Death Eater Spawn

By fayally1998

37.6K 1K 113

Zoe Rosier was raised in a muggle orphanage, but one day a Professor from Hogwarts informs her that she is in... More

The boy who lived, and me
The day I learned the truth
A new world
Salazar Slytherin
Snape and I
St Mungo's
The Big House
My Purpose
A gift from a potions teacher
The kindest Malfoy
Back to school
Dumbledore's Army
The worst Christmas ever
The Inquisitorial Squad
I spill the beans
The promise I have to keep
Hide and seek
My secret mission
Fighting for our lives
Loss of life
Separate ways
Night owls
Draco's task
The new Potions master
Slughorn's Christmas party
Alone at Christmas
Blood Red
No turning back
Death at the dinner table
Rock bottom
A changed school
The surprise guest
Harry's flight
Voldemort's wrath
Ravenclaw's make a stand
The right choice
The battle of Hogwarts
A big helping hand
All over
Alternate ending

19 years later

753 19 2
By fayally1998

I watched my kids charge forward, running towards the gateway, in Kings Cross Station.
Bellamy ran after his big sister, even though he wouldn't be going to Hogwarts for another 2 years.
I led the way onto Platform 9 and 3/4, with my husband Brandon, bringing up the rear.
Once we were all safely through the gateway, we stared up at the glorious sight, of the Hogwarts Express.
It had been so many years since I last saw it, but it looked as beautiful as ever.
"Where's Albus?" Bethan asked, looking around the crowds of people, for her friend.
Being rather tall, I was able to see over the heads of strangers, to find Harry and his family.

"He's over there Beth, with the Weasley's" I pointed.
Bethan passed her trolley to her father, and ran through the crowds to find Albus.
Branden rolled his eyes at me, and we followed her towards the Potters, at a much slower pace.
When Harry saw us approaching he smiled, and waved us over.
"Zoe. I wondered where you'd got to, when I saw Bethan rushing towards Albus" greeted Harry.
"Well, you know my daughter. She's part hurricane, part human" I joked.
Harry laughed and gave me a quick hug, before shaking Brandon's hand.

"So, are you two nervous?" Harry asked.
"A little. Bethan is my first child, so it's going to be hard to let her go" I admitted.
"That's perfectly natural. But she is going to have a great time at Hogwarts, just like we did"
"Not all of my Hogwarts memories are happy, Harry"
"No... Speaking of which, where is the pale guy?".
I rolled my eyes. Despite not being enemies anymore, Harry and Draco had never stopped trading insults at each other.
"If you mean Draco, then he said that he would meet us here" I revealed.
"Shouldn't you be looking for him?" Quizzed Harry.
"I'm sure he will find me, once he arrives".

I turned my attention to Ron and Hermione, who's kids stood by their sides obediently.
"How have you guys been?" I asked.
"Good. Managed to pass my muggle driving test. Hermione thought I'd have to Confund the examiner" replied Ron.
"No I didn't. I had complete faith in you" interjected Hermione.
I honestly had no idea how they were still together, they were polar opposites.
I looked over at the kids who were all having an animated discussion about which house they'd be in, even the ones who weren't attending Hogwarts this year.

Ron heard what they were talking about, and decided to wind them up.
"If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disinherit you. But no pressure".
Lily, Hugo, and Bellamy laughed, but the older kids looked solemn.
"He doesn't mean it" said Ginny and Hermione at the same time.
Bethan made her way over to me, looking nervous.
"Mum. What if I'm not in Ravenclaw, like you and dad?" She said quietly.
I pulled her to the side, so that her friends wouldn't overhear us.
"Bethan, you know your father and I, don't care what house you're in. And you shouldn't want to be in a house, just because your parents were in it" I replied.

"Well, what if I end up in Slytherin?" She asked, shuddering.
I winced at her tone, but it wasn't her fault, I hadn't told either of my children about my pure-blood Slytherin parents, yet.
"Listen, just because all the bad guys have been in Slytherin, it doesn't mean that every Slytherin, is a bad guy... Slytherin would be lucky to have such a talented witch, like you. But to be honest, I don't think you will join the green team.
I know you quite well, and I don't think you'd fit in with that lot. But if you are placed in Slytherin, or Hufflepuff, or Gryffindor, we will still be proud of you" I reassured her.

Bethan smiled and went back to join Albus and Rose. That was when I saw Ron nudge Harry, and point to 3 people, a couple of yards away.
"Look who it is" whispered Ron.
I saw Draco standing with his wife and son, and I began to make my way towards them. Leaving my family, with Harry and his kids.
"Hi there Malfoy" I said smiling.
Draco turned when he heard my voice.
"Zoe. There you are. I was beginning to think we'd missed you" replied Draco.
"Afraid not. Here I am. How have you all been?".
"We are all well" Astoria answered.
"Good to hear. What about you Scorpius, are you excited to start Hogwarts?" I asked the small boy, who looked so much like Draco, it was scary.
Scorpius nodded, but I could tell he was nervous. He was an only child afterall, so I expect the idea of getting thrown into a room full of strangers, frightened him.

"Well, I know that you are going to have a great time there. And I'm sure you and Bethan are going to get up to all sorts of mischief together" I continued.
Scorpius smiled when I said Bethan's name, and I ruffled his hair affectionetly.
"You not taken up the job of Potions teacher yet?" Questioned Draco.
"You know I haven't. The man who replaced Slughorn, doesn't look like he's going to leave any time soon. Besides, I don't think teaching is my calling. I'm much happier in my little Potions shop" I answered.
I had been offered the job, when Slughorn retired, but I had declined, chosing to stay with my family and my shop, instead. And I stand my decision.

I said my goodbyes to the Malfoy's, and returned to my family.
"So, that's little Scorpius. Make sure you beat him at every test Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mother's brains" Ron was saying as I arrived.
"Ron, for heavens sake. Don't try and turn them against each other before they've even started school" said Hermione sternly.
"She's right. And don't go talking bad about my Godson, behind my back" I added.
"Sorry, you know I meant nothing by it" apologised Ron.
He then turned back to his daughter. "But don't get too friendly with him Rosie. Granddad Weasley would never forgive you, if you married a pure-blood".
This comment got Ron an elbow to the stomach, curtesy of me.

Standing beside Harry, waving goodbye to Bethan, was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. And I've fought in a war.
Brandon squeezed my shoulder supportively, and I tried to stop myself crying, for Bellamy's sake. I knew he was going to miss his sister a lot.
"She'll be fine" whispered Brandon.
I took his hand in mine, and kissed his fingers.
"I know she will. But I am going to miss her" I replied.
"Yes, you'll have to be brave"
"I know... at least we've still got one child left, right?".
Brandon laughed, and placed his hands on Bellamy's shoulders.
"We sure do, and this one isn't going anywhere for a while" he replied.
I smiled happily. All was well.


Thank you for reading my book, I hope you enjoyed it.

If you wanted to check out my other books, I would be very greatful.
My main Harry Potter fanfic, is Jennifer Potter and the Marauders. Which is a series of books, currently 4 books long.

Death Eater Spawn was always going to be just one book. But if enough people read it, and want more Zoe and Draco friendship. Then I shall write a sequal. Which will take place around the 19 years later.

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