Stay Close To Me (HiccupxRead...

By RioftheSouthernIsles

483K 18.1K 7.9K

This is my first Hiccup x Reader fanfic. I don't own any of the characters, I'll try to update as much as pos... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 & Author's Note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: Hiccup's POV
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Another Author's Note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Yet Another Author's Note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (FINAL CHAPTER) & a couple of Author's Notes.
Just An Author Note

Chapter 23

8.6K 347 52
By RioftheSouthernIsles

Okay, here is a long, kinda awkward chapter. Enjoy. c:

Maybe Hiccup doesn't know I'm gone. You sigh. No, that's ridiculous. He hardly leaves your side, why wouldn't he know? He must be looking for me. He's probably worried sick. He doesn't even know where to look. I hope he went to my place and found (d/n). Your heart breaks as you think of your baby dragon, the smallest and weakest one you've seen, possibly sitting in your home, crying at the door. No, Hiccup would've went to your house. She's probably with him and Toothless. And if I don't make it back ever he'll take care of her.

You hear a creak in the floorboards outside the room and cringe against the cold stone wall. The door opens and the man walks in, scowling down at you. "Is today going to be easier?" He asks. "Are you going to help us get the Nightfury?" "No. I'm not helping you." You cross your arms and look away. He grabs your arm and pulls you up in front of him. "Just give it up! I'm not helping you hurt them!"

The man nods. "Very well." His hands wrap around your throat and he lifts you off the ground. Smiling as you claw at his arms, he asks "Are you sure?"

Spots begin to cloud your vision and your limbs feel weak. You stop clawing and fall limp to the floor, eyes closed.

The last thing you hear is breaking glass.


**Hiccup's POV**

Creeping around the edge of the trees, Toothless and I make our way to the castle. I left Astrid back there and ordered Fishlegs to go find my father. Who knows if we'll need help.

"Hiccup." Snotlout whispers from behind me.

"I thought I told you to stay with Astrid?" I whisper back, ducking into the bushes as a couple walks by.

"Yeah well, maybe I want to be a hero, Hiccup." He says, smirking as he flies out in the open.

"Snotlout!" He shoots up over the castle, screaming at Hookfang to dive down into the wide windows. Hookfang obeys, though he is clearly annoyed at Snotlout's stupidity.

"Hic, what is he doing?" Astrid demands from behind me. I shake my head.

"Alright, Hookfang! Now!" He screams and Hookfang dives toward the glass.

He didn't make it though.

From the top of the castle, ropes were dropped. They drag them down to the dirt and Snotlout struggles to get off of Hookfang before he bursts into flames.

An army of vikings run out, chains in their hands. They somehow manage to chain down Hookfang, and drag Snotlout inside. "Great." I mutter. "That's the last thing we needed."

"Well we have to help him." Astrid says.

"I know. Go find the twins and then Fishlegs."

"But you'll be here alone-"

"Just do it. Trust me."

Astrid stares at me for a moment before nodding and quietly flying back into the shadows of the trees.

"Alright, Toothless. Looks like it's just you and me."

Toothless growls at me, his eyes angry. "What?" I ask. "So what if I sent her away? All we have to do is find Hookfang and we'll have help." Toothless rolls his eyes. "I know." I sigh. "But it's the only help we have for now. So let's go." Toothless shakes his head. "Why not?" I demand. He jerks his head above us, towards the windows.

(D/n) is there, hitting her small body against the glass over and over. "(D/n)! What is she doing?" When she finally breaks the glass, she gives a roar of triumph before sending a blazing fire inside.

"What's happening?" Astrid asks.

"Ah good." Ruffnut says as the flames pour out of the window. "Destruction."

"About time." Tuffnut nods.

"We have to get in there." I say.

"What? Are you serious?" Astrid gasps.

I nod. "Actually," I say. "Just me. Fly up, Toothless!" Toothless shoots up towards the windows, growling. I unlatch myself from the saddle and jump onto the window sill. Toothless glides to the ground and I scramble up into the room, looking around for (D/n). The flames are all around the room, in a loop around the walls. "D/n)?" I cough, waving smoke away from my face. I drop on my hands and knees and crawl towards the huge wooden door.

I hear a moan to my right and stop. A figure lays on the floor, face down. His dirty blonde hair covers his face and he has claw marks on his arms. I bite my lip, debating on whether I should help him or not. He was obviously attacked by (d/n), for what I'm not sure. He coughs and moans again. I sigh and crawl over to him. "Uh..." I mutter, coughing. "Sir?" I shake his shoulder and he lifts his head slightly, his hair sliding off his face. His dark brown eyes glare into my green ones, and I recognize him at once. Gasping and coughing, I back away from him and towards the door. I shakily open it and run down the stairs, falling down the last few as the smoke becomes thick.

I could've sworn that man died. I shake my head and stand up, coughing as I turn around. The man stands there, knife in hand behind me. I jump back and draw my sword, silently thanking Gobber for making me learn how to fight with it.

"Where is she?" I demand, raising my sword.

The man just laughs. "Who? That girl? She wasn't of any use to me anymore. I was going to kill her, until that blasted dragon saved her."
(D/n). They got out! Happiness fills me before I begin to worry. "Where is she?" I demand.

"I'll tell you, if you tell me where your Nightfury is." He smiles.

A screeching noise makes us both stop. A blast of plasma goes through the stone wall, and debris flies around us. The man drops to the ground in fear and I cover my head. Toothless scrambles inside, growling at the man.

"There he is." I say. Toothless jumps on the man and pins him to the floor. I walk beside his head. "Now where is she?" I demand.

I wasn't sure how to end this one either. c:

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