I Reincarnated in Otome Game...

By LAmerica06

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Seya Plauvendure is the name of a Villainess Character in the Otome game her sister played over and over and... More

The Young Plauvendure
My daughter
Ancient Magic
Good Samaritan
A shy boy
Too much
Lovey dovey
Weird duo
Owen and Clade
Time Skip! Home Coming
Play along
School Huh
School Exam
Rival to Rivals
Rage and Assuming
The Famous Rooftop
They need you
My lover
A Lover
Student Council President
A Liar
Lover's Quarrel
A Guy Lover (Iris x Wesly )
Versus (2)
For Jazzer
Owen's Resolve
Let's make it official
Conquest : Loafter
Self Awareness
The wait
Grand Celebration
Trouble Arrives
I'm not done with you
Iris Rage
Dark Iris
A happy life
Michael's Story (Side Story)

Hateful Sister

34.7K 706 221
By LAmerica06

Chap 1
Hateful Sister

I....have to study.

"I love you too,Leticia!"
Loud Squeal is heard after that.

Hermia look at her younger sister that is rolling and screaming while gasping with heart shape eyes looking at the t.v screen.

'Ah...The climax huh..'
She avert her eyes and try to focus her eyes on the lesson.

It is one of her sister's favorite otome game.
It is a game where they build a relation with the capture target and in the end winning their route-heart.
She is not really interested but played along with her, sometimes.
Her sister Mia is a huge fan.
She sometimes calls her Onee-san which puzzled their parents but she explained that it's a japanese word she picked up with her hobby and they accepted it as that.

She has no prejudice about her twin sister liking this sort of stuffs but when it hinder her to study-is a different issue.

"Hey,Mia.Tone it down."
She weakly says while chewing hard the topic in her book.

"Eh~sorry Hermia nee-sama."
Mia cheerfully says while giggling and lower the volume of the T.V.

'Hmm...-sama huh..This time it's -sama..Since she's happy.This girl thinks it's cute since she likes to act japanese but hearing it and using it is two different thing.And it's not your own language sister.People will tend to think you are trying hard fanatic.Oh well~ back to study.'

It's their day and night affair as twins.
You might think that Hermia is smarter since all she does is study but it's the opposite.
Mia is a genius.
Hermia is so-so.
Study or not Mia top in the class.
Hermia is never an academic achiever.
People tends to have different impression but in truth,Hermia never cares about it and Mia knows her too well.
Hermia study hard cause she knows that she is not as smart as Mia and doesn't want to fall behind too much. Side's she has no aspiring talent~well,she loves to eat and exercise but how is that a talent? But she's very tenacious. She always do things she decided to do until the end.

That day is as hotter as ever.
Mia is already out.
It's saturday,she must be with her boyfriend.
She woke up late,their parents never disturb them in weekends so she felt groggy for late night cramming.
She wave her hand and fan her face.


She look at the electric fan near the T.V. There's a lot of littering and a softdrink bottle without cap,chips big and small crumbs.

'This Mia! She will get a scolding later!'
As she walks like a drunk to reach for the fan.
She steps on the chips plastic and fall.


It's a huge fall.
She's awakened.

"Damn!" She grits her teeth and tries to get up.
When she reach her hand she didn't realize that it's the cloth supporting her sister's treasured game station!
It crushed!
And along with the CD's full of otome games that just thrown in the corner of the table without order.
On her panic,she stands up to pick it up but kick the softdrink bottle.The soda spills it's content in the game station and cd's.

'F*ck! I'm dead! She'll kill me.I know she will!'

As she swallow up the door opened.

"Hey! I heard a huge crash.Are you okay? Geez,I run like mad.You have a fever so I run out to get you a med.Mom and dad is out so~ what? What happened?"

With all her guilty feeling and more guilt since she heard her sister concerns and thoughtfulness toward her, the scene is really~ Making her so much guilty!

"Mia..This is...I will pay..."

Mia run to her game and screaming loudly.

The epic scene really torn her heart.
In all infairness with Mia,it is her fault but her sincere love for thia game is really makes her convicted as a criminal.

Mia turn to her and gaze her sharply.


"I slipped." Hernia says.She avert her eyes.She's a guilty convict.

"This is my world,you know that!"

"Mia...I will pay...."

"Like I care! You don't understand. This thing is limited editions.I didn't buy things that has no 'Limited' on them!"

"Then,we can find some copies online...."

"You never understand me...you always always always thinks little of my love for otome game!"

"No.I never..."

"You never understand Otome!" She cries and carry as much as she can.Hugging the soaking wet station and games and run away.

Hermia sigh.
Her sister is smart academically but really childish.
But this time she knows how wrong she was.
She will definitely buy all the games and a new game station for her.

So she fishes on the internet.
That night,Mia didn't sleep in their room.
She prays that when she woke up she might be approachable,atleast.

But to her surprise.
A maid,no maids woke her up.

"Miss Seya,your breakfast is already prepared.Master and Mistress are waiting for you."

What is happening?
She looks down and saw her small delicate body and a frilly uncomfortable sleepwear in the tall, body sized mirror on the side.

"Um...perhaps,I'm still asleep?" She asks.

"No miss..uhm..you are awake." The maid confusely answered.

"I see...A dream? Is this a dream?"


Hermia nods.
This is nothing but a dream.

"Well,would you get up and eat with Master and Mistress?"

She blinks.
Why is she not waking up?
When you realize that you are dreaming,doesn't that a moment where you suddenly wakes up?

Hermia might be evading the truth but she is now in the body of Seya Plauvendure,a villainess in the beloved otome game of her sister.

A/N : I'm otome game scenario light novel and manga fan. So I'm making my own story.. Not sure how many chap I can make until my interest died down again..haha.

Rewriting Hernia to Hermia....I never knew what Hernia is before someone point it out. Lololols

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