Sacrifices must be made

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Yukisada POV

The wolf pack was in front of us and  they're not stupid. They know the cave is right next to them. Look like they're just sniffing the area to see if there's more of us because it's obviously they know we're here. "What are we going to do?" My friend Reg only has a knife while these wolves has fangs and claws. "...I don't know...I have an idea." I look at him. "I'll destructive wolves while you can fly away out here. I'll distract them as long as I can while you have a chance to fly away, you only have...I guess 3 or 5 Seconds to run." I don't like that. "No...we just met and you're going to sacrifice already? I can't leave you here, there's too many of them and that injuries did you have." He smiled. "It's okay...sacrifice has to be made, I'm willing to sacrifice for my friend to escape no matter what." I felt sad and guilty. "Come on~ chin up. Don't feel sad about me. It's more important to save yourself." I hate when I have to leave my friend behind but he's right. "Okay...don't you die please." I asked. "You know I can't keep that promise but I'll try my best." I give him a weak smiled. Then wolves starts approach us as they growl. "Ready?" I nodded. We waited until the wolves come a little closer, I was ready to fly away. When the wolf approaches with one step, Reg attack them and I start to fly. The wolf chase me as he jump and trying to bite my leg but I managed to fly away in time as the wolf landed on his feet and barks at me. I look back as I can see Reg was fighting back. I was flying away, out distance from the fight. Everyday I fly with guilt and despair. I told myself I promise to help someone but now he helped me and made a sacrifice to save my life. But it wasn't my fault he knows and I was just a hard decision. I take some breaks and fly, I do this each every time. When finally I made it to Ice snowfall isle. I saw the boats as I turn into my original self and land in front of the town. I continue walking. I went one those transport post and I asked one ticket for the boat. But they have a lot of money for the ticket and I don't have much money. It was pretty expensive. Found this dumb because usually this place use to be cheap stuff and now they changed it. I had to find my own boat but it's difficult. I look everywhere but no sign of boat. Then I saw an old man with a rowboat. Look like he was about to sell that thing and I have an opportunity to take it. "Excuse me sir? Are you selling you're boat?" He nodded. "Yeah...why?" I give him 6 bucks. "It's okay for me to buy you're boat?" He smiled. "Sure! Thank you. It's all yours." I bow down and take the boat.  I started to roll the boat to my goal. I was going to another Isle... another place that the villagers need my help. Because one of the bunnies went up to me and asked for my help.  Obviously I agreed. He give me the map and show me where to go. It was a long trip as I keep rolling the boat without any stopping because once the storm hits the water gets rough.  I have some food with me so I'm fine even some drinks. Days after days... only made it to Iceberg isle. The map said this island was small but when you look at's pretty big. I landed it to the side of the ice. Since there are no docks around. I continue looking for the chief or the mayor. I manage to find the mayor and he gave me a permission to stay here with the other villagers. They nicely started to build my own house. I was really happy about it. I put my stuff and my luggage inside the house. I open my small nursing room and wait. Many years an days pass, customers came to my house to get some medicine and pills.  I was happy about it then suddenly a new friend and person went to my house. "Hey..." I smiled. "Hello! How are you?"  This person in front of me was a emperor penguin as well. Her name was Peraco. She was happy and nicest person that I met. However one of her siblings are sick and I help her. One of her siblings have the flu, which is very dangerous. Lucky for me, I have some good medicine to cure that and he's back to normal within 2 days. "Thank you so much!" I nodded. "You're welcome." We spend time together as we hang out and have fun. She told me we're neighbors that she lives close to my house. Lucky for her, she can just walk over here and tell me what's wrong. I was so happy from this new place I live in. Days went by, a new customer shows up...this guy was a little bit serious. "Hey doc." I look at him. "Hello." He was another penguin but yes long yellow eyebrows and red eyes. He looks like a soldier or mercenary.  "Need some help?" I asked. "Yeah, I cut my hand and it looks kind of worse...can you help me with it?" I nodded. "Sure!" I look at his hand cut and his wound was open. I was a little bit worried as I put stitches on it. "My name is Yukisada...and you?" He smoke. "Rock."  He was smoking in front of me although it's bad for him. I want to tell him to stop smoking but I'm afraid of getting shot. "..."  Rock is somewhat a funny name but I don't want to insult him. "And done!" He look at his hand. "Thanks..." He turn around. "I hope we can be good neighbor's!" I smiled. ".....whatever." Rock said coldly. "He was...something." a little bit rude to but I don't care as long as he was happy...I think

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