more voices could leave his mouth Heechul appeared with his DS in hand and a red ribbon holding his hair back.

"Welcome to my humble home. Come in quick cause I have a game of D&D with some friends in a while."

"Are you sure he's committed?" Taeyong whispered and Heechul laughed.


"Okay so first off you need to combine the two things together. That way you can save your company by promoting your wedding as the first openly gay wedding in the kpop industry and obviously you save your love with Ten."

"I don't have money for that kind of stuff Heechul."

"Well.... If you let me and Kyunghoon sing... maybe I can help you with that."

And Taeyong's eyes lit up.

Short chapteeeer.... this is coming to an end.

Also sorry for not doing Super Junior ships but Kyunghoon and Heechul are my reason to live 😭


Well, anyways, get ready cause I think I'm gonna end this in the next chapter or two.

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