Fire and Ice

By Leto_Svec

144K 5.2K 1.4K

Roman was an engineer working at a very shity company. Her life is normal- wake up, eat, take her medication... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Bonus Chapter 31

Chapter 10

5.6K 196 54
By Leto_Svec

Chapter 10
Roman woke up the same she does every morning, utterly confused of everything. She woke up in a new room and hell if she was kidnapped this was the life. Wait, right she was forced to live in Stark tower. "Peter." Roman said calling the cat who happily looking into her room. "Come on." Roman picked up the cat and decided to look around her room. The kitchen was fully operational and the mini fridge had a lot of coffee in it.

"Mrs. Smith I was asked to remind you about breakfast with the team. Mr. Stark should escort you to the kitchen." The automated voice Tony called Jarvis said and Roman nodded her head.

"Thanks Jarvis." Roman said opening up a bottle of coffee and drank from it, it didn't wake her up unless it was black but it tasted delicious. There was a knock on her door and she went to open it.

"Your going to breakfast in cloths?" Tony asked looking at Roman who had already changed out of her pajamas.

"Yep, you're going in sweats a tank top and glasses." Roman said smirking and Tony nodded.

"Breakfast in pajamas. It's a must everyone does it, even I do." Tony said gesturing down to his pajama bottoms that had iron man on them.

"Hold up you buy your own merchandise?" Roman said letting Tony into her room and going back to her closet and putting on some pajama bottoms and a tight shirt, what she slept in.

"Yeah I'm a big part of the community." Tony said smiling, "I mean the art work and the writing." Tony said laughing to himself.

"Surprising. A lot of the community publishes some not so appropriate things." Roman said raising a brow. Tony let out a fox call and Roman did a small spin.

"You mean like that Stony and Stucky fanfic you wrote." Tony said making Roman bust into a fit of coughing. "If it helps you have phenomenal writing and all of that smut." Tony laughed as Roman blushed.

Roman tried to formulate a sentence but her brain shut down. "Dont- what- why?" Roman said laughing and rubbing her face.

"Well in my defense I read it before I knew it was you who wrote it." Tony said smiling, "Fire Goddess is one of the community's favorite writers." Tony said and Roman blushed. "Well anyways I'm the only one that knows Fire Goddess so let's get to breakfast." Tony said offering Roman his hand which she took.

"After you Tony Stark." Roman said smiling quoting a line from her fan fiction.

"Ah, well i must say you really do know how to write a story with strong female characters." Tony said smiling, Roman looked at him confused, "I found some of your other books you've posted. I used my money to get information on my favorite writer." Tony said laughing.

"Well that means a lot coming from you." Roman said smirking. "And this breakfast better be heavenly considering you made me change into my pajamas." Roman said laughing.

"Well Red you're in for a treat. We have our very own soldier cooking breakfast for us." Tony said and Roman looked at him confused.

"Oh you mean Steve!" Roman said looking away. "I didn't actually know he cooked." Roman said and Tony laughed.

"Yep he cooks us breakfast then for the rest of the day everyone just gets food from a sushi joint down the street." Tony said as they entered into the elevator going to the kitchen. And then Roman was forced into breakfast. Steve was the sweetest person she had ever met, like a real Boy Scout. Nat was nice in her own ways but Roman could see she was wary of her. Peter is well Peter. Bruce Banner despite him having a green demon in him was shy and nervous to even meet Roman. Hawkeye didn't even bother introducing himself and went on his way of devouring almost an entire plate of pancakes. Sam introduced himself as Falcon before devouring his pancakes. Doctor Strange even popped in to introduce himself before disappearing in the middle of the day. Thor and Loki she already knew and watched her intently as she picked at her pancakes feeling overwhelmed.

After everyone had their fill of the Capsickle pancakes they all left to do their own things. Stark excused himself saying he had a meeting and Dr. Banner went to his lab. Roman went to the elevator and instantly felt someone by her side.

"Is everything well little one?" Loki asked glancing down to Roman and she rubbed her head.

"I just have a headache." Roman said smiling and getting into the elevator. "I couldn't help but notice that Hawkeye wouldn't look at me or you during that entire meal, what did you do." Roman asked looking at Loki.

"When I took over New York I used him as a slave using dark magic." Loki said looking away and Roman sighed.

"Forgive yourself Loki, you were under the influence of jealousy and rage, two horrible emotions that should never have control." Roman smiled and looked up into his green eyes. "Forgive yourself." Roman said looking away and taking in the moment.

Loki's hands grabbed hers forcing her to look at him. He held her hand in his and smiled, pure and genuine. "Thank you Roman." Loki said his eyes softening and then going back to his cold demeanor.

"Your always welcome Loki." Roman smiled, "wanna watch something in my room?" Roman suggested and Loki chuckled.

"Inviting a man to your room? Such a devious plan." Loki said smiling, "but I have nothing planned so I would love to." Loki said walking to Romans room.

"Do you have Starks Netflix account?" Roman said and Loki waved his hand and suddenly Roman was into the Netflix account.

"That would have saved me so much time." Roman said and Loki smirked.

"A real trickster does not reveal all of his tricks at once." Loki said opening his hand and a bowl of popcorn appeared. "Maybe you'll get to see them all one day." Loki said and for some reason that caused Roman to blush.

"What do you want to watch?" Roman asked looking at her suggested.

"Horror?" Loki suggested and Roman bit her tongue.

"Fine, fine but don't get mad when I barge into your room at three in the morning because I heard something." Roman said clicking on the first movie she saw.

"Based on a true story I'm most definitely going to be pissing myself by the end of this." Roman said snuggling under her blanket with Loki besides her. As soon as the ommunis music started Roman regretted this endeavor immediately.

The woman got grabbed and dragged backwards and suddenly a loud slam echoed the room and Roman watched intently as the music started to become more dramatic. Loki watched and smirked when he saw Roman clutching her blanket. The daughter jumped out from the doorway with blood pouring from her eyes and Roman jumped and yelped. She turned and faced away from the TV hiding her face.

"Should we stop?" Loki asked pausing the movie seeing as Roman started to hyperventilate a bit.

"I'm fine I just need to-" Roman got up and started pacing around the room.

"Come here." Loki said and Roman obeyed. He took her hands and suddenly she was on the top of the tower.

"Scary movies scare me in ways they shouldn't." Roman went on a tangent. "I mean there are actual demons out their tormenting people and spirits and hell there are fairies!" Roman said tearing up and crying. She didn't really know why but she just needed a release.

"Roman take a breath." Loki said placing his hands on her shoulders and forcing her to look at him. "Most of those scenes in the film are over exaggerated, while these are trickster spirits they cannot cause physical harm to people in such ways." Loki said explaining how the Nine Realms had supernatural creatures but due to this only the truly powerful could cause physical and emotional harm. "Better now?" Loki asked as Roman sniffled.

"Yeah thank you." Roman smiled despite her suddenly feeling tired. Her head pounding from the sudden emotional break. "Does Banner carry medication?" Roman asked and Loki looked confused. "It's just a headache that's been bothering me all morning." Roman said, Loki looked hesitant but nodded.

"Ill escort you to his lab." Loki said curtsying and Roman followed suit. "Very formal." Loki said with a smirk.

"When I was younger my school forced us into ballroom dancing, I went to competitions and everything." Roman said remembering how her mother and father never showed up and she had to borrow her sisters dress. "What crazy times." Roman said remembering and the thunderous voice cleared his throat.

"The bracelets tracked you both up here and Tony was going to investigate but I told him I would check on you both to make sure-"

"What that I wouldn't run away with a inconsequential mortal such as her." Loki said his words cold and harsh making Romans head whirl.

"I'll be getting out of your hair then." Roman said sounding cold and bitter. She descended down the stairwell and heard the two brothers bickering until the door shut with a slam. Roman didn't bother getting medication from Bruce anymore she just went into her room put on her headphones and started to write.

Despite every little thing he had said, every word he uttered that night they laid together in a sweet embrace. The words he uttered next make her heart snap.

"Ana is nothing to me, she's just a inconsequential girl who does anything to please me." Her heart broke into two. She wasn't even supposed to hear that but thanks to her eavesdropping she had gotten to know the two faced bastard.

She knew after all he was the king of lies and had literally killed to get into court and to be with her, but her heart still ached for his touch and his sweet whispering when they laid next to each other when they looked at the stars.

Ana had found herself in love with a god who could never love her back and that broke her already damaged heart.

Roman finished and cleaned the chapter up and published it. The story was about a princess named Ana, she was cast down to live among the commoners and while she was a way her sisters each found a prince and was married off. She was the only daughter left and she had fallen in love with a commoner. Then he killed a royal adviser to gain access into the court and take the advisers place. He did succeed, then Ana got to watch him grow in power and soon gain popularity. This corrupted him and Ana only got to watch him change.

Roman found herself attached to Ana so it pained her to see Ana in emotional chaos just because of some words. The very same words Loki had said to her indirectly. Roman grabbed a glass of water and drank it. She needed to talk to Tony who may or may not see her.

"Jarvis do you know where Tony is?" Roman asked the AI.

"He's currently working in his lab so you want me to leave a message?" Jarvis asked and Roman sighed.

"Tell him I need to ask him a few questions and i'll be at his lab in a few minutes." Roman said getting up. She brushed past Loki in the hall and he looked guilty, he needed to keep up his charade of not caring. Going to the elevator and pressing the button that said 'Tony's Lab' she rode up until the elevator stopped.

"Red! What brings this unexpected visit?" Tony said popping out from around the corner with grease all over himself.

"I needed to talk to you about my trackers. I can tell the team doesn't trust me yet and I just want to get out. I promise you I won't go anywhere out of New York unless I'm kidnapped again." Roman said and Tony sighed.

"Director's orders, I cant tamper with them." Tony said folding his arms together and rubbing his head.

"Please Tony, I will owe you one favor it you just lengthen the range on these so I can go into New York." Roman almost begged and Tony grabbed a cord and a screwdriver.

He somehow opened the cuffs and plugged in the cord. "It will only notify me if you leave New York. If you do leave the collar will shock you until your back on New York soil." Tony said and Roman hugged him quickly.

"Thank you Tony!" Roman said smiling, "I'm going to visit a friends so please don't worry about me." Roman said quickly leaving before Tony protested. She went back to her floor level. She knocked on Peters door and he opened it hesitantly.

"I need to go into the city wanna come?" Roman asked and Peter yawned opening the door letting her in. "I'm going to visit Wade and make sure he's okay." Roman said lying about what really happened.

"Let me change." Peter said pulling off his shirt and grabbing one from the floor. He slipped it on and escorted Roman form the building.

"Before you ask Tony himself okayed it for me to leave the building. I just need some time away considering I was cast into this life." Roman said laughing a bit to coldly and Peter held her hand.

"Don't worry. The Avengers love you despite them being cold at first. It was like that for me at first as well until I saved Nat's life one day. Then they started to trust me and Nat treats me like her little brother." Peter said laughing. They got into a cab that took them to Wade's apartment. Peter happily led Roman to the door and Wade opened the door looking like shit.

"Roman!" He said instantly perking up and sweeping her off the ground and hugging her making her laugh. "And my favorite kind of spider!" Wade said trying to kiss Peter who pressed a hand against his lips. Wade licked his finger making Peter groan in disgust.

"What brings you to my humble home." Wade asked and Roman smiled against his neck, "not that I'm complaining I get my best girl and a spider ass in one day."

"I wanted to make sure my best man was okay after SHIELD took me in." Roman said tapping Wades shoulders and he set her down on the couch.

"Yeah a lot of broken bones I was basically a meat sack after that fall but two days of healing really hits the spot. Plus a few bags of cocaine." Wade said laughing.

"You could have called, I would have visited." Peter said and Roman caught the two of them blush.

"Yeah I should have. I'd never get tired of seeing your beautiful face baby boy." Wade said making Peter blush.

"Oh my god you two fucked." Roman said making both of them gasp like she had admitted to some horrible sin. Then both of them blushed and denied it, then looked hurt for denying it.

"Please i'd have to be as blind as Batman to miss the obvious flirting between you." Roman said and Wade high fived her for breaking the fourth wall, like a boss my dear reader!

"Dinner was great." Peter said sitting on the couch opposite of Wade and Roman.

"That after dinner was even better." Wade said smiling making Peter turn beat red and throw a pillow at him. Unfortunately the pillow fired off a round hitting Wade in the leg.

"Wade Wilson!" Roman snapped taking the gun out of the pillow. "Why did you put a loaded gun in a pillow!"

"I get bored!" Wade said digging the bullet out and watching as the wound knit itself back together. "Sometimes I just don't want to think."

"Wade I'm so sorry I didn't know are you okay?" Peter asked rushing to Wade's side trying to comfort him.

"A kiss always makes this better?" Wade asked and Peter blushed. Peter closed his eyes and kissed Wade. Wade deepened the kiss and Roman turned around as she heard Peter moan.

"Alright I'm going into the hallway i'll be on my phone." Roman said closing the door behind her as she heard Peter yelp and giggle.

She thought they were only going to mess around for a few minutes but she ended up watching two hours of vines on her phone before a very happy Peter opened the door.

"Sorry I just needed to make sure Wade was okay." Peter said and Roman laughed.

"He got shot in the leg not in the cock Petey, you didn't have to check that." Roman said and Peter laughed.

"Don't listen to her sweet cheeks she's just mad because the Prince of Lies wont lay her." Wade said laughing and it took all of Romans will not to shoot his other leg. This was going to be a long evening.

Don't forget to vote ! -Leto

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