A cute polar bear

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A long time ago there was a small polar bear name Rocma, who loved her family. She spend time with her family all day... but sadly she couldn't make any friends because she prefer to be alone. However her sister name Kairi always company her and stay by her side. Rocma want to be strong, she saw her mom and dad being brave and facing other polar bears, Including orcas. She wants to be like them however Rocma does have one problem. Rocma was afraid of guys because last time a polar bear who is a cocky bastard who wants to dominate Rocma's dad so he can win over his wife but he end up lost. Now she must face any opponents that is in her path.

Rocma POV

I was training with my dad since I'm growing up and about to move. We were fighting each other but not aggressively. I tried all my strength to knock him out but sadly I end up falling on the ground. "Damn it!" I lost again. "It's okay Rocma-chan. There will other time." He help me to get up. "Yeah..." I lost 35 times and I barely win six times. "You're getting strong." My dad said. "I'm not strong as you but I'm almost catching up." He smiled. "Yeah, but I'm getting old so you still have an advantage to beat me up again." I roll my eyes. "Yeah, right." We walk back home and our mom is waiting for us. "How's the training?" She ask. "It was good but I lost again." I sigh. "Awww...don't worry. I'm sure you win. Now...sit down, you must be hungry." I sit down and I eat the fish. "So how was it?" I look to my left and Kairi was there sitting next to me. "Alright I guess..." My sister was really a loyal person also she trying to act like me. "That's good to hear." She eat the fish. "So, how was you're friends Kairi?" Dad ask. "Good. They show me some picture about the ocean." We all eat together since Mom was making Food for dad. "I heard Seiuchi is at the Igloo town." Seiuchi was my dad friend. "Now you mention it, I never heard of him since we've been separated." Mom nodded. "Yes, we might go to Igloo town." I was surprise. "Aren't we polar bears? Is there going to be like penguins or seals not going to let us live there?" I questioned. "Yeah but lucky for us those villagers don't mind. They allowed us as long we don't kill them." We finish eating and then all of us are ready to get moving for tomorrow. "Sis?" Kairi ask. "Yea?" I look at her. "Aren't we going to make new friends?" I shrug my shoulders. "Depends on the village, we don't know if they're nice or not." I was kinda sleeping. "I think we should go to bed. Big day tomorrow." We both nodded and we went to our rooms. "..." All of us starting walking to the Igloo town. Big walk but we don't mind. We get use to it all the time.

50 minutes pass...

"How much long are we getting there?" I ask. "We're almost there." It was a big Journey from us but now we made it. "I introduced you a Igloo town." We saw Igloo town and it was nice. "Let's meet Seiuchi, he's at the cold bar." Cold bar? "Why is he there?" Dad look at me. "It's simple he works there also he's somewhat a heavy drinker but surprisingly he's somewhat fine." That's good to hear that. We go into the village and we look around the place, it was fine and I walk slow because I drop my stuff but suddenly another polar bear show up and flirt with me. "Hey there cutie~!" He smiled. "Like to go out with me?" I shake my head. "No." I got my stuff and walk away. He continues flirting with me and I looked at him aggressively. "I'm serious leave me alone not interest with boys like you." He grab my arm and I was pissed. I kick him and punch him. "Ack!" I walk away. "Shithead." When I walked away I heard him call me a b**** but I didn't mind. "Sis? What happen?" Kairi said. "Some cocksucker try to ask me out. So I punch him" My sister roll her eyes. "Rocma...you can hit him while we're in the village besides we're new here, you're lucky that no one saw that." Sighed. "Whatever." I was in a bad mood. We finally made it to the Cold bar. "Hey there!" Seiuchi shout. "Hey!" Dad and Seiuchi hand shake. "Ah! Rocma! Kairi! How are you?" Kairi nod. "I'm fine. It's nice to see you again." He smiled. "Its nice to see you too! Rocma?" I didn't say anything. "Oh? You seem to be in a bad mood. Let me guess. Some guys ask you out again?" I nodded. "Don't worry, you'll get use to it." I agree with him. "It's nice to see you guys back again, anyways I found your house follow me." We all follow him and he took us to a small house. "Here you go. Like it?" My mom nod. "Yeah! It's lovely." My parents don't mind that sizing ain't everything. "You pick a nice house for us. Thank you." Kairi said. "No problem. Anyways I got to go back to work. Take care!" He left and  we decorate the house and fix everything inside. I got my own room. "...." I know this place will be bad because since I punch that cocksucker I bet there's going to be more of his friends going to show up. "Tch." I sit down, look at the window. "Why do we have to move?" I was really in a bad mood but yet scared. I was kind of scared that I punched that bastard and he's going to bring his friends. This will end up bad. "....."

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