Death Eater Spawn

By fayally1998

37.6K 1K 113

Zoe Rosier was raised in a muggle orphanage, but one day a Professor from Hogwarts informs her that she is in... More

The boy who lived, and me
The day I learned the truth
A new world
Salazar Slytherin
Snape and I
St Mungo's
The Big House
My Purpose
A gift from a potions teacher
The kindest Malfoy
Back to school
Dumbledore's Army
The worst Christmas ever
The Inquisitorial Squad
I spill the beans
The promise I have to keep
Hide and seek
My secret mission
Fighting for our lives
Loss of life
Separate ways
Night owls
Draco's task
The new Potions master
Slughorn's Christmas party
Alone at Christmas
Blood Red
No turning back
Death at the dinner table
Rock bottom
A changed school
The surprise guest
Harry's flight
Voldemort's wrath
Ravenclaw's make a stand
The right choice
The battle of Hogwarts
All over
19 years later
Alternate ending

A big helping hand

552 18 2
By fayally1998

"Zoe. Zoe! Wake up!".
I heard someone shouting my name, and I'm sure that I recognised the voice, but I couldn't seem to remember the person's name. My brain was all fuzzy.
A felt a huge amount of light appear over my eyelids, making me glad that my eyes were closed.
The pain in my chest, made it almost impossible to concentrate on anything else. It felt as if there was an elephant sitting on my chest, crushing my ribs and lungs.
"Zoe! Zoe, you can't die. Please wake up".
There was that voice again. They seemed to be in distress, and I wanted to help them. But I didn't know how.

Trying to open my eyes, took an enormous amount of effort. But I managed it.
The first thing I saw was a giant, standing a few feet away, holding a huge slab of stone. I realised that someone was carrying me, so I looked up at them, to see who it was.
I saw no face, only a mass of black hair.
The stranger set me down on the ground, causing me to wince in pain.
I looked to my left and saw a boy with blonde hair, who appeared to be crying.
"Zoe. If you can hear me. Please say something".
This time the voice was inside my head.
I opened my mouth, by no sound came out.
So I closed my eyes, and began to focus my mind, so that I could reply in different way.

The boy beside me stopped crying, and wiped away his tears.
"Zoe?" He questioned.
I smiled at him. How could I ever forget his name? My beloved Draco.
"Who else?" I replied.
"You're going to be O.K. The half-giant Hagrid, pulled you out of the wreckage. He's gone to fetch Madam Pomfrey. She will make you better" he promised.
Hagrid, so that was the person carrying me earlier. And the Giant, holding the stone I had been trapped under, must have been his half-brother. Grawp? Or something like that.
Draco turned his head, and shouted at someone I couldn't see.
"Potter! She's awake. Come quick".

I heard a commotion, and another person appeared, on my right hand side, opposite Draco, with black hair, and glasses.
I tried to speak to Harry, but once again, no sound came out. So I turned back to Draco.
"Draco. I love you so much, but right now, I need to talk to Harry. I can't seem to speak, so you will have to tell him what I'm saying" I told him.
Draco rolled his eyes, clearly not happy with his role as translater.
"She wants to talk to you. But she can't speak at the moment" he said to Harry.
"How do you know?" Questioned Harry suspicously.
"Because she told me. Inside my head... We have our own way of communicating, that we discovered during Occlumency lessons".
"I was never any good at that"
"Well maybe if you'd practised, you could do it too".
"Draco" I warned. This was not the time for an argument.

"Tell Harry that I'm sorry for everything I did. Sirius, Dumbledore, everyone who died because of me" I said to Draco.
Draco then repeated everything I had said, to Harry.
"It's not your fault Zoe. I don't blame you for what happened. I'm not angry with you... Maybe I was for a while, but I'm over that now" replied Harry.
"Tell him, that when I'm dead, I don't want to be remembered as a Death Eater. I want people to remember me, as a good person".
Instead of repeating what I'd said, Draco leaned towards me.
"You are not going to die. Do you hear me? Voldemort is dead. We're free... So don't you go and die on me" begged Draco.
"Voldemort's dead? Why does no one tell me anything? That's great news... What about the other Death Eaters?" I asked.

"Most of them are dead, including Aunt Bellatrix, and Fenir Greyback. A couple escaped, but they'll be tracked down soon. Mother and father are fine, as well" explained Draco.
I allowed myself to smile.
"That's good... Now I can die, in peace. Knowing that I fought for a better future" I replied.
Draco frowned. "Weren't you listening? You are not going to die".
I looked at Harry, and felt sorry for him, as he was now only hearing one side of the conversation.
I heard foosteps approaching, but I couldn't turn my head to look. Harry shuffled out the way, and Madam Pomfrey knelt down beside me, allowing me to see Hagrid behind her.

"Right. What is the matter with Miss Rosier, other than the obvious head wound?" Questioned Madam Pomfrey.
"She can't seem to speak, or breathe properly" Draco answered.
The healer laid her hand gently on my chest, causing an intense amount of pain, that made me almost lose consciousness.
"Her chest has collapsed. Her ribs are putting pressure on her lungs. No wonder she can barely breathe"
"Can you heal her?"
"I can certainly try, Mister Malfoy".
Madam Pomfrey withdrew her wand, and placed the tip, in the centre of my chest. She then turned her attention to Draco.

"I am going to lift her chest, removing the pressure, and expanding her lungs. This may cause her to lose consciousness, and stop breathing.
I will then continue to raise and drop her chest, mimicking how it would act, when she breathes normally. You, will place your mouth over hers, and give her several short breaths, when I tell you to. Until she starts breathing on her own" she instructed.
"I don't like the sound of that" I told Draco.
"Are you sure that's the only way?" Asked Draco.
"Yes. And we need to hurry. I'm not sure how much longer her brain can function, on such little oxygen"
"O.K. I'll do it"
"Good man".

I'm not sure exactly what happened next. All I remember was Madam Pomfrey raising her wand, and taking my chest with it.
Then when I opened my eyes I found Draco kissing me repeatedly, on the lips.
When he saw my open eyes, he kissed me harder and longer than ever before, making me blush.
Harry cleared his throat, reminding me that there were other people in the room.
"Oops. Sorry guys" I mumbled.
"How do you feel Miss Rosier?" Questioned Madam Pomfrey.
"Strange. My whole body hurts, and my chest feels weird. I can breath better than before, but it still doesn't feel right"
"I see. Well, I will have you taken to St Mungo's with the others who were injured, when the rest of the healers arrive. But you don't appear to be in any immediate danger, any more"
"Thank you"
"You're welcome".

I looked over at Hagrid, who had pulled me from the rubble.
"Thank you Hagrid. You saved my life" I said to him.
Hagrid blushed. "It wasn't all me Miss. Mister Malfoy found you, and came running to get me and Harry. I brought Grawp, and he lifted the roof off you, so that I could take you out".
"Thank you. All of you .. I didn't think all three of us would make it through the battle. I was certain Voldemort would kill one of us... But here we are".
"Yep. Here we are" replied Draco, as he leaned in to kiss me again.

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