
By dovato

269K 9.2K 652

Demi Lovato- empowering, inspiring, and brave. When she was eighteen? Opposite. After a nights full of partyi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
65... The End
Sequel News

Chapter Eleven

5.3K 130 3
By dovato

Demi's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring, most likely on how high it can go. I lazily reached over and smacked it, seeing that we only have 45 minutes to get ready. Shit.

I rolled over and saw Annie furthest away from me as possible, just as the memories from last night came floating back in. I hate myself sometimes.

"Annie." I gently shook her. "We're leaving in forty five minutes. Marissa's probably on her way."

Annie cringed and pulled the covers up over her head. So this is what I'm working with this morning.

"A, it's time to get up. You have a softball game."

"Turn it off." She mumbled.

"Turn what off?"

"The light. Turn it off."

I slowly glanced around the room, seeing that the only form of light is the sunshine gleaming in the curtains.

"That's the sun, honey."

"My head hurts so bad. And my throat."

I pulled the covers down from over her and put the back of my hand to her forehead. Sure enough, she was burning up.

"Baby, you're burning. Let me go get the thermometer."

"I have to play today." She said, barely above a whisper.

"Not if you feel like this and have a fever." I said, walking out of the room.

I need Marissa or someone here to help. I need someone who is better at convincing people things. I give in to Annie way to easily than I should. What can I say? She's my pride and joy, and if I want to spoil her.. I'm going to spoil her. She's got me wrapped around her finger.

I walked into the bathroom and quickly picked out the thermometer and Tylenol for her pain. I absolutely hate when Annie is sick. It kills me to see her so miserable.

I walked back into the bedroom and slid in beside Annie. "Open your mouth."

She did what she we told and I put the thermometer under her tongue. The worst part is waiting. I'm so impatient. I began playing with Annie's hair because I know that's what she likes when she isn't feeling good.

I started to examine her face features and saw her poor little eyes have dark circles under them, which is partly my fault from last night, and she doesn't have any color on her face, which again, is partly my fault from last night.

The thermometer started rapidly beeping so I took it out of her mouth and glanced over the numbers. "Baby, you have a fever of 102.6."

"I have to get ready." She said, pushing off the covers and immediately shivering.

"No, lay back down." I said, trying to pull her back into bed.

She shook out of my grip and stumbled to the door, barely even making it. Oh goodness. This is going to be one hell of a day.

"Wait." I called, jumping to my feet.

I met her at the doorway and put one arm around her waist while my shoulder was supporting her other hand while we try to attempt to go down the stairs.

"I can do it." Annie mumbled.

I looked over at her and saw that she had her eyes shut tight.

"You'll have to open your eyes first, baby." I tried not to laugh, but she's to dang cute.

We finally made it down the stairs and now I'm practically dragging her to the living room.

"Baby, I don't know how you're going to be able to play today. Especially in the heat." I said.

"I'll be fine." She mumbled.

I can only imagine seeing Annie get up to the plate and trying to run to first. It would be kinda maybe like a crawl type thing.

I sat Annie down on the couch beside her clothes. Now, I just have to give her medicine.. Which I left upstairs. Fuck.

"How about you put your uniform on while I run up and get your medicine, alright?"

I got a jumbled up word in response. With that, I turned on my heals and started to sprint upstairs. Who needs the gym when you have a sick child to take care of?

I grabbed the medicine off the bedside table and then took off in once again another sprint. Maybe, in a very selfish way, this is kind of better. If Annie wasn't sick, I'm sure she would be giving me the silent treatment this morning for the incident late last night. But then again, I take that back. The silent treatment is way more better than my little girl being so sick.

"I got your med-" Annie was laying on the floor, shirt half on- pants half on.

"I tried but it just got stucksnbslan." I'm not sure what that last word was, but obviously the girl needs some help.

I fought off the giggle threatening to burst out of my mouth, and instead got on the ground and pulled the rest of her shirt over her head and began pulling the pants up, which aren't going over her ass.

"Damn it, Annie." I said, tugging again. "You sure do have your moms butt."

I tugged again trying my hardest to get it over her butt. It's like she grown two sizes sense a few days ago.

"Hey guys I'm-" Marissa said appearing in the doorway. "What is going on?"

I can only imagine what is going through Marissa's head right now. From her view, it probably looks a little sketchy walking in on a mom on the ground trying to get her daughters pants on.

"She's overly sick, has a fever, needs to stay home, and I can't-" I tugged one more time before giving up and letting my arms hang loose by my sides. "Get her pants on."

Marissa tilted her head a little to get a better look at the limp girl laying in the middle of the floor. "Her pants are zipped and she has her belt on, dumbass."

Like that's going to make a difference?

I pulled her belt off and gave a little tug and sure enough, her pants went right over her butt. I hate not being right.

"We need to leave." Marissa said.

"Will you get a piece of toast?" I asked.

Marissa nodded and walked out of the room, leaving me to try to get Annie back to her feet.

"Mom, I'm fine." She mumbled.

"No you're not." I said, struggling to pull her up.

She was midway up when, once again, she said, "Mom I can do it."

"Fine." I said, in defeat. I let go of her hands and watched her fall right back to the floor.

"Ouch." She muttered.

How is she supposed to play a softball game when she can't even get to her feet by herself?

"Demi!" Marissa yelled.


"Do you have that one medicine I brought over here that one time you were sick?"

"It would be in the medicine cabinet up stairs." I put my hands on my hips and waited for a response, but I didn't get one. Seconds later, Marissa was walking past me and set the toast on table before continuing upstairs.

"That medicine works like a miracle. She should be way better by tomorrow." She said, her voice getting harder to hear the further she went.

"What about her softball game?" I called up the stairs.

"Eh, she'll probably feel better. Shouldn't play, though." She called.

Annie groaned and when I looked down at her, she was waving her hands in the air as in for me to pick her up. I will admit, I kind of feel terrible for dropping her.. Especially when she's sick.

"Hold on, baby. I'll carry you out to the car." I said, waiting on Mar.

If this wasn't her final championship game that she's been looking forward to sense the season started, I would make her stay in bed. I just hope she knows I'm not going to let her play. Maybe I'll let her sit in the dugout, but id much rather her sit with me. If I get lucky, she'll ask to go home when we get there.

"Alright, let's go." Marissa said.

I leaned down and easily picked up Annie, and began following Marissa to the car. Shit. The toast.

"Marissa will you grab the toast? I'll love you forever." I said.

"Yup." She said.

I continued walking outside and opened the door, then gently sat Annie in the back. "I'll get you sunglasses, hold on."

I slid in the front seat and reached across the passenger side and flipped open the glove compartment. I fished my hand around until I felt a random pair of sunglasses and handed them back to Annie.

"Okay." Marissa said, opening the door. "Here's the toast, water, and medicine."

"What would I do without you?"

"I have no idea." She smiled, closing the door.

"Annie, baby, here." I said, handing her the toast and water. "Do you want to take the pill now?"

"Yeah." She said.

I opened the cap and spilled out two before twisting the top back on and handing them back to Annie.

"Alright. Here we go." I said, pulling out of the driveway.

"So, you never did tell me the thing you wanted to about Wilmer."

I glanced back at Annie in the rear view mirror who was almost falling asleep while eating her toast. "Wait till she's asleep." I mummer.

"Well you guys are still together, right?"

I just gave a lazy side glance at Marissa and heard her slightly gasp. I guess me taking care of Annie this morning took my mind off of Wilmer. I wonder if Marissa is going to be more shocked that we took a break or that I actually went to a liquor store and bought drinks.

Soon I'll start answering his calls and texts because I literally have at least 80 text messages and 30 missed calls from him that I avoid. I haven't even like tapped on his messages to make that annoying red alert on the top of the app go away. I honestly just need some space to let all of this sink in.

It just sucks because Annie was finally warming up to Wilmer and then this shit happened. I wish I would've known because now it all make sense of why Annie had so much anger and dislike towards Wilmer.

"She's asleep." Marissa said.

I sucked in a breath and told her everything that happened. From when Annie left for her date to late last night and early this morning. It would be an understatement to say that Marissa was beyond shocked.

"Drinks? Demi, drinks? Are you crazy?!" She whisper shouted.

"Apparently so." I didn't make eye contact because of how ashamed I was.

"Are we almost there?" I heard Annie stir in her sleep. Oh gosh. What if she wasnt asleep this whole time? It's not like she doesn't know the story but I bet she doesn't want to hear it again.

I looked back and saw her rubbing her eyes, giving out a sign that she was sleeping.

"Yeah, baby girl. We're pulling in. Do you feel better?"

"Yeah." She said.

I looked over at Marissa and whispered, "We'll talk about it later."


"Conner, this is Marissa. Marissa, this is Conner." I said as Conner sat down beside me on the bleachers.

"Nice to meet you, Marissa." He smiled.

Annie won the argument, like always, and she's about to take the field with her team. I guess she feels a little better, considering she walked all the way up here without me having to support her, but she's still sick. Very sick and shouldn't be playing.

"So she ended up playing?" Conner asked.

"Yup." I sighed. "You can still come over for dinner but I can't promise Annie will be much fun."

"But I will be." Marissa joked.

"That's fine. We can just chill for a while."

I smiled, but it soon disappeared and replaced itself with worry as I saw Annie slowly walking to take her place at third.

"Oh gosh." Conner said. "M-maybe you should.. Like.. Go get her off the field."

Her face was super duper pale and clammy.. You could just tell she felt awful.

"I want too." I admitted. "Let's just see how she does during this inning."

I'm starting to get super nervous and anxious. I just want to go get her right now. All of a sudden my phone stared getting repeated dings from Wilmer. I hovered my finger over the screen, trying to decide wether I want to answer or-

"Demi!" Marissa shrieked.

I looked up and saw Annie laying on the ground with the two couches and a few teammates running towards her. A bunch of gasps escaped from parents mouths and I felt a few dozen eyes on me as I muttered, "Fuck."

I jumped off the bleachers and pushed open the gate to the field and ran to Annie's side.

"Someone, get the EMT by the concession stand!" The coach yelled.


I kneeled down beside her and saw that she was awake, but holding her head in her hands.

"Annie!" I yelled, pulling her head onto my lap.

She turned her head into my chest as a single tear rolled down her face. "I'm so embarrassed."

Annie is sicker than a dog and tried coming out to play softball, which made her pass out, and the only thing she's worried about is being embarrassed? My poor little girl.

"Annie, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. How are you feeling? Do we need to take you to the hospital?"

"I'm just a little dizzy." She said.

"Does your throat and head still hurt?"

She nodded her head in response.

"Miss." The EMT said, squatting down beside us. "Do you know what could've caused her to pass out?"

"She was sick this morning with a fever, sore throat, and dizziness.."

"Ah." He said. "I see. She probably has a bad sinus infection. The heat and her exhaustion didn't mix which caused her to pass out. She can't play the rest of the game, though. You need to get her home and under air conditioning."

"Okay. Thank you."

I looked down at Annie once again, who was still sort of crying. This time probably becuase she couldn't finish the game.

"Come on, I'll help you up." I promised.

As we both stood, I heard a crowd of claps out of respect.

I feel like this is my fault that she passed out. I should've just put my foot down and told her that she's staying home. Bright side is I get to baby her even more.

Finally, the dreaded walk is over and I sat down on the bleachers with Annie in between my legs, using my body for support.

"I got her ice chips." Marissa said, climbing up beside me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

I picked up a small chip and began feeding them to Annie. This thing is barely under half full, so I should probably go get another set of ice chips for the way home.

"Marissa will you go start the car and get the air running while I go get more ice chips?"

"Yeah, of course." She said, hopping down again.

"Conner, do you mind staying here with Annie?" I asked, suddenly remembering his presence.

"Yeah, of course."

Annie's POV

I should've just kept playing. Not that I would make it any longer, but to just show people that I'm not a wimp. I could've shaken it off. Plus, Conner saw it all so he probably thinks I'm some kind of pansy.

"Sorry I won't be much fun tonight." I pouted.

"Oh, yes you will. We don't have to do anything to have fun." He smiled, making my heart pick up it's pace.

"We could go sit on the roof." I suggested.

He propped himself up on his elbows that were resting on the bleachers above us and looked at me, "Sitting on the roof late at night, talking about our problems and questioning life sounds like a great date to me."


As I poured popcorn in the bowl to take up to the roof, I began to feel a little dizzy again. I've been trying my hardest to subside my pounding headache and burning throat so we could have fun tonight.

There was a few short little knocks on the door before I heard Demi shout, "I got it."

I think it's Natalie because Demi has a little bit more planning to do for her upcoming world tour, which I'm stoked about.

Suddenly, Conner appeared in the doorway with a nervous fake smile plastered to his face.

"Who was it?" I asked, suddenly getting very anxious.


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