
By Auroriana_h

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❝It wasn't that I wanted to die; no. It was that I was so desperate to live.❞ - Valentinia Morelli. She is ca... More

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ᴛʀᴇɴᴛᴀ Qᴜᴀᴛᴛʀᴏ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
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Quarantotto - Past
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Qᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛᴀɴᴏᴠᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

3.6K 116 17
By Auroriana_h

Some people have a bad habit of searching for beauty in beasts and forever in temporary people. ~ Riderick.


Past (2 years and 2 months ago).

Slowly exhaling one last time, I peeled my eyes open ready to face the situation that laid ahead of me. Elia was stood before me, worry laced within his hazel eyes.

"Are you-

"So, are we going or not? As I mentioned before, I am on a tight schedule." I cut him off, completely disregarding his fake concern. He was more like interested in getting me to spill everything about my life- my life with him.

Adjusting myself so that I was moulded into the leather seats of the car, I pulled my seatbelt on and inserted the key. Once again, the engine purred to life in satisfaction. My eyes scanned back over to where Elias was situated, confused by his silence.

He was still stood before me; however, his mouth was now hanging open, in what appears to be shocked.

Rolling my eyes,

"What? Are you just going to stand there all day waiting to catch flies, or are you going to guide me to the location of where we are heading to 'talk?'" I asked, my tone filled with annoyance and slight sarcasm.

"W-what? How?" He replied, stumbling back in confusion.

"Some time today buddy, preferably now." I stated, growing more and more impatient by the second.

"How did you do that?" He asked, clearing his throat, now recovering from his once frozen state.

My hands clenched around the steering wheel in irritation, my nails clawing at the silky leather coating. What is with this guy asking all of these irrelevant questions? Well irrelevant to him.

Tutting in restlessness,

"What?" I groaned, having to stop myself from rolling my eyes for the second time in two minutes.

"Going from panicked to calm in the space of a minute doesn't seem slightly baffling to you?" He asked, his face was masked in astonishment. His eyes were pulled widely apart, examining me.

"Well, are we going or not?... If not, I will just be on my way-

"NO!" He shouted when I began to close my door. My eyes widened at his sudden change of octave in his voice.

"No, I mean no. Sorry, I didn't mean to shout, it's just that I need to speak with you; it's important." He said, his tone drenched in desperation, but it held something deeper; fear.

Tipping my head to the side in bemusement, I studied his face trying to find any hint that showed he had any hidden agenda. However, I found nothing like his face immediately masked back into one containing no emotion.

Huffing, I ordered.

"Hurry up and get in your car now then, I am tired of waiting because of your procrastination."

"Okay, fine." He said, beginning to walk away in the direction of what I am assuming to be his car.

Closing my door, I turned to face the front but jumped suddenly due to the low sound of knocking on the car window. My nerves shot through the roof as I turned to see the perpetrator, but quickly dropped when I noticed it was Elia.

Blowing out a frustrated sigh, I rolled down the window and barked.

"What? What could want now? You nearly gave me a heart attack, you idiot." My chest was slightly rising and falling in a slight panic, in response to his action.

"Sorry- He grinned, cheekily.

- I just wanted to make sure that you were going to follow me, you know since you are on the run. you may just run away from me too." He breathed out, his voice serious.

"Yes. I promise that I am going to follow you, Sir Elias." I replied sarcastically, my teeth grinding together in annoyance.

"You're being sarcastic Valentinia. How do I know that you are telling the truth? How do I know that I can trust you?" He questioned, sincerely.

"How can I trust you? I can't. How can you trust me? You can't. So, you are just going to have to wing it and believe me... Look, I don't want to go with you, but I am going to. I am curious as to what you have to say, I'll give you one chance. So, I promise that I am going to be right behind you, if not a few cars behind if wherever the place is we are going roads are busy." I said, my tone truthful.

"Okay, I will believe you." He answered firmly, but his eyes told a different story.

They held a dash of mystery along with a whirlpool of emotions, all merging into an abyss of dubiousness. He didn't trust me, I respect that. I wouldn't be the only one to think of him as an idiot if he chose to trust a stranger that he had just encountered.

"Well, I guess we should both be seated in our vehicles and be on our way before this day exists no longer." I suggested, tiredly.

"Yeah, you're right. Follow the Rover, that's my car." He directed, before turning on his heel and walking away.

"Well, it is the only car other than mine in the lot." I mumbled under my breath, sarcastically.

With that, I changed the gear into reverse and followed slowly behind Elia's vehicle at a medium pace.


He pulled up outside of a small, run-down Café. Quickly, pulling in behind him I took my time to observe the surrounding area. It was desolate, dull. Nothing impressive, however, I seemed to like it. It looked homely and conservative. One could even say isolated. There were a few neighbouring buildings, but other than that it was deserted.

A knock to the car window brought me out of my reverie, blinking I notice that Elia is stood before the driver's door with an impatient expression adorning his face. I hastily opened the glove compartment and gathered the money, before shoving it in my small bag.

Elia opened the car door before I had the chance to reach the handle and had a sheepish grin on his face. Blowing out a sigh of frustration, I stepped out of the car onto the concrete pathway. The cold, refreshing breeze whispered against my face, causing a slight shiver to travel throughout my being.

"Come on, it's this way." Elia voiced, slightly tipping his head to the right in a way to direct me. His eyes were lightly watering in response to the crisp air.

I followed in his footsteps until we came to a stop outside of the aged red door. He pushed the door open, causing the noise of a bell to ring throughout the whole vicinity. In-turn, causing every person in the diner to focus their attention on the intruders.

In response to their invading stares, I hid behind the hood of my coat not wanting them to possibly recognise me. Elia noticed this and hurriedly ushered me into a small, remote booth in the far corner of the diner. In-turn, assuring that nobody could invade on our future conversation.

Elia and I sat on separate sides of the booth so that we were facing one another. Gathering two menus into his hands, he placed one in front of me, before scanning his eyes over the other. I calmly picked up the one placed before me and browsed the list of beverages.

A small, plump woman casually walked towards our table before smiling widely at Elia. Confused I stared at their interactions with one another.

"Elia Ricci! My sweet boy! Oh, how lovely it is to see you!" She gushed, whilst kissing his cheeks.

He blushed in response, but laughed anyway, before returning the gesture by lovingly kissing both of her cheeks. I could guarantee that my eyes were as wide as saucers in response to their actions.

"Mrs. Marino, how are you?" He asked her, his voice soft.

Waving her hand dismissively she replied,

"Never mind that Mrs nonsense, I've told you many of times to just call me Dahlia. Anyway, how is your mother doing?" Her cheeks were tinted red and her eyes were curved into a smile, her whole presence radiated warmth and welcome.

"She's doing well, how about you?" He asked, chuckling slightly.

"I am doing great; Jasper and I have just celebrated our 20th marriage anniversary and this place is still up and running successfully." She answered, with a large smile situated upon her rounded face.

"Congratulations, I can't believe it has been that long. I remember when I used to come to this diner when I was small with mom and you two had just got engaged."

"I know, time goes by fast when you are happy Elia, be sure to remember that. There isn't a pause button. Oh, and who is this fine lady you are eating with on this day?" She asked, her grin growing impossibly wider when her eyes landed on me.

It made me feel uncomfortable, her eyes were ample and curious, causing me to play with my fingers uncomfortably. I don't understand why everybody here is intruding, it's becoming disturbing.

"Ahem, this is Vie. Dahlia meets Vei, Vei meet Dahlia." Elia introduced, his voice scratchy in perplexion. He named me Vei. I release a sigh of relief, thankful that he didn't expose me for my real identity.

The woman would recognise it, anyone would. It's probably plastered upon every surface of Italy on a wanted sign. Also, it's unique, well I've never known any other individual with my name.

"Vei? That's a peculiar name, is it shortened?" The woman asked, turning to face me. A curious, but puzzled expression adorned her features.

"No, it's just uh... Vei." I replied, feeling the strange name roll from off of my tongue. It held a nice ring to it. A new beginning. I was now Vei, not Valentinia or 'Tinia', just Vei.

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you Vei." She stated, with a gracious smile framing her face.

"Likewise." I mumbled, sinking further back into the leather booth. I just wanted to get this chat over with and leave, I don't need obstacles delaying me.

"Are you okay, sugar?" She asked, an empathic look now consuming her face. Why do people feel the need to look at me like that?

Yes, people go through some tough shit in their lives, but everyone does. Everyone has their problems without having to worry about another's or pity another's. Nobody is immune to pain, everyone experience that anguish and gut-wrenching emotion at one point in their lives, or multiple times.

You can't prevent it, you can only withstand it. You can't let it change or shape you, you have to through it to survive it. To be strong and to be who you are today.

The only difference between one's pain and another's is that some people survive it and find ways to move forward into the future, whereas others don't survive it and get sucked into the past where they feel like they are too far gone to escape the dark. But, that isn't true.

They can leave, they are strong enough. They just have to believe that they are, to move forward.

"Vei, Vei" A tap on the shoulder broke me out of my thoughts, causing me to jump back in reflex.

"Oh, um... yeah. I'm... I'm fine, I just got lost in my thoughts for a minute. Sorry." I murmured, blinking a few times.

Lacing my fingers together and placing them in my lap, I looked up at Daliha. She nodded, but looked like she wanted to question me further, but refrained herself from doing so by asking.

"So, what would you two lovelies like to order?" Her notepad and pen were held in between her dainty hands and her face was once again decorated with that homely smile.

Elia spoke first and ordered a chocolate milkshake, and then I asked for a glass of water. Daliha nodded and scribbled them down on her note pad. She smiled once again and said that she would be right over with our beverages before turning and walking away with an over-enthusiastic bounce in her step. I'm being so miserable.

"Is that all, would you not like anything else." Elia asked me, his eyebrows scrunching together.

"Yeah, that's good enough for me. I'm not here to have coffee with a friend, I'm here to get some answers and supposedly provide them too." I stated firmly, my voice void of any emotion.

He cleared his throat uncomfortably, before shaking his head and saying,

"You're right, but you should still eat or at least have a coffee to give you energy. It looks like you are going to need it if you want your plan to be successful."

"I don't need another man or woman giving me orders or suggestions, I've had enough people controlling me and my life already without adding another to my list." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I understand, sorry if I was being too forward. I was just concerned-

"Concerned about what? Me? Don't be, you don't know me. We don't mean anything to one another, we're just doing business." I declared strictly, cutting him off. My elbows were rested on the table, cradling my chin between my hands.

"Once again, I understand. However, I can't help that I care-

"You shouldn't, we barely know each other, and it will only get you tortured and killed." I once again cut him off, I could feel my nails digging into the soft flesh of my chin, almost as if I am trying to grab onto my sanity.

"One, please would you stop cutting me off, it's rude- I rolled my eyes in response to that.

- Rolling your eyes is placed in the rude category also." He continued, with a pointed look decorating his face. He's condemning me like I am a child that has not abided by their curfew.

"Well, I am sorry that I don't meet your standards Elia, and I am not the most positive person as of right now. But, what do you expect? For me to be grinning and affectionate, eager to get to know you? Well, I am sorry to break it to you, but don't expect any of that to come from me." I grumbled.

My patience is running thinner and thinner by each second that he is wasting my time.

"Okay, okay calm down." He tried to persuade, but I just grated my jaw together in anger.

"You want me to calm down? I swear to God, if you don't get on with saying what you want to say in the next ten seconds, then I promise that I will get up and walk away and you will never see me again. So, if I were you I'd stop 'concerning' yourself on my problems and start asking me what you want to know because this will be your only chance." I laid my cards on the table, quite simply at that.

He let out a deep, startled exhale in reaction to my words and said.

"Thank you for giving me the chance to explain, I know it must have been hard for you to do that. So, thank you." His words were placid and earnest.

"Are we just going to spend the time with you thanking me, or are we going to talk about what you desperately had me come here for?" I questioned anxiously, whilst digging my teeth into the flesh of my bottom lip.

"I was expecting a, 'you're welcome' in return, but I see that you aren't exactly emitting rainbows right now- I glared daggers at him to let him know that I didn't appreciate his sarcasm.

-and are not in the mood for small talk." He finished, looking at me with intensively.

"I'm glad that you've finally realised that." I acknowledged, with a click of my tongue.

"Moving on, -

"Finally." I mumbled under my breath.

- What was that?" He questioned in a condescending tone.

"I said finally. How long have we been here? - I asked looking at the clock on the wall ahead of me.

- Thirty minutes and you are only now beginning to address what we are here for." I finished, growling out a breath of dissatisfaction.

"Well, maybe that wouldn't be the case if you let me finish a sentence without you interrupting me." He announced, his eyes glazing over in discontent.

I smiled at that. He has a backbone, he's not as narrow- minded as I once thought.

Chuckling, I respond.

"I'll hold myself accountable for that." His mouth twitched in the corner, giving me the impression that he is trying to refrain himself from smiling.

Dahlia came into my view, balancing a tray upon the palm of her hand, with what I assume to be holding our drinks.

Upon arriving at our table, I observe that she still has that contagious grin upon her ageing face.

"A chocolate milkshake and a cold glass of water, my lovelies." She voiced, whilst placing both of our orders in front of us. I gave her a small smile and a thank you in appreciation.

"You're very welcome, I hope you both enjoy your refreshments." She responded, before giving us our privacy and scuttling off to serve her other customers.

"Is she always that happy?" I ask Elia, whilst looking at Dahlia converse with others in admiration.

"I thought we weren't here to talk about anything other than the reason for us being here." He said, recalling what I scolded him for earlier.

Clearing my throat and shaking my head I say,

"You're right."

He releases a breath of defeat and voices,

"She's always been like that for as long as I can remember, always lighting up the room with her smiles. I think that is one of the many things everyone loves about her; her ability to make people happy, even the saddest of people. She's an angel; a saviour. She saved her husband, he was on the brink of death and she saved him. I know that sounds cliché, but it is what it is."

I looked within his eyes and saw nothing but honour and admiration whilst he was speaking about her. She must be really important to him if only her smile could infect me, but I don't think that's an option in my case.

"She's something then." I said, emotionlessly.

I felt my eyes beginning to brim with tears but quickly blinked them away before Elia noticed. I don't need any more of a reason for him to pity me.

"She is." He confirmed, smiling. His eyes evaporated prise for the woman.

"So, what are you wanted to know?" I asked, changing the topic on to what we were here for; answers.

"About Valentin?" He answered, raising his eyebrows in curiosity.

I froze at the mention of his name, it sent a quiver of disgust to sail throughout my body.

"I don't know much about him, other than him making me marry him. So, I don't know what you want me to say. Besides, how do you know him other than the obvious reason of him being the Mafia Boss of your country?" I questioned, inquisitive.

"He killed my older sister." He stated, his eyes growing cold in hate.

A gasp withdrew from my lips in astonishment.

"I-I what, h-how?" I stuttered out, it felt as if my eyes were going to pop out of my skull.

His jaw clenching in what looked like anger and sorrow merged.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. It isn't any of my business, it was wrong of me to ask you that and make you relive those memories." I rushed out, criticising myself for my thoughtlessness.

"It's okay, you have to know why I am here, asking you for answers." He assured, taking a deep breath.

I stayed silent, waiting for him to begin when he was ready.

"She was reckless, always had been. She got in with the wrong crowds, which involved criminal activities. Her boyfriend was one of Valentin's many dealers. -

"Dealers?" I question, confused.

"Yes, dealers. Drug dealers. Adriano wasn't one of his best dealers, just one of those that handled the least valuable products. He was only hired to pay off a debt that he owed Valentin.

I don't know how my sister got mixed up with him, but I wasn't surprised that she was. She always tried to help the damaged, wanting to change them; help them. But, she couldn't, not this time anyway. She thought she was curing him, but she was just destroying herself by loving him.

She felt like she owed him her existence when really, he owed her his. Six years ago, he had an assignment, to exchange some product to the Russians. However, there was never an exchange. Adriano lost all of the drugs somehow and he knew that he was dead as soon as word got back to the Boss.

So, he left. Disappeared. Nobody knew where he went. He got away, but Erica. She wasn't as lucky. She was abducted, tortured, raped continuously by his men. Adriano left a note saying that it was Erika that had used the drugs. She suffered the wrath of evil for something she didn't do. For the man who she thought loved her, who she thought she had changed.

She wasn't an angel, not by a long shot. But, she died in vain. In response to the cowardness demonstrated by a man who used her. She died thinking that she wasn't loved. When she was.

Her modesty was completely stolen from her. Valentin drew her body up in front of the whole town of Amalfi, naked, battered and bruised. Words of degradation and shame written upon her once innocent flesh, threats carved into her flesh along with his initials. Valentin. Valentin fucking Morelli." He sneered, spitting the name Valentin out with severe repulsion and animosity.

My body was numb with venom and anguish. My hatred growing impossibly greater for the man who legally holds the title of my husband.

I knew that he was heartless and a monster, but I didn't know to an extreme extent. They may have been a small part of me that believed that he wasn't as evil as he made himself out to be, that he was just trapped. Lost. But, he just goes to show that sometimes a cover of the book determines what they are inside.

I wasn't the only woman that bared his name on my skin. The only difference between the two of us was that she bears his name out of hate and me out of supposed 'love'. She was dead, and I was still somehow alive and right now at this very moment, I knew that I had to hold onto that.

I had to hold onto my survival because that was the only thing I held to my advantage over those girls. It was the only thing that I would ever have a chance of defeating him with, of making a change.


Word Count:. 4021

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