Angel of Music ( TaehyungXRea...

By bangtanbutt

66.1K 3.9K 510

Deformed since a young age, a bitter man known only as the Phantom lives in the sewers underneath the Paris O... More

Chapter 1- Think of me
Chapter 2- Angel of music
chapter 3- Music of the night
chapter 4- Stranger than you dreamt it
chapter 5-Notes
chapter 6-Masked
chapter 7-All I ask of you
Chapter 8:Learn to be lonely
Chapter 9 -No one would listen
chapter 10- Journey to the cemetery
Chapter 11- The sword fight
chapter 12-you are the one
Chapter13-I love you
Chapter14 - poor fool, he makes me laugh.
chapter 15- The trio's arrival
Chapter 16-What a dreadful place!
Chapter 17-look with your heart
Chapter 18- Beneath the moonless sky
Chapter 19- Dear old friend
Chapter20- 'till I hear you sing once more
Chapter 21-Like old times
Chapter 22-This is me
Chapter 23-Beautiful
Chapter 24- The Phantom confronts
Chapter 25-Baby mine
chapter 26-La Seine and I
Chapter 27-Evermore
Chapter 28-The same old argument
chapter 29-Why does she love me?
Chapter 30-Devil take the hindsmost
Chapter 31-Loving you keeps me alive
Chapter 32-No one knows who I am
Chapter 34-Secret revealed
Chapter 35- In his eyes
Chapter 36-A perfect life
Chapter 37- Only for You
Chapter 38- If I said I loved you
chapter 39-The heart is slow to learn
Chapter 40- Before the performance
Chapter 41-Rewrite the stars
Chapter 42- Masquerade
Chapter 43-The longer I Live
Chapter 44-please dont make me love you
Chapter 45-love never dies
Chapter 46-Tightrope

Chapter 33- Once upon another time

1K 71 14
By bangtanbutt

Taehyung looked at taeyeon with a shocked face. How could she just ask that of him after getting scared. Perhaps she would regret apologizing to him and run away screaming once she laid eyes on him." I dont think thats a good idea." he spoke as softly as he could. The young girl heard him and frowned softly. " I promise i won't be afraid. Now i know, and won't be scared."
Taehyung groaned hesitantly, yet he wants to be free around taeyeon, around his own daughter. He was scared but he is willing to take that chance."Very well."

Taeyeon looked at taehyung curiously and excitedly, as much as an eight year old would be around something new. He kneeled down to her level and took a deep breath. This was always something terrifying to him.Every time he looked in the mirror he couldn't believe his eyes. He didn't want to anyway. He never saw something like that even in his worst nightmares, but that was because his brain always woke him up before such a horrific image covered his mind, and now he lived through it, having it placed on his face like a curse.

His slender finger reached to the back of his head and pulled the strings of his mask slowly and steadily. He brought his hand down and revelaed himself once again to his daughter. His coal eyes looked at hers. There wasnt any sort of expression on her tiny face. It was almost as she was puzzled by his apperance. Her hand touched his scars. They touched his stretched skin. They touched the welts bulging in his cheek. They touched his whole damanged face, and not once did he feel her shudder at the feeling. " what happened to you?" questioned taeyeon. She couldnt fathom a single thought on how this could happen to him.

"Some bad people did this to me." he answered her.

She gasped softly, almost as if she didn't believ him "What?!" She exclaimed, causing taehyung to raise a brow." How can someone do something like this to you? You're such a nice person!" She continued "They're stupid to have done this to you!". Taehyung laughed amusingly and placed his porcelain mask over his face once again, speaking as he did so "It was long ago, when I was a child." He said and stood up " At least I managed to escape that life, now come, before your mother finds out you're missing." He said quickly changing the subject.

"Mommy is too sad to leave her room." Taeyeon said sadly, as she stepped softly over the concrete floor and holding onto taehyung's hand once more for comfort" she and daddy had another fight."

"Oh?"taehyung hummed as if he had no idea, but he already knew. Like he has said many times before: there is nothing that occurs or is said in this opera house without him knowing of it. " Does your mother and father fight a lot?" He asked

Taeyeon nodded softly "they hardly fought when I was little, but now they do a lot since papa doesn't have any money to pay his debts and mama doesn't like him going out to drink. He doesn't even play with me anymore or take me and mama on outings." She said with a saddened expression, that it hurt taehyung seeing his daughter in such a sadden position because of a father that wasn't even hers.

"How about you and I go on an outing?" Taehyung suggested, doing his best to raise the spirits of his daughter " we can go where ever you like!"

"Really!?" Exclaimed taeyeon excitedly, life beaming into her eyes with a shining sparkle " anywhere?"

"Of course!" Taehyung said with a deep stomach deep laugh as he picked up the young girl effortlessly and placed her on his shoulders , holding onto her ankles to avoid her falling down " we can go to Rome! England ! Or even out in the heavens!"

Taeyeon laughed joyfully at Taehyung enthusiasm.

" think where ever you want to go, and we will ask your mother for permission.



Y/n was walking around the opera house, having no specific destination, but wanting to distract herself from the overflowing thoughts in her mind. Her feet seemed to take her to the ballet room, where she used to train to be a ballerina, long ago, with meg and a few other friends she has made.
Upon reaching over the dorms, she saw a familiar in which she was more than happy to see."Madame giry!" She said with a joyous smile as she walked over to the elderly woman.
"Y/n!" Madame giry greeted her with the same smile she given her over the past years" it's been too long."

The two shared a long awaited hug and walked together back in the direction of Y/n's room. As they walked together, they spoke about the memories they had eight years ago and whatever happened in between. Giry spoke about her job as the ballet teacher, and how the ballerinas got more troublesome each passing year, and how Meg is trying to find herself a suitable man to hopefully marry.Y/n spoke about her life in America, her dearest beloved daughter and about her engagement with jungkook.

"I'd never would have thought you'd be engaged to jungkook my dear." Giry Said to Y/n, who both are now speaking in front of Y/n's room.

"Neither did I "Y/n said with a sigh " but never mind that, Please meet Taeyeon. She such a sweet girl."

"I have some time"giry said with a smile, her wrinkles coming out on her sides." Id be delighted to meet my granddaughter."

Y/n smiled widely. It was no shock that giry would be considered a type of mother to her. Ever since her father died after her mother, giry took her in and raised her, practically being a mother to her.


Both y/n and giry looked in the direction of the excited voice. Their eyes seemed to land on a very thrilled eight year old girl who is rested upon a smiling mans shoulders.Taehyung greeted the two woman, using his ring and pinky finger to wave as he was too cautious to let go of taeyeon ankles.

"Taeyeon?" Y/n questioned, wondering to herself why her daughter was with taehyung." What are you two doing together?"

"Oh you know." Taehyung grinned cheekily as he placed taeyeon down on the floor with a wink " playing."

"Yeah mama!" Taeyeon giggled, raising both her hands to her mouth, following taehyung's little game " playing."

"Uh huh" y/n looked at them suspiciously but thought nothing of it, since she knew Taehyung was a trusting character" anyway, Taeyeon I want you to meet someone ."

Giry gave a motherly smile to the young girl " hello my dear ." She greeted.

"She adopted me after my father passed away."Y/n explained to Taeyeon. " she's your grandma."

"My grandma?" Taeyeon looked at Giry curiously. She then smiled and curtsied "My name is taeyeon!"

Giry laughed softly at the young girls attitude "a pleasure." She then turned to y/n " I must go now, but I must speak to you later today. Meet me in my room in two hours."

"Oh?" Y/n stuttered " alright then goodbye madam ."

"Goodbye Y/n, Taeyeon ." Giry looked at Taehyung with a nod " Taehyung.."and took her leave.

" ok now you two are being weird." Y/n crossed her arms across her chest and swayed her hip to the side " what's going on?"

"Mama, Taehyung invited me on an outing!"Taeyeon beamed with joy " and I get to choose where."

"Oh he did?" Y/n murmured looking up at Taehyung.

Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck. " she said jungkook hardly takes her out so..."

"I see." Y/n swallows a lump and nodded her head "where are you two going?"

"He said I can choose."

"And where did you choose?"

"The circus!"

Both Y/n and Taehyung were silent. Taehyung didn't have anything called an expression or emotion on his face. Y/n was completely unsure.

"Sweetie, maybe the circus isn't a great idea." y/n began to speak out, knowing about taehyung's dark past.

"Why not?" Questioned Taeyeon.

"Well um..."Y/n fumbled to find an excuse to tell Taeyeon but nothing came to mind.

"I'll go to the circus."

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