Pure as White

By br0kenheart

10.7K 292 51

"She was the Virgin Goddess of Innocence and purity. He was the God of Mischief. Though the two were very di... More

Pure as White: Folklore
Act I - Just A Taste
1 - Asgard
2 - The Calm Before The Storm
3 - First Greetings
4 - Frost Giant
5 - Lies
6 - Truth
Act II - Days Before A Wedding
7 - What Are You Up To
9 - Days That Follow
10 - Guilt trip
11 - A Time
A Partnership
14 - Lover
Act III - Lovers Who Leap
15 - Jail Breaks
16 - Time Stops
17 - Everything Falls Apart
18 - Falling
19 - A Lot Of Maybes
20 - Secret
21 - What Now
22 - Strays
23 - Isn't This What You Wanted
24 - Hello, Dear
25 - A New King
26 - Tea Cups
27 - Mornings/Evenings
28 - Utter
29 - Rainestrom
30 - Firefly
Act IV: Emerald Green
31 - Emerald Green
32 - Blue and Red Spiders
33 - Half Of One Whole
34 - Our Souls
End of the Book

8 - Red Sunsets

499 17 5
By br0kenheart

Astraea walked to the window, gazing down at the grates below where Asgardians gathered outside the perimeter wall. They were filled with laughter and excitement for the farewell ball in honor of Astraea's parents leaving. She took in a deep breath, not quite ready for this day.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Astraea flinched at the unexpected sound. Her handmaiden opened the door to reveal two palace guards. Upon seeing the young soon-to-be queen, they knelt on one knee. "Your grace," the tall, slender blonde one said. "The king, queen mother, and the young prince await your presence in the ballroom."

Astraea nodded, a light smile lingering on her lips. "Tell them I will be down shortly."

The two men nodded, kneeling once more before stepping back out into the hall.

"Are you alright, your grace?" her handmaiden's voice inquired.

The young princess gazed out the window, observing the crowd below. She couldn't explain the unsettling feeling in her stomach, a sensation unlike anything she had experienced before. Despite the worry it caused, she attributed it to sadness over her parents' farewell. Astraea glanced down at her hands, fiddling with the strings that adorned her dress.

"Let us go," she said. "They're expecting us at the feast."

Astraea smiled as her handmaiden picked up the pail of wash water and left the room. The raven-haired girl turned, looking at her reflection in the vanity mirror one last time before following her. The walk to the grand ballroom felt like an eternity, and when she entered the room of glowing people in golden gowns and bright diamonds, she felt even more alone.

"My darling," Thor called out as soon as he saw Astraea approaching. "You look stunning as always."

Her smile was forced, but it went unnoticed. "Thank you. You look dashingly handsome," she replied, her words soon drowned out by Thor's enchanting voice as he spoke to her and a few others. Astraea was usually not this quiet during party events; in fact, she always had a story to tell. However, she wasn't in a good headspace at the moment. She was terrified of the dark, eerie feeling in her stomach and tried to suppress tears at the thought of her parents leaving.

"May I steal my daughter away for a moment?" Eos asked Thor, smiling, and without waiting for a response, she whisked her daughter away and the two glided across the floor to the balcony.

"Mother, what is it? Is something wrong?" Astraea inquired.

"Oh, of course not, my sweet face," her mother replied, half-smiling. She moved stray hairs out of her daughter's face. "They will treat you well here, I'm sure of it."

Astraea groaned, rolling her eyes. "I believe they will, too, but I don't want to be here alone."

"You are not alone," her mother assured her.

"Thor doesn't count, mother. He doesn't know me like—"

"Then let him in," Eos interrupted, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "He is about to become your partner in everything you do. From the day you say your vows to the day you are announced queen, it will be you and Thor against all odds, my child. For this to work and for you to be happy, you have to become one. Confide in one another. Fight with each other and then laugh about it later. Work through all the daily problems that come with being king and queen together. I know what Frigga told you, and while she is right to a point, she is also wrong. Some days, it's best to be together and discuss those kingdom issues as one, as a unit, as King and Queen, and other times, it's not. You just have to figure it out as you go because, my sweet face, life is all about those ups and downs."

Astraea's lips closed, and her eyes softened as she let the words sink in.

They were wise words, and she was determined to embrace them wholeheartedly. She recognized her mother's wisdom and knew that if their relationship was to succeed, she had to let Thor in. While they had shared intimate moments like garden walks and starlit picnics, Thor only knew her favorite fruit, raspberries, whereas Astraea had a deep understanding of him.

Just as Astraea was about to compliment him, a loud explosion rocked the ground beneath them. Eos's maternal instincts kicked in, and she pulled her daughter close. "Are you alright?" she asked.

Astraea nodded, shaken but unharmed. "Yes, I'm fine. What was that?"

As if in response to her question, a ferocious roar filled the ballroom. Then, in the next moment, soldiers who were clearly not Asgardians stormed the room. Screams erupted from all around.

"We're under attack," Eos declared."

Astraea's eyes blinked rapidly as she tried to process her mother's words and the pandemonium surrounding them. "We're under attack," Eos had said. Her heart sank as she surveyed the chaos. Suddenly, her mother's grip on her arm snapped her out of her trance, and she began to guide her through the turmoil.

"Hurry. We've got to get you to safety," Eos insisted, her maternal instincts driving her to protect her daughter at all costs. Astraea's hands clung to her mother as they navigated the ballroom, staying close to the walls for cover. The cacophony of screams and war cries filled their ears, but Eos remained focused on their mission.

Astraea felt overwhelmed by the events unfolding around her. The sounds and sights of the battle seemed distant, as if her mind couldn't fully comprehend the danger they were in. The clashing of swords and the sight of blood staining the ground only added to her disorientation.

Just as they were making progress, Eos came to an abrupt halt, causing Astraea to collide with her back. Eos's arms immediately wrapped around her daughter, offering a moment of safety amidst the chaos.

"Where do you think you're going?" A soldier clad in menacing black armor confronted them.

"Do not touch my daughter," Eos commanded.

The soldier's husky voice resonated as he mocked them. "Aww, how sweet... mothers and daughters... mothers dying for daughters, and daughters always seeking revenge. What a sad little story." Fear gripped both women in the pit of their stomachs. Astraea found herself clutching her mother's arm even tighter.

"Just walk away," Eos demanded. "Walk away, and you will leave here with your life."

Astraea let out a small, helpless sigh. The war raged around her, and she felt powerless to stop it. A sword pointed at her heart and death seemed imminent. She couldn't breathe; it was as if her lungs were filling with water, drowning her from the inside.

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

Everything accelerated.

Strong, cold hands seized her arms, and her body was flung backward. She was dragged toward a corner, her arms aching from the force. A hand clamped over her mouth as her back slammed against the frigid wall. Her icy blue eyes met his piercing emerald green gaze. The air in their lungs became scarce as they stared at each other. He slowly removed his hand. Their bodies were pressed together, chest to chest.

Loki's eyes scanned Astraea's frame, searching for any sign of injury. His right hand hovered above her, shielding her petite form from the invaders. "Are you hurt?" he asked.

"What are you doing? Get off me! My mother is — we have to get to her!" she protested, struggling against his chest. Her tiny hands tried to push his slender frame away, to no avail.

The God of Mischief could have easily released her, letting her run into danger and possibly get herself killed. For a fleeting moment, he considered it. If she died, the alliance that Odin had established would crumble, giving Loki the perfect opportunity to seize the throne that was rightfully his.

"Suddenly, Loki's hand swiftly covered her mouth, silencing her words.

He refused to let her move, planting himself firmly and keeping his arm above her head while his other hand pressed against her waist. "Shut up, you foolish girl. Are you trying to get us killed?" he hissed.

"My moth—" she began to speak, but Loki interrupted her again.

Astraea's voice cracked, and tears welled in her eyes, streaming down her porcelain cheeks. This was the moment Loki could have revealed the truth about what happened moments ago. It confused him that she didn't seem to remember, but he understood to a degree.

"Is fine," he lied. "Now come on, I promised my dim-witted brother I'd find you and get you to safety." With a groan, he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close to him as they made their way through the corridors. Their bodies were pressed together uncomfortably, and Astraea's breath nearly stopped as oxygen became scarce. Loki used his magic to swiftly navigate them through the chaos, ensuring they remained unseen.

"Which way?" Astraea asked as they neared the end of the corridor. Loki nodded to the left, unaware of what lay ahead. He released her hand, sending her on her way to Odin as he had been instructed to do. But then a horrifying scream pierced the hallway, freezing him in his tracks.

"No, no!" Astraea's heart sank as her body went numb. Her mind screamed that this couldn't be true. "No, mother!" She collapsed to her knees, her dress stained with crimson red. Disbelief washed over her as she shook her head, refusing to accept the scene before her. Her mother lay beneath her, a sword wound piercing her abdomen. Blood coated nearly the entire hallway.

"Hey, shh, it's alright," Eos managed to say, despite her weakened state and the pain burning through her like fire. She put on a brave face, trying to soothe her child. Driven by instinct, Astraea's hands pressed down on the gaping wound, desperate to stop the bleeding.

" "Y-you're going to be fine. Father will be here any minute now," Astraea said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Loki stood frozen, watching the scene unfold before him. He couldn't fathom how Eos had made it this far when he had seen a soldier pierce her in the ballroom. She had fallen, and he had witnessed the whole thing. A pathetic mother sacrificing herself to protect her child, yet here she was.

"I — I love you, my sweet face," Eos said, her voice now hoarse. Blood trickled from her lips as she spoke. "I believe in you —"

"No," Astraea shook her head, "no, this isn't how you go. You aren't leaving me. No, I don't accept that."

"Y-y-," Eos's voice faltered as she spat up more blood. Astraea frantically tried to wipe it away, desperate to make it all go away. "My sweet girl, you — you have a purpose to fulfill. You have to become queen, you have to become something greater than your father and I ever was... I know you can do this. I love you."

"No, no, I can't do this without you. I — I can't," Astraea cried out. Eos felt her daughter's tears on her cheek as she wept uncontrollably.

"Yes you ca—" Eos took her last breath.

"Astraea..." Loki spoke her name for the first time, but her weeping body didn't move to look at him. She was hunched over her mother's lifeless body, her loud and violent sobs filling the air. Loki knelt beside her, feeling a whirlwind of emotions he couldn't explain. Gently, he placed a hand on her shoulder. Without warning, Astraea flung herself into his arms, burying her face in his chest. It was mere seconds later that Eos's body turned to golden ash, carried away by the gentle breeze flowing through the hall.

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