Iceberg: ~The Life Between Us~

By Thescarycatwolf

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This is the story of our favorite characters in Iceberg isle. Their story is Drama, action, comedy and yet da... More

first look
A cute polar bear
Our first day of Igloo town
I care about you
We always be together.
The Great Journey
Dead or Alive...actually just dead
Iceberg isle
I hate this type of guy
I meet two idiots....
Peraco story
A seal lion can be scary or nice
It's scary when you're friends are dead
Start A New life.
New friends
Turf war
My new life start here
Smoke buddies
A New home.
New people.
Helping hands
Telling lies is good and yet bad
Making friends.
Sacrifices must be made
My own enemy.
My cute friend.
Dealing with issue
New home
Having a bad day
Enemies and friends
The next day
You must be an alpha
Master and student
Shirogane and Novel
Helping hand.
The beast...
Run Wolf Run
We always be together
Left for dead
A new home

The hunt

51 5 4
By Thescarycatwolf

Shirogane POV

"Brother? Talk to me...What happen?" I look at her. "We been...trick little was someone eles." I can't believe Sakoto did that to me. Why did she rape me? "Oh....where to brother?" She ask me a question. "We go with the plan...let's go meet Novel." I just know what's going to happen next if I go with Sakoto. " was wondering...are we able to see mom?" I look at Riko. "For some reason...I have a feeling that she might be alive. If we be able to find her....can we go with her?" My little sister's right, maybe she still alive.  Dio abandon her and Setsuna find a place to stay. If so...we can tell Novel about to help us find my mother. Depends if mom still alive or not. "Okay, let's go with her. We must stick together as a family. You and me." Riko smiled. "Okay." I smiled back. ".....?" My instincts was showing up. "Hm?" I look up at the hill. "...?" I hold my little sister is close to me and I tell her to speed walk. "Why are we speed walking?" Riko ask. "We're being watch." I look around and I have feeling it's getting closer. "Cave...we need to find a cave." Lucky for I see a small hole in the wall. "There...!"  we went to that small hole which is a cave. "Okay...we'll be safe....for now." This case was huge. I never seen anything like this. But the problem is this place is like a maze. I don't know if we be able to get out. We're not going outside and being chased by where the hell out there. "Ahhhh...come on little sister let's keep walking." Riko nodded. "*nod*" She was so scared of this Darkness, I was scared as well. We went deeper, deeper into the cave as my heart begins to pound. Riko was uneasy about this cave, it was too dark. We have a ability to see in the dark since we wolves. But recommend not because I feel like I might see something disturbing. "........" Something wasn't right with this cave. It's too quiet, my little sister was quiet. "Brother....I don't think we're alone." She was hugging me tight. "...w-w-why you say that." I gulped. "Well..."

"We're being follow...." We keep walking and ignore something behind us. ".....?" Then something up ahead. "..." I hear like cickling or ticking sound. Looks like we're getting closer to it. ".....?!!"  I was a huge idiot to come to this cave. Right in front of us is some sort of big...thing.

It was huge like size of a polar bear, huge hands, red eyes and some sort of cage but under him. "..." Looks like it was turning left or right from his bolts on his head. "....sis...." I ask her. "We.....we have to run." I really want to run because my body was shaking fear. I haven't seen anything like this.  It looks like it was about to eat us. I look at Riko. Her eyes were wide open with fear and her body was shaking. "" We start to run as fast as we can. "Gggrrraaahhhrrr!!!!" It Roar and went after us. "Fuck!" We were running non-stop. It started getting closer and closer. I can feel his large hands trying to grab us. "Sis! Stay close to Me!" I shouted. "Okay!" We went to left side. I take out my harpoon gun. I was abour to shoot at the monster, I can't tell if it hurts him or not! "....?!" Can I see something swing right at me, I use a harpoon as a shield. It's was trying to scratch me with his claws right at my face. I back my head away.

"What are you?" I really know what the hell are these things. I push off and back away. That thing was going to kill me but I run away from it. My sister was still there as I grabbed her hand and we started to run. "Don't stop!" I shouted. "Keep going!" I decided to take off my cape and give it to Riko. "Here take this! I want you to keep going, use my cape! They won't be able to see you!" I hope they don't see us. "What about you?!" She shouted. "I'll try to distract them away from you. Don't worry I'll be right behind." Riko nodded. "Alright! You better be there!!!" We run in our own way. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I looked behind me and it stopped. "Wha-?" I don't want to stay there and watch him. I decided to run. "..." I finally got away from that thing and start to take my breath. "Ahhhh...ahhhh....wha..the....hell?" I looked behind me and it didn't follow me. "....?" When I was about to turn around, I feel something to slice my arm. "Ack!" I grab my arm and it was bleeding. Another monster show up, it roared at me and I run away from it. I hide behind a ice wall. "..." I hold my breath and I can hear it.

I don't want to know what it looks like but I quietly keep going. "...." It didn't hear me or saw me. I keep going. "That was close...." I keep running. I don't know where I'm going because this place is like a maze. Then something jump at me and I'm struggling to break free. I look at whoever was pinning me down. It was a black bunny but when it looked at me, his face was the deform. His mouth were at the side and his two bloody eyes look at me. I was really scared with fear. I push him off. Then some sort of the person attack me and he looks different. He had mask and some sort of claw like fingers. I want to fight back but I was so scared. Then the guy with the mask said toothface. I was confused but something was a side of me.

Looking at this thing just got me... terrified. I feel like my soul was about to leave my body. That monster was about to kill me with his giant claws but I dodged it. Monster attacking me left and right. I dodged it but I got hit by his punch.  I flew all the way back and I keep running away from that thing. I keep, running and running the I saw the light. I got out of the cave, I was so happy. But I wasn't staying there much longer, I run away from it.  I saw my little sister sitting down. "Sister!" I stop. "Brother!" We both hug each other with relief and happiness. "I'm glad you're okay!" Riko said. "You too." We both smiled. "Here." She give me a my cape back. "Heh." Then my little sister notice that she drop her scarf. Riko went back and pick up her scarf. We finally made out of there. "That was cl-." Riko head been shot by a gun. Her blood spill out of her head. My eyes went wide open from what I just witnessed. Riko hit the floor while she was bleeding and the snow turn red. "RIKO!!!!!" I shouted. "NOOOOOOOO!!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!" I screamed. "You're so loud...." Then I saw a huge man. "That little bitch had it coming..." I was crying non stop. "Oh? Are you crying? Wow..." I wipe my tears. "I expect you to get mad at me but you are crying. Aren't you going to fight?"  I stood there not listen to him. "Tch...kill him." The three monster was about to kill me but out of nowhere a smoke went in front of them. "What?!" I could feel someone grab my hand and I run with the person. "Come on!" We run as fast as we can and far away. We lost them and the person take off her hood. "What the hell were you doing there?" It was a female with long black hair. "Well......" She notice I was crying. "Hey....what's wrong?" I close my eyes and cried. I'll little bit peek and look up the sky. It was raining down snowflakes

"Sister! Sister....I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Waaaa...I'm sorry....!" My tears were warm and from my little sister's death hit me hard. "Sis....Riko...." The person that is in front of me felt bad. She hug me. "It's's okay." I hug her.

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