The Armored Warrior

By ArkenSenpai

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Your father has gone missing for almost a year now. You were cleaning out your attic until you found somethin... More

Chapter 1- Remnant
Chapter 2- The Armor
Chapter 3- Beacon
Chapter 4- The previous visitor
Chapter 5- Friends
Chapter 6- Initiation
Chapter 7- Myths and Legends
Chapter 8- Official
Happy New Year
Chapter 9- Lead
Chapter 10- Missions
Grimm Eclipse Request
Chapter 11- Maze
Chapter 12- Nightmares, Or visions?
Chapter 13- Belonging
Chapter 14- Messages
Message to the readers
Chapter 15- Neo
Chapter 16- Bounty
Chapter 17- Perspective
Chapter 18- Former Glory
Chapter 19- Lies from a dead man
Chapter 20 Prologue- A cup of Tea
Chapter 20- Regiment
Chapter 22- Reunion
Chapter 23- Mirror Mirror

Chapter 21- Cella

1K 9 30
By ArkenSenpai

I excused myself from the room with the elders, they nodded and said they would start issuing orders for the mobilization of tomorrow. I walked towards my room and begun preparations for my speech and the possible catastrophe Ashan has predicted. 

"People of Remnant. We are Lights Oath, here to protect you from a greater darkness; the abyss." I began writing, but I scrapped that idea, it's too cheesy and seems as if it's from an old 90s movie. I chuckled, I did miss watching those movies back home. My mood saddened, how long have I been here? A couple of months I guess, it doesn't seem like a whole lot but it holds its toll. I miss my mother greatly, who knows what kind of pain she's in from my disappearance, first her husband then her only son. Must be a family thing for the men to disappear; I chuckle. I go back to writing to take my mind off the subject, no need to dwell in the past; I know where that takes me, and apparently, it transports me to another universe. 

A couple of hours pass by and already the trashcan is full of scrapped speech ideas. I hear a knock on my door and I yell to enter. Dan walks in and pardons himself for the intrusion. "How are you doing commander?" 

"Fine...just can't think of a proper way to announce ourselves to the world. No subtly way of saying 'Hey, guess what? We exist! Also, there's an even greater foe than the Grimm and we've been fighting them an keeping them at bay, but don't you worry! We got this!' It's difficult." 

He laughs. "I understand. The whole movement to either announce ourselves or not has been a battle within Lights Oath since I was a child. My father was for it, and we almost convinced the Commander to do it. Before he could, both the Commander and my father were killed in action during an assault on one of the biggest rifts we have ever seen. The company came back with only half of its power remaining, casualties claimed that there had been a new BN, something so large that it could tear in half the DMB. They were lucky that the commander was there to take it on. The Commander before your father was the one who sacrificed himself to seal it away. Anywho, enough with my mindless rambling. If I could make a suggestion, I believe I should be the one to give the speech, act as 'Acting Commander' while you still train at Beacon." 

"Why do you say that?" 

"To be honest sir, I went and talked with the RSM and her seniors, they believe that instead of enacting a new commander, with minimal combat experience and knowledge as to how Lights Oath is run, but instead have you finish your training at Beacon while also doing some training here, and let the elders, Regulas and myself run Lights Oath. Until we believe you are ready. We will still have you run missions and operations with us, and allow you to put in your input and suggestions. If that is alright with you sir."

"Do the elders know?" 

"Yes sir, they seemed hesitant at first but agreed as well. They apologized for being too hasty and not thinking clearly. But they do agree with you training at beacon and here." 

"Then I will have to agree with it being for the best. So Dan, if you are going to hold the role of acting Commander, then will you prepare a speech for the reveal of Lights Oath?"

"Already working on it sir."

"Before I send you away, I would like to be on the front lines for if any sort of incident happens during the festival, I believe I should tell you that I had. . . let's say a vision of a possible catastrophe happening soon, and my gut is telling me it will happen during the festival." 

"Interesting......" Dan says "How big are we talking? A whole city levelled size or a small gang of ruffians?" 

You simply raise your shoulders up in a confused movement. Dan simply nods in response. 

"I'll trust your intuition, Commander if you'll excuse me, I have to inform the others." He says, doing a slight bow, and he exits the room. You decide that you should retire for the night, and lay on the bed. 

"Excuse me, sir, do you have a moment?" Snow asks. I see the faint glow of blue from the wristband. 

"Go ahead." 

"Do you plan on reuniting with Team RWBY when we arrive at Vale? By reading the messages sent to your scroll, they are worried. Likely, they probably believe you are dead..." I could hear a slight humming, probably a sign that Snow is currently reading and analyzing the texts. 

"I don't know if I can bring myself to do that...even message them..." You say, feeling extremely guilty. "How would I even explain what has happened?"

The humming continued. "I don't know sir..." Snows voice sounded gentle but filled with sorrow. Maybe she feels the same way I do, I thought to myself. I layed there on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Eventually, my mind gave into exhaustion, and I slept. 

I was awoken by a knock on the door, I climbed out of bed and shuffled to the door. A lone trooper stood at the door, he saluted and I saluted back. "S-sorry to wake you sir, but I was ordered by acting commander Kokuryu to wake you, and that he requests your presence at the Admin office."

"Thank you trooper....also would you mind taking me there?" I asked, he nodded and replied with yes sir, I told him I'll be five minutes while I prepared. I quickly changed clothes, brushed my teeth and followed the trooper. When we arrived at the office I knocked and entered. Dan was around a table with Ryan as well, a couple of the elders and the RSM. 

"Morning sir, sleep well?" Ryan asked, I nodded and replied: "Never better." He chuckled a bit and motion for me to stand beside him. In front of us was a giant map of Vale, with various pieces on it. A large cone-shaped piece was placed on the map with a title of 'arena'. I pointed at it and asked if that's where the festival will take place, Ryan nodded and motioned to the pieces, a small X was possible drop zones for the Lancer platoons and dropshock infantry, squares with an oval in the middle were zones for the armour. There were also various squares and squares with one line inside, the ones without lines were infantry and the ones with lines were the reconnaissance units.  I only understood the map to an extent, but otherwise, it looked like an old board game. Soon enough, various other soldiers entered the room, I recognized the CSM and I assumed the others with her are various Platoon commanders.  

"Alright, the plan is as follows." Dan started. " Once our forward recon team has confirmed that the broadcast system is strapped to the tower, we shall broadcast a live stream of the speech, while doing so we will have the DMB fly into the airspace. If all goes well, we should not be engaged by any resistance, if we are we will have to neutralize their weapons from the inside, thankfully we already have spies in position on every possible airforce unit in Vale at the moment. We have been given information about Atlas possibly being stationed there as well and preparations are being taken to ensure we will not be engaged by them either. If a catastrophe does occur, the Lancers and DST (Dropshock Troopers) will launch here." Dan said, pointing at an X in the middle of Vale, one up near the academy and others in the city. "Each Section will compose of 20 Lancers, 5 engineers and 5 medics. Their first priority is the safety of the local populace after that is complete, the secondary objective is to maintain control of the city. If the city is lost, a final stand shall be held at Beacon Academy and a FOB set up there to at least maintain some control of land and maintain a foothold. If it gets too dicey we will have the dropships retrieve the troops back here" He pointed behind Beacon. "As always, the Lancers will be the last to pull back." He looked up at lancers CSM; Captain Neka. "First shields in, Last guns out sir." She replied with a smirk. "Good. Now, I will transmit the plans to each of your HUDs, make sure to pass it on with your platoon. And I don't want to lose even ONE. SINGLE. TROOPER. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!?" Dan replied, raising his voice. Everyone in the room snapped to attention and yelled "YES SIR!" He nodded and dismissed them. Leaving only two elders, Ryan and myself in the room. 

"You fit this role well" I stated, nodding towards Dan. He thanked me. 

"So where will I be during this?" I asked

"You can be where ever you please. We know you have connections to Beacon and some of its students. You are free to do as you want, we'll contact you when we need you. Or when you have classes here." He laughed. I had an odd feeling of being back at home, with a father figure. I laughed. 

It eventually became time to suit up and head to the DMB. It was a large airship, it took up majority of the hanger, in fact, a lot of the smaller crafts had to take off before she was brought in. It was definitely a flying mobile base, she was able to hold 20 smaller aircraft units, as well as launch a whole squadron of 50 fighter jets. As for inside, there was a small garage meant for carrying supplies as well as stationing a platoon of tanks; around 10, and various small armoured vehicles. She was also the main base for the Lancers, DST and 500 guards. At the front, back, left and right side of the ship, each had a 'Lancer Gun', it was designed to strap in a lancer unit in a tiny capsule that was then shot out of the ship, once shot out the capsule would break apart. That was caused to distract any enemy forces below and also help take out the enemy below. That is if they were being launched in a combat zone, if not they would simply jump out of the hanger doors or take a LAC; Lancer armour carrier. For the DST, they were sent out in retrievable capsules. 

Once I boarded the ship, I was escorted to the helm of the ship to greet the pilot. Correction; pilots. To pilot this ship, it requires 2 main pilots, one to steer and another to navigate, maintain speed, etc etc. There is a captain that watches over everything else, making sure the sub pilots are doing their duty and plotting courses of action. The Captain of this ship was a female, she looked as if she was in her mid-30s. Short brown hair, a posture of importance and pride. Her name was Delia, Captain Delia. If my memory of airforce ranks was correct, in the army she would've held the position of Colonel. 

"Commander on deck!" She held, and every straightened up, I told them to relax and they went back to their work. As I looked around, I saw that the helm was dominated by women. The captain spotted my odd look and stated, "We choose women to pilot our ships because they have faster reflexes than men, in every pilot's test, the women score slightly higher than men. As for when the Lancers and DST drop, the final voice they hear is that of a woman. Its a sort of psychological morale boost, knowing that when you return from a fight, women are waiting for you. Even for our female troops on the ground, they also act the same way. It has been proven by studies as well."

"Fascinating," I reply. "I can beat that this job isn't easy. With looking at the size of this craft, it just is amazing that you can even pilot this thing. It's huge!"

"Indeed, and make sure you pay your respects too and not just call it a craft. She has a name ye'know."

"And what is her name?" 

"The LO Cella."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful ship."

"That she is."

"Captain" A crewmember rang through the speaker. 

"Go." The captain replied. 

"All have been boarded, fuel is stocked and the spare is ready on standby. Cargo loaded. The Cella is ready to launch." 

"Copy, I say your last, all good to go." She puts on a headset and speaks into it. "Base tower, Cella ready to launch, waiting on your call. 

I hear a clear voice say from the speakers around the helm. "Copy that, Cella your clear to launch in 1 mike. I say again, 1 mike till launch." 

"Copy that. Start the countdown." 

A voice yells Roger, and the Captain switches to ship-wide speakers. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain Delia. Welcome aboard the lovely Cella, just as a friendly reminder there is no smoking on my ship." She chuckles. "Ah I can never take that seriously. Anywho welcome aboard my ship, and to you regulars, welcome back. In about 30 seconds we will take off, so buckle up or buckle down, your choice." And she turns off the mic. I look around trying to find a seat. The captain laughs. 

"Don't worry Commander, you won't feel a thing. In fact, we already have lifted off."

"Wait seriously?" 

"Look out the window." 

I walk over to a window on the side and could see that we were slowly lifting off and out of the hanger. I watched in awe as the large DMB, Cella, flew forward. Once we were fully out of the hanger, I could see various types of ships all around the base. Fighters, larger corvette class ships, all various types of ships. This was a true military fleet. 

"Now leaving port, next stop Vale." Captian Delia said. I stood there at the window, like a kid at a candy shop. 

"This is one huge fleet." 

"It'll get bigger Commander. What you see now is all that was stationed here and Atlas, soon enough after this mission, we will regroup with our fleets from Vacuo and Mistral and regroup at the main HQ located near the Northern point of Vale. You'll be in for a surprise when we head there."

"Is it big?" 

"Big? Hahaha!" She laughs

"Its fucking HUGE!" 

-Authors notes-



How y'all doing? 


Busy.....University is fun, time-consuming and stressful 

Wanna know what else is fun, time-consuming and stressful





how does do that?


Hahahah anywho I apologize for my MIA happening and shit. I missed writing, and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, (don't quote me) I will write.....maybe a bit more. So for this chapter, my original plans kinda got fucked in the previous chapters, so I'm slowly but surely morphing it back to how I wanted it....somewhat. I'm also trying to make it understandable, and to the point where it makes some ssseeennnsseeee........Some what


With hugs and kisses 


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