We always be together

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Shirogane POV

Today we were going to the ice blocktown. We promise each other to look after one of another. Kairi also told me that she won't abandon me or betray me. I kind of feel bad for Kairi. She made a mistake that won't leave her alone. I need to find a way to cheer up her, instead being very depressed. Must be really hard for Kairi to do with all the pain. Lucky for us, we managed to find another town called snowflake village. It was a peaceful place full with a little bit of bunnies and foxes. We look around to see any shop so we can have some supplies. "It's a nice place right?" Kairi nod weakly. "...." I sighed. "Kairi...look...I know it must be hard for you but don't worry. No matter what happen, I always be with you. Always." Kairi smile a little bit. "Okay..." I smiled. "Now then...let's find a place we can eat or get some new clothes." Kairi clothes was completely rip from the Beast that we run away from. We can just go walking while her closest rip. "Welcome!!!" We went to a clothes shop and we met this fox. "Can I help look for a clothes?" I nodded. "Yes...me and Kairi need some clothes." I had a!lot of money. "Kairi?" I look to my left and she was gone. "Huh...?"  I saw her at the corner looking at some shoes and scarves. To be honest Kairi been acting different when she apologize to me. As a good Samaritan, I tell Kairi what's going on but she said 'not right now...I don't want you to flip the wrong switch'  I was really curious what she meant, I always thinking about the switch. I was so stupid, I always think like. It's like a girl thing if you make them mad or sad? I really don't know. "Ummm...do you have any? Kairi is over there looking at shoes and scarf." The shop owner nod and give us some good clothes. For me I need a new black vest, that's all. Kairi need a new scarf and jacket. "Excues me sir~ Can I see you in a moment?" I nodded. "Uhhh....okay?" I follow him. For some reason he take me to the dressing room and one of his buddies grab me. They force me to dress up. "Wha-?!?!" I was really scared. "Done! Hey Kairi!" She look at me. "Pffst!!!!" I was dress on the girl clothes, I was blushing really hard. It was so embarrassing that I close my eyes. "Wow! You look like a girl!" The shop owner said. I clutched my fist and I shout.

"I'm not a girl!!!" It really doesn't fit me well

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"I'm not a girl!!!" It really doesn't fit me well. "Don't lie~" I can tell they're doing this on purpose or they're trying to cheer up Kairi. Kairi was laughing really hard in the background and it for me I'm glad she's having fun. "HAHAHAHA!!!!" I got paid to shop owner more for cheering up Kairi. The he wishper to me. "You're welcome!" I smiled. We buy some clothes and start to continue walking. I paid the shop owner a lot of money but he refused and he told us. We can have the clothes for free. "That was amazing...I wish you still have that clothe." I puff my cheeks. "I don't like it." Kairi hold my hand. "I am feeling a lot better."  Then I have an idea we should have fun. "Hey Kairi? Want to build a snowman?" Kairi nodded. "Yeah." The two of us start to build a snowman and we decide to have fun. We're playing snowball fight, slide down the hills and catching fish. "Hahaha! Try to get me!" We were playing tag and I was chasing Kairi. "Tag!"  I tagged her and she chase me. It was a really fun. "Hehehe~" I was trying to get a special gift and view on the ocean and the skies. It was really difficult me to find it because I want to cheer up Kairi more. We found a river that leads down to the bottom. I was thinking it may be lead to the ice blocktown where the docks are. We decided to camp here because we've been walking for hours. After that we'll follow the river. I was so lucky to get a water bottle and we can so cold drinks. Night falls and I was putting my hands near the fire to get my hands warm.  "...Hey Shiro?" Kairi said. "Yes?" I look at her. "If my mother's is there in Ice blocktown or not...is that okay I come with you? If you feel like it?" I was really surprised. Of course I'm going to take her with me because I couldn't just leave a kid out of the snow. I will be brutal and cruel with me. "Sure! I don't mind you come with me. We need found a boat then find other iceberg so we can stay there." I smiled. ".... Shiro...to tell you the truth, when I first met you....I thought you were some bad guy but you are a really odd wolf...." I stay silent. "Which I like it, I wish there's some people out there that is like you have a nice heart. Also can I have a little request from you?" I nodded. "O-okay..." Kairi smiled. "I want you to look after my sister and keep her safe okay?  Be friend with her or lover whatever you want...she can be reckless, stubborn, short temper, moody and talk shit all the time." What kind of sister does Kairi has? It sounds like she's really angry person. "But...my sister care a lot people and you think she doesn't care but she does. Just give her time and then she'll save you." I smiled. "I promise."  I'll keep that promise for her no matter what. "Hey Kairi. I have something to show you, come with me." I take Kairi to the hill. It wasn't long, it was a short walk. "Do you have you're eyes close?" She nodded. "Now you can open it." Kairi open her eyes. "Whoa.....!" Kairi saw the blue plain sea of the ocean and the full moon that is bright white. Stars shines and it was amazing. "Shiro... this is amazing! Where did you find this place?" I rub my head and blush. "I....I found it. I want you to see this because I want to let you know that I am here for you. If you're scared, or if you are alone. I'm always here for you to shine the darkness away from you.  I, Shirogane...will always be there for you. I meant to be together." I smiled. "Shiro...." She cried. "For real...are you a wolf? an angel or a God?" I giggle. "No... I'm just you're average arctic wolf that likes to be friends with people." Kairi hug me. "Thank you Shiro." I hug back. "You're welcome."

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