Our first day of Igloo town

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(I decided to make this story mature because I feel like it and I want to make this story a lot action, drama and horror. Also warring there will be  inappropriate stuff so be careful by reading this story. And you know the rules you must be 18 years old or older to read this.)

Rocma POV

Me and Kairi are walking back home from the store. We had some food and other stuff. "The store wasn't bad as ever. I mean they had some good food and cool hat's." There some hats were very cheap and cool. "How long you're going to keep that hat of your Rocma? It's getting old." I look away. "This is my hats and I can wear whatever I want and there's no possibility for me to replace it." This hat was a gift from my mom. I should keep it forever not like the rest. "Whatever you say."  we keep walking and then suddenly we saw the boy that I punch him long time ago, the polar bear was there. "Tch." I realized he wasn't alone. He was with his friends and I was worried to walk past him because my sister. "We should find another way." We head left and continue walking. What could make some eye contact with them but obviously it's not going to be easy. The boy and his friends start following us. "...." We try to walk faster but they notice. "When we head to the next block...Run..." We both nodded and when we went to the next block, we separate and ran. Half the boy gang run towards me and my sister. Obviously my sister knows what to do so I can't get worried. She  probably get some help from my family. "Get that bitch!" Obviously I was running a lot faster than them, I keep throwing and block some objects behind me. There were three of them and I couldn't fight them alone. "!" I have an idea so I went through the alley and make a hard left turn. Then I hide until the boys were confused and left. "Idiots..." I took a deep breath. When I was about to leave, the boy behind me jumped on me. "Got her!" I try to fight back. "Stop fighting!" I was struggling to break free. "Stop that bitch! Hey! I need help!" I managed to break free and start to punch the guy. "Ack!" I kick him but the two of his friends show up. "Get her!" One of the boys try to hit me but I move back. Thanks to my dad's train I know how to defend myself. "You slut!" The guy tried to kick me but I managed to grab it and broke his bone with my elbow. "Kyaa!" He fall down, grabbing his leg. "My fucking leg!" But once I turn around the kid punch me. "Take that!" He punch me again and he hit me in the stomach. "!!!" I was bleeding. He grabbed my neck and lead to the wall. I grabbed his arm try to break free but obviously I was facing a polar bear. "Now then...time for some pay back." When he was about ro punch me in the face with the single blow but stop. Then his friend got up and the other one still on the ground feeling the pain form his leg. "Wait....you know what? Let's have some little fun before we beat you up." He started to touch me inappropriate ways, I was getting pissed about. "Hehehe~."  This ugly bastard starting to get excited by touching me. Then he started to undress some of my clothes. "Sit back and enjoy the show boys." I try one more time to break free but then...

"Guys like you shouldn't do that to young woman like that." Seiuchi show up. "You boys got a lot of nerves doing that to young woman." He started to take off his meat cleaver and scare them. "You'll be a tasty delicious meats when I finish cutting you up!" The boys were scared, the guys start to bail out so they pick up their injured friend and left. "Rocma..." Seiuchi was very big also fat but very good guy too. He turn around. "Please put some of your clothes on your half naked." I put on my clothes and I've got up. "I had this." Seiuchi rolled his eyes in sotastick way. "Rocma...It's you're first day of this village and yet here you are bleeding and scared." I was mad when he said that. "I'm not scared..." I growled. "Whatever you say. I'll take you home. You're mom and dad are not going to like this." I follow him, I was very angry  because I got the upper hand and yet I lost from a guy. I really hate any type of guys.

90 minutes pass...

Mom told me that's my sister was running away from bad guys but my dad managed to scare them off. My mom kind of hating me for not listening. I didn't care. I didn't care what my mom said or dad because I am not in a fucking good mood. I was grounded so I stay in my room look outside the window. I got bored pretty fast then I saw a female fox eating something. "....." Looks like she was eating a rabbit. "..." I was annoyed by the munching and crunching so I went outside take a shotgun that Seiuchi give us. Walk towards the fox. I never use a gun before but I'll just scare her away. "Oi! Stop being a dead fucking rabbit and leave!" I shouted. "*Much*...Why? It's my food." I point a gun at her and give her too serious look. "If you don't leave I'll shoot you." The female fox stood there looking at me didn't even hesitate then even get scared. "Really? Then shoot me."  I was kind of confused why she said that. "What...? I'll shoot! I really mean it!" Yet again stood there do nothing and still munching on dead rabbit, while give me the look. "Ok...Then shoot." I tried to pull the trigger but obviously my hands start to shake. "A-alright! I'll s-shoot! O-on the c-count of three!" I was trying to get nervous like a fucking coward.  Tell you the truth I never seen anyone act like that and I  couldn't have any ideas to scare her away. "3.......2........1!!!" I tried to shoot but didn't even pull the trigger. "..." I take big sigh and lower the gun. "I-I can't..." The fish laugh. "Hahahaha! I knew you can't do it." I blush and I fell embarrassing however I turn my gun around and use the butt of the gun. "Hahaha....hehehe......he...heh....eh??" She stopped laughing then I hit her with the butt of the gun. "!!" She started to run away and that teach her lesson. I walk back inside and put the gun somewhere that is safe. "......" I was pissed off that I couldn't even pull the trigger because I haven't kill anything. ".....damn."

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